318 research outputs found

    recently classified distinct subtype

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    Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Coverage: A Study of Slovenia

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    To promote the penetration of electric vehicles (EVs), it is of great importance to plan and construct charging stations rationally. In this sense, the state of Slovenia\u27s charging station coverage was analysed. Using discrete and network geographic information system (GIS) models, with ArcGIS software, the density of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs), geographic distribution, nearness along a street network, and clustering analyses were performed. A survey conducted among Slovenian users of EVs supported the GIS analysis. It was found out that the distribution of EVCSs has an east-northeast to west-southwest directional trend. Only 13% of EVCSs are accessible from the nearest motorway at a distance of 500 meters or less. An insight into intrinsic clustering structure revealed 11 clusters of EVCSs from which the most distinct is the cluster on the area of Ljubljana. The scientific contribution of the research is in the integration of GIS, spatial analysis and the results of a survey to study the coverage of EVCSs in a certain region. Spatial analyses are carefully selected, and, in complementarity, give a comprehensive picture of EVCSs coverage. The research is important for further spatial planning of EVCSs

    The significance of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in the treatment of non-seminomatous testicular tumors

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    V zadnjih letih je uspešna kemoterapija pri neseminomskih germinalnih tumorjih mod (NSGCT) zmanjšala pomen retroperitonealne limfadenektomije (RPLA). Kljub temu ima skoraj 30 % bolnikov po kemoterapiji še preostanek tumorja, kjer lahko v 60 % do 70 % histološko najdemo živo tumorsko tkivo. Merila, ki bi izključila potrebo po RPLA (zmanjšanje tumorja za več kot 90 %, negativni tumorski označevalci in preostanek tumorja manjši kot 2 cm), niso povsem zanesljiva, zato RPLA priporočajo tudi pri normalnih tumorskih označevalcih, če je preostanek tumorja večji kot 1 cm do 1,5 cm. Velikosti preostanka tumorja se je prilagodila tudi tehnika operacije, da bi tako zmanjšali pozne posledice operacije in izboljšali kakovost življenja bolnikov. Navadno naredimo enostransko ali enostransko razširjeno RPLA, le pri redkih bolnikih je možno narediti RPLA z ohranitvijo živcev. Pozna posledica operacije je predvsem retrogradna ejakulacija, vendar jo z enostransko RPLA lahko preprečimo pri 80 % bolnikov.In the last years, effective chemotherapy in non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT) diminished the significance of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RLND). Nearly 30% of patients have residual tumor after chemotherapy which harbor 60-70% of viable cancer and 30-40% of necrosis or fibrous tissue. The criteria to avoid RPLA, such as reduction of tumor volume by more than 90%, negative tumor markers and residual mass of less than 2 cm in size, are not sufficiently accurate. Postchemotherapy RPLND is recommended in the patients with normal tumor markers and residual tumor of the size ranging from 1-1.5 cm because of higher probability for active disease. According to tumor mass, considerable modifications in the technique of operation evolved to minimize late consequences of surgery and to improve quality of life. We perform one-side or one-side extended RPLND, while nerve-sparing surgery can be done only in specific patients. Late consequence is the retrograde ejaculation which can be prevented in 80% with unilateral RPLND

    Kirurgija raka prostate

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    Pomen retroperitonealne limfadenektomije pri zdravljenju neseminomskih tumorjev mod

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    In the last years, effective chemotherapy in non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT) diminished the significance of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RLND). Nearly 30% of patients have residual tumor after chemotherapy which harbor 60-70% of viable cancer and 30-40% of necrosis or fibrous tissue. The criteria to avoid RPLA, such as reduction of tumor volume by more than 90%, negative tumor markers and residual mass of less than 2 cm in size, are not sufficiently accurate. Postchemotherapy RPLND is recommended in the patients with normal tumor markers and residual tumor of the size ranging from 1-1.5 cm because of higher probability for active disease. According to tumor mass, considerable modifications in the technique of operation evolved to minimize late consequences of surgery and to improve quality of life. We perform one-side or one-side extended RPLND, while nerve-sparing surgery can be done only in specific patients. Late consequence is the retrograde ejaculation which can be prevented in 80% with unilateral RPLNDV zadnjih letih je uspešna kemoterapija pri neseminomskih germinalnih tumorjih mod (NSGCT) zmanjšala pomen retroperitonealne limfadenektomije (RPLA). Kljub temu ima skoraj 30 % bolnikov po kemoterapiji še preostanek tumorja, kjer lahko v 60 % do 70 % histološko najdemo živo tumorsko tkivo. Merila, ki bi izključila potrebo po RPLA (zmanjšanje tumorja za več kot 90 %, negativni tumorski označevalci in preostanek tumorja manjši kot 2 cm), niso povsem zanesljiva, zato RPLA priporočajo tudi pri normalnih tumorskih označevalcih, če je preostanek tumorja večji kot 1 cm do 1,5 cm. Velikosti preostanka tumorja se je prilagodila tudi tehnika operacije, da bi tako zmanjšali pozne posledice operacije in izboljšali kakovost življenja bolnikov. Navadno naredimo enostransko ali enostransko razširjeno RPLA, le pri redkih bolnikih je možno narediti RPLA z ohranitvijo živcev. Pozna posledica operacije je predvsem retrogradna ejakulacija, vendar jo z enostransko RPLA lahko preprečimo pri 80 % bolnikov

    Kirurško zdravljenje tumorjev na modih

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    Kirurško zdravljenje metastatskega raka mod

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    The importance of partnerships in supply chains

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    The article deals with an overview of various theories and studies examining the concepts of partnerships, relationships and strategic alliances. We present various perspectives and theories dealing with these concepts, in connection and interdependence with the supply chain and the supply chain management. In conclusion, we try to establish a model to become the basis for our further study of strategic alliances and their strengths

    Palliative care for patients with heart failure: a cross-sectional study among nursing healthcare professionals

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    Brendan McCormack - ORCID: 0000-0001-8525-8905 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8525-8905Background: Acute heart failure is a problem that the public healthcare system faces worldwide. Despite improving healthcare systems and the resulting treatment, the disease's incidence and frequency has increased annually. Therefore, patients with acute heart failure often seek help in the emergency room, where nursing health professionals encounter the condition early or late. In the final stages, they need to focus on providing palliative care to such patients. The chapter aims to determine the nursing healthcare professionals' knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes towards palliative care in patients with heart failure in the emergency and cardiology departments. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. The survey took place in August 2019 involving nursing healthcare professionals. Results: Of 104 nurses, 50% (n = 52) had received training in palliative care throughout their education and 7.7% (n = 8) had received additional training. Nursing healthcare professionals in both the emergency and the cardiology departments have similar knowledge about palliative care. With regard to the perception of implementing palliative care, the data shows a statistically significant difference between both departments. Furthermore, statistically significant differences between the emergency and cardiology departments have been found in some statements regarding their attitudes, namely that there remains a need for palliative care in treating patients with heart failure. Discussion and conclusion: We believe that the knowledge of palliative care in the cardiology and emergency departments is good, and that there are no major differences between the knowledge and departments. However, further training is required to improve the healthcare staff's knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes towards palliative care in patients with heart failure. ©2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. All rights reserved.https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110786088-010pubpu