32 research outputs found

    Fitness and Somatic Conditioning of a Sports Level in a Women’s Volleyball Team at the Championship Level

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    There is a significant complexity of movements and an ability to adapt to changing situations during a match, hence, a factor which decides about sports rank of a player is their motor fitness. The assessment of muscle power output and abilities of coordination in high-rank players can be one of the most essential model indicators either in the process of athlete selection or in the process of sports training. The research question is: How the measured indicators of a somatic body construction and motor fitness condition the sports level of volleyball players who specialize in different tactical functions? The paper demonstrates the test results of 12 volleyball players from MKS Muszynianka – a vice-champion of Poland in 2009. Basic features of a somatic body construction were measured; the indicators of muscle dynamic strength, visual perception and visual-motor coordination were tested. The comparative analysis of the applied somatic and fitness indicators in the study explains both the model of choice of tactical specializations in the game and sports hierarchy of volleyball players at championship level. Lengthwise predispositions of a body construction are prominent in the model; however, fitness skills (muscle dynamic strength and visual-motor coordination) may well compensate for insufficient somatic indicators

    Zaostrzenie nadciśnienia tętniczego podczas przygotowania do zapłodnienia pozaustrojowego — opis przypadku

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    The paper presents the case of 40-year old female with essential arterial hypertension diagnosed at the age of 17, in whom after the long time of blood pressure control, during the ovarian hyperstimulation before in vitro fertilization severe elevation of blood pressure occurred. Potential mechanism of blood pressure rise related to the treatment with gonadoliberine analogues and gonadothropines were discussed, as well as other factors influencing blood pressure control and treatment in women in childbearing potential age. Arterial Hypertension 2011, vol. 15, no 5, pages 312–316W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 40-letniej pacjentki z rozpoznanym w 17. roku życia pierwotnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym, leczonej farmakologicznie, u której doszło do znacznego pogorszenia kontroli ciśnienia w okresie przygotowania do zapłodnienia pozaustrojowego (hormonalna stymulacja jajeczkowania). Przedstawiono potencjalne mechanizmy wzrostu ciśnienia pod wpływem terapii analogiem gonadoliberyny oraz gonadotropinami, a także czynniki wpływające na kontrolę ciśnienia i możliwości farmakoterapii. Nadciśnienie Tętnicze 2011, tom 15, nr 5, strony 312–31

    The -9/+9 polymorphism of the bradykinin receptor beta 2 gene and athlete status: A study involving two European cohorts.

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    Background: Previous studies concerning the relevance of the BDKRB2 gene polymorphisms revealed that the absence (–9 allele) of a 9 base pair sequence in exon 1 of the BDKRB2 gene is correlated with higher skeletal muscle metabolic efficiency, glucose uptake during exercise, as well as endurance athletic performance. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the association between the BDKRB2 -9/+9 polymorphism and elite athletic status in two cohorts of east-European athletes. Therefore, we examined the genotype distribution of the BDKRB2 9/+9 polymorphic site in a group of Polish athletes and confirmed the results obtained in a replication study of Russian athletes. Methods: Three hundred and two Polish athletes and 684 unrelated sedentary controls as well as 822 Russian athletes and 507 unrelated sedentary volunteers were recruited for this study. All samples were genotyped for the -9/+9 polymorphism within exon 1 of the BDKRB2 gene using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Significance was assessed by χ2 analysis with Bonferroni\u27s correction for multiple testing. Results: We have not found any statistical difference in the -9/+9 genotype and allele frequencies in two groups of athletes divided into four subgroups, i.e. endurance, sprint-endurance, sprint-strength and strength athletes, when compared with controls. There weren\u27t any significant differences found in allele frequencies (P = 0.477) and genotype distribution (P = 0.278) in the initial and replication studies. Conclusion: No association was found between the BDKRB2 -9/+9 polymorphism and elite athletic status in two cohorts of east- European athlete

    Metabolic syndrome — a new definition and management guidelines

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    The joint position paper by Polish Society of Hypertension, Polish Society for the Treatment of Obesity, Polish Lipid Association, Polish Association for Study of Liver, Polish Society of Family Medicine, Polish Society of Lifestyle Medicine, Division of Prevention and Epidemiology Polish Cardiac Society, “Club 30” Polish Cardiac Society, and Division of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Society of Polish Surgeons Reviewers: Agnieszka Olszanecka, Krzysztof J. Filipia

    Trafność diagnostyczna wskaźnika zmienności rozmiaru erytrocytów w przewidywaniu zgonu szpitalnego u chorych poddawanych operacjom przewodu pokarmowego dużego ryzyka

