22 research outputs found

    Energy systems analysis of Swedish pulp and paper industries from a regional cooperation perspective : Case study modeling and optimization

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    The industrial sector uses about one third of the energy end-use in the world. Since energy use in many cases highly affects both the local and global environment negatively, it is of common interest to increase energy efficiency within industries. Furthermore, seen from the industrial perspective, it is also important to reduce dependency on energy resources with unstable prices in order to obtain economic predictability. In this thesis, the energy-saving potential within the chemical pulp and paper sector is analyzed. One market pulp mill and one integrated pulp and paper mill were studied as cases. Energy system changes at the mills were analyzed through cost minimization. The thesis focuses on principal energy issues such as finding the most promising alternatives for use of industrial excess heat, possible investments in electricity generation and choice of fuel. In order to find synergies, the same system was optimized first from the perspective of different operators respectively, and then from a joint regional perspective. Also, the prerequisites for a regional heat market in the region were analyzed. This thesis reveals that the use of excess heat from pulp and paper mills for district heating does not generally conflict with process integration measures. This is partly because of the great availability of industrial excess heat and partly because the different purposes require different temperatures and thereby do not compete. Rather, the results show that they strengthen each other since steam and hot water of higher temperatures are made available for district heating when hot water of lower temperature is used for process integration. However, there are cases when the conditions are complicated by preexisting technical solutions within a system. In these cases, a combination of measures could be necessary. Furthermore, it is concluded that energy cooperation in terms of a heat market between municipalities and industries in the studied region gives opportunity for positive synergies. Switching from expensive fuels such as oil to less expensive biofuel in the region proved to be particularly beneficial. Expanding the capacity for combined heat and power generation is also beneficial for the region as well as increased use of industrial excess heat for district heating. The most financially beneficial scenarios also have the greatest potential for CO2 emission reduction; the emissions would be reduced by about 700 thousand tonnes CO2/year for the region in those scenarios.Den industriella energianvĂ€ndningen utgör en tredjedel av vĂ€rldens totala energianvĂ€ndning. Eftersom energianvĂ€ndning i mĂ„nga fall har negativ miljöpĂ„verkan bĂ„de lokalt och globalt Ă€r det av allmĂ€nt intresse att öka industriernas energieffektivitet. Sett ur industriernas perspektiv Ă€r det dessutom viktigt att minska beroendet av brĂ€nslen med osĂ€kra priser för att uppnĂ„ ekonomisk förutsĂ€gbarhet. I den hĂ€r avhandlingen analyseras energibesparingspotentialen inom massa- och pappersindustrin. Ett fristĂ„ende kemiskt massabruk och ett integrerat kemiskt massa- och pappersbruk har studerats. FörĂ€ndringar i energisystemen pĂ„ bruken analyserades genom kostnadsminimeringar. Avhandlingen fokuserar pĂ„ principiella energifrĂ„gor, som att utvĂ€rdera olika sĂ€tt att anvĂ€nda industriellt spillvĂ€rme, investeringar i elgenerering och val av brĂ€nsle. För att hitta synergier optimerades samma system ur olika aktörers perspektiv och sedan ur ett regionalt perspektiv. Även förutsĂ€ttningarna för en regional vĂ€rmemarknad analyserades. Avhandlingen visar att anvĂ€ndandet av överskottsvĂ€rme frĂ„n massa- och pappersindustrin till fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme generellt sett inte stĂ„r i konflikt med processintegreringsĂ„tgĂ€rder inom bruken. Detta beror delvis pĂ„ att stora mĂ€ngder överskottsvĂ€rme finns tillgĂ€ngliga och delvis pĂ„ att det Ă€r olika temperaturnivĂ„er som behövs till de olika syftena som dĂ€rför inte konkurrerar. Resultaten visar snarare att de tvĂ„ Ă„tgĂ€rderna stĂ€rker varandra eftersom processintegrering gör att större mĂ€ngder varmvatten av högre temperatur blir tillgĂ€ngliga för fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme. Det finns dock fall dĂ„ förutsĂ€ttningarna kompliceras av redan befintliga tekniska lösningar inom ett system. I dessa fall kan det vara nödvĂ€ndigt med en kombination av Ă„tgĂ€rder. Vidare dras slutsatsen att energisamarbete mellan kommuner och industrier i form av en vĂ€rmemarknad ger möjlighet till positiva synergier i den studerade regionen. SĂ€rskilt lönsamt visade det sig vara att byta frĂ„n dyra brĂ€nslen sĂ„som olja till billigare brĂ€nslen som biobrĂ€nslen. Att utöka kraftvĂ€rmekapaciteten inom vĂ€rmemarknaden Ă€r ocksĂ„ lönsamt liksom utökat anvĂ€ndande av industriell spillvĂ€rme till fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme. De fall som var mest ekonomiskt lönsamma har Ă€ven störst möjlighet till minskning av CO2-utslĂ€pp; utslĂ€ppen frĂ„n regionen skulle kunna minskas med cirka 700 000 ton CO2/Ă„r i dessa fall

    Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation - Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden

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    This study was performed with the ambition to clarify some of the findings from the previous project and also to address the possible hurdles and possibilities that exists for the implementation of an industrial BEJF production facility at the Lugnvik site in Östersund, Sweden. Also, the development of a roadmap for implementation of the concept is included in this study. The study reports on the establishment of international consortia for both continued research and the realization of the full-scale facility. Hence, two parallel paths are described (research and full-scale) and a roadmap depicting possible ways forward for those paths during the upcoming 5 years is presented. One important conclusion is that funding should be sourced separate for the two paths to prevent the implementation of the full-scale plant being dependent on research funding. However, the research path has great potential to provide valuable, knowledge also for the full-scale case. As a general next step, it is proposed that the roadmap developed within this project is followed for the upcoming five years. As a more specific next step, a follow up detailed pre-study is proposed that would enhance the possibility to go deeper into the concept.Den hĂ€r rapporten finns endast pĂ„ engelska. Svensk sammanfattning finns i rapporten

    A climate neutral Swedish industry – An inventory of technologies

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    In year 2017, about 27 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden originated from the industries. This equals to 17,203 thousand tonnes carbon dioxide equivalents. Within the Swedish industry, the four industrial sectors with the largest climate gas release are Iron and steel, Cement, Refineries and Chemicals. This report focuses on these four sectors which together emit 80 percent of the industrial greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden. Each of these sectors have several possible pathways to become climate neutral. In this report some possible pathways are described and discussed. In order to reach climate neutrality, transformative changes such as new processes and use of new raw material are needed. This is because a vast part of the emissions in all the sectors in question originates from the processes themselves or the use of fossil feedstock, not only from energy use. Many of the options are technically immature and there are many years of development left before they could be implemented in large scale. Several technical challenges exist which are related to the processes, but in addition, there are several barriers of non-technical nature for the transformation. For example, supply and price of raw materials, uncertain market for new products and even some legal barriers. Furthermore, some of the options require development of infrastructure, for example the electrification of steel and cement production demands strengthening of the electric grids and increased production of renewable electricity.Den hÀr rapporten finns endast pÄ engelska. Svensk sammanfattning finns i rapporten

    A Scandinavian chemical wood pulp mill. Part 1. Energy audit aiming at efficiency measures

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    A Swedish wood-pulp mill is surveyed in terms of energy supply and use in order to determine the energy-saving potential. Conservation measures are of increasing interest to Swedish industry, as energy prices have continued to rise in recent years. The electricity price particularly increased after the deregulation of the Scandinavian electricity market in 1996. The deregulation expanded to all of the EU in July 2004, which may increase the Swedish electricity price further until it reaches the generally higher European price level. Furthermore, oil prices have increased and the emissions trading scheme for CO2 adds to the incentive to reduce oil consumption. The energy system at the surveyed pulp mill is described in terms of electricity and process heat production and use. The total energy-saving potential is estimated and some saving points are identified. The heat that today is wasted at the mill has been surveyed in order to find potential for heat integration or heat export. The result shows that the mill probably could become self-sufficient in electricity. Particularly important in that endeavour is updating old pumps.Energy survey Paper pulp industry Energy system Energy efficiency

