632 research outputs found

    Влияние высоких концентраций молибдена и цинка на рост штамма thermodesulfovibrio sp. V2 из глубинной биосферы

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    В свете увеличения темпов развития нефте-, газо-, горнодобывающей и перерабатывающейпромышленности тяжелые металлы стали занимать особое место среди загрязняющих веществ по масштабам и воздействию на биологические объекты. Отходы производств, отвалы бедных руд, шлаки

    Structure and properties of Ti/TiB metal-matrix composite after isothermal multiaxial forging

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    Microstructure and mechanical properties of a Ti/TiB metal-matrix composites after multiaxial forging at 850°C to the true strain " = 5:2 were studied. The composite with 17 vol.% of TiB was produced via spark plasma sintering at 1000°

    Assignment Process for the Optimization of the Products Distribution in the Commercial Centres

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    The objective of this article was to show the importance of the correct choice of the assignment method in the commercial process under uncertainty. The globalization process and the current economic crisis have forced the companies to make the profound changes in their management policies and strategies and also to base their decision making process on the flexible instruments that can consider any relevant information. We developed a study case using Hungarian Algorithm. This algorithm allows obtaining an optimization in the assignment process between two groups of variables according to some common characteristics

    Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of a Ti-15Mo/TiB titanium–matrix composite during hot deformation

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    A Ti-15Mo/TiB titanium–matrix composite (TMC) was produced by spark plasma sintering at 1400◦C under a load of 40 MPa for 15 min using a Ti-14.25(wt.)%Mo-5(wt.)%TiB2 powder mixture. Microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior of the composite were studied during uniaxial compression at room temperature and in a temperature range of 500–1000◦C

    The Problem of Public Consciousness in Soviet Philosophy and Sociology

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    The article gives a theoretical survey of the concepts of social consciousness and depicts the history of formation of this concept in the 1950–70s in the works of Vladislav Kelle and Matvey Kovalzon, Evald Ilyenkov, Vasily Tugarinov et al. The philosophy of this period was characterized by the antinomy between the increasing dogmatism of diamat/histmat and the  tendency towards convergence with world philosophical thought. The  struggle between ideological and scientific attitudes in Soviet humanities intensified. The scientific spirit permeated through the formation of  sociology and its increasing influence at both empirical and theoretical levels of analysis. During this period the problems of dialectics of individual and social consciousness, forms of social consciousness and mechanics of their functioning, correlation of social consciousness with public opinion, etc., are  under investigation. Much attention is given to the debate on the nature of  the ideal, which Ilyenkov explicitly linked to social consciousness. The opposition of natural scientific and philosophical approaches to the study of  consciousness is considered. The article draws attention to the scientific breakthroughs of the time: the problem of consciousness for the first time is  discussed in the light of the achievements of computerization in the 1960s and the problem of creating artificial intelligence. Three main approaches to  the study of social consciousness are considered: ontological, epistemological and sociological. The problem of social consciousness has  been actively discussed in Soviet philosophical literature since the late 1950s (although some studies were conducted even in the prewar period). At this time, there appear works in which social consciousness is interpreted not only as a reflection of social being, i.e. of the socio-economic structure of society, but also as a relatively independent phenomenon that requires multidimensional study and has a reverse effect on people’s material relations. Such an approach opened up the possibility of sociological analysis  of consciousness. The key concept of Soviet sociology is public opinion, understood as a peculiar state of public consciousness. Thus, the methodological foundations of empirical sociology, which aims to study public opinion, are laid. Boris Grushin discovers the specificity of public  opinion in its neutrality, equal acceptability for all social classes. The scholar regards sociological research as an effective tool for the formation of civil society and increasing its self-consciousness. The article shows the specificity  of the concept of public consciousness in Soviet sociology, including  empirical research based on mass interviews and study of public opinion

    Microstructure evolution of a ti/tib metal-matrix composite during high-temperature deformation

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    A Ti/TiB metal-matrix composite (MMC) was produced by spark plasma sintering using a Ti-10wt.%TiB2 powder mixture at 850°C under a load of 40 MPa for 15 min. The microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior of the Ti/TiB composite during uniaxial compression at the temperature range 500 - 1050°С was studie

    Ribosome rearrangements at the onset of translational bypassing.

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    Bypassing is a recoding event that leads to the translation of two distal open reading frames into a single polypeptide chain. We present the structure of a translating ribosome stalled at the bypassing take-off site of gene 60 of bacteriophage T4. The nascent peptide in the exit tunnel anchors the P-site peptidyl-tRNAGly to the ribosome and locks an inactive conformation of the peptidyl transferase center (PTC). The mRNA forms a short dynamic hairpin in the decoding site. The ribosomal subunits adopt a rolling conformation in which the rotation of the small subunit around its long axis causes the opening of the A-site region. Together, PTC conformation and mRNA structure safeguard against premature termination and read-through of the stop codon and reconfigure the ribosome to a state poised for take-off and sliding along the noncoding mRNA gap

    EF-G-induced ribosome sliding along the noncoding mRNA.

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    Translational bypassing is a recoding event during which ribosomes slide over a noncoding region of the messenger RNA (mRNA) to synthesize one protein from two discontinuous reading frames. Structures in the mRNA orchestrate forward movement of the ribosome, but what causes ribosomes to start sliding remains unclear. Here, we show that elongation factor G (EF-G) triggers ribosome take-off by a pseudotranslocation event using a small mRNA stem-loop as an A-site transfer RNA mimic and requires hydrolysis of about two molecules of guanosine 5'-triphosphate per nucleotide of the noncoding gap. Bypassing ribosomes adopt a hyper-rotated conformation, also observed with ribosomes stalled by the SecM sequence, suggesting common ribosome dynamics during translation stalling. Our results demonstrate a new function of EF-G in promoting ribosome sliding along the mRNA, in contrast to codon-wise ribosome movement during canonical translation, and suggest a mechanism by which ribosomes could traverse untranslated parts of mRNAs

    Microstructure evolution of commercial-purity titanium during cryorolling

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    Electron backscatter diffraction and transmission electron microscopy have been used to analyze the microstructural evolution of titanium during rolling at a cryogenic temperature (T = –196°C). It has been found that intensive twinning at the cryogenic deformation temperature accelerates the kinetics of micro structure refinement. The quantitative analysis of microstructure evolution in titanium upon cryorolling has shown that structure evolution is mainly related to mechanical twinning in the initial stages cryorolling is discusse

    Effect of plastic deformation on the structure and properties of the Ti/TiB composite produced by spark plasma sintering

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    A Ti/17 vol % TiB composite material is produced by spark plasma sintering of a mixture of titanium and 10 wt % TiB2 powders at a temperature of 1000°C. Multiaxial isothermal forging is performed at t = 850°C to enhance the mechanical properties of the composit