284 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Efficiency PETSc and PETIGA Libraries in Solving the Problem of Crystal Growth

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    We present an analysis of high performance computational method for solving the problem of crystal grows. The method uses PETSc and PETIGA C-language based libraries and supports parallel computing. The evolution of calculation process was studied in series of special computations are obtained on innovative mobile cluster platform, which provides exclusive system tuning abilities. The results of research confirm the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm on multi-core computer systems and allow us to recommend the use of PETSc and PETIGA for solving high order differential equations

    The one-day marginal income as the instrument of management of production efficiency taking into account influence of cost and temporary factors

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    The article observes an extremely high level of attention being now paid to costs when assessing the overall performance of manufacturing enterprises. A number of contemporary interpretations of the concept of “production efficiency” is cited that are proposed by domestic and foreign researchers who place the main emphasis on the aspect of costs. It is also noted that at the present stage of development of the markets and, in particular, of the competition between certain producers, a further increase of their efficiency within the cost paradigm occur within specific limits. In this connection, a need for embracing a new field of the development of the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises which goes beyond cost factors only is stated. A search for and a comprehensive investigation of this area also becomes the main objective of this article. As the subject for the search, the organization of production, which constitutes the area of science closest to production, is selected. A number of theoretical studies by the most outstanding representatives of this science throughout the most important stages of its development is reviewed in the article. They have been observed to pay an increasing attention to temporal factors. On the basis of the analysis, the authors create an new indicator of production efficiency which is at the same time considers influence both from cost and from temporal factors. Two examples of its application to concrete production situations are given and analyzed in detail. As a result, the substantial superiority of this indicator in comparison with those traditionally applied is revealed, and a number of additional opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises is proposed.В статье констатируется чрезвычайно высокий уровень внимания в настоящее время к стоимостным показателям при оценке эффективности работы производственных предприятий. Приводится ряд актуальных трактовок понятия «эффективность производства» со стороны отечественных и зарубежных исследователей, в которых основной акцент также делается на стоимостном аспекте. Вместе с этим отмечается, что на современном этапе развития рынков, и в частности конкуренции между отдельными производителями, дальнейшее повышение их эффективности в рамках стоимостной парадигмы обнаруживает вполне определенные пределы. В связи с чем констатируется необходимость в освоении новой области развития конкурентоспособности производственных предприятий, выходящей за рамки только стоимостных показателей. Поиск и всестороннее исследование данной области и становится основной целью настоящей работы. В качестве объекта для поиска выбирается наиболее близкая к производству наука об организации производства. В статье приводится ряд теоретических изысканий наиболее выдающихся представителей данной науки на протяжении наиболее важных этапов ее развития. В процессе их анализа неизменно отмечается постепенно усиливающееся внимание к факторам временного характера. На основании этого в статье вырабатывается новый авторский показатель эффективности производства, одновременно учитывающий влияние и со стороны стоимостных, и со стороны временных факторов. Далее приводятся и подробно анализируются два примера его применения к конкретным производственным ситуациям. В итоге отмечается существенное превосходство данного показателя в сравнении с традиционно применяемыми, а также ряд дополнительных возможностей повышения конкурентоспособности производственных предприятий, появляющихся в результате его использования

    Performance tests of an AGIPD 0.4 assembly at the beamline P10 of PETRA III

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    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is a novel detector system, currently under development by a collaboration of DESY, the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, the University of Hamburg and the University of Bonn, and is primarily designed for use at the European XFEL. To verify key features of this detector, an AGIPD 0.4 test chip assembly was tested at the P10 beamline of the PETRA III synchrotron at DESY. The test chip successfully imaged both the direct synchrotron beam and single 7.05 keV photons at the same time, demonstrating the large dynamic range required for XFEL experiments. X-ray scattering measurements from a test sample agree with standard measurements and show the chip's capability of observing dynamics at the microsecond time scale.Comment: revised version after peer revie

    Evolution of the characteristics of Parametric X-ray Radiation from textured polycrystals under different observation angles

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    The Parametric X-Ray radiation (PXR) spectra and yield dependencies on the orientation angle are measured during the interaction of 7 MeV electrons with a tungsten textured polycrystalline foil for different observation angles. The effects of PXR spectral density increase and PXR yield orientation dependence broadening in the backward direction is shown experimentally for the first tim

    Preventive Activity for Providing Public Order and Legality in St. Petersburg (on materials of a sociological research)

