268 research outputs found

    Centrifuge modelling of the influence of slope height on the seismic performance of rooted slopes

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    This paper presents an investigation into the influence of slope height on the role of vegetation to improve seismic slope stability. Dynamic centrifuge modelling was used to test six slope models with identical soil properties and model slope geometry within different centrifugal acceleration fields (10g and 30g, respectively) representing 1:10 and 1:30 scale slopes, that is, slopes of different height at prototype scale. A three-dimensional (3D) root cluster analogue representing a tap-root system, with root area ratio, root distribution and root length representative of a 1:10 and 1:30 scale tree root cluster (of rooting depth 1·5 m at prototype scale) was modelled using 3D printing techniques. A sequence of earthquake ground motions was applied to each model. The influences of filtering out low-frequency components of the earthquake motion, such as was necessitated at the lowest scaling factor owing to the practical limitations of the earthquake simulator, on dynamic amplification of motions within the slopes and the seismically induced slip, were first revealed. Subsequently, the effects of slope height on acceleration and deformation response of vegetated slopes were illustrated. It was found that the beneficial effects of roots on improving the seismic performance varied with the height of the slope. As an individual engineering technique for slope stabilisation, root reinforcement will not be such an effective solution for taller slopes, and complementary hard engineering methods (e.g. piles, retaining walls) will be necessary. For slopes of smaller heights (e.g. low-height embankments along transport infrastructure), however, vegetation appears to represent a highly effective method of reducing seismic slip. </jats:p

    Comparison of continuum (PFEM) and discrete (DEM) approaches for large insertion BVPs in soft rocks

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    In recent years, significant advancements in computational efficiency have enabled the application of advanced numerical models to solve boundary value problems (BVPs) in geotechnics, including those related to large-displacement problems. However, challenging problems, such as those involving open-ended piles (OEs) in soft rocks, require specialized approaches due to material and geometrical non linearities combined to the large deformation soil-structure interaction. This paper presents a comparison of two approaches for modeling OE pile installation in soft rocks. The first approach employs the Discrete Element Method (DEM), which represents the rock as separate particles bonded together, and introduces a new contact model for highly porous rocks. The second approach uses the Geotechnical Particle Finite Element Method (GPFEM) and investigates the coupled hydromechanical effects during pile installation using a robust and mesh-independent implementation of an elastic-plastic constitutive model at large strains. The DEM approach explores the micromechanical features of pile plugging and unveils the mechanisms behind radial stress distributions inside and outside the plug. The study highlights the strengths and limitations of each modeling approach, providing insights into the behavior of OE piles in soft rocks

    Comparison of continuum (PFEM) and discrete (DEM) approaches for large insertion BVPs in soft rocks

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    In recent years, significant advancements in computational efficiency have enabled the application of advanced numerical models to solve boundary value problems (BVPs) in geotechnics, including those related to large-displacement problems. However, challenging problems, such as those involving open-ended piles (OEs) in soft rocks, require specialized approaches due to material and geometrical non linearities combined to the large deformation soil-structure interaction. This paper presents a comparison of two approaches for modeling OE pile installation in soft rocks. The first approach employs the Discrete Element Method (DEM), which represents the rock as separate particles bonded together, and introduces a new contact model for highly porous rocks. The second approach uses the Geotechnical Particle Finite Element Method (GPFEM) and investigates the coupled hydromechanical effects during pile installation using a robust and mesh-independent implementation of an elastic-plastic constitutive model at large strains. The DEM approach explores the micromechanical features of pile plugging and unveils the mechanisms behind radial stress distributions inside and outside the plug. The study highlights the strengths and limitations of each modeling approach, providing insights into the behavior of OE piles in soft rocks

    Influence of modelling approach for reinforced concrete underground structures, with application to the CMS cavern at CERN

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    Representative modelling of reinforced concrete (RC) components in underground structures is essential for accurate assessment of structural performance (deformations and internal forces) within numerical simulations. This paper examines the implications of selecting different structural modelling approaches within the seismic (dynamic) finite element analysis of a buried structure of complex shape, using the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Detector Cavern of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, as a case study. Two alternate modelling approaches were employed to model the cavern lining: (i) a composite continuum approach, with the concrete and embedded reinforcement being explicitly modelled; and (ii) the use of a nonlinear elasto-plastic plate element. The pre-earthquake ground initial conditions were determined through simulation of the construction and detector installation operations consistent with field measurements from extensometers and internal survey of floor deformations. The results demonstrate the importance of adopting a non-linear continuum modelling approach in representing the RC lining under strong shaking events to avoid under-prediction of seismic actions at locations of potential seismically induced damage. Such an approach will be essential in 3D problems where multi-axial dynamically varying stresses are applied on the RC section. Finally, it offers a realistic approach in representing structures of complex shape and that contains volume and thick elements

    Influence of modelling approach for reinforced concrete underground structures, with application to the CMS cavern at CERN

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    Representative modelling of reinforced concrete (RC) components in underground structures is essential for accurate assessment of structural performance (deformations and internal forces) within numerical simulations. This paper examines the implications of selecting different structural modelling approaches within the seismic (dynamic) finite element analysis of a buried structure of complex shape, using the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Detector Cavern of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, as a case study. Two alternate modelling approaches were employed to model the cavern lining: (i) a composite continuum approach, with the concrete and embedded reinforcement being explicitly modelled; and (ii) the use of a nonlinear elasto-plastic plate element. The pre-earthquake ground initial conditions were determined through simulation of the construction and detector installation operations consistent with field measurements from extensometers and internal survey of floor deformations. The results demonstrate the importance of adopting a non-linear continuum modelling approach in representing the RC lining under strong shaking events to avoid under-prediction of seismic actions at locations of potential seismically induced damage. Such an approach will be essential in 3D problems where multi-axial dynamically varying stresses are applied on the RC section. Finally, it offers a realistic approach in representing structures of complex shape and that contains volume and thick elements

    The circulation and consumption of Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware: petrographic, chemical and residue analysis

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    yesRed Lustrous Wheelmade ware is one of the most recognisable classes of pottery from the Late Bronze Age of the east Mediterranean. Yet both its production source and the nature of its contents and use remain a source of some debate. These questions are tackled here through an intensive programme of scientific analysis involving 95 samples of Red Lustrous Wheelmade ware and related wares from seven sites in Turkey, Cyprus and Egypt. Petrography and instrumental neutron activation analysis are combined in the study of the ceramic fabrics, with a view to specifying the source of this ware; while gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry are used to analyse absorbed and visible residues in and on the sherd samples, in the hope of shedding light on vessel contents and possible use. The results of the fabric analysis show the ware to be extremely homogeneous, indicative of a single source: northern Cyprus is at present the most likely candidate, although further analysis, particularly of clay samples from the region in question, would certainly be desirable. The residue analysis suggests that Red Lustrous Wheelmade ware might have been used to carry some kind of plant oils, possibly perfumed, and that in some instances the vessel interior was coated with beeswax as a sealant.AHR
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