714 research outputs found

    Разработка элементов системы ХАССП на ООО "Провансаль"

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    Система ХАССП - это система управления безопасностью пищевых продуктов, которая обеспечивает контроль на абсолютно всех этапах пищевой цепочки, в любой точке производственного процесса, а также хранения и реализации продукции, где существует вероятность возникновения опасной ситуации

    Assessment of different metrics for physical climate feedbacks

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    We quantify the feedbacks from the physical climate system on the radiative forcing for idealized climate simulations using four different methods. The results differ between the methods and differences are largest for the cloud feedback. The spatial and temporal variability of each feedback is used to estimate the averaging scale necessary to satisfy the feedback concept of one constant global mean value. We find that the year-to-year variability, combined with the methodological differences, in estimates of the feedback strength from a single model is comparable to the model-to-model spread in feedback strength of the CMIP3 ensemble. The strongest spatial and temporal variability is in the short-wave component of the cloud feedback. In our simulations, where many sources of natural variability are neglected, long-term averages are necessary to get reliable feedback estimates. Considering the large natural variability and relatively small forcing present in the real world, as compared to the forcing imposed by doubling CO2 concentrations in the simulations, implies that using observations to constrain feedbacks is a challenging task and requires reliable long-term measurements

    Screening of microbial communities associated with endive lettuce during postharvest processing on industrial scale

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    In this study, the composition of the microbial community on endive lettuce (Cichorium endivia) was evaluated during different postharvest processing steps. Microbial community structure was characterized by culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. Endive lettuce was sampled exemplarily at four different stages of processing (raw material, cut endive lettuce, washed endive lettuce, and spin-dried (ready to pack) endive lettuce) and analysed by plate count analysis using non-selective and selective agar plates with subsequent identification of bacteria colonies by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of light mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Additionally, terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis and 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequence analysis were conducted. The results revealed structural differences in the lettuce microbiomes during the different processing steps. The most predominant bacteria on endive lettuce were detected by almost all methods. Bacterial species belonging to the families Pseudomonadaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Xanthomonadaceae, and Moraxellaceae were detected in most of the examined samples including some unexpected potentially human pathogenic bacteria, especially those with the potential to build resistance to antibiotics (e.g., Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (0.9 % in cut sample, 0.4 % in spin-dried sample), Acinetobacter sp. (0.6 % in raw material, 0.9 % in cut sample, 0.9 % in washed sample, 0.4 % in spin-dried sample), Morganella morganii (0.2 % in cut sample, 3 % in washed sample)) revealing the potential health risk for consumers. However, more seldom occurring bacterial species were detected in varying range by the different methods. In conclusion, the applied methods allow the determination of the microbiome's structure and its dynamic changes during postharvest processing in detail. Such a combined approach enables the implementation of tailored control strategies including hygienic design, innovative decontamination techniques, and appropriate storage conditions for improved product safety

    Analysis of Surface Integrity in Machining of AISI 304 Stainless Steel Under Various Cooling and Cutting Conditions

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    Recent studies have shown that machining under specific cooling and cutting conditions can be used to induce a nanocrystalline surface layer in the workspiece. This layer has beneficial properties, such as improved fatigue strength, wear resistance and tribological behavior. In machining, a promising approach for achieving grain refinement in the surface layer is the application of cryogenic cooling. The aim is to use the last step of the machining operation to induce the desired surface quality to save time-consuming and expensive post machining surface treatments. The material used in this study was AISI 304 stainless steel. This austenitic steel suffers from low yield strength that limits its technological applications. In this paper, liquid nitrogen (LN2) as cryogenic coolant, as well as minimum quantity lubrication (MQL), was applied and investigated. As a reference, conventional flood cooling was examined. Besides the cooling conditions, the feed rate was varied in four steps. A large rounded cutting edge radius and finishing cutting parameters were chosen to increase the mechanical load on the machined surface. The surface integrity was evaluated at both, the microstructural and the topographical levels. After turning experiments, a detailed analysis of the microstructure was carried out including the imaging of the surface layer and hardness measurements at varying depths within the machined layer. Along with microstructural investigations, different topological aspects, e.g., the surface roughness, were analyzed. It was shown that the resulting microstructure strongly depends on the cooling condition. This study also shows that it was possible to increase the micro hardness in the top surface layer significantly

    Experimental Study on Surface Integrity of Cryogenically Machined Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for Biomedical Devices

