314 research outputs found

    Cardiac and metabolic effects in patients who present with a multinodular goitre

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    Twenty-six consecutive patients who presented with clinically euthyroid multinodular goitre were studied for an overnight fasting serum lipid profile and 24 h Holter monitoring. Mean serum TSH was 0.6 +/- 0.4 vs 2.4 +/- 1.3 mU/l (p < 0.0001) and mean TT3 2.4 +/- 0.4 vs 2.0 +/- 0.5 nmol/l (p = 0.009) in patients vs controls (n = 15) while mean FT4 was not different from controls. Total serum HDL, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides were lower in patients but creatinine, ferritin and SHBG levels did not differ between patients and controls. The 24-hour ambulatory continuous ECG recordings did not demonstrate significant differences in mean, minimal and maximal heart rate between the study and the control group. Nocturnal heart rate, measured between 23.00 and 06.00 hours, also showed no differences between the two groups. Atrial fibrillation was absent in both the study and the control group. Premature atrial and ventricular complexes occurred equally frequently in both groups. Comparison of patients with a serum TSH below 0.4 mU/l (n = 11) and patients with a TSH above 0.4 mU/l revealed no differences. In conclusion, in consecutive patients who present with multinodular goitre, effects were found on the lipid profile, but not on the heart. It is argued that in this type of patients, cardiac effects depend on the degree of subclinical hyperthyroidism

    Holter monitoring in patients with transient and focal ischemic attacks of the brain

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    The results of Holter monitoring in 100 patients with transient and focal cerebral ischemia were studied retrospectively. Atrial fibrillation (AF) was found in five patients compared with two from a group of 100 age and sex-matched control patients. Four of these had a previous history of AF or showed AF on the standard electrocardiogram. Episodic forms of sick sinus syndrome, which have also been related to cerebral embolism, were found in 32 of the TIA patients against 13 of the controls (p less than 0.0025). Sick sinus syndrome was of the bradyarrhythmia-tachyarrhythmia type in 14 of the TIA patients and in three of the controls (p less than 0.01). The relationship between TIAs and transient sinus node dysfunction could not be explained by concomitant heart disease. It is not yet clear whether the relationship is causal or indirect

    Quantification of FAM20A in human milk and identification of calcium metabolism proteins

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    BACKGROUND: FAM20A, a recently discovered protein, is thought to have a fundamental role in inhibiting ectopic calcification. Several studies have demonstrated that variants of FAM20A are causative for the rare autosomal recessive disorder, enamel-renal syndrome (ERS). ERS is characterized by defective mineralization of dental enamel and nephrocalcinosis suggesting that FAM20A is an extracellular matrix protein, dysfunction of which causes calcification of the secretory epithelial tissues. FAM20A is a low-abundant protein that is difficult to detect in biofluids such as blood, saliva, and urine. Thus, we speculated the abundance of FAM20A to be high in human milk, since the secretory epithelium of lactating mammary tissue is involved in the secretion of highly concentrated calcium. Therefore, the primary aim of this research is to describe the processes/methodology taken to quantify FAM20A in human milk and identify other proteins involved in calcium metabolism. METHOD: This study used mass spectrometry-driven quantitative proteomics: (1) to quantify FAM20A in human milk of three women and (2) to identify proteins associated with calcium regulation by bioinformatic analyses on whole and milk fat globule membrane fractions. RESULTS: Shotgun MS/MS driven proteomics identified FAM20A in whole milk, and subsequent analysis using targeted proteomics also successfully quantified FAM20A in all samples. Combination of sample preparation, fractionation, and LC-MS/MS proteomics analysis generated 136 proteins previously undiscovered in human milk; 21 of these appear to be associated with calcium metabolism. CONCLUSION: Using mass spectrometry-driven proteomics, we successfully quantified FAM20A from transitional to mature milk and obtained a list of proteins involved in calcium metabolism. Furthermore, we show the value of using a combination of both shotgun and targeted driven proteomics for the identification of this low abundant protein in human milk

    Parental support and positive mood buffer adolescents' academic motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    School closures during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 severely disrupted adolescents' lives. We used a daily diary method for 20 days, including online and physical school days, assessing daily mood, social support and conflict, and academic motivation in 102 adolescents aged 12-16 years. We found that adolescents' academic motivation was lower on online compared with physical school days. In general, positive mood was positively associated with academic motivation, and friend conflict related negatively to academic motivation. Moreover, lower levels of parental support were related to lower academic motivation on online versus physical school days. Overall, these findings identified some critical changes in adolescents' daily experiences during the COVID-19 school closure and social-emotional factors that may buffer decreases in adolescents' academic motivation.Pathways through Adolescenc