15 research outputs found

    Kontrola arteritisa konja na jednoj ergeli.

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    An epidemiology of infection with equine arteritis virus (EAV) on one stud farm with approximately 350 horses in the period from 1995 to 2008 was studied. Infection was detected by virological methods, using a virus neutralisation test (VNT) for EAV antibody detection in serum samples, and virus isolation and RT-PCR test for virus detection in semen. No clinical picture of the disease was observed. The highest seroprevalence (nearly 100%) was among stallions and old mares, while seroprevalence among young fi llies, before mating, was lower than 9%. A high incidence for seroconversion was detected among fi llies after mating. Virus was detected by RT-PCR and by a virus isolation test in the semen of 40.7% of 76 seropositive stallions. The 8 stallions, which were shedding EAV, were infected within the period of the first three years after birth, but the other 12 seropositive stallions, which were negative for EAV in semen samples, became firstly seropositive 5 years after birth. In this study we confirmed that the major transmission of EAV on the stud farm occurred from shedding stallions to fillies during the mating time, but an important role of virus transmission to other horses is also played by contact between different groups of animals. Virus positive stallions were castrated and a new breeding unit for young foals was established. EAV negative foals were vaccinated and were bred outside the farm up to 3 years of age.Prikazana je epizootiologija arteritisa konja na jednoj ergeli s 350 konja u razdoblju od 1995. do 2008. godine. Zaraza je bila dokazana na osnovi seroloÅ”ke pretrage virus neutralizacijskim testom (VNT), izdvajanja i identifikacije virusa te RT-PCR-om u sjemenu pastuha. Klinički znakovi bolesti nisu bili primijećeni. Najveća seroprevalencija (gotovo 100%) bila je dokazana u pastuha i starih kobila dok je seroprevalencija u ždrjebica prije pripusta bila manja od 9%. Visoka incidencija serokonverzije bila je dokazana u ždrjebica nakon pripusta. Virus je bio dokazan RT-PCR-om i izdvojen iz sjemena 40,7% od 76 seroloÅ”ki pozitivnih pastuha. Osam pastuha koji su izlučivali virus arteritisa bilo je zaraženo u prvim trima godinama života, a ostalih 12 seroloÅ”ki pozitivnih u kojih virus nije bio izdvojen iz sjemena postali su prvi put seroloÅ”ki pozitivni pet godina nakon ždrijebljenja. Potvrđeno je da se virus u najvećoj mjeri prenosio s pastuha koji su izlučivali virus na ždrjebice za vrijeme pripusta. Za prijenos virusa važan je bio i izravan dodir među različitim skupinama životinja. Pastusi pozitivni na virus bili su kastrirani te je osnovana nova uzgojna jedinica za ždrebad. Ždrebad negativna na virus arteritisa bila je cijepljena, a do treće godine držana izvan ergele

    Recommendations of the Working group of the Croatian Society for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals in the Republic of Croatia during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Radna skupina Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora pripremila je smjernice za postupanje u pandemiji COVID-19 za osobe sa Å”ećernom boleŔću i za zdravstvene djelatnike. U preporukama su naglaÅ”eni razmjeri pandemije i moguće posljedice za oboljele od Å”ećerne bolesti. Opisana je klinička slika i ponovljene smjernice Nacionalnog stožera civilne zaÅ”tite kako se osobe od Å”ećerne bolesti mogu zaÅ”tititi i Å”to trebaju činiti za dobru regulaciju glikemije. Predložene su mjere koje trebaju provoditi zdravstvene ustanove koje skrbe o bolesnicima sa Å”ećernom boleŔću i načela zbrinjavanja glikemije u hitnom prijemu i tijekom hospitalizacije.The Working group of the Croatian Society for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association has prepared recommendations for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals in the age of COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations emphasized the scale of the pandemic and the possible consequences for those suffering from diabetes. Enclosed are clinical presentation and directions of the National civil protection headquarters on the methods that enable people with diabetes to protect themselves, and maintain their blood glucose in target range as well. Measures have been proposed to be implemented by healthcare facilities that deliver care for patients with diabetes, and the principles of glycemic control in emergency department and during hospitalization

    Hrvatske smjernice za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2 [Croatian guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes]

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    Introduction: The Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association has issued in 2011 the first national guidelines for the nutrition, education, self-control, and pharmacotherapy of diabetes type 2. According to the increased number of available medicines and new evidence related to the effectiveness and safety of medicines already involved in the therapy there was a need for update of the existing guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes in the Republic of Croatia. Participants: as co-authors of the Guidelines there are listed all members of the Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, as well as other representatives of professional societies within the Croatian Medical Association, who have contributed with comments and suggestions to the development of the Guidelines. Evidence: These guidelines are evidence-based, according to the GRADE system (eng. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation), which describes the level of evidence and strength of recommendations. Conclusions: An individual patient approach based on physiological principles in blood glucose control is essential for diabetes' patients management. Glycemic targets and selection of the pharmacological agents should be tailored to the patient, taking into account the age, duration of disease, life expectancy, risk of hypoglyce- mia, comorbidities, developed vascular and other complications as well as other factors. Because of all this, is of national interest to have a practical, rational and applicable guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes


