237 research outputs found

    Genome-wide analysis of the UDP-glucose dehydrogenase gene family in Arabidopsis, a key enzyme for matrix polysaccharides in cell walls

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    Arabidopsis cell walls contain large amounts of pectins and hemicelluloses, which are predominantly synthesized via the common precursor UDP-glucuronic acid. The major enzyme for the formation of this nucleotide-sugar is UDP-glucose dehydrogenase, catalysing the irreversible oxidation of UDP-glucose into UDP-glucuronic acid. Four functional gene family members and one pseudogene are present in the Arabidopsis genome, and they show distinct tissue-specific expression patterns during plant development. The analyses of reporter gene lines indicate gene expression of UDP-glucose dehydrogenases in growing tissues. The biochemical characterization of the different isoforms shows equal affinities for the cofactor NAD+ (~40 ”M) but variable affinities for the substrate UDP-glucose (120–335 ”M) and different catalytic constants, suggesting a regulatory role for the different isoforms in carbon partitioning between cell wall formation and sucrose synthesis as the second major UDP-glucose-consuming pathway. UDP-glucose dehydrogenase is feedback inhibited by UDP-xylose. The relatively (compared with a soybean UDP-glucose dehydrogenase) low affinity of the enzymes for the substrate UDP-glucose is paralleled by the weak inhibition of the enzymes by UDP-xylose. The four Arabidopsis UDP-glucose dehydrogenase isoforms oxidize only UDP-glucose as a substrate. Nucleotide-sugars, which are converted by similar enzymes in bacteria, are not accepted as substrates for the Arabidopsis enzymes

    PrimÀre und sekundÀre Resistenzmechanismen der EGFR Blockade

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    Die Blockade des EGF Rezeptors ist fester Bestandteil in der Therapie von Kopf-Hals Plattenepithelkarzinomen. Trotz zahlreicher klinisch, translationaler und prĂ€klinischer Forschungen konnte bis zum heutigen Tag kein prĂ€diktiver Biomarker fĂŒr die Behandlung von Kopf-Hals Karzinomen validiert werden. Die dargestellten Arbeiten zeigen sehr gut die Chancen und gleichzeitig die Limitationen von translationaler Forschung mit dem Ziel der Definition prĂ€diktiver Biomarker auf. Patientenproben sind in der Regel FFPE fixiert, bergen den Nachteil der z.T. langen Lagerung einhergehend mit NukleinsĂ€uredegradierung und sind nur fĂŒr einen Teil interessanter Fragestellungen zu gebrauchen. Weiterhin findet in der Regel eine multimodale Behandlung statt, die den Stellenwert eines einzelnen biologischen Charakteristikums, wie in den Arbeiten beispielhaft an Amphiregulin oder EGFRvIII Expression gezeigt, in der Interpretation erschweren. PrĂ€klinische Modelle, die die Erkrankungssituation 1:1 widerspiegeln, gibt es nicht. Ein prĂ€klinisches Modell, dass nah am Ausgangstumor bleibt, ist das PDX Modell. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine grosse Zahl von Kopf-Hals Tumor Xenograftmodellen sehr gut geeignet sind, Hypothesen zu generieren

    Nanostructured biosensors with DNA-based receptors for real-time detection of small analytes

