259 research outputs found


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    The article shows the peculiar features of state regulation of providing foreign students with educational services in Ukrainian universities. A comparative analysis of the current legislation towards certain aspects of the state regulation of educational services in terms of foreign students training and retraining was made. The necessity was proven and examples of possible tools for improving, at the state level, administrative methods for granting permission for the establishment and conduct of foreign students training and retraining by amending the existing procedure for licensing the provision of educational services in Ukrainian universities were given.В статье раскрыты особенности государственного регулирования предоставления образовательных услуг иностранцам высшими учебными заведениями Украины. Проведенный сравнительный анализ действующего законодательства по отдельным аспектам государственного регулирования предоставления образовательных услуг в части подготовки и переподготовки иностранцев. Осуществлено обоснование необходимости и приведены возможные инструменты совершенствования на государственном уровне административных методов предоставления разрешений на подготовку и переподготовку иностранцев путем внесения изменений в существующую процедуру лицензирования предоставления образовательных услуг высшими учебными заведениями.У статті розкрито особливості державного регулювання надання освітніх послуг іноземцям закладами вищої освіти України. Проведено порівняльний аналіз чинного законодавства щодо окремих аспектів державного регулювання надання освітніх послуг в частині підготовки та перепідготовки іноземців. Здійснено обґрунтування необхідності та наведено можливі інструменти удосконалення на державному рівні адміністративних методів надання дозволів на започаткування та провадження підготовки та перепідготовки іноземців шляхом внесення змін до існуючої процедури ліцензування надання освітніх послуг закладами вищої освіти

    Ecological and Economic Advantages of Remote Heat Supply from Reactor Plant of Advanced Safety BN-1200

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    The heat supply based on the combined heat and power production is the basis of rational use of energy resources. This will increase the efficiency of existing nuclear power plants (NPP) and give a significant cut in the nitrogen oxide and greenhousegases emissions from burning fossil fuels. The data of the remote heat transport are summarized. The technical, economic, and ecological preconditions determining the long-distance transportation of heat possibility are given. The estimation of the efficiency of long-distance transport of heat from NPP is made. A variant of a scheme of Ekaterinburg heat supply from Beloyarsk NPP is given. Keywords: nuclear power plant, efficiency, the heat supply based on the combined heat and power production, waste heat, heat pump, radiation safet

    The increasing of the energy efficiency of nuclear power plants with fast neutron reactors by utilizing waste heat using heat pumps

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    Today, an important task for the economy is to increase the efficiency of using primary fuel. At present, for nuclear power plants with VVER reactors, thermal efficiency is about 33%, with fast neutron reactors-more than 40%. This means that most of the heat produced is released into the atmosphere. In this paper, we consider methods to solve the problem of increasing energy efficiency by the example of NPPs with fast neutron reactors due to the utilization of low-grade waste heat. The results of practical implementation of utilization of low-potential thermal energy of thermal and nuclear power plants using heat pumps were generalized. The analysis of the utilization efficiency of waste heat from various NPP systems was performed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The article gives an analysis of modern experience on therevitalization of small rivers converted into artificial channels in cities and other urbanized territories. Based on the analysis of the role of small rivers in the formation of urban spaces, the key principles for the restoration of small rivers are given. In particular, the revitalization of the river with maximum approximation to the level that preceded the intensive industrial development of the adjoining territories obliged to study the history of the river, to determine its historical hydrographic and hydrological characteristics, to study the changes in river basins. On the basis of this study the complex of the main factors, which led to changes in the hydrological regime of the river and as a result to of deterioration of the ecological status of the river and its floodplain, are determined. Proposed organizational measures and corresponding constructive and technological solutions to ensure the compliance of Ustya river with the main recreational andecological requirements.From the analysis of historical data it was determined that in theyears 1932-1939 significant work was carried out on clearing andfixing the channel of the Ustya River, the elimination of wetlands. Itwas made of fastening the shore by the brushwood with weaving ofverbena to form directly the channel and fixing the shores formed by sloping slopes with fastening the sowing of grasses. Obviously, the width of the channel formed in the late 30-ies of the twentieth century was no bigger than the current one, which testifies (taking into account the higher flow of water) about the greater depth of the channel and the faster flow. The revealed historical features of the formation of the channel of the Ustya River allow us to recommend restoring the hydraulic connection of the groundwater of the floodplain of the river with the channel by replacing the part of the existing reinforced concrete fastening with a historically justified fastening. The riverbed is recommended to be fastened with a perforated sheet piles and slopes – with a geogrids and cell filling with soil and sowing perennial grasses.Also, to saturate with water oxygen is recommended to create localobstacles in the form of low thresholds of natural stone. To avoidwaterlogging of the surrounding area, it is necessary to drain thewaterlogged areas of the floodplain, as well as to organize thecleaning and admission of rainwater from the adjoining territories tothe river.В статье приводится анализ современного опыта по ревитализации малых рек, преобразованных в искусственные каналы в городах и других урбанизированных территориях. На основе анализа роли малых рек в формировании городских пространств приведены ключевые принципы восстановления малых рек. В частности, ревитализация реки с максимальным приближением к уровню, предшествовавшему интенсивному индустриальному развитию прилегающих территорий обязывает изучить историю реки, определить ее исторические гидрографические и гидрологические характеристики, изучить изменения в речном бассейне. На основе данного исследования определяется комплекс основных факторов, которые привели к изменениям в гидрологическом режиме реки и как следствие к ухудшению экологического состояния реки и ее поймы. Предлагаются организационные меры и соответствующиеконструктивные и технологические решения по обеспечению соответствия реки Устья основным рекреационным и экологическим требованиям.В статті наводиться аналіз сучасного досвіду з ревіталізації малих річок перетворених в штучні канали в містах та інших урбанізованих територій. На основі аналізу ролі малих річок у формуванні міських просторів наведені ключові принципи відновлення малих річок. Зокрема ревіталізація річки з максимальним наближенням до рівня, що передував інтенсивному індустріальному розвитку прилеглих територій зобов’язує вивчити історію річки, визначити її історичні гідрографічні та гідрологічні характеристики, вивчити зміни у річкових басейнах. На основі даного дослідження визначаються комплекс основних факторів, що призвели до змін в гідрологічному режимі річки і як наслідок до погіршення екологічного стану річки і її заплави. Пропонуються заходи та відповідні конструктивні і технологічні рішення щодо забезпечення відповідності р. Устя основним рекреаційним та екологічним вимогам