    Energy Integration of Domsjö Biorefinery Cluster

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    Within the Domsjö Biorefinery cluster in Örnsköldsvik, all the industries are cooperating regarding energy. The cluster consists of one wood pulp production facility, two bio-chemical facilities and one energy facility. In this study, we have analysed how efficient the steam is used within the industries. Are steam of right pressure and temperature used for the right purposes? To what extent could steam be replaced by district heating? And, how big is the potential to use simultaneous heat and cold demand for energy integration? The method for energy analysis was “pinch analysis”. It is found that steam of 7 bar(g) and 170 °C is used to supply a major part of the heat demand, sometimes even heat demands of low temperatures. Such demands would be more efficient to supply by district heating. Alternatively, a new utility with temperatures 40/120 °C could be introduced, either within the total site, or only within the biggest of the industries. The practical heat recovery potential is about 15 MW for the total site, and about 10 MW at the biggest of the industries. For all alternatives, steam capacity is released, which for example could be used for increased industrial production without investments in new steam boilers. Alternatively, the released capacity could be used to completely (or partially) offset the steam requirements of a new process plant at the Domsjö site.Den hĂ€r rapporten finns endast pĂ„ engelska. Svensk sammanfattning finns i rapporten

    Energy Integration of Domsjö Biorefinery Cluster - Summary

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    Within the Domsjö Biorefinery cluster in Örnsköldsvik, all the industries are cooperating regarding energy. The cluster consists of one wood pulp production facility, two bio-chemical facilities and one energy facility. In this study, we have analysed how efficient the steam is used within the industries. Are steam of right pressure and temperature used for the right purposes? To what extent could steam be replaced by district heating? And, how big is the potential to use simultaneous heat and cold demand for energy integration? The method for energy analysis was “pinch analysis”. It is found that steam of 7 bar(g) and 170 °C is used to supply a major part of the heat demand, sometimes even heat demands of low temperatures. Such demands would be more efficient to supply by district heating. Alternatively, a new utility with temperatures 40/120 °C could be introduced, either within the total site, or only within the biggest of the industries. The practical heat recovery potential is about 15 MW for the total site, and about 10 MW at the biggest of the industries. For all alternatives, steam capacity is released, which for example could be used for increased industrial production without investments in new steam boilers. Alternatively, the released capacity could be used to completely (or partially) offset the steam requirements of a new process plant at the Domsjö site.Den hĂ€r rapporten finns endast pĂ„ engelska. Svensk sammanfattning finns i rapporten

    Strategic Roadmap for Gotland Industrial Symbiosis Park

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    The Roadmap for the Gotland Industrial Symbiosis Park (GISP) is the culmination of the GISP project. IVL was approached by TillvĂ€xt Gotland and Region Gotland with the desire to develop the park based on industrial symbiosis (IS). Industrial symbiosis is a captivating concept that seeks to emulate nature where waste resources or by-products are utilized by other entities. The aim was therefore to identify the most appropriate development strategy to maximise industrial symbiosis, resource efficient production and the sustainability outcomes of the park. The chosen site is 2 km north of Visby, adjacent to the main airport. This document summarises the research project and its findings before outlining a suggested Roadmap for GISP’s development. It also brings together the research reports conducted during the project (Appendices 1-3) that include a literature review, review of regional strengths and opportunities, and a sustainability assessment of potential scenarios.

    Strategic Roadmap for Gotland Industrial Symbiosis Park

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    The Roadmap for the Gotland Industrial Symbiosis Park (GISP) is the culmination of the GISP project. IVL was approached by TillvĂ€xt Gotland and Region Gotland with the desire to develop the park based on industrial symbiosis (IS). Industrial symbiosis is a captivating concept that seeks to emulate nature where waste resources or by-products are utilized by other entities. The aim was therefore to identify the most appropriate development strategy to maximise industrial symbiosis, resource efficient production and the sustainability outcomes of the park. The chosen site is 2 km north of Visby, adjacent to the main airport. This document summarises the research project and its findings before outlining a suggested Roadmap for GISP’s development. It also brings together the research reports conducted during the project (Appendices 1-3) that include a literature review, review of regional strengths and opportunities, and a sustainability assessment of potential scenarios.

