125 research outputs found

    Modeli određivanja vremena potrebnog za odmrzavanje hrane ovisno o uvjetima prerade i karakteristikama gotovog proizvoda

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    Determining thawing times of frozen foods is a challenging problem as the thermophysical properties of the product change during thawing. A number of calculation models and solutions have been developed. The proposed solutions range from relatively simple analytical equations based on a number of assumptions to a group of empirical approaches that sometimes require complex calculations. In this paper analytical, empirical and graphical models are presented and critically reviewed. The conditions of solution, limitations and possible applications of the models are discussed. The graphical and semi-graphical models are derived from numerical methods. Using the numerical methods is not always possible as running calculations takes time, whereas the specialized software and equipment are not always cheap. For these reasons, the application of analytical-empirical models is more useful for engineering. It is demonstrated that there is no simple, accurate and feasible analytical method for thawing time prediction. Consequently, simplified methods are needed for thawing time estimation of agricultural and food products. The review reveals the need for further improvement of the existing solutions or development of new ones that will enable accurate determination of thawing time within a wide range of practical conditions of heat transfer during processing.Toplinska i fizikalna svojstva proizvoda mijenjaju se tijekom odmrzavanja, pa je određivanje vremena odmrzavanja oduvijek predstavljalo problem. Razvijeni su različiti matematički modeli za rješavanje tog problema, počevši od relativno jednostavnih analitičkih funkcija koje polaze od niza pretpostavki, pa sve do raznih empirijskih modela što uključuju složene izračune. U ovom su radu kritički prikazani analitički, empirijski i grafički modeli. Osim toga, raspravlja se o uvjetima potrebnim za rješavanje problema, ograničenju i mogućoj primjeni modela. Grafički i polugrafički modeli izvedeni su iz numeričkih metoda. Numeričke metode nisu uvijek primjenjive jer izračuni oduzimaju puno vremena, a specijalizirani su programi i oprema uglavnom skupi. Zbog toga su za primjenu u inženjerstvu prikladniji analitičko-empirijski modeli. Ovaj revijalni prikaz potvrđuje da ne postoji jednostavna, točna i u praksi lako izvediva analitička metoda određivanja vremena odmrzavanja prehrambenih proizvoda, te da treba razviti jednostavnije metode. Zaključeno je da postojeća rješenja treba poboljšati ili treba razviti nove modele koji će omogućiti precizno određivanje vremena odmrzavanja u različitim uvjetima prijenosa topline prilikom obrade hrane

    Mitochondrial Electron Transport Is the Cellular Target of the Oncology Drug Elesclomol

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    Elesclomol is a first-in-class investigational drug currently undergoing clinical evaluation as a novel cancer therapeutic. The potent antitumor activity of the compound results from the elevation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress to levels incompatible with cellular survival. However, the molecular target(s) and mechanism by which elesclomol generates ROS and subsequent cell death were previously undefined. The cellular cytotoxicity of elesclomol in the yeast S. cerevisiae appears to occur by a mechanism similar, if not identical, to that in cancer cells. Accordingly, here we used a powerful and validated technology only available in yeast that provides critical insights into the mechanism of action, targets and processes that are disrupted by drug treatment. Using this approach we show that elesclomol does not work through a specific cellular protein target. Instead, it targets a biologically coherent set of processes occurring in the mitochondrion. Specifically, the results indicate that elesclomol, driven by its redox chemistry, interacts with the electron transport chain (ETC) to generate high levels of ROS within the organelle and consequently cell death. Additional experiments in melanoma cells involving drug treatments or cells lacking ETC function confirm that the drug works similarly in human cancer cells. This deeper understanding of elesclomol's mode of action has important implications for the therapeutic application of the drug, including providing a rationale for biomarker-based stratification of patients likely to respond in the clinical setting

    Quantum dots for multimodal molecular imaging of angiogenesis

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    Quantum dots exhibit unique optical properties for bioimaging purposes. We have previously developed quantum dots with a paramagnetic and functionalized coating and have shown their potential for molecular imaging purposes. In the current mini-review we summarize the synthesis procedure, the in vitro testing and, importantly, the in vivo application for multimodal molecular imaging of tumor angiogenesis

