1,686 research outputs found
Das Bibliotheksportal der Hochschulbibliotheken Sachsens: www.bibliotheksportalsachsen.de
Beginnend mit dem Jahr 2005 haben die sächsischen Hochschulbibliotheken ein gemeinsames Projekt begonnen, dessen Ziel die Bereitstellung eines Bibliotheksportals im Internet für den Zugriff auf Bestände ...
Elektronische Informationsdienste – Erfahrungen und Erwartungen in einer Universalbibliothek
Wie geht die Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken weiter? Diese Frage ist nicht erst seit heute in der Diskussion und wurde bereits vielfach mit Antworten versehen. Der Wandel der Gesellschaft und vor allem die technische Entwicklung erbringen in dieser Diskussion stets neue Aspekte und Strategien. Der Beitrag versucht nun eine Beantwortung dieser Frage aus Sicht der SLUB Dresden. Ausgehend von den bisherigen Erfahrungen und Lösungsszenarien in der nationalen Diskussion wird aufgezeigt, welche Schritte notwendig sind, um aktuelle Entwicklungen aktiv mit zu gestalten und neue Anregungen aufnehmen zu können. Der Wettbewerb mit anderen Informationsdienstleistern und die konsequente Orientierung auf Anforderungen aus Sicht des Benutzers sollten Kriterien sein, die die Entwicklung innovativer Angebote initiieren. Der Wandel in Gesellschaft und Bibliothek ist gestaltbar und muss als Chance und nicht als Bedrohung wahrgenommen werden.What is to be expected from the development of libraries in the future? This question has already been discussed frequently and numerous answers have been proffered, but changes in society and developments in information technologies continually give rise to new discussions, new answers and new strategies. This article tackles the question from the viewpoint of the SLUB in Dresden. The necessary steps for active shaping of the current development and for the evolution of new ideas will be shown on the basis of previous experience from the national discussion and the scenarios for solutions. The competition with other suppliers of information and orientation to real needs of library users should be criteria for the elaboration of innovative services. The changes in society, as well as their effects for the libraries, must be viewed as a chance rather than a threat
Umstellung des Mailsystems der SLUB
Ausgangssituation Beginnend im 2. Halbjahr 2006 zeigte das Mailsystem der SLUB zunehmend Performance-Probleme. Es kam so z. B. zu erheblichen Wartezeiten beim Mailversand, bis hin zum Ausfall der Mailfunktion. Diese Störungen wurden im Wesentlichen durch einen stetig zunehmenden Mailverkehr, insbesondere im Bereich der SPAM-Mails, verursacht. Das eingesetzte Serversystem konnte diesen Anforderungen nicht mehr genügen, Planungen für eine Verbesserung der Situation waren zwingend erforderlich
The uncanny return of the race concept
The aim of this Hypothesis and Theory is to question the recently increasing
use of the “race” concept in contemporary genetic, psychiatric, neuroscience
as well as social studies. We discuss “race” and related terms used to assign
individuals to distinct groups and caution that also concepts such as
“ethnicity” or “culture” unduly neglect diversity. We suggest that one factor
contributing to the dangerous nature of the “race” concept is that it is based
on a mixture of traditional stereotypes about “physiognomy”, which are deeply
imbued by colonial traditions. Furthermore, the social impact of “race
classifications” will be critically reflected. We then examine current ways to
apply the term “culture” and caution that while originally derived from a
fundamentally different background, “culture” is all too often used as a proxy
for “race”, particularly when referring to the population of a certain
national state or wider region. When used in such contexts, suggesting that
all inhabitants of a geographical or political unit belong to a certain
“culture” tends to ignore diversity and to suggest a homogeneity, which
consciously or unconsciously appears to extend into the realm of biological
similarities and differences. Finally, we discuss alternative approaches and
their respective relevance to biological and cultural studies
Form follows function - Der SLUB-Katalog im neuen Design
Gestaltung und Design von Web-Anwendungen sind in zunehmendem MaĂźe Kriterien, die den Erfolg eines Produktes ausmachen. Diese Entwicklung macht auch vor den Bibliotheken nicht halt...