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    In zahlreichen lebenswichtigen Bereichen haben sich Biosensoren als unverzichtbare MessgerĂ€te erwiesen. Der Nachweis von spezifischen MolekĂŒlen im Körper fĂŒr eine frĂŒhzeitige Krankheitserkennung erfordert empfindliche und zugleich zuverlĂ€ssige Messmethoden. Ein rasantes Fortschreiten im Bereich der Nanotechnologie fĂŒhrt dabei zur Entwicklung von Materialien mit neuen Eigenschaften, und damit verbunden, auch zu innovativen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Biosensorik. Das Zusammenspiel von Nanotechnologie und Sensortechnik gewĂ€hrleistet die Konstruktion von Sensoren mit empfindlicheren Nachweisgrenzen und kĂŒrzeren Reaktionszeiten. Die Option zur Integration und Miniaturisierung stellen daher einen erfolgreichen Einsatz in direkter PatientennĂ€he in Aussicht, sodass Nanobiosensoren die BrĂŒcke zwischen Laborddiagnostik und Standardanwendungen schließen können. Die folgende Arbeit widmet sich der Anwendung von nanostrukturierten Biosensoren fĂŒr einen empfindlichen und markierungsfreien Nachweis von ZielmolekĂŒlen. Ein Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf der kontinuierlichen Messung von Biomarkern mit kompakten Auslesesystemen, die eine direkte Signalmeldung und somit eine Detektion in Echtzeit ermöglichen. Dies erfordert zunĂ€chst die sorgfĂ€ltige Funktionalisierung von SensoroberflĂ€chen mit geeigneten DNA-basierten Rezeptoren. Infolgedessen werden beispielhaft verschiedene Sensorsysteme, Analyten und Charakterisierungsmethoden vorgestellt sowie universelle Strategien fĂŒr die erfolgreiche Konfiguration von Nanobiosensorplattformen prĂ€sentiert. Das erste Anwendungsbeispiel widmet sich einem plasmonischen Biosensor, bei dem vertikal ausgerichtete Gold-Nanoantennen Signale mittels sog. lokalisierter OberflĂ€chenplasmonenresonanz (LSPR) erzeugen. Mit dem Sensor konnte erfolgreich die Immobilisierung, das nachtrĂ€gliche Blocken sowie die anschließende Hybridisierung von DNA nachgewiesen werden. Mithilfe des LSPR-Sensors wurden gleichzeitig grundlegende Hybridisierungsmechanismen auf nanostrukturierten und planaren OberflĂ€chen verglichen und damit verbunden die einzigartigen optischen Eigenschaften metallischer Nanostrukturen betont. In einem zweiten Anwendungsbeispiel misst ein elektrischer Biosensor kontinuierlich die Konzentration des Stressmarkers Cortisol im menschlichen Speichel. Der direkte, markierungsfreie Nachweis von Cortisol mit Silizium-Nanodraht basierten Feldeffekttransistoren (SiNW FET) wurde anhand zugrunde liegender Ladungsverteilungen innerhalb des entstandenen Rezeptor-Analyte-Komplexes bewertet, sodass ein Nachweis des Analyten innerhalb der sog. Debye-LĂ€nge ermöglicht wird. Die erfolgreiche Strategie zur OberflĂ€chenfunktionalisierung im Zusammenspiel mit dem Einsatz von SiNW FETs auf einem tragbaren MessgerĂ€t wurde anhand des Cortisolnachweises im Speichel belegt. Ein ĂŒbereinstimmender Vergleich der gemessenen Corisolkonzentrationen mit Werten, die mit einer kommerziellen Alternative ermittelt wurden, verdeutlichen das Potential der entwickelten Plattform. Zusammenfassend veranschaulichen beide vorgestellten Nanobiosensor-Plattformen die vielseitige und vorteilhafte LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der Systeme fĂŒr einen kontinuierlichen Nachweis von Biomarkern in Echtzeit und vorzugsweise in PatientennĂ€he.:Kurzfassung I Abstract III Abbreviations and symbols V Content VII 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Scope of the thesis 4 1.2 References 6 2 Fundamentals 9 2.1 Biosensors 9 2.2 Influence of nanotechnology on sensor development 10 2.3 Biorecognition elements 12 2.3.1 Biorecognition element: DNA 13 2.3.2 Aptamers 14 2.3.3 Immobilization of receptors 15 2.4 Transducer systems 17 2.4.1 Optical biosensors - surface plasmon resonance 17 2.4.2 Electric Biosensors – Field-effect transistors (FETs) 21 2.5 Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor - MOSFET 21 2.6 Summary 26 2.7 References 27 3 Materials and methods 33 3.1 Plasmonic biosensors based on vertically aligned gold nanoantennas 33 3.1.1 Materials 33 3.1.2 Manufacturing of nanoantenna