    A climate neutral Swedish industry : An inventory of technologies

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    År 2017 kom utslĂ€ppen av vĂ€xthusgaser i Sverige till cirka 27 procent frĂ„n industrierna, vilket motsvarar 17 203 tusen ton koldioxidekvivalenter. De fyra industrisektorerna med den största klimatgasutslĂ€pp i Sverige Ă€r jĂ€rn och stĂ„l, cement, raffinaderier och kemi. Denna rapport fokuserar pĂ„ dessa fyra sektorer som tillsammans slĂ€pper ut 80 % av de industriella utslĂ€ppen av vĂ€xthusgaser i Sverige. Var och en av dessa sektorer har flera möjliga vĂ€gar för att bli klimatneutrala. Beskrivning och diskussion av dessa vĂ€gar Ă€r fokus för denna rapport. Med bakgrund av klimatutmaningen Ă€r slutsatsen att det inte Ă€r möjligt att nĂ„ tillrĂ€ckligt lĂ„ngt enbart med effektivisering av nuvarande industriprocesserna. Eftersom en stor del av utslĂ€ppen inte hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n energianvĂ€ndning utan frĂ„n processerna i sig samt anvĂ€ndningen av fossil rĂ„vara, finns det behov av transformativa förĂ€ndringar som nya processer och anvĂ€ndning av nytt rĂ„material. MĂ„nga av alternativen Ă€r tekniskt omogna och det Ă€r mĂ„nga Ă„rs utveckling kvar innan de kunde implementeras i stor skala. Förutom de tekniska utmaningarna finns det ytterligare hinder för transformationen. Till exempel tillgĂ„ng och pris pĂ„ rĂ„varor, osĂ€ker marknad för nya produkter och Ă€ven juridiska hinder i viss mĂ„n. Dessutom krĂ€ver nĂ„gra av alternativen utveckling av infrastruktur. Till exempel krĂ€ver elektrifiering av stĂ„l- och cementproduktion förstĂ€rkning av elnĂ€tet och ökad produktion av förnybar el. Vissa av de tekniska alternativen kommer inte att vara fĂ€rdiga för fullskalig implementering pĂ„ mĂ„nga Ă„r, ibland till och med Ă„rtionden. Men klimatutmaningen behöver hanteras snabbare Ă€n sĂ„. DĂ€rför det viktigt att Ă€ven beakta möjliga övergĂ„ngsteknologier. Dessa kanske inte reducerar hela utslĂ€ppet men utgör Ă€ndĂ„ en viktig pusselbit. Behovet av koldioxidinfĂ„ngning och lagring eller anvĂ€ndning (CCS/CCU) Ă€r oundvikligt under övergĂ„ngsfasen, men ocksĂ„ i ett framtida scenario dĂ€r all transformation Ă€r genomförd. SĂ€rskilt som det inte Ă€r möjligt att producera klimatneutralt cement utan CCS/CCU. CCU Ă€r dock inte en varaktig lagring utan snarare ett sĂ€tt att flytta utslĂ€ppen till ett annat stĂ€lle. Det kan dock delvis ersĂ€tta anvĂ€ndning av fossil rĂ„vara och dĂ€rmed bidra till minskning av nya fossila vĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€pp.In year 2017, about 27 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden originated from the industries. This equals to 17,203 thousand tonnes carbon dioxide equivalents. Within the Swedish industry, the four industrial sectors with the largest climate gas release are Iron and steel, Cement, Refineries and Chemicals. This report focuses on these four sectors which together emit 80 % of the industrial greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden. Each of these sectors have several possible pathways to become climate neutral. In this report some possible pathways are described and discussed. In order to reach climate neutrality, transformative changes such as new processes and use of new raw material are needed. This is because a vast part of the emissions in all the sectors in question originates from the processes themselves or the use of fossil feedstock, not only from energy use. Many of the options are technically immature and there are many years of development left before they could be implemented in large scale. Several technical challenges exist which are related to the processes, but in addition, there are several barriers of non-technical nature for the transformation. For example, supply and price of raw materials, uncertain market for new products and even some legal barriers. Furthermore, some of the options require development of infrastructure, for example the electrification of steel and cement production demands strengthening of the electric grids and increased production of renewable electricity. Some of the technical options will not be ready for full-scale implementation in many years, even decades. But the climate challenge needs to be tackled quickly. Therefore, an aspect to consider is the demand for additional CO2 reduction technologies during a transition phase. These technical options may not reduce all the emissions but still make an important contribution. Carbon capture and storage or usage (CCS/CCU) is inevitable during the transition phase, but also in a future scenario where all the new technologies are implemented. In particular, this applies to the cement industry since it will not be possible to produce climate neutral cement without CCS/CCU. It should be noted that CCU does no remove the CO2 but transfers it elsewhere. However, it could partly reduce the climate impact from the use of new fossil resources.ISBN för vĂ€rdpublikation: 978-91-7883-131-9</p