    Caspase-dependent and -independent suppression of apoptosis by monoHER in Doxorubicin treated cells

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    Doxorubicin (DOX) is an antitumour agent for different types of cancer, but the dose-related cardiotoxicity limits its clinical use. To prevent this side effect we have developed the flavonoid monohydroxyethylrutoside (monoHER), a promising protective agent, which did not interfere with the antitumour activity of DOX. To obtain more insight in the mechanism underlying the selective protective effects of monoHER, we investigated whether monoHER (1 mM) affects DOX-induced apoptosis in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes (NeRCaMs), human endothelial cells (HUVECs) and the ovarian cancer cell lines A2780 and OVCAR-3. DOX-induced cell death was effectively reduced by monoHER in heart, endothelial and A2780 cells. OVCAR-3 cells were highly resistant to DOX-induced apoptosis. Experiments with the caspase-inhibitor zVAD-fmk showed that DOX-induced apoptosis was caspase-dependent in HUVECs and A2780 cells, whereas caspase-independent mechanisms seem to be important in NeRCaMs. MonoHER suppressed DOX-dependent activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in normal and A2780 cells as illustrated by p53 accumulation and activation of caspase-9 and -3 cleavage. Thus, monoHER acts by suppressing the activation of molecular mechanisms that mediate either caspase-dependent or -independent cell death. In light of the current work and our previous studies, the use of clinically achievable concentrations of monoHER has no influence on the antitumour activity of DOX whereas higher concentrations as used in the present study could influence the antitumour activity of DOX

    A modular approach toward producing nanotherapeutics targeting the innate immune system.

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    Immunotherapies controlling the adaptive immune system are firmly established, but regulating the innate immune system remains much less explored. The intrinsic interactions between nanoparticles and phagocytic myeloid cells make these materials especially suited for engaging the innate immune system. However, developing nanotherapeutics is an elaborate process. Here, we demonstrate a modular approach that facilitates efficiently incorporating a broad variety of drugs in a nanobiologic platform. Using a microfluidic formulation strategy, we produced apolipoprotein A1-based nanobiologics with favorable innate immune system-engaging properties as evaluated by in vivo screening. Subsequently, rapamycin and three small-molecule inhibitors were derivatized with lipophilic promoieties, ensuring their seamless incorporation and efficient retention in nanobiologics. A short regimen of intravenously administered rapamycin-loaded nanobiologics (mTORi-NBs) significantly prolonged allograft survival in a heart transplantation mouse model. Last, we studied mTORi-NB biodistribution in nonhuman primates by PET/MR imaging and evaluated its safety, paving the way for clinical translation.This work was supported by NIH grants R01 CA220234, R01 HL144072, P01 HL131478, and NWO/ZonMW Vici 91818622 (to W.J.M.M.); R01 HL143814 and P01HL131478 (to Z.A.F.); R01 AI139623 (to J.O.); and P30 CA008748 (to T.R.). M.M.T.v.L. was supported by the American Heart Association (grant 19PRE34380423). M.G.N. was supported by a Spinoza grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and an ERC Advanced Grant (no. 833247); L.A.B.J. was supported by a Competitiveness Operational Programme grant of the Romanian Ministry of European Funds (P_37_762, MySMIS 103587).S

    Multi-parametric assessment of the anti-angiogenic effects of liposomal glucocorticoids

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    Inflammation plays a prominent role in tumor growth. Anti-inflammatory drugs have therefore been proposed as anti-cancer therapeutics. In this study, we determined the anti-angiogenic activity of a single dose of liposomal prednisolone phosphate (PLP-L), by monitoring tumor vascular function and viability over a period of one week. C57BL/6 mice were inoculated subcutaneously with B16F10 melanoma cells. Six animals were PLP-L-treated and six served as control. Tumor tissue and vascular function were probed using MRI before and at three timepoints after treatment. DCE-MRI was used to determine Ktrans, ve, time-to-peak, initial slope and the fraction of non-enhancing pixels, complemented with immunohistochemistry. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), T2 and tumor size were assessed with MRI as well. PLP-L treatment resulted in smaller tumors and caused a significant drop in Ktrans 48 h post-treatment, which was maintained until one week after drug administration. However, this effect was not sufficient to significantly distinguish treated from non-treated animals. The therapy did not affect tumor tissue viability but did prevent the ADC decrease observed in the control group. No evidence for PLP-L-induced tumor vessel normalization was found on histology. Treatment with PLP-L altered tumor vascular function. This effect did not fully explain the tumor growth inhibition, suggesting a broader spectrum of PLP-L activities