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    Titanium and its alloys are widely used in the biomedical sector. In this field, titanium and its alloys are the material of choice for biomedical devices such as hip and knee replacements. Usually, a Total Hip Replacement (THR) is based on four components, made out of different materials due to the material properties associated with the functional performance. One approach to lower the overall manufacturing costs and enhance the reliability of THR’s is to manufacture the prosthesis out of one material. The titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V is, therefore, feasible as it exhibits better osseous integration compared to other metallic materials used as orthopedic devices. The sole use of Ti-6Al-4V alloy requires improvements of surface integrity (SI) and characteristics that are sensitive to SI. One possible way to improve the tribological properties of the THR and the biocompatibility of Ti-6Al-4V alloy is to deliberately decrease the material grain size in the surface layer from the micron scale (\u3e 1 µm) to the region of nano-sized grains (\u3c 100 nm). The objective of this paper is to study and prove the formation of nano-sized grains within the surface as well as the characterization of surface integrity when machining Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Therefore, different cryogenic cooling strategies are used where liquid nitrogen (LN2) is applied to the flank and rake face, and just to the flank face respectively. To compare the effect of cryogenic machining, conventional flood cooling was applied as third cooling strategy. As cutting tool, a roughing tool, having a large cutting edge radius, was used, since severe plastic deformation (SPD) has shown to be capable to produce nano-sized grains in the surface. The results showed, that cryogenic machining using a large cutting edge radius tool is able to decrease the materials grain size to the region of nano-sized grains

    Sub-mesoscale observations of convective cold pools with a dense station network in Hamburg, Germany

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    From June to August 2020, an observational network of 103 meteorological ground-based stations covered the greater area (50 km × 35 km) of Hamburg (Germany) as part of the Field Experiment on Sub-mesoscale Spatio-Temporal variability at Hanseatic city of Hamburg (FESST@HH). The purpose of the experiment was to shed light on the sub-mesoscale (O(100) m–O(10) km) structure of convective cold pools that typically remain under-resolved in operational networks. During the experiment, 82 custom-built, low-cost APOLLO (Autonomous cold POoL LOgger) stations sampled air temperature and pressure with fast-response sensors at 1 s resolution to adequately capture the strong and rapid perturbations associated with propagating cold pool fronts. A secondary network of 21 weather stations with commercial sensors provided additional information on relative humidity, wind speed, and precipitation at 10 s resolution. The realization of the experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic was facilitated by a large number of volunteers who provided measurement sites on their premises and supported station maintenance. This article introduces the novel type of autonomously operating instruments, their measurement characteristics, and the FESST@HH data set (https://doi.org/10.25592/UHHFDM.10172; Kirsch et al., 2021b). A case study demonstrates that the network is capable of mapping the horizontal structure of the temperature signal inside a cold pool, and quantifying a cold pool's size and propagation velocity throughout its life cycle. Beyond its primary purpose, the data set offers new insights into the spatial and temporal characteristics of the nocturnal urban heat island and variations of turbulent temperature fluctuations associated with different urban and natural environments

    Оптимизация аппаратурного оформления процесса дегидрирования высших алканов с использованием метода математического моделирования

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    Предложен новый способ повышения эффективности работы реакторного блока дегидрирования парафинов с использованием математической модели, учитывающей взаимное влияние процессов, протекающих в аппаратах химико-технологической системы. Проведена численная оценка влияния химического состава сырья, технологических режимов и степени дезактивации катализатора на эффективность работы аппаратов химико-технологической схемы промышленной установки дегидрирования

    EHEC – kein spezifisches Problem nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft - [EHEC – A problem not specific to sustainable agriculture] [La EHEC – no es un problema específico de la agricultura sostenible] - [EHEC – Non è un problema specifi-co dell’agricoltura biologica] - [ECEH n’est pas un problème dû à l’agriculture durable] - [EHEC – nem speciálisan a fenntartható mezőgazdaság gondja] - [ECEH n’est pas un problème dû à l’agriculture durable]

