71 research outputs found

    Structural and optical properties of HDPE implanted with medium fluences silver ions

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    The implantation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has been conducted using Ag+ ions with energy of 60 keV, achieved fluences 1.5 and 10•1015 ions/cm2. Transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and field emission gun - scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) showed the existence of nanoparticle clusters. X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the presence of silver in the sample surface region. The surface topography was studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM), while the surface composition uniformity was analyzed using phase imaging AFM. Optical characterization obtained by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) showed changes in refractive index, extinction coefficient and the optical band gap with the fluence of implanted ions

    Green Alkali Activated Materials Based on The Different Precursors

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    The main goal of this study was the evaluation of physical–chemical, as well as radiological properties of residual materials used for synthesis of alkali activated materials (AAMs) for the possible application as new materials in a civil engineering industry. Also, the purpose of this research was to investigate the hydrophobicity of new alumino-silicate materials and the influence of Si/Al ratio on their surface properties. Contact angle measurement (CAM) as reliable indicator of hydrophobicity was determined for synthesized AAMs using water and ethylene glycol as reference liquids. Alkali-activated materials were synthesized from various precursors: kaolin, bentonite and diatomite. Characterization of phase structure and microstructure was performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX) spectroscopy. Contact angle measurements confirmed that the alkali-activated materials synthesized from metakaolin are the most porous, which can be explained by the smallest Si/Al ratio. The maximum value of contact angle and free surface energy (110.2 mJ/m2 ) has been achieved for alkali-activated materials synthesized by diatomite (GPMD). Concentration of 40K and radionuclides from the 238U and 232Th decay series in waste precursors, their metaphases and AAM samples synthetized by alkali activation were determined together with corresponding absorbed dose rate (D˙) and the annual effective dose rate. Natural activity concentrations in the alkali-activated materials were found to be lower than that of both residual materials and calcined ones

    Characterization of red mud/metakaolin-based geopolymers as modified by Ca(OH)2

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    Geopolymers are an emerging class of materials that offer an alternative to the Portland cement as the binder of structural concrete. One of the advantages is that the primary source of their production is waste alumosilicate materials from different industries. One of the key issues in geopolymer synthesis is the low level of mechanical properties due to porosity as well as the high activity of conductivity carriers. It can often lead to limited application possibilities, so the objective is to obtain an enhanced strength as well as decreased cracking tendency through microstructure modification. The introduction of Ca(OH)2, under certain pH conditions could lead to the filling-the-pores process and improving the mechanical properties. The aim was to understand the role that calcium plays in the geopolymer synthesis, and to define which reaction prevails under the synthesis conditions: formation of geopolymer gel or calcium silicate hydrate that contains aluminum substitution (CASH). The synthesis was performed with different raw materials (with or without red mud) and different alkalinity conditions. Ca(OH)2 was the obligatory supplement to both of the mixtures. Different techniques were performed for the testing of reaction products, as well as to define the microstructural changes as the generator of improved mechanical properties and changed electrical conductivity. The characteristics of the geopolymer's macrostructure were defined by means of an SEM analysis. Compressive strength and electrical conductivity are among the investigated product's properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) were used for the identification of various crystalline phases and an amorphous phase

    Mechanochemical treatment and structural properties of lead adsorption on kaolinite (Rudovci, Serbia)

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    In the present work, remediation of lead-containing solution using raw and modified kaolinite has been presented. The micro and nanostructure of samples has been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Laser diffraction and scattering (LDS), was analyzed by particle size analyzer based on laser diffraction and particle size distribution (PSD) was done. The degree of metal adsorption was evaluated analyzing the Pb(II) contaminated samples by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (micro- and nanostructure on immobilization efficiency correlCP AES). The results show the impact of immobilization efficiency and ation between micro- and nanostructure. The thermodynamic data (Delta HA degrees, Delta SA degrees, Delta GA degrees) are calculated from the temperature-dependent sorption isotherms. The results suggest sorption process of Pb(II) on kaolinite as spontaneous and endothermic

    The influence of alumino-silicate matrix composition on surface hydrophobic properties

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    The purpose of this investigation is to investigate the hydrophobicity of geopolymers, new alumino-silicate materials and the influence of Si/Al ratio on their surface properties. Contact angle measurement (CAM) as reliable indicator of hydrophobicity was determined for synthesized geopolymers using water and ethylene-glycol as reference liquids. Geopolymers were synthesized from various precursors: Kaolin, bentonite and diatomite. Characterization of phase structure and microstructure was performed by XRD, FTIR, SEM/EDX methods. Contact angle measurements confirmed that the geopolymers synthesized from metakaolin are the most porous, which can be explained by the smallest Si/Al ratio. The maximum value of contact angle and free surface energy (110.2 mJ/m2) has been achieved for geopolymer synthesized by diatoms (GPMD). SEM micrograph of GPMD shows a homogeneous surface with some longitudinal cavities in the gel and is significantly different from the micrographs of other two geopolymer samples, GPMB and GPMK

    Structural Characteristics and Adsorption Properties of Alkali Activated Blends Ashes/Metakaolin

