155 research outputs found

    Semiconductor-based electron lattices for quantum information processing

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    Preprint arXiv:2212.07789 Submitted on 15 Dec 2022

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    Intermediate-scale quantum devices are becoming more reliable, and may soonbe harnessed to solve useful computational tasks. At the same time, commonclassical methods used to verify their computational output become intractabledue to a prohibitive scaling of required resources with system size. Inspiredby recent experimental progress, here we describe and analyze efficientcross-platform verification protocols for quantum states and show how these canbe used to verify computations. We focus on the pair-wise comparison betweendistant nodes of a quantum network, identify the most promising protocols andthen discuss how they can be implemented in laboratory settings. As a proof ofprinciple, we implement basic versions of these schemes on available quantumprocessors

    Nonperturbative treatment of giant atoms using chain transformations

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    Superconducting circuits coupled to acoustic waveguides have extended the range of phenomena that can be experimentally studied using tools from quantum optics. In particular giant artificial atoms permit the investigation of systems in which the electric dipole approximation breaks down and pronounced non-Markovian effects become important. While previous studies of giant atoms focused on the realm of the rotating-wave approximation, we go beyond this and perform a numerically exact analysis of giant atoms strongly coupled to their environment, in regimes where counterrotating terms cannot be neglected. To achieve this, we use a Lanczos transformation to cast the field Hamiltonian into the form of a one-dimensional chain and employ matrix-product state simulations. This approach yields access to a wide range of system-bath observables and to previously unexplored parameter regimes.Comment: 8+5 pages, 8+2 figures, 1+1 tables. v3: update published versio

    Solid-state magnetic traps and lattices

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    We propose and analyze magnetic traps and lattices for electrons in semiconductors. We provide a general theoretical framework and show that thermally stable traps can be generated by magnetically driving the particle's internal spin transition, akin to optical dipole traps for ultra-cold atoms. Next we discuss in detail periodic arrays of magnetic traps, i.e. magnetic lattices, as a platform for quantum simulation of exotic Hubbard models, with lattice parameters that can be tuned in real time. Our scheme can be readily implemented in state-of-the-art experiments, as we particularize for two specific setups, one based on a superconducting circuit and another one based on surface acoustic waves.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Wigner crystals in two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides: Spin physics and readout

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    Wigner crystals are prime candidates for the realization of regular electron lattices under minimal requirements on external control and electronics. However, several technical challenges have prevented their detailed experimental investigation and applications to date. We propose an implementation of two-dimensional electron lattices for quantum simulation of Ising spin systems based on self-assembled Wigner crystals in transition-metal dichalcogenides. We show that these semiconductors allow for minimally invasive all-optical detection schemes of charge ordering and total spin. For incident light with optimally chosen beam parameters and polarization, we predict a strong dependence of the transmitted and reflected signals on the underlying lattice periodicity, thus revealing the charge order inherent in Wigner crystals. At the same time, the selection rules in transition-metal dichalcogenides provide direct access to the spin degree of freedom via Faraday rotation measurements.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Nonequilibrium Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg spectroscopy in a double quantum dot

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    We study theoretically nonequilibrium Landau-Zener-St\"uckelberg (LZS) dynamics in a driven double quantum dot (DQD) including dephasing and, importantly, energy relaxation due to environmental fluctuations. We derive effective nonequilibrium Bloch equations. These allow us to identify clear signatures for LZS oscilations observed but not recognized as such in experiments [Petersson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 246804, 2010] and to identify the full environmental fluctuation spectra acting on a DQD given experimental data as in [Petersson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 246804, 2010]. Herein we find that super-Ohmic fluctuations, typically due to phonons, are the main relaxation channel for a detuned DQD whereas Ohmic fluctuations dominate at zero detuning.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Long-range electron-electron interactions in quantum dot systems and applications in quantum chemistry

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    Long-range interactions play a key role in several phenomena of quantum physics and chemistry. To study these phenomena, analog quantum simulators provide an appealing alternative to classical numerical methods. Gate-defined quantum dots have been established as a platform for quantum simulation, but for those experiments the effect of long-range interactions between the electrons did not play a crucial role. Here we present the first detailed experimental characterization of long-range electron-electron interactions in an array of gate-defined semiconductor quantum dots. We demonstrate significant interaction strength among electrons that are separated by up to four sites, and show that our theoretical prediction of the screening effects matches well the experimental results. Based on these findings, we investigate how long-range interactions in quantum-dot arrays may be utilized for analog simulations of artificial quantum matter. We numerically show that about ten quantum dots are sufficient to observe binding for a one-dimensional H2H_2-like molecule. These combined experimental and theoretical results pave the way for future quantum simulations with quantum dot arrays and benchmarks of numerical methods in quantum chemistry

    Experimental cross sections of Ho 165 (α,n) Tm 168 and Er 166 (α,n) Yb 169 for optical potential studies relevant for the astrophysical γ process

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    Background: Optical potentials are crucial ingredients for the prediction of nuclear reaction rates needed in simulations of the astrophysical γ process. Associated uncertainties are particularly large for reactions involving α particles. This includes (γ,α) reactions which are of special importance in the γ process. Purpose: The measurement of (α,n) reactions allows for an optimization of currently used α-nucleus potentials. The reactions Ho165(α,n) and Er166(α,n) probe the optical model in a mass region where γ process calculations exhibit an underproduction of p nuclei which is not yet understood. Method: To investigate the energy-dependent cross sections of the reactions Ho165(α,n) and Er166(α,n) close to the reaction threshold, self-supporting metallic foils were irradiated with α particles using the FN tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at the University of Notre Dame. The induced activity was determined afterwards by monitoring the specific β-decay channels. Results: Hauser-Feshbach predictions with a widely used global α potential describe the data well at energies where the cross sections are almost exclusively sensitive to the α widths. Increasing discrepancies appear towards the reaction threshold at lower energy. Conclusions: The tested global α potential is suitable at energies above 14 MeV, while a modification seems necessary close to the reaction threshold. Since the γ and neutron widths show non-negligible impact on the predictions, complementary data are required to judge whether or not the discrepancies found can be solely assigned to the α width. © 2014 American Physical Society.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
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