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    Uvod: Hrvatsko druÅ”tvo za dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora izradilo je 2011. godine prve nacionalne smjernice o prehrani, edukaciji i samokontroli te farmakoloÅ”kom liječenju Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2. Sukladno povećanom broju dostupnih lijekova te novim spoznajama o učinkovitosti i sigurnosti primjene već uključenih lijekova, pokazala se potreba za obnovom postojećih smjernica za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2 u Republici Ā­Hrvatskoj. Sudionici: Kao koautori Smjernica navedeni su svi članovi Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora, kao i ostalih uključenih stručnih druÅ”tava, koji su svojim komentarima i prijedlozima pridonijeli izradi Smjernica. Dokazi: Ove su Smjernice utemeljene na dokazima, prema sustavu GRADE (engl. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) koji uz razinu dokaza opisuje i snagu preporuke. Zaključci: Individualan pristup temeljen na fizioloÅ”kim principima regulacije glikemije nuždan je u liječenju osoba sa Å”ećernom bolesti. Ciljeve liječenja i odabir medikamentne terapije treba prilagoditi oboljeloj osobi, uzimajući u obzir životnu dob, trajanje bolesti, očekivano trajanje života, rizik od hipoglikemije, komorbiditete, razvijene vaskularne i ostale komplikacije, kao i ostale čimbenike. Zbog svega navedenoga od nacionalnog je interesa imati praktične, racionalne i provedive smjernice za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2.Introduction: The Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association has issued in 2011 the first national guidelines for the nutrition, education, self-control, and pharmacotherapy of Ā­diabetes type 2. According to the increased number of available medicines and new evidence related to the effectiveness and safety of medicines already involved in the therapy there was a need for update of the existing guidelines for the Ā­pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes in the Republic of Croatia. Participants: as co-authors of the Guidelines there are listed all members of the Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, as well as other representatives of professional societies within the Croatian Medical Association, who have contributed with comments and suggestions to the development of the Guidelines. Evidence: These guidelines are evidence-based, according to the GRADE system (eng. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation), which describes the level of evidence and strength of recommendations. Conclusions: An individual patient approach based on physiological principles in blood glucose control is essential for diabetesā€™ patients management. Glycemic targets and selection of the pharmacological agents should be tailored to the patient, taking into account the age, duration of disease, life expectancy, risk of hypoglycemia, comorbidities, developed vascular and other complications as well as other factors. Because of all this, is of national interest to have a practical, rational and applicable guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes

    Equine viral arteritis

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    Equine viral arteritis (EVA) is a contagious disease of equids caused by equine artheritis virus (EAV), widespread in most countries in the world, where patients are diagnosed. The infection usually starts asymptomatic. Clinical signs indicate respiratory infection of different intensity and also abortions are present at different stages of gestation. Large prevalence of this disease in the world has become a growing economic problem. The disease is specific to a particular kind of animals, and it affects only equids (horses, donkeys, mules, mule and zebras). In countries where the infection has been confirmed, the percentage of positive animals differ. Likewise, there is difference in percentage among certain animal kinds. The highest percentage of positive animals has been found in totters and the lowest in cold-blooded

    Influence of sexually transmitted infections in a horse breeding

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    The most frequent problems in horses reproduction are generally divided into those of infectious and non infectious etiology. Common causes of infectious diseases are usualĀ­ly viruses and bacteria, and less frequently protozoa, mykoplasma and fungi. In this work there are presented the most important fact about sexually transmitted diseases, their clinical picture, risk factors, preventive measures as well as measures to prevent and eradicate the diseases. The biggest risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases in horses are breeding stallions, both in natural mating and in artificial insemination. Therefore, in order to prevent genital infections in horses, it is essential that the stallions used for breeding are healthy (non-infected). That can be determined with certainty only if the stallions are examined (tested) just before the breeding season on most frequent sexually transmitted diseases (CEM,EAV). It is well known that in most cases the clinical picture of sexually transmitted diseses is not manifested on genitals. As well, variations in clinical picture can be expected also in mares, depending on the stage of the disease and its etiology. Harms arising from sexually transmitted diseases can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct damage occurs in the form of endometritis, miscarriage, stillbirths and births of weak foals, and indirect in restricting the traffic of infected and suspicios animals, isolation of the infected ones as well as medical treatment and interrupting mating

    Monitoring of unhatched eggs in HermannŹ¼s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) after artificial incubation and possible improvements in hatching

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    The causes of embryonic mortality in Hermannā€™s tortoises (Testudo hermanni) during artificial incubation were determined. Total egg failure at the end of the hatching period was investigated. The hatching artefacts represented 19.2% (N = 3557) of all eggs (N = 18,520). The viability rate of incubated eggs was 80.8%. The eggs, i.e., embryos, were sorted according to the cause of unsuccessful hatching and subsequently analyzed. Some of the eggs were divided into two or more groups. Unfertilized eggs were confirmed in 61.0%, infected eggs in 52.5%, and eggs in various stages of desiccation in 19.1%. This group also included mummified embryos. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus sp., Purpureocillium lilacinum, and Escherichia coli were frequently confirmed in infected eggs. Embryos were divided into three groups: embryos up to 1.0 cmā€”group 1 (2.2%), embryos from 1.0 cm to 1.5 cmā€”group 2 (5.4%) and embryos longer than 1.5 cmā€”group 3 (7.3%) of all unhatched eggs. Inability of embryos to peck the shell was found in 1.3%. These tortoises died shortly before hatching. Embryos still alive from the group 2 and group 3 were confirmed in 0.7% of cases. Dead and alive deformed embryos and twins were detected in the group 3 in 0.5% and 0.1% of cases, respectively. For successful artificial hatching, it is important to establish fumigation with disinfectants prior to incubation and elimination of eggs with different shapes, eggs with broken shells, and eggs weighted under 10 g. Eggs should be candled before and periodically during artificial incubation, and all unfertilized and dead embryos must be removed. Heartbeat monitor is recommended. Proper temperature and humidity, incubation of ā€œcleanā€ eggs on sterile substrate and control for the presence of mites is essential. Monitoring of the parent tortoises is also necessary