    High-Content Chemical and RNAi Screens for Suppressors of Neurotoxicity in a Huntington's Disease Model

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    To identify Huntington's Disease therapeutics, we conducted high-content small molecule and RNAi suppressor screens using a Drosophila primary neural culture Huntingtin model. Drosophila primary neurons offer a sensitive readout for neurotoxicty, as their neurites develop dysmorphic features in the presence of mutant polyglutamine-expanded Huntingtin compared to nonpathogenic Huntingtin. By tracking the subcellular distribution of mRFP-tagged pathogenic Huntingtin and assaying neurite branch morphology via live-imaging, we identified suppressors that could reduce Huntingtin aggregation and/or prevent the formation of dystrophic neurites. The custom algorithms we used to quantify neurite morphologies in complex cultures provide a useful tool for future high-content screening approaches focused on neurodegenerative disease models. Compounds previously found to be effective aggregation inhibitors in mammalian systems were also effective in Drosophila primary cultures, suggesting translational capacity between these models. However, we did not observe a direct correlation between the ability of a compound or gene knockdown to suppress aggregate formation and its ability to rescue dysmorphic neurites. Only a subset of aggregation inhibitors could revert dysmorphic cellular profiles. We identified lkb1, an upstream kinase in the mTOR/Insulin pathway, and four novel drugs, Camptothecin, OH-Camptothecin, 18β-Glycyrrhetinic acid, and Carbenoxolone, that were strong suppressors of mutant Huntingtin-induced neurotoxicity. Huntingtin neurotoxicity suppressors identified through our screen also restored viability in an in vivo Drosophila Huntington's Disease model, making them attractive candidates for further therapeutic evaluation.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01 EB007042)National Institutes of Health (U.S.

    Paramagnetic and fluorescent liposomes for target-specific imaging and therapy of tumor angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis is essential for tumor growth and metastatic potential and for that reason considered an important target for tumor treatment. Noninvasive imaging technologies, capable of visualizing tumor angiogenesis and evaluating the efficacy of angiostatic therapies, are therefore becoming increasingly important. Among the various imaging modalities, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is characterized by a superb spatial resolution and anatomical soft-tissue contrast. Revolutionary advances in contrast agent chemistry have delivered versatile angiogenesis-specific molecular MRI contrast agents. In this paper, we review recent advances in the preclinical application of paramagnetic and fluorescent liposomes for noninvasive visualization of the molecular processes involved in tumor angiogenesis. This liposomal contrast agent platform can be prepared with a high payload of contrast generating material, thereby facilitating its detection, and is equipped with one or more types of targeting ligands for binding to specific molecules expressed at the angiogenic site. Multimodal liposomes endowed with contrast material for complementary imaging technologies, e.g., MRI and optical, can be exploited to gain important preclinical insights into the mechanisms of binding and accumulation at angiogenic vascular endothelium and to corroborate the in vivo findings. Interestingly, liposomes can be designed to contain angiostatic therapeutics, allowing for image-supervised drug delivery and subsequent monitoring of therapeutic efficacy

    Fabrication Principles and Their Contribution to the Superior In Vivo Therapeutic Efficacy of Nano-Liposomes Remote Loaded with Glucocorticoids

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    We report here the design, development and performance of a novel formulation of liposome- encapsulated glucocorticoids (GCs). A highly efficient (>90%) and stable GC encapsulation was obtained based on a transmembrane calcium acetate gradient driving the active accumulation of an amphipathic weak acid GC pro-drug into the intraliposome aqueous compartment, where it forms a GC-calcium precipitate. We demonstrate fabrication principles that derive from the physicochemical properties of the GC and the liposomal lipids, which play a crucial role in GC release rate and kinetics. These principles allow fabrication of formulations that exhibit either a fast, second-order (t1/2 ∼1 h), or a slow, zero-order release rate (t1/2 ∼ 50 h) kinetics. A high therapeutic efficacy was found in murine models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and hematological malignancies