15 research outputs found
Intravascular lymphoma mimicking multiple sclerosis
Diagnosis of relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis requires demonstration disseminated symptoms in time and space on the basis of neurological assessment or magnetic resonance imaging findings. In addition, the diagnosis is conditioned by ruling out other conditions that may explain the clinical symptoms.
We describe the patient presenting in the initial stage of the disease neurological symptoms and magnetic resonance imaging lesions, that met criteria for relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis diagnosis.
The patient was administered immunomodulatory treatment. However, the subsequent course of the disease tended to verify the diagnosis. Finally, the patient was diagnosed with intravascular B-cell lymphoma.
Intravascular lymphoma is a rare form of lymphoma characterized by the development of cancerous cells in the lumen of small and medium-sized blood vessels.
Due to the lack of characteristic biomarkers in laboratory tests and neuroimaging, the diagnosis is based on histopathological examination of the sample of the affected organ taken by biopsy. It should be consider in all cases of central nervous system damage of unknown, undiagnosed etiology
Intracranial hematoma as the cause of headache after subarachnoid anesthesia for cesarean section – a case report
Background: Intracranial subdural hematoma is an exceptionally rare but life-threating complication of epidural and spinal anesthesia. The diagnosis is rather difficult because the initial symptoms mimic post-dural puncture headache. Case report: A 33-year-old primipara was admitted to the hospital at 38 weeks gestation for a cesarean section due to premature rupture of membranes and meconium stained amniotic fluid. During the procedure a single puncture between L2 and L3 vertebrae was made with the use of a 26-gauge, pencil-point needle. The amount of 2.8 ml of analgesic solution was administered in order to obtain subarachnoid analgesia at the level of Th4 and Th5 vertebrae. Postpartum recovery was uneventful for the first two days. On the third day the patient developed strong headache in the forehead area and tinnitus. An anesthesiologist diagnosed post-dural puncture headache (PDPH). The patient received 1g of Paracetamol every 6 hours intravenously, together with 3000 ml of crystalloid solution for 24 hours. As a result, the patient recovered and was discharged home with her infant. Five days later the patient presented at the neurology clinic because of strong and chronic temporal lobe headache. No other complaints were reported. Upon admission, the patient had a head CT, followed by an MRI examination, which revealed cranial hematomas localized bilaterally in the area of the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, spreading from the cranial vault to the skull base. The width of the hematomas was: 3-4 mm on the left and 5-6 mm on the right side. Hematomas infiltrated the anterior part of the medial longitudinal fissure. Magnetic resonance angiography showed normal images of the arteries, veins, and the dural venous sinuses. No vascular malformations, which may be a source of intracranial hemorrhage, were found. Other tests showed normal results. Patient condition during hospitalization was stable. Conservative treatment was implemented, i.e. fluids administered intravenously, anti-edematous drugs, analgesic medications and bed rest. All pain complaints subsided and a control CT scan showed that hematomas evolved as expected i.e. their HU density decreased. About 6 weeks later the patient had a CT head scan, performed in outpatient settings, which showed complete absorption of extravasated blood. Conclusion: The presented case shows headaches in obstetric patients require thorough diagnostic examinations and appropriate management. In addition to the most typical PDPH, it may be the first sign of life-threatening intracranial pathology
Self-Identification of Polish Academic Economists with Schools of Economic Thought
The paper presents the results of a research conducted in 2014–2016, aimed at characterising the milieu of the Polish academic economists with respect to their self-identification with modern schools of economic thought. Using econometric modelling, the social variables determining the theoretical choices made by the economists themselves were identified. We found that the largest group of the Polish academic economists identifies themselves with new institutional economics. Nearly half of the respondents declared their association with heterodox approaches, while only about a quarter of the respondents showed association with economic orthodoxy. Such a structure of self-identification of the Polish academic economists with schools of economic thought distinguishes it from the ones in other European countries, such as Italy and Germany
The importance of local oat populations with a wide variety of phenotypic traits in relation to breeding process
Wyjazdy kolekcyjne są jednym z ważniejszych źródeł pozyskiwania materiałów w Krajowym Centrum Roślinnych Zasobów Genowych (KCRZG). Wybór Litwy jako obszaru poszukiwań zasobów genowych był związany z historycznymi relacjami z Polską. W latach 2011 – 2013 przeprowadzono trzy ekspedycje, podczas których zebrano 32 obiekty Avena sativa L. wraz z danymi paszportowymi. Zebrane próbki zostały wysiane na 2,5 m2 poletkach Instytutu Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin (IHAR-PIB) w Radzikowie w latach 2012, 2013, 2014. Na każdym poletku, ręcznie wysiano 600 nasion. Odnotowywano stan wylegania roślin, pojawiające się choroby, wyliczono masę tysiąca ziaren oraz plon. U większości obiektów wiechowanie występowało później niż u odmian wzorcowych. Lokalne obiekty odmian owsa były wyższe od wzorcowych obiektów a mimo to odznaczały się niskim stopniem wylegania. Lokalne odmiany owsa mogą stanowić źródło pojedynczych, unikalnych cech poszukiwanych przy tworzeniu nowych odmian.Collecting missions are among the most important sources of collecting materials at the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources (KCRZG). The choice of Lithuania as a place to search for genetic resources was associated with historical relations with Poland. In the years 2011 - 2013 three collecting missions took place, collecting 32 accessions of Avena sativa L. with passport data. Collected samples were sown on 2.5 m2 plots at Radzików IHAR in 2012, 2013, 2014. 600 seeds were manually sown on each plot. During observations, plant lodging andemerging diseases were noted, and thousand grain weight and yield was calculated. For most accessions, panicles appeared later than in reference varieties. Local objects in this category were higher than the reference objects and had a low lodging degree. Local oat can be a source of individual, unique traits for breeding
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Polish version of the core outcome measures index for low back pain
PURPOSE: The Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) is a short, multidimensional outcome scale validated for the use by patients with spinal disorders. It is a recommended instrument in the Spine Society of Europe Spine Tango Registry. The purpose of this study was to produce a cross-culturally adapted and validated Polish COMI. METHODS: The cross-cultural adaptation was carried out using the established guidelines. One-hundred and sixty-nine patients with chronic low back pain were enrolled, 89 took part in the reproducibility part of the study. Data quality, construct validity and reproducibility were assessed. RESULTS: The quality of data was very good with very few missing answers and modest floor effect. Reliability expressed as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.90 (95 % CI 0.85–0.93) for the overall COMI score and for most of the individual core items. The minimum detectable change (MDC(95%)) was 1.79. CONCLUSIONS: The Polish version of COMI showed a favorable reproducibility similar to that of previously tested language versions. The COMI scores correlated sufficiently with existing measures. This version of the COMI is a valuable instrument for the use by Polish-speaking patients with spinal disorders. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00586-012-2607-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users