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    The purpose of the article is assessment of a criminogenic situation and the analysis of activities of law enforcement agencies for safety of residents of St. Petersburg. Quantitative and qualitative methods of a sociological research and also methods of the correlation and regressive analysis and expert estimates are used. The research of a condition of crime and detection of opinion of residents of St. Petersburg in relation to various forms of her manifestation, assessment of activity of law enforcement agencies is result. The conducted research allows to draw a number of conclusions: different types of offenses have both the general social and economic determinants, and more concrete, specific which have received the interpretation on the basis of the obtained empirical data; it is summarized that achievement of a certain stability of system of public safety doesn’t guarantee this trend further as new social calls appear. For example, the extremist factor, recruiting work exerts impact on criminalization from the extremist organizations, etc. today. As results of a research, the number of the registered crimes in St. Petersburg of terrorist orientation testify it isn’t so big, but it has resonant character and is calculated on fear, social destabilization. Residents and experts are unanimous when determining the types of crime exerting the greatest impact on a criminogenic situation in St. Petersburg are the crimes connected with drug trafficking, property crimes and crimes against the personality. In the majority a case respondents connect the ideas of a condition of crime in St. Petersburg in the next years with change of a social and economic and political situation and believe that the criminogenic situation in the city will tend to improvement though this tendency has no convincing argument. It is possible to draw a conclusion that purposeful work on increase in safety of citizens in St. Petersburg has the positive results and demands the further improvement. Scheduled maintenance on her prevention acts as one of the key directions of fight against crimes.From the point of view of citizens, are the most important: he preventive activity of police directed to strengthening of patrol of city streets, domestic territories, continuous raids in criminogenic places; improvement of work of district police officers; quick response to addresses of citizens; universal installation of surveillance cameras and increase in solvability of crimes

    «Чёрные лебеди» организационного дизайна российских университетов

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    Universities in Russia are experiencing a dynamic transformation of scientific and educational processes, their structures, and management systems. These changes occur at different rates and levels of transformation; they allow for both positive and negative transformation scenarios. A general trend to develop university’s management systems in the country – as well as in the whole world – lies in the manageralization, which poses risks for transforming a university. Following Mintzberg’s methodology for analyzing organizational systems and Taleb’s concept of “black swans”, the paper aimed to analyze degradation scenarios for developing university’s management systems and identify factors and conditions for these scenarios and their consequences for universities. © 2021 Moscow Polytechnic University. All rights reserved

    Analysis of changes in pharmacotherapy of stable angina over the five-year period at specialized out-patient level of medical care (pharmacoepidemiological study)

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    Investigate the dynamics of drug prescription rates in patients with stable angina over the five-year period on the example of routine clinical practice of outpatient cardiology institution of Moscow for the purpose of further eliminating the prescribing gap for guideline recommended pharmacological strategies. Our research work was performed as a retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study including two stages with five-year interval using cross-section metho

    The Nature, Relations and Possible of Joint Use of the Concepts «Effectiveness» and «Efficiency»

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    The article registers considerable attention to the categories of «effectiveness» and «efficiency», which are widely used for the assessment and management of manufacturing and service activities. However, it is noted that among modern scientific works, there is considerable confusion in the interpretation of these concepts, which impedes their adequate usage. In this regard, the author sets himself three tasks: to clearly identify both categories, define their mutual relations and explore the possibilities of their combined use for the above designated purpose. The solution of these tasks will provide the basis for better use of these categories collectively. The article provides an overview and analysis of dictionary definitions of such concepts as “result”, “effect”, “effectiveness” and “efficiency”. It also provides a survey and analysis of the most similar English equivalents. The article discusses a number of scholarly works specifically devoted to the study of these concepts. A comparative table of the views of a wide range of different authors regarding the definition of these concepts is compiled. As a result of performing the comparative analysis of these opinions a number of quite specific definitions of the given concepts is revealed, allowing one to solve the first problem. To solve the second and third tasks, we propose a new conceptual representation of activity in which both categories are linked via the key category of «mission». The authors propose updated definitions of the concepts in question and identify their priorities. The fundamental content of the activity category «mission» is clarified. The authors balanced the semantic structure for the formulation of «mission». A set of various measurements are proposed for the study of the concepts.В статье констатируется значительное внимание к категориям «результативность» и «эффективность», которые широко используются для оценки и регулирования производственных и сервисных видов деятельности. Вместе с этим отмечается, что среди современных научных работ наблюдается значительная путаница в трактовках данных понятий, что затрудняет их адекватное использование. В связи с этим автор ставит перед собой три задачи: четко идентифицировать обе категории, определить их взаимные отношения и исследовать возможности их совместного использования для обозначенной выше цели. Решение этих задач создаст основу для наилучшего использования рассматриваемые категории в совокупности. В статье приводится обзор и анализ словарных определений таких понятий, как «результат», «эффект», «результативность» и «эффективность». Также приводится соответствующий обзор и анализ наиболее близких англоязычных аналогов. В статье рассматривается ряд научных работ, специально посвященных исследованию рассматриваемых понятий. Приводятся сравнительные таблицы мнений широкого спектра различных авторов по поводу определения данных понятий. В результате выполнения сравнительного анализа данных мнений выявляется ряд достаточно конкретных определений исследуемых понятий, позволяющих решить первую задачу. Для решения второй и третьей задач предлагается новое принципиальное представление деятельности, в рамках которого обе категории оказываются связанными через ключевую категорию деятельности «цель». Для исследуемых понятий предлагаются обновленные авторские определения и обозначаются приоритеты. Уточняется принципиальное содержание категории «цели» деятельности. Предлагается авторская сбалансированная смысловая конструкция для формулирования «цели». Для исследуемых понятий предлагается набор вариантов различных форм их измерений