arrays 34 3.1.3 Surface modification and characterization 35 3.1.4 Measurement setup for detection of analytes 38 3.2 SiNW FET-based real-time monitoring of cortisol 40 3.2.1 Materials 40 3.2.2 Manufacturing of silicon nanowire field effect transistors (SiNW FETs) 42 3.2.3 Integration of SiNW FETs into a portable platform 42 3.2.4 Biomodification and characterization of electronic biosensors SiNW FETs 42 3.2.5 Electric characterization of FETs 47 3.3 References 50 4 Plasmonic DNA biosensor based on vertical arrays of gold nanoantennas 51 4.1 Introduction - Optical biosensors operating by means of LSPR 53 4.2 Biosensing with vertically aligned gold nanoantennas 56 4.2.1 Sensor fabrication, characterization, and integration 56 4.2.2 Integration of microfluidics 58 4.2.3 Immobilization of probe DNA and backfilling 58 4.2.4 Hybridization of complementary DNA strands 62 4.2.5 Surface coverage and hybridization efficiency of DNA 69 4.2.6 Refractive index sensing 72 4.2.7 Backfilling and blocking 73 4.3 Summary 75 4.4 References 77 5 Label-free detection of salivary cortisol with SiNW FETs 83 5.1 Introduction 85 5.2 Design, integration, and performance of SiNW FETs into a portable platform 89 5.2.1 Structure and electrical characteristics of honeycomb SiNW FETs 89 5.2.2 Integration of SiNW FET into a portable measuring unit 91 5.2.3 Performance of SiNW FET arrays 93 5.3 Detection of biomolecules with SiNW FETs 102 5.3.1 General considerations for biodetection with FETs 102 5.3.2 Sensing aptamers with FETs 103 5.3.3 Biodetection of the analyte cortisol with SiNW FETs 104 5.3.4 Detection of cortisol with SiNW FETs 112 5.4 Summary 119 5.5 References 121 6 Summary and outlook 131 6.1 Summary 131 6.2 Perspectives – toward multiplexed biosensing applications 134 6.3 References 137 Appendix i A.1 Protocols i A.1.1 Functionalization of gold antennas with thiolated DNA i A.1.2 Functionalization of SiO2 with TESPSA and amino-modified receptors i A.1.3 Functionalization with APTES and carboxyl-modified receptors ii A.1.4 Preparation of microfluidic channels via soft lithography ii A.2 Predicted secondary structures iv A.2.1 Secondary structures of 100base pair target without probe-strands iv A.2.2 Secondary structures of 100base pair target with 25 base pair probe-strand x Versicherung xvii Acknowledgments xix List of publications xxi Peer-reviewed publications xxi Publications in preparation xxi Selected international conferences xxii Curriculum Vitae xxiiiBiosensors have proven to be indispensable in numerous vital areas. For example, detecting the presence and concentration of specific biomarkers requires sensitive and reliable measurement methods. Rapid developments in the field of nanotechnology lead to nanomaterials with new properties and associated innovative applications. Thus, nanotechnology has a far-reaching impact on biosensors' development, e.g., delivery of biosensing devices with greater sensitivity, shorter response times, and precise but cost-effective sensor platforms. In addition, nanobiosensors hold high potential for integration and miniaturization and can operate directly at the point of care - serving as a bridge between diagnostics and routine tests. This work focuses on applying nanostructured biosensors for the sensitive and label-free detection of analytes. A distinct aim is the continuous monitoring of biomarkers with compact read-out systems to provide direct, valuable feedback in real-time. The first step in achieving this goal is the adequate functionalization of nanostructured sensor surfaces with suitable receptors to detect analytes of interest. Due to their thermal and chemical stability with the possibility for customizable functionalization, DNA-based receptors are selected. Thereupon, universal strategies for confining nanobiosensor platforms are presented using different sensor systems, analytes, and characterization methods. As a first application, a plasmonic biosensor based on vertically aligned gold nanoantennas tracked the immobilization, blocking, and subsequent hybridization of DNA by means of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). At the same time, the LSPR sensor was used to