13,665 research outputs found

    On Heckits, LATE, and Numerical Equivalence

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    Structural econometric methods are often criticized for being sensitive to functional form assumptions. We study parametric estimators of the local average treatment effect (LATE) derived from a widely used class of latent threshold crossing models and show they yield LATE estimates algebraically equivalent to the instrumental variables (IV) estimator. Our leading example is Heckman's (1979) two-step ("Heckit") control function estimator which, with two-sided non-compliance, can be used to compute estimates of a variety of causal parameters. Equivalence with IV is established for a semi-parametric family of control function estimators and shown to hold at interior solutions for a class of maximum likelihood estimators. Our results suggest differences between structural and IV estimates often stem from disagreements about the target parameter rather than from functional form assumptions per se. In cases where equivalence fails, reporting structural estimates of LATE alongside IV provides a simple means of assessing the credibility of structural extrapolation exercises

    Leadership in the NHS

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    In healthcare, leadership is decisive in influencing the quality of care and the performance of hospitals. How staff are treated significantly influences care provision and organisational performance so understanding how leaders can help ensure staff are cared for, valued, supported and respected is important. Research suggests ‘inclusion’ is a critical part of the answer. Inclusion may be regarded as the extent to which staff believe they are a valued member of the work group, in which they receive fair and equitable treatment, and believe they are encouraged to contribute to the effectiveness of that group. Inclusive workplaces and teams value the difference and uniqueness that staff bring and seek to create a sense of belonging, with equitable access to resources, opportunities and outcomes for all, regardless of demographic differences. Inclusive organisations are more likely to be ‘psychologically safe’ workplaces where staff feel confident in expressing their true selves, raising concerns and admitting mistakes without fear of being unfairly judged

    The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry Report. What it is likely to say and the Government’s likely response: a risk assessment

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    This Working Paper explores the likely impact on the safety and quality of NHS provision in the light of the likely Government response to the issues the Inquiry has indicated it will be making recommendations on. The Inquiry Report will be handed to Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt in early January 2013 and he will then respond, though it is unclear when. The Inquiry Chair has made clear the issues he is likely to make recommendations on, and the closing written and verbal submissions from the lead counsel to the Inquiry, Tom Kark QC, give a good steer on what those recommendations are likely to include. The Inquiry Report is widely regarded as being the most important such Report for a decade and comes amid unprecedented turmoil in the NHS. The recommendations and the Government response to them are likely to significantly define important policy issues, political disagreements and discussion about the future role of the providing, commissioning, supervisory and regulatory bodies. This paper provides a “Risk rating” of the main areas of the likely Inquiry recommendations based on an assessment of the impact that the likely government response will have on care quality and patient safety: Red indicates serious adverse consequences; Amber indicates moderate adverse consequences; Green indicates no adverse consequences. This Paper concludes that there will remain serious risks for many of the issues likely to be highlighted by the Inquiry Report if Government response is as may be reasonably forecast. The paper has three sections. The introduction sets the Inquiry report in context. The main section considers the central issues that the Inquiry is likely to make recommendations about. The final section considers concerns not directly considered by the Inquiry but which are regarded as impacting on the implementation of its recommendations

    An analytical basis for assaying buried biological contamination Interim report

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    Assay techniques for determining biological contamination of spacecraft material

    Aerodynamic performance of a fully film cooled core turbine vane tested with cold air in a two-dimensional cascade

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    The aerodynamic performance of a fully film cooled core turbine vane was investigated experimentally in a two-dimensional cascade of 10 vanes. Three of the 10 vanes were cooled; the others were solid (uncooled) vanes. Cold air was used for both the primary and coolant flows. The cascade test covered a range of pressure ratios corresponding to ideal exit critical velocity ratios of 0.6 to 0.95 and a range of coolant flow rates to 7.5 percent of the primary flow. The coolant flow was varied by changing the coolant supply pressure. The principal measurements were cross-channel surveys of exit total pressure, static pressure, and flow angle. The results presented include exit survey data and overall performance in terms of loss, flow angle, and weight flow for the range of exit velocity ratios and coolant flows investigated. The performance of the cooled vane is compared with the performance of an uncooled vane of the same profile and also with the performance obtained with a single cooled vane in the 10-vane cascade

    Incidence loss for a core turbine rotor blade in a two-dimensional cascade

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    The effect of incidence angle on the aerodynamic performance of an uncooled core turbine rotor blade was investigated experimentally in a two-dimensional cascade. The cascade test covered a range of incidence angles from minus 15 deg to 15 deg in 5-degree increments and a range of pressure ratios corresponding to ideal exit critical velocity ratios of 0.6 to 0.95. The principal measurements were blade-surface static pressures and cross-channel surveys of exit total pressure, static pressure, and flow angle. The results of the investigation include blade-surface velocity distribution and overall performance in terms of weight flow and loss for the range of incidence angles and exit velocity ratios investigated. The measured losses are also compared with two common methods of predicting incidence loss

    Cold-air performance evaluation of scale model oxidizer pump-drive turbine for the M-1 hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine. 3 - Performance of first stage with inlet-feedpipe-manifold assembly

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    Cold air performance test of scale model oxidizer pump drive turbine for M-1 engine - performance of first stage with inlet feedpipe manifold assembl

    The crisis of public sector trade unionism: evidence from the Mid Staffordshire hospital crisis

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    This article contends that there is a growing, if uneven, crisis in public sector trade unionism masked by relatively high membership figures that obscure a weakening of trade unions in the workplace, leaving hollowed out organisation vulnerable to further legislative and employer-led onslaughts. The weakening is not inevitable but to overcome it requires a refocusing of organising efforts on the everyday concerns of members such as understaffing and the provision of better public services. Only with an engaged membership will national issues and wider campaigns have material force. Having outlined a general argument, the article takes as illustrative the nature and performance of trade unions, and particularly UNISON, during the Mid Staffordshire hospital crisis

    DERMATOLOGÍA: Acción de la terapia multivitamínica parenteral en el tratamiento del acné

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