151 research outputs found

    Use of epoxies in the thermocured compositions (review)

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    The thermocured compositions have found broad application in the electrotechnic industry: coverings copper mouting wires (enamel wires), printed circuit boards, electrotechnic contacts, and also in filling compounds (used in transformers), etc. Compoundings, ways of receiving of thermosetting com-positions received with use of epoxies, and also application and properties of the received varnishes on their basis are given in this review

    Evolution of the characteristics of Parametric X-ray Radiation from textured polycrystals under different observation angles

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    The Parametric X-Ray radiation (PXR) spectra and yield dependencies on the orientation angle are measured during the interaction of 7 MeV electrons with a tungsten textured polycrystalline foil for different observation angles. The effects of PXR spectral density increase and PXR yield orientation dependence broadening in the backward direction is shown experimentally for the first tim

    Antiseptics on the basis of terpenoid compounds: synthesis, properties and application

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    Currently, chemical methods of pest bio deterioration of materials, products and constructions are the main complex of destructive actions. In particularwood preservative very effective way to save forest resources for the longest time protects. In developed countries, the use of antiseptics reached industrial scale. The search of effective forms of applyingantiseptics and rational use of them continue to be relevant tasks. The review is devoted to the methods of antiseptics on the basis of the terpenoid compounds. It is given broad spectrum biocide properties of antiseptics and use of anti-septic funds in protective compositions and coatings for various purposes


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    The article is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the death of outstanding scientist Nikolai Sergeevich Bokarius. Emphasis is placed on given references of contemporaries, pupils, and followers about N. S. Bokarius, in which they appreciated his outstanding scientific, pedagogical and organizational talents. The article contains original texts of obituaries placed in foreign specialized scientific journals in memory of the unique personality of N. S. Bokarius.Присвячено 85-річчю від дня смерті видатного вченого Миколи Сергійовича Бокариуса. Наведено відгуки сучасників, учнів, послідовників про М. С. Бокариуса, які гідно оцінили його видатний науковий, педагогічний і організаторський таланти. Подано оригінальні тексти некрологів у пам’ять унікальної особистості М. С. Бокаріуса в зарубіжних профільних наукових журналах

    Parametric X-ray radiation from powders

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    Parametric X-ray Radiation (PXR) produced in powders has been observed for the first time. PXR spectra were measured under observation angles of 150°and 180°during the interaction of relativistic 7MeV electrons with a tungsten powder. All the PXR peaks that theoretically can be produced in the studied energy region were registered. The performed absolute comparison of the experiment with the PXR kinematical theory from randomly oriented crystallites showed a good accordanc


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    The paper analyzes the energy market for energy resources using the example of the subject of the North Caucasus Federal District — the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania.В работе проведен анализ энергетического рынка энергоресурсов на примере субъекта Северо-Кавказского федерального округа — Республики Северная Осетия — Алания

    Landscape science: a Russian geographical tradition

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    The Russian geographical tradition of landscape science (landshaftovedenie) is analyzed with particular reference to its initiator, Lev Semenovich Berg (1876-1950). The differences between prevailing Russian and Western concepts of landscape in geography are discussed, and their common origins in German geographical thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are delineated. It is argued that the principal differences are accounted for by a number of factors, of which Russia's own distinctive tradition in environmental science deriving from the work of V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903), the activities of certain key individuals (such as Berg and C. O. Sauer), and the very different social and political circumstances in different parts of the world appear to be the most significant. At the same time it is noted that neither in Russia nor in the West have geographers succeeded in specifying an agreed and unproblematic understanding of landscape, or more broadly in promoting a common geographical conception of human-environment relationships. In light of such uncertainties, the latter part of the article argues for closer international links between the variant landscape traditions in geography as an important contribution to the quest for sustainability