evaluate fundamental hybridization mechanisms on nanostructured and planar surfaces, emphasizing the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures. In a second application, an electric sensor based on silicon nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW FET) monitored the level of the stress marker cortisol in human saliva. Based on evaluating the underlying charge distributions within the resulting receptor-analyte complex of molecules, the detection of cortisol within the Debye length is facilitated. Thus, direct, label-free detection of cortisol in human saliva using SiNW FET was successfully applied to the developed platform and compared to cortisol levels obtained using a commercial alternative. In summary, both presented platforms indicate a highly versatile and beneficial performance of nanobiosensors for continuous detection of biomarkers in real-time and preferably point-of-care (POC).:Kurzfassung I Abstract III Abbreviations and symbols V Content VII 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Scope of the thesis 4 1.2 References 6 2 Fundamentals 9 2.1 Biosensors 9 2.2 Influence of nanotechnology on sensor development 10 2.3 Biorecognition elements 12 2.3.1 Biorecognition element: DNA 13 2.3.2 Aptamers 14 2.3.3 Immobilization of receptors 15 2.4 Transducer systems 17 2.4.1 Optical biosensors - surface plasmon resonance 17 2.4.2 Electric Biosensors – Field-effect transistors (FETs) 21 2.5 Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor - MOSFET 21 2.6 Summary 26 2.7 References 27 3 Materials and methods 33 3.1 Plasmonic biosensors based on vertically aligned gold nanoantennas 33 3.1.1 Materials 33 3.1.2 Manufacturing of nanoantenna arrays 34 3.1.3 Surface modification and characterization 35 3.1.4 Measurement setup for detection of analytes 38 3.2 SiNW FET-based real-time monitoring of cortisol 40 3.2.1 Materials 40 3.2.2 Manufacturing of silicon nanowire field effect transistors (SiNW FETs) 42 3.2.3 Integration of SiNW FETs into a portable platform 42 3.2.4 Biomodification and characterization of electronic biosensors SiNW FETs 42 3.2.5 Electric characterization of FETs 47 3.3 References 50 4 Plasmonic DNA biosensor based on vertical arrays of gold nanoantennas 51 4.1 Introduction - Optical biosensors operating by means of LSPR 53 4.2 Biosensing with vertically aligned gold nanoantennas 56 4.2.1 Sensor fabrication, characterization, and integration 56 4.2.2 Integration of microfluidics 58 4.2.3 Immobilization of probe DNA and backfilling 58 4.2.4 Hybridization of complementary DNA strands 62 4.2.5 Surface coverage and hybridization efficiency of DNA 69 4.2.6 Refractive index sensing 72 4.2.7 Backfilling and blocking 73 4.3 Summary 75 4.4 References 77 5 Label-free detection of salivary cortisol with SiNW FETs 83 5.1 Introduction 85 5.2 Design, integration, and performance of SiNW FETs into a portable platform 89 5.2.1 Structure and electrical characteristics of honeycomb SiNW FETs 89 5.2.2 Integration of SiNW FET into a portable measuring unit 91 5.2.3 Performance of SiNW FET arrays 93 5.3 Detection of biomolecules with SiNW FETs 102 5.3.1 General considerations for biodetection with FETs 102 5.3.2 Sensing aptamers with FETs 103 5.3.3 Biodetection of the analyte cortisol with SiNW FETs 104 5.3.4 Detection of cortisol with SiNW FETs 112 5.4 Summary 119 5.5 References 121 6 Summary and outlook 131 6.1 Summary 131 6.2 Perspectives – toward multiplexed biosensing applications 134 6.3 References 137 Appendix i A.1 Protocols i A.1.1 Functionalization of gold antennas with thiolated DNA i A.1.2 Functionalization of SiO2 with TESPSA and amino-modified receptors i A.1.3 Functionalization with APTES and carboxyl-modified receptors ii A.1.4 Preparation of microfluidic channels via soft lithography ii A.2 Predicted secondary structures iv A.2.1 Secondary structures of 100base pair target without probe-strands iv A.2.2 Secondary structures of 100base pair target with 25 base pair probe-strand x Versicherung xvii Acknowledgments xix List of publications xxi Peer-reviewed publications xxi Publications in preparation xxi Selected international conferences xxii Curriculum Vitae xxii