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    DEUTSCH Über den EHEC-Erreger, der in Deutschland zu über dreissig tragischen Todesfällen geführt hat, ist viel spekuliert worden. Unterdessen konnten die Verbreitungswege nahezu aufgeklärt werden, während die Entstehung des Krankheitserregers noch weitgehend unklar ist. Im Zusammenhang mit dem EHEC-Ausbruch wurde auch die Frage erörtert, ob bestimmte Landwirtschaftsmethoden (zum Beispiel gemischte Betriebe mit Tierhaltung und Pflanzenbau oder die organische Düngung von Gemüse) oder ob gewisse Hygienisierungsmethoden für frische, konsumfähige Produkte(wie zum Beispiel die Verwendung von schonenden, weniger Rückstände verursachenden organischen Säuren) das Risiko erhöhen könnten. Diese Dokumentation geht nicht auf die aktuellen Fälle von EHEC in Norddeutschland ein, sondern liefert an diesem Beispiel Hintergrundinformationen zur Frage, wie nachhaltige, in Kreisläufen arbeitende Landwirtschaftsmethoden mit vom Tier auf den Menschen übertragbare Krankheitserreger (Zoonosen) umgehen. ENGLISH There has been much speculation about the pathogenic EHEC bacterial strain that has tragically claimed the lives of more than 30 people so far in Germany. Meanwhile, the transmission pathways have for the most part been identified. The origin of the pathogen, however, is largely unclear. In the context of the EHEC outbreak there have been debates as to whether certain agriculturalmethods (e.g. mixed holdings including both livestock and crop production, or the use of organic fertilizers for vegetable production) or certain sanitization methods for fresh consumable products (such as the use of organic acids, a mild treatment that leaves fewer residues) may increase the risk of infection. This document does not address the current epidemiological situation of the outbreak in northern Germany. Its purpose is rather to provide background information on the question of how sustainable agricultural methods based on nutrient cycling deal with pathogens that can be transmitted from animals to humans (zoonoses). CASTELLANO Mucho se ha especulado sobre la bacteria patógena Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica (ECEH), que ha ocasionado más de treinta muertes trágicas en Alemania. Hasta ahora casi se ha podido esclarecer la via de su propagación, mientras que sigue estando poco claro como ha aparecido el agente patógeno. Con el brote de la ECEH se ha cuestionado si determinadas prácticas agrícolas (por ejemplo, mantener explotaciones mixtas con ganado y cultivos, o la fertilización orgánica de los vegetales) o si los métodos de higiene para productos frescos, listos para el consumo (como por ejemplo, el uso de ácidos orgánicos menos agresivos y con menor riesgo de dejar residudos), pudieran incrementar los riesgos. Esta documento no se refiere sólo a los casos actuales de ECEH en el norte de Alemania, sino que proporciona, información básica de fondo, aprovechando este ejemplo, sobre como los métodos de producción agraria de ciclos cerrados con animales evitan forma sostenible que los patógenos generadores de enfermedades contagiosas (zoonosis) trasmisibles al ser humano. ITALIANO A proposito dell’insorgenza di EHEC è stata sollevata la questione se determinati metodi agricoli (per esempio aziende miste con allevamento di animali e produzione vegetale o la concimazione organica di ortaggi) oppure se determinati metodi di igienizzazione per pro-dotti freschi adatti al consumo (come per esempio l’impiego di acidi organici che provocano meno residui) possano aumentare i rischi. La presente documentazione non entra nei particolari degli attuali casi di EHEC nella Ger-mania settentrionale bensì fornisce informazioni d’approfondimento su come i me-todi agri-coli sostenibili basati sui cicli degli elementi nutritivi trattano la questione degli agenti pato-geni trasmissibili dagli animali all’uomo (zoonosi). HUNGARIAN Sok a spekuláció az EHEC kórokozót illetően, amely Németországban harmincnál is több tragikus halálesethez vezetett. Időközben a terjedés útját már csaknem teljesen felderítették, míg a kórokozó létrejöttéről még szinte semmit sem tudunk. Az EHEC fertőzés kitörése kapcsán az a kérdés is felmerült, hogy bizonyos mezőgazdasági módszerek (pl. a vegyes üzemek, melyek egyaránt foglalkoznak növénytermesztéssel és állattenyésztéssel, vagy a zöldségek szerves trágyázása), ill. a friss, fogyasztásra kész termékek egyes fertőtlenítési módszerei (így pl. a kímélőbb, kevesebb hulladékot eredményező szerves savak alkalmazása) nem növelhetik-e a kockázatot. A jelen tanulmány nem a Németország északi részén kialakult aktuális EHEC esetekkel foglalkozik, hanem háttér-információval szolgál arról, hogy a körforgásos működésű, fenntartható mezőgazdasági módszerek milyen kapcsolatban lehetnek az állatról emberre terjedő betegségekkel, az ún. zoonózisokkal. FRANCAIS ECEH n’est pas un problème dû à l’agriculture durabl

    Early development and tuning of a global coupled cloud resolving model, and its fast response to increasing CO2

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    Since the dawn of functioning numerical dynamical atmosphere- and ocean models, their resolution has steadily increased, fed by an exponential growth in computational capabilities. However, because resolution of models is at all times limited by computational power a number of mostly small-scale or micro-scale processes have to be parameterised. Particularly those of atmospheric moist convection and ocean eddies are problematic when scientists seek to interpret output from model experiments. Here we present the first coupled ocean-atmosphere model experiments with sufficient resolution to dispose of moist convection and ocean eddy parameterisations. We describe the early development and discuss the challenges associated with conducting the simulations with a focus on tuning the global mean radiation balance in order to limit drifts. A four-month experiment with quadrupled CO2 is then compared with a ten-member ensemble of low-resolution simulations using MPI-ESM1.2-LR. We find broad similarities of the response, albeit with a more diversified spatial pattern with both stronger and weaker regional warming, as well as a sharpening of precipitation in the inter tropical convergence zone. These early results demonstrate that it is already now possible to learn from such coupled model experiments, even if short by nature