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    The aim of this paper is to show the possibility of using waste materials, blends of (wood ash, fly ash, from thermal power plant, and metakaolin) for the production of alkali activated materials that can be used to purify wastewater from different kinds of pollutants such as heavy metals. Heavy metals are toxic, especially cadmium, so they must be removed from wastewater to prevent or minimize contact with the environment and humans. The synthesis of the alkali activated materials was performed by mixing solid precursors with a liquid alkali activator. Two- and three-component systems of wood ash, fly ash and metakaolin (wood ash/fly ash, wood ash/metakaolin, fly ash/metakaolin and wood ash/fly ash/metakaolin) were used as precursor materials. The alkali activator solution was a mixture of sodium silicate solution and sodium hydroxide solution of concentrations (6M and 12M). The characterization of alkali activated materials was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). XRD measurements of investigated samples showed a characteristic halo between 18 and 35º 2 with a dominant crystal phase of quartz. FTIR spectroscopy showed that the main vibration band of all investigated samples appeared between 1037-996 cm-1, and corresponds to Si-O-Si/Si-O-Al bands. SEM/EDS analysis was used to determine the microstructure of the samples. The adsorption efficiency of the investigated alkali activated materials for removing cadmium ions from aqueous solution was tested under different conditions: initial concentration of cadmium ions in the range of 20-100 mg/l, pH values from 3 to 7 and mass of adsorbents from 0.02-0.05 g

    Cesium removal from aqueous solution by natural mineral clinoptilolite

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the Cs+ ions sorption on natural minerals clinoptilolite. The analysis of clinoptilolite and clinoptilolite with adsorbed Cs+ ion was conducted by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence, and gamma spectrometry. The specific activity of naturally occurring radionuclides in clinoptilolite was determined by gamma spectrometry by using the HPGe semiconductor detector. Obtained activity concentrations ranged from 49 Bq/kg to 810 Bq/kg for K-40, 5.7 Bq/kg to 10 Bq/kg for U-238, 5.8 Bq/kg to 70 Bq/kg for Th-232(Ac-228), and the presence of artificial radionuclides was not detected (Cs-137 lt 0.02 Bq/kg). The study of the thermal decomposition of raw clinoptilolite and Cs adsorbed clinoptilolite by differential thermal analysis is presented in this paper. The activation energy of the reaction phase transformation of raw clinoptilolite is 156.7 kJ/mol, while Cs adsorbed clinoptilolite is 121.7 kJ/mol. The lower value of activation energy reaction of the phase transformation Cs adsorbed clinoptilolite indicates that Cs which is adsorbed destabilizes the crystal structure of clinoptilolite and thus facilitates the transition to the amorphous state

    Radiological and physico-chemical characterization of red mud as an Al-containing precursor in inorganic binders for the building industry

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    The potential re-use of red mud in the building and construction industry has been the subject of research of many scientists. The presented research is a contribution to the potential solution of this environmental issue through the synthesis of potential construction materials based on red mud. A promising way of recycling these secondary raw materials is the synthesis of alkali-activated binders or alkali activated materials. Alkali-activated materials or inorganic binders based on red mud are a new class of materials obtained by activation of inorganic precursors mainly constituted by silica, alumina and low content of calcium oxide. Since red mud contains radioactive elements like 226Ra and 232Th, this may be a problem for its further utilization. The content of naturally occurring radionuclides in manufactured material products with potential application in the building and construction industry is important from the standpoint of radiation protection. Gamma radiation of the primordial radionuclides, 40K and members of the uranium and thorium series, increases the external gamma dose rate. However, more and more precedence is being given to limiting the radiological dose originating from building materials on the population these days. The aim of this research was to investigate the possible influence of alkali activation-polymerization processes on the natural radioactivity of alkali activated materials synthesized by red mud (BOKSIT a. d. Milići, Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and their structural properties. This research confirmed that during the polymerization process the natural radioactivity was reduced, and that the process of alkali activation of raw materials has an influence on natural radioactivity of synthesized materials

    Composition of red mud and/or metakaolin-based modified geopolymers

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    There is potential use of red mud for synthesis of inorganic polymeric materials through a geopolymerization process as an alternative in the sectors of construction and building materials. By introducing of inorganic and organic modificators of microstructure (calcium hydroxide, bifunctional epoxy resins, or various types of alkoxylanes) during the geopolymer synthesis the enhanced values of ductility and strength can be obtained. Research was performed on alumosilicate material (red mud and metakaolin) and alkali activator raw mixture with defined quantity of modificator. The best sinthesys conditions were identified. Post-synthesis curing also play important role in obtaining of good-performing geopolymers. Characteristics of geopolymers were defined by measuring of compressive strength, N2-physisorption, as well as by SEM analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In addition the lower value of zeta potential was identified as the assisting factor for the specific structure domains formation (within the certain range of pH) accompanied by the high compressive strength

    Structural and electrical properties of geopolymer materials based on different precursors (kaolin, bentonite and diatomite)

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    Geopolymers (GP) were successfully synthesized from metabentonite (MB), metadiatomite (MD) and metakaolinite (MK). Characterization of their phase structure and microstructure was performed by XRD, FTIR, SEM/EDX methods. A SEM micrograph of GPMD shows a homogeneous surface with some longitudinal cavities in the gel, and it is significantly different from the micrographs of the other two geopolymer samples, GPMB and GPMK. A considerable amount of unreacted particles, as well as the presence of pores in the geopolymer matrix of GPMK and GPMD, indicate an incomplete reaction in the system. Aluminosilicate inorganic polymers, geopolymers, are quasi solid electrolytes which possess a high electrical conductivity at room temperature in relation to materials of similar chemical composi-tion. The highest conductivity was found for the sample obtained from GPMK, amounting to 2.14 x 10-2 Ω-1cm-1 at 700 oC. The corresponding activation energies of conductivity for this sample amounted to 0.33 eV in the temperature range of 500-700 oC. The geopolymer synthesized from metakaolin has good ionic conductivity values, which recommends it for use as an alternative material for an SOFC (Solid Ox-ide Fuel Cell)