Massenhaft Mehrwert: Digitalisierung von Kulturgut in den sächsischen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
Ein neues Geschäftsfeld Mit attraktiven Arbeitsplätzen, kompetenten Ansprechpartnern und möglichst vielen neuen Büchern haben die Bibliotheken auch im 21. Jahrhundert unverändert die Aufgabe, ihren zahlreichen Benutzerinnen und Benutzern klassische, qualitativ hochwertige Serviceangebote zu erhalten. Zugleich werden die vertrauten Bibliotheksgebäude dynamisch um virtuelle Räume erweitert. Digitale Texte und Objekte sind die zentralen Entwicklungstreiber für die internationale Wissenschaft. Sie bieten begeisternde Möglichkeiten des zeit- und ortsunabhängigen Zugriffs, schaffen neue Bezüge zwischen verwandten Materialien und erlauben durch maschinelles Durchsuchen selbst sehr großer Datenmengen die Bearbeitung bisher kaum lösbarer Forschungsaufgaben. Als zweite Säule neben ihren bisherigen Dienstleistungen bauen die wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken gegenwärtig umfangreiche elektronische Sammlungen auf – teils durch die planmäßige Archivierung aktueller elektronischer Veröffentlichungen (born digital), teils durch die Digitalisierung..
Spatiality of Social Stress Experienced by Refugee Women in Initial Reception Centers
This study takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the multi-dimensionality of social stress within the spatiality of initial refugee reception centers in Berlin. By focusing particularly on the experiences of women who fled from Syria and Afghanistan, it situates this humanitarian issue within an analytical framework of gender-sensitive and culturally sensitive research and policymaking. Through qualitative interviews with 11 refugee women, the connection between the spatiality of initial reception centers and social stress is explored. This is done by thematically coding the data collected in the context of nine different initial reception centers across various districts in the city of Berlin. The study shows that in terms of the intercultural needs and practices of these women, social stress is triggered by a lack of essential privacy within the spatiality of these structures. However, privacy is not limited to a physical enclosure-it is about having control/freedom over different aspects of everyday life. This article highlights intercultural gaps in gender-sensitive and protection considerations during humanitarian responses
Spatiality of Social Stress Experienced by Refugee Women in Initial Reception Centers
This study takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the multi-dimensionality of social stress within the spatiality of initial refugee reception centers in Berlin. By focusing particularly on the experiences of women who fled from Syria and Afghanistan, it situates this humanitarian issue within an analytical framework of gender-sensitive and culturally sensitive research and policymaking. Through qualitative interviews with 11 refugee women, the connection between the spatiality of initial reception centers and social stress is explored. This is done by thematically coding the data collected in the context of nine different initial reception centers across various districts in the city of Berlin. The study shows that in terms of the intercultural needs and practices of these women, social stress is triggered by a lack of essential privacy within the spatiality of these structures. However, privacy is not limited to a physical enclosure—it is about having control/freedom over different aspects of everyday life. This article highlights intercultural gaps in gender-sensitive and protection considerations during humanitarian responses.Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (3093)Peer Reviewe
Racism and psychosis: an umbrella review and qualitative analysis of the mental health consequences of racism
Black people and People of Color are disproportionately affected by racism and show increased rates of psychosis. To examine whether racialized migrant groups are particularly exposed to racism and therefore have higher risks for psychosis, this paper (1) systematically assesses rates of psychosis among racialized migrant groups concerning the country of origin, and (2) analyzes interviews regarding the association of racism experiences with psychosis-related symptoms in racialized Black people and People of Color populations in Germany. We present an umbrella review of meta-analyses that report the incidence of positive symptoms (e.g., hallucinations and delusions) and negative symptoms (e.g., apathy and incoherent speech) of diagnosed schizophrenia, other non-affective psychotic disorders (e.g., schizoaffective disorder) or first-episode psychosis among migrants by country of origin. We also report 20 interviews with first- and second-generation migrants racialized as Black and of Color in Germany to capture and classify their experiences of racism as well as racism-associated mental health challenges. In the umbrella review, psychosis risk was greatest when migration occurred from developing countries. Effect size estimates were even larger among Caribbean and African migrants. In the qualitative study, the application of the constant comparative method yielded four subordinate themes that form a subclinical psychosis symptomatology profile related to experiences of racism: (1) a sense of differentness, (2) negative self-awareness, (3) paranoid ideation regarding general persecution, and (4) self-questioning and self-esteem instability. We here provide converging evidence from a quantitative and qualitative analysis that the risk of poor mental health and psychotic experiences is related to racism associated with minority status and migration
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