    Brief retrospection on Hungarian school atlases

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    Abstract. The first part of this article is dedicated to the history of Hungarian school atlases to the end of the 1st World War. Although the first maps included in a Hungarian textbook were probably made in 1751, the publication of atlases for schools is dated almost 50 years later, when professor Ézsáiás Budai created his “New School Atlas for elementary pupils” in 1800. This was followed by a long period of 90 years, when the school atlases were mostly translations and adaptations of foreign atlases, the majority of which were made in German-speaking countries. In those years, a school atlas made by a Hungarian astronomer, Antal Vállas, should be highlighted as a prominent independent piece of work. In 1890, a talented cartographer, Manó Kogutowicz founded the Hungarian Geographical Institute, which was the institution responsible for producing school atlases for the different types of schools in Hungary. The professional quality of the school atlases published by his institute was also recognized beyond the Hungarian borders by prizes won in international exhibitions. Kogutowicz laid the foundations of the current Hungarian school cartography: this statement is confirmed in the second part of this article, when three of his school atlases are presented in more detail to give examples of how the pupils were introduced to the basic cartographic and astronomic concepts as well as how different innovative solutions were used on the maps. </jats:p

    Az alföld nagy vízi-munkålatai : a vízi-térképezés kezdetei = Great water-works of the Alföld : the beginning of water-cartography

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    The history of the Hungarian Cartography has great traditions in the exploitation and utilization of the nature values and environmental capabilities that also creates European examples. I chose an example from the history of the Alföld water-cartography. In the decades after the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries a map-making process started in connection with the plans and preparation of water-regulation and drainage works, draining waterlogged areas almost as big as a the Netherlands. The countrywide significance of the Hungarian water-engineers’ cartographic activity started also at the beginning of the nineteenth century together with the beginning of flood-defense works. Nevertheless, already in the middle of the eighteenth century, with the advanced possibilities of the produce salesmanship, drainage works started. River shipping quickened this time, which also urged for regulations of rivers

    Napjaink tĂ©rkĂ©pszerkesztƑjĂ©nek dilemmĂĄja

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    A kartogrĂĄfus munkĂĄja elbƱvölƑ tevĂ©kenysĂ©g

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    Az irodalmi jelentkezĂ©s MĂłzes könyvĂ©vel kezdƑdik, majd HomĂ©rosz IliĂĄsz eposzĂĄban Ă©s ArisztophanĂ©sz FelhƑk cĂ­mƱ vĂ­gjĂĄtĂ©kĂĄban folytatĂłdik. Modern szerzƑk gondolatai szĂłrakoztatnak Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry Ă©s Umbero Eco tollĂĄbĂłl. Angol szerzƑk, James Cowan Ă©s Andrew Crumey mƱveiben fantasztikus kartogrĂĄfusi tulajdonsĂĄgokat ismerĂŒnk meg. A divatos „comic strip” fĂŒzetek hƑse is lehet Arlesto Scotch Ă©s Paul Gaudel szerzƑpĂĄrosnĂĄl a „mesterkartogrĂĄfus.” A tĂ©rkĂ©pkĂ©szĂ­tĂ©s szĂĄmĂĄra jelentƑs magassĂĄgmĂ©rĂ©si Ă©s földrajzi helymeghatĂĄrozĂĄsi feladatokat dolgozta fel nagyszerƱ regĂ©nyeiben a kĂ©t amerikai szerzƑ, Cristopher Monger Ă©s Dava Sobel
