2,217 research outputs found

    Transient Thermal Analysis of Intense Proton Beam Loss on a Kicker Magnet Conductor Plate

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    The Super Proton Synchrotron SPS will be used as injector for the Large Hadron Collider LHC and needs adaptation to meet LHC requirements. The SPS injection kicker magnets MKP will undergo important modifications to comply with the requirements on magnetic field rise-time and ripple. The injection kicker presently installed has a return conductor of beryllium to minimise the risk of metal evaporation from its surface due to heating caused by beam impact. In the context of refurbishing the MKP to satisfy LHC requirements these conductors need replacement, preferably with a less delicate material. This article presents the transient thermal analysis of energy deposition caused by beam loss on the conductor plate. The expected time structure of the beam is taken into account. Simulations comparing different conductor materials have been performed, leading to the result that a significantly cheaper and fully inoffensive titanium alloy can satisfy the needs

    Life Planning / Strategic Planning / Financial Planning

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    This Paper examines a technique for doing ‘Life Planning’.   The technique is one that has been tested by the author in a number of sections of a business school’s capstone course.  The study is empirical in nature, applying concepts found, mainly, in strategic planning but, also in psychology, career planning and financial planning

    BMBF-Verbund-Projekt: "Interdisziplinarität von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen - Strukturen und Effekte" (INTERDIS), Teilvorhaben "Detailanalysen zur MPG"

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    1 Einleitung 3 2 Datenquellen und Methoden 4 2.1 Externe Datenquellen 4 2.2 Datenaufbereitung und Auswahl 5 2.3 Fachklassifikationen 7 2.4 Topic-Modelling 8 2.4.1 Latent Dirichlet Allocation 8 2.4.2 Korpora 8 2.4.3 Linguistische Vorverarbeitung der Textdokumente 8 2.4.4 LDA-Modellierung 9 2.5 Indikatoren der Interdisziplinarität 10 2.5.1 Teilmengen (Sets) 10 2.5.2 Einfache Indikatoren 10 2.5.3 Auf Zitationsnetzwerken basierende Indikatoren 10 2.6 Statistik, Visualisierung, Archivierung 11 3 Ergebnisse 12 3.1 Klassische Bibliometrische Indikatoren zur Messung der Interdisziplinarität 12 3.1.1 Überblick Deutschland 12 3.1.2 Teilgruppen der Max Planck Gesellschaft 15 3.2 Neue Methoden zur Messung von Interdisziplinarität 17 3.2.1 Patente 17 3.2.2 Kooperationsprojekte 19 3.2.3 Personal 21 3.2.4 Text-basierte Indikatoren 23 3.3 Synthese der Indikatoren 26 4 Diskussion 28 Literatur und Software 3

    An investigation of Early Childhood Staff and Their Transition to the New Western Australian Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum

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    In 2017, a new Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) curriculum was introduced into all of Western Australia’s classrooms. The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers transitioned to that new HASS curriculum. Using case study methodology, the experiences, opportunities and challenges faced by the early childhood (EC) staff in two Perth schools were investigated as they prepared for and implemented a new HASS Curriculum. The results suggested the need for strong leadership in times of change. The results also indicated that these small, independent schools needed good resources and professional development to help understand the changes. The research is significant because it starts a much-needed conversation about prioritising HASS in the early years of schooling as well as addressing the challenges faced by early childhood teachers as they transition to teaching new curriculum in a core learning area

    An Appraisal of the CLASS Instrument as an Observational Measurement Tool for Evaluation of Student and Teacher Interactions in Western Australian Classrooms

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    The National Quality Framework is used across Australia to drive quality improvement in early childhood settings. Unique to Western Australia, the National Quality Standard is also used in schools to improve quality in classrooms up to Year two (seven to eight years). However, the literature suggests the National Quality Standard is too broad with an emphasis on quantifiable program features (structural quality). As the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS™) instrument was designed to measure classroom interactions (process quality), the purpose of this current study was to examine its efficacy in Pre-primary (five-year-old) classrooms. A mixed-method research approach was employed to appraise the CLASS instrument as an observational measurement tool for evaluation of quality student and teacher interactions in schools. The quantitative methods involved a statistical analysis of the CLASS instrument ratings and observations and interviews provided a qualitative perspective. Study conclusions suggest that while CLASS offered useful descriptions of quality in Emotional Support and Classroom Organisation, the Instructional Support scores were not consistent with other indicators of quality, and this score was not representative of the instructional quality in some classrooms

    Long term global trends in open access. A data paper

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    Studies on long term trends in open access are of interest for the assessment of the evolution of scientific publishing and related markets. We therefore compiled and analysed a data set that integrated Web of Science as a global bibliographic data source on internationally relevant publications with data from Unpaywall, the primary provider of information related to open access at publication level. Data were captured in 2021 and show the open access categories as defined by Unpaywall for the publication years 2000 to 2020. In these two decades open access has gained substantial momentum. Starting with a few per cent, it now covers roughly half of the publications when embargo periods are over. The comparison of four variants of subsets of these data, however, show the wide variability in absolute and relative numbers. Results depend heavily on the characteristics of the data sources and the subsets selected within these. Major factors are listed and discussed. Aggregated data are provided in the MPG data repository

    Selling Graduation: Higher Education and the Loaning of Liberation

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    While the costs to attend college continue to rise exponentially, a bachelor’s degree is held up as required for economic stability within the U.S. and across the globe. With drastic disparities in earning potentials after graduation reduced by racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, and related structural disparities, the value of a degree continues to be questioned, especially for historically marginalized communities. As the loan industrial complex continues to profit off of students, President Biden has offered $10,000 in student loan relief for some borrowers, though this action has been blocked by federal courts and is currently on hold. Whether Biden’s loan forgiveness comes to fruition or not, student loans remain an overwhelming burden, impacting capacity to accrue wealth, sustain economically, engage in family planning, or emerge from poverty. This conceptual analysis thus challenges the reliance on loans and future debt to fund higher education, connecting author financing narratives within structures designed to continue wealth extraction from communities of color. The paper concludes by arguing beyond student loan forgiveness to center an anti-capitalist purpose of higher education, based upon reparations and free college as sustainable pathways from an extractive higher education system

    Aspects of topology of condensates and knotted solitons in condensed matter systems

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    The knotted solitons introduced by Faddeev and Niemi is presently a subject of great interest in particle and mathematical physics. In this paper we give a condensed matter interpretation of the recent results of Faddeev and Niemi.Comment: v2: Added a reference to the paper E. Babaev, L.D. Faddeev and A.J. Niemi cond-mat/0106152 where an exact equivalence was shown between the two-condensate Ginzburg-Landau model and a version of Faddeev model. Miscelaneous links related to knotted solitons are available at the author homepage at http://www.teorfys.uu.se/PEOPLE/egor/ . Animations of knotted solitons by Hietarinta and Salo are available at http://users.utu.fi/h/hietarin/knots/c45_p2.mp
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