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    Background: The red blood cell distribution width index (RDW) is one of several parameters routinely analysed inperipheral blood counts. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of RDW in the prediction of in-hospitalmortality in patients undergoing high-risk gastroenterological surgery. Methods: Prospective observation covered 229 patients who underwent surgery, for whom the risk of cardiovascularcomplications was high due to the type of procedure. The patient’s individual risk was assessed using the criteria ofthe American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA-PS). Peripheral blood for morphological examination was collectedpreoperatively. The following parameters of the red blood cell system were evaluated: red blood cell count (RBC),haemoglobin (Hgb), haematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), RDW expressed as a standard deviation (SD)and a coefficient of variation (CV). The occurrence of hospital death was the main endpoint. Results: Patients who died had had statistically significantly lower RBC, Hgb and Hct values, as well as higher RDW-SDand RDW-CV values. Both the preoperative RDW-SD and RDW-CV values predicted the outcome, respectively: AUCRDW-SD = 0.744 (95% CI: 0.683–0.799; P &lt; 0.001), AUC RDW-CV = 0.762 (95% CI: 0.702–0.816; P &lt; 0.001). In logisticregression, it was confirmed that RDW predicted mortality (OR RDW-SD = 1.21; P &lt; 0.001, OR RDW-CV = 1.62;P = 0.01), even after adjustment for individual risk and other erythrocyte parameters. Conclusion: RDW is a valuable screening predictor of in-hospital mortality in patients undergoing high-riskgastroenterological surgery, regardless of the estimated individual risk and the value of other erythrocyte parameters.Evaluation of the RDW may be helpful in the identification of patients requiring correction of haematological disordersin the pre-operative period, as well as, in particular, surveillance in the perioperative period.Background: The red blood cell distribution width index (RDW) is one of several parameters routinely analysed in peripheral blood counts. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of RDW in the prediction of in-hospital mortality in patients undergoing high-risk gastroenterological surgery. Methods: Prospective observation covered 229 patients who underwent surgery, for whom the risk of cardiovascular complications was high due to the type of procedure. The patient’s individual risk was assessed using the criteria of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA-PS). Peripheral blood for morphological examination was collected preoperatively. The following parameters of the red blood cell system were evaluated: red blood cell count (RBC), haemoglobin (Hgb), haematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), RDW expressed as a standard deviation (SD) and a coefficient of variation (CV). The occurrence of hospital death was the main endpoint. Results: Patients who died had had statistically significantly lower RBC, Hgb and Hct values, as well as higher RDW-SD and RDW-CV values. Both the preoperative RDW-SD and RDW-CV values predicted the outcome, respectively: AUC RDW-SD = 0.744 (95% CI: 0.683–0.799; P < 0.001), AUC RDW-CV = 0.762 (95% CI: 0.702–0.816; P < 0.001). In logistic regression, it was confirmed that RDW predicted mortality (OR RDW-SD = 1.21; P < 0.001, OR RDW-CV = 1.62; P = 0.01), even after adjustment for individual risk and other erythrocyte parameters. Conclusion: RDW is a valuable screening predictor of in-hospital mortality in patients undergoing high-risk gastroenterological surgery, regardless of the estimated individual risk and the value of other erythrocyte parameters. Evaluation of the RDW may be helpful in the identification of patients requiring correction of haematological disorders in the pre-operative period, as well as, in particular, surveillance in the perioperative period

    Starszy pacjent z uporczywymi omdleniami — trzy oblicza problemu

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    Elderly patients may have several cardiological diseases simultaneously responsible for the appearance of one specific symptom. In article we described the case of an 84-year-old man who was diagnosed during one hospitalization with a number of cardiovascular diseases that could cause syncope: symptomatic bradycardia, atrioventricular-nodal reentrant tachycardia, and orthostatic hypotension. Periodically high blood pressure values also occurred. Effective treatment was given to all these diseases, with symptoms resolving. The article discusses the management of these clinical situations, paying particular attention to elderly patients.U pacjentów w starszym wieku może występować równolegle kilka schorzeń kardiologicznych odpowiedzialnych za pojawienie się jednego określonego objawu. W pracy opisano przypadek 84-letniego mężczyzny, u którego rozpoznano podczas jednej hospitalizacji szereg chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego mogących być przyczyną omdleń: istotną bradykardię zatokową, napadowy częstoskurcz nawrotny w węźle przedsionkowo-komorowym oraz hipotonię ortostatyczną. Sporadycznie obserwowano również wysokie wartości ciśnienia tętniczego. Prowadzono wielokierunkowe leczenie zmierzające do kontrolowania objawów wszystkich tych schorzeń. W artykule omówiono postępowanie w wymienionych sytuacjach klinicznych, zwracając szczególną uwagę na starszych pacjentów