    Investigation of thermal characteristics of multitubial thermosyphon heat-exchangers

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    Prospects of application and advantages of heat-exchangers based on sealed two-phase thermosyphons are compared with analogies of alternative widespread designs. Theoretical limitations of heat transfer are considered. Experimental facility requirements were formulated. Heat transfer coefficients obtained by calculation, computer simulation and in experiments. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    A mathematical model of the level of development of digital leadership in leading scientific and technological sectors has been proposed. The assessment is proposed to be carried out in five main areas, each of which includes both quantitative (for example, the share of modern (digital) training areas in the total number) and qualitative criteria (for example, the speed and effectiveness of interaction between the organization’s departments).Using the lower level of the hierarchy, the criteria of one direction are compared in pairs by the strength of their influence on the key direction as a whole. As a result, a matrix of pairwise comparisons is created. The level of development of digital leadership is characterized by an aggregated indicator calculated on the basis of the normalized matrix vector. The assessment methodology can be used both by organizations in the scientific and technical sectors (universities, institutes, research centers, etc.), and by government bodies responsible for the implementation of activities related to digitalization

    The formation of students’ intercultural communicative competence in an english language learning environment at a non-linguistic higher school

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    © 2017, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved. The paper investigates the formation of students’ intercultural communicative competence with a specific focus on EFL teaching at a non-linguistic higher school. The purpose of this study was to develop, theoretically substantiate and assess a model of developing ICC among students in an English language learning environment. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that the formation of ICC among EFL students at the non-linguistic higher school can be effective provided that the structure and content of ICC is made explicit and justified; the model of the formation of ICC among EFL students in a language learning environment and the technology for its implementation are developed and assessed; an example of the didactic material necessary for its implementation is provided

    The problems of foreign specialists education at UrFU for the nuclear energy of Rosatom partner countries

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    Сформулированы основные задачи по подготовке специалистов для АЭС российского дизайна, сооружаемых за рубежом, в УрФУ. Проведен анализ начального периода обучения студентов Республики Вьетнам на кафедре «Атомные станции и ВИЭ», выявлены основные проблемы. Сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию процесса обучения.Defined are the main tasks of the specialists training at UrFU for the NPPs of Russian design which are constructed abroad. The analysis of initial period of Vietnam students’ education at Nuclear Power Plants and RES department is made. Main problems are detected. The ways of educational process improvements are formulated

    Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Drilling Cuttings in Tomsk Oblast Sites

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    The research is focused on determining mineralogical composition of drilling cuttings by scanning electron microscope as well as imaging the sample surface of high resolution that allows studying the structural characteristics of the site. In addition, a number of other techniques permit obtaining information on chemical composition of sample in near-surface layers. The study in drilling cuttings by means of scanning microscopy has revealed the presence of titanium, iron, zirconium oxides, iron sulphide, barium sulphate. The former is a mineral that concentrates rare-earth elements, presumably monocyte, as well as uranium silicate, etc. The results obtained confirm the data of previous X-ray structural analysis, i.e. the study samples consist of alumosilicate matrix. Apart from silicon and aluminium oxides, the matrix includes such elements as Na, K, Mg. Such a composition corresponds to rock-forming minerals: quartz, albite, microcline, clinochlore, muscovite, anorthoclase

    Implementation of a Policer-Based Control Loop for the Dynamic Resource Allocation of a Software-Defined Communication Infrastructure

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    The use of solutions based on the principles of virtualization is designed to increase the efficiency of using the communication infrastructure due to the dynamic distribution of existing communication and computing resources between their virtual components. The software management of the communication infrastructure components opens up opportunities for applying new approaches to solving the currently very urgent problem of ensuring the required Quality of Service. Taking into account the current trends in the development of communication infrastructures and means of their automation, it seems relevant to build systems that implement a closed cycle of communication infrastructure resource management based on traditional and promising tools for monitoring and managing QoS and studying its behavior. Closing the control loop is achieved by implementing a control script that automatically responds to changes in the transmitted data and makes decisions about changing the current configuration of network devices. One of the approaches to building a closed control loop is to change the physical bandwidth of a virtual communication channel depending on the intensity of its resource use. The paper considers an example of the implementation of a closed control loop based on the rules of the policy for limiting the rate of sending packets of heterogeneous traffic and compares the approach of dynamic bandwidth redistribution with traditional approaches. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd