424 research outputs found

    Tourist business in turbulence

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    The article deals with the factors of turbulence which engulfed the tourism industry with a «whirling flood». The main causes of the impact on the tourist market are: devaluation of the rouble, the bankruptcy of the largest tour operators and Transaero Airlines, the sanctions of the West, the introduction of fingerprinting for Russian tourists, as well as the causes of non-economic nature. In the "new reality" there is an objective need to develop some new management strategies that take into account the likelihood of unexpected fluctuation

    Trends in the development of the tourism and hospitality industry through the prism of the digital economy

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    The article discusses the development trends of the tourism and hospitality industry through the prism of the digital economy. It is noted that digital technologies are changing the landscape of the industry, and global digitalization dictates the need to adapt all business processes and adapt to it

    Current issues in the development of modern guide using GIS technologies

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    At the present stage of development of the world tourism market an information technology is becoming more widespread. Modern GIS technology can create a variety of travel products. Using this materials each tourist can quickly get any information in the form of maps, digital models, graphs, charts, and other imaging methods. Particular attention should be paid to developing unique multimedia tourist guides. A full-featured multimedia audio guide has complete information to discover new cities, their streets and monuments becomes convenient, simple and at the same time fascinating. In this connection it is appropriate to develop a program for the development of recreational tourism in the Belgorod region through the use of geographic information technologies, which will include: a study of natural monuments and other tourist facilities in Belgorod region, design of new tourist routes, creating audio guides; process optimization selection of hiking trails and mor

    Tourism and hospitality marketing

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    Modeling of Condensation Reaction of Aniline to Diphenylamine by PM7 Method

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    Modeling of the condensation reaction to diphenylamine was carried out by PM7 method with acid catalysts: tetrafluoroborate, oxytrifluoroborate and anilinium oxytetratrifluoroborate. The calculated data prove that the formation of a few protonated forms of aniline is possible during the reaction of aniline with acids. Only positively charged p- and o-[sigma]-complexes are capable of further interaction with aniline. The stage of intramolecular proton transfer from the primary to the secondary amino groups of intermediates of aniline reaction with proton aniline ?-complex determines the condensation rate of aniline to diphenylamine with acid catalysts. A catalyst anion can form ionic and ion-dipole complexes with reaction mixture components and can influence the distribution of electron density in reactants and their reactivity with its field

    Application of information technologies in the system of continuous education

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    The article considers the importance of information technologies for the development of the system of continuous education. The possibilities of using the Google service in the educational process are presentedВ статье рассматривается значение информационных технологий для развития системы непрерывного образования. Приведены возможности использования сервиса Google в учебном процесс

    Experience of introduction of information support in management of the quality management system of secondary vocational education institutions

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    The value of information technologies for ensuring effective functioning of management of a quality management system in an educational institution is shown. Experiment of the Verkhnyaya Pyshma mekhaniko-technological technical school «Youth» on introduction of the software product automating processes of management of a quality management system is givenПоказано значение информационных технологий для обеспечения эффективного функционирования управления системой менеджмента качества в образовательном учреждении. Приведен опыт Верхнепышминского механико-технологического техникума «Юность» по внедрению программного продукта, автоматизирующего процессы управления системой менеджмента качеств

    Talitsa regional studies: history and perspectives

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    Рассматривается история краеведческого движения в Талицком районе начиная с 1960-х гг. Ведущая роль в распространении знаний о крае принадлежит Талицкому районному обществу краеведов, созданному в 1986 г. Подробно представлена деятельность талицких краеведов по созданию музеев, выпуску изданий, организации краеведческих конференций и других мероприятий.The article consists in the history of regional studies in the 1960s in Talitsa region. The Talitsa regional society of local historians since 1986 has a leading role to dissemination of region knowledge. There is an image of Talitsa local historians’ work with the establish museums, publishing work, organization of conferences and other events

    The use of information and communication technologies in secondary vocational education institutions

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    The article deals with the importance and possibilities of information and communication technologies in the training of specialists in secondary vocational educationВ статье рассматриваются значение и возможности информационно-коммуникационных технологий при подготовке специалистов в системе среднего профессионального образовани

    Modular training program with the use of information technology in the system of continuous

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    The article deals with the importance of information technology in the modular training program for the development of continuing education. The possibilities of modular competence approach with the use of information technologies are givenВ статье рассматривается значение информационных технологий при модульной программе обучения для развития системы непрерывного образования. Приведены возможности модульно-компетентостного подхода с использованием информационных технологи