    Лечение острых отравлений парацетамолом

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    BACKGROUND Currently, despite the optimization of diagnostic methods in order to predict the development of liver damage, improvement of treatment protocols, paracetamol poisoning is a serious problem in medicine, being the most common cause of acute liver failure worldwide.AIM OF STUDY To determine the indications for the use of acetylcysteine in paracetamol poisoning and evaluate the effectiveness of the 21-hour protocol for its administration.MATERIAL AND METHODS We examined 20 patients with acute paracetamol poisoning (15 women and 5 men), the median age was 21.5 (19.8–32.3) years. ALT and AST were assessed during the entire period of stay in the hospital, the time period from the moment of taking paracetamol to hospitalization and the beginning of the administration of ACC, the concentration of paracetamol in the blood, and mortality. According to the level of ALT and AST in the blood, the patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I consisted of 14 patients, in whom the concentration of ALT and AST during the entire observation period did not exceed 50 U/L; in Group II (6 patients), an increase in the level of ALT and AST in the blood of more than 50 U/L was observed. To assess the risk of liver lesion, the Rumack-Matthew nomogram was used. To compare the concentrations of paracetamol in the blood of patients, the paracetamol index was used.RESULTS It was found that in 10 patients with a high risk of liver damage, who were treated with a 21-hour regimen of ACC administration, no hepatotoxic effect was found. The use of ACC according to a 21-hour protocol in patients with initially elevated ALT and AST levels of more than 50 U/L (n = 4) (25%) led to a rapid positive dynamics of laboratory and clinical parameters. It was found that in 2 patients, despite the introduction of ACC, the development of liver damage was observed. At the same time, the level of paracetamol in their blood was 6.6 and 10.6 fold higher than the “therapeutic” line of the nomogram, and the time from the moment of taking the drug to the beginning of the administration of ACC was 8 and 20 hours. High risk factors for the development of hepatotoxic effect in case of paracetamol poisoning are the time range from the moment of taking the drug to the beginning of the administration of ACC and the value of the paracetamol index.CONCLUSION Indications for the use of acetylcysteine in acute poisoning with paracetamol is a high risk of liver damage. Its criteria are high doses, increased concentrations of ALT and AST when patients are admitted to the hospital; if it is possible to determine the concentration of paracetamol in the blood, an increase in the value of the paracetamol index is more than 1. The use of a 21-hour protocol of intravenous administration of acetylcysteine is effective in case of paracetamol poisoning and its early use in the complex of treatment almost always prevents the development of acute liver failure.ВВЕДЕНИЕ В настоящее время, несмотря на оптимизацию методов диагностики с целью прогноза развития поражения печени и совершенствование протоколов лечения, отравление парацетамолом представляет серьезную проблему в медицине, являясь наиболее частой причиной острой печеночной недостаточности во всем мире.ЦЕЛЬ Определить показания к применению ацетилцистеина (АЦЦ) при отравлениях парацетамолом и оценить эффективность 21-часового протокола его введения.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Обследованы 20 пациентов с острым отравлением парацетамолом (15 женщин и 5 мужчин), медиана возраста — 21,5 (19,8–32,3) года. Была проведена оценка уровня аланин- (АЛТ) и аспар­татаминотрансфераз (АСТ) в крови на протяжении всего периода нахождения в стационаре, временного диапазона от момента приема парацетамола до госпитализации в стационар и начала введения ацетилцистеина (АЦЦ), концентрации парацетамола в крови и летальности. По уровню АЛТ и АСТ в крови пациенты были разделены на две группы: I группу составили 14 больных, у которых концентрация АЛТ и АСТ в течение всего периода наблюдения не превышала 50 Ед/л; у пациентов II группы (6 больных) отмечали увеличение уровня АЛТ и АСТ в крови более 50 Ед/л. Для оценки риска поражения печени использовали номограмму Рамэка–Мэтью 150. Для сравнения концентрации парацетамола в крови больных был рассчитан индекс парацетамола.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Выявлено, что у 10 пациентов с высоким риском поражения печени, которым в комплекс лечения входило применение 21-часовой схемы введения АЦЦ, гепатотоксический эффект отсутствовал. Использование АЦЦ по 21-часовому протоколу при исходно повышенных уровнях АЛТ и АСТ более 50 Ед/л (n=4) (25%) привело к быстрой положительной динамике лабораторных и клинических показателей. У 2 пациентов, несмотря на введение АЦЦ, наблюдали развитие поражения печени. При этом уровень парацетамола в крови у них был в 6,6 и 10,6 раза выше «лечебной» линии номограммы, а время от момента приема препарата до начала введения АЦЦ составило соответственно 8 и 20 часов. Факторами высокого риска развития гепатотоксического эффекта при отравлении парацетамолом являются: временной диапазон от момента приема препарата до начала введения АЦЦ и величина индекса парацетамола.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Показанием к применению ацетилцистеина при острых отравлениях парацетамолом является высокий риск поражения печени. Его критериями служат высокие дозы принятого парацетамола, повышенные концентрации АЛТ и АСТ при поступлении больных в стационар, при наличии возможности определения концентрации парацетамола в крови — увеличение величины индекса парацетамола более 1. Применение 21-часового протокола внутривенного введения ацетилцистеина эффективно при отравлении парацетамолом и раннее его использование в комплексе лечения практически всегда предотвращает развитие острой печеночной недостаточности

    Provenance and distribution networks of the earliest bronze in the Maritime Territory (Primorye), Russian Far East

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    Metal artifacts from the Paleometal Epoch (ca. 1100 BC–400 AD) of the Primorye (Russian Far East) have shed new light on the introduction of the earliest bronzes into the Pacific coastal areas of prehistoric Eurasia. However, little is known about raw material circulation and the role of metal in the context of inter-regional exchange. This paper investigates 12 copper artifacts from major Paleometal settlements using alloy composition, trace elements, and lead isotopes to explore the metal sources and distribution networks. The results suggest that most objects are made of a copper-tin alloy, but some have arsenic as a significant minor element. Geologically, copper is unlikely to have come from local ore sources, but rather from the Liaoxi corridor and Liaodong Peninsula in Northeast China. This may indicate an inland route of metal trade across Northeast China or alternately, a coastal route via the northern Korean Peninsula. Archaeologically, the combined study of artifact typology and chemistry indicates two possible origins for the metal: the Upper Xiajiadian culture in Northeast China and Slab Grave culture in Mongolia/Transbaikal. Remarkably, the connection with Upper Xiajiadian communities parallels the transport route along which millet agriculture spread from Northeast China to the Primorye during the Neolithic


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    The review is devoted to terpenoid-maleic adducts and their derivatives. Terpenoid-maleic adducts find wide application in various industries. In this review, the ways of adducts’ preparation, their properties, afterproducts on their basis and application in various compositions are discussed. Levopimaric and abietic rosin acids, turpentine components, terpene hydrocarbons, solid turpentine polymers and rosin oils formed in production of rosin and its glycerol ester, have been used as raw materials for production of adducts.Обзор посвящен терпеноидномалеиновым аддуктам и их производным. Терпеноидномалеиновые аддукты находят широкое применение в различных отраслях промышленности. Приводятся способы получения аддуктов, их свойства, вторичные продукты на их основе и применение в различных композиционных составах. В качестве сырья для получения аддуктов были использованы левопимаровая, абиетиновая кислоты канифоли, компоненты терпентина, терпеновые углеводороды и твердые полимеры скипидара, а также канифольные масла, которые образуются в процессе получения канифоли и ее глицеринового эфира