2,003 research outputs found

    Collaborative and Traditional Practice-models as Perceived by Preservice Teachers: The Potential Impact of Culture

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    A differential cultural aspect manifested when we compared the experiences of 96-Jewish and 107-Arab PSTs who participated in a collaborative academy-class-practice- model (ACPM), or a traditional-practice-model (TPM). The attempt to implement the collaborative ACPM was hesitantly accepted by Jewish-PSTs, whereas the Arab-PSTs welcomed it warmly. This led us to question whether culture played a role in the groups’ perceptions of the ACPM\TPM. A mixed methods questionnaire has been used to examine PSTs` pedagogical knowledge, the perceived benefits they gained during the practicum, and the importance they attributed to the advice of staff members and peers. Although the PSTs from both groups assessed the knowledge variable to be higher in the ACPM than in the TPM, an opposite trend in the benefit dimension was revealed when comparing the experience of ACPM\TPM. The potential cultural impact of collaboration, involvement, and self-consideration as perceived by the two societies is discussed

    Using Dust from Asteroids as Regolith Microsamples

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    Meteorite science is rich with compositional indicators by which we classify parent bodies, but few sample groups are definitively linked with asteroid spectra. More robust links need to be forged between meteorites and their parent bodies to understand the composition, diversity and distribution. A major link can be sample analysis of the parent body material and comparison with meteorite data. Hayabusa, the first sample return mission of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), was developed to rendezvous with and collect samples from asteroid Itokawa and return them to Earth. Thousands of sub-100 micron particles were recovered, apparently introduced during the spacecraft impact into the surface of the asteroid, linking the asteroid Itokawa to LL chondrites [1]. Upcoming missions Hayabusa 2 and OSIRIS-REx will collect more significant sample masses from asteroids. In all these cases, the samples are or will be a collection of regolith particles. Sample return to earth is not the only method for regolith particle analysis. Dust is present around all airless bodies, generated by micrometeorite impact into their airless surfaces, which in turn lofts regolith particles into a "cloud" around the body. The composition, flux, and size-frequency distribution of dust particles can provide significant insight into the geological evolution of airless bodies [2]. For example, the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) detected salts in Enceladus' icy plume material, providing evidence for a subsurface ocean in contact with a silicate seafloor [3]. Similar instruments have flown on the Rosetta, LADEE, and Stardust missions. Such an instrument may be of great use in obtaining the elemental, isotopic and mineralogical composition measurement of dust particles originating from asteroids without returning the samples to terrestrial laboratories. We investigated the ability of a limited sample analysis capability using a dust instrument to forge links between asteroid regolith particles and known meteorite groups. We further set limits on the number of individual particles statistically needed to robustly reproduce a bulk composition

    Using Dust from Asteroids as Regolith Microsamples

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    More robust links need to be forged between meteorites and their parent bodies to understand the composition, diversity and distribution of the asteroids. A major link can be sample analysis of the parent body material and comparison with meteorite data. Dust is present around all airless bodies, generated by micrometeorite impact into their airless surfaces, which in turn lofts regolith particles into a "cloud" around the body. The composition, flux, and size distribution of dust particles can provide insight into the geologic evolution of airless bodies. For example, the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer detected salts and minerals emitted by plumes at Enceladus, evidence for a subsurface ocean with a silicate seafloor. Dust analysis instruments may enable future missions to obtain elemental, isotopic and mineralogical composition of regolith particles without returning the samples to terrestrial laboratories

    Carbon on Mercury's Surface - Origin, Distribution, and Concentration

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    Distinctive low-reflectance material (LRM) was first observed on Mercury in Mariner 10 flyby images. Visible to near-infrared reflectance spectra of LRM are flatter than the average reflectance spectrum of Mercury, which is strongly red sloped (increasing in reflectance with wavelength). From Mariner 10 and early MErcury, Surface, Space, ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) flyby observations, it was suggested that a higher content of ilmenite, ulvospinel, carbon, or iron metal could cause both the characteristic dark, flat spectrum of LRM and the globally low reflectance of Mercury. Once MESSENGER entered orbit, low Fe and Ti abundances measured by the X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Spectrometers ruled out ilmenite, and ulvospinel as important surface constituents and implied that LRM was darkened by a different phase, such as carbon or small amounts of micro- or nanophase iron or iron sulfide dispersed in a silicate matrix. Low-altitude thermal neutron measurements of three LRM-rich regions confirmed an enhancement of 1-3 weight-percent carbon over the global abundance, supporting the hypothesis that LRM is darkened by carbon

    Magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in the lunar mantle, crust, and regolith: abundances, distributions, processes, and reservoirs

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    There have been many studies on magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in and on the Moon within the last several years that have cast into question the post-Apollo view of lunar formation, the distribution and sources of volatiles in the Earth-Moon system, and the thermal and magmatic evolution of the Moon. However, these recent observations are not the first data on lunar volatiles. When Apollo samples were first returned, substantial efforts were made to undersand volatile elements and a wealth of data regarding volatile elements exists in this older literature. In this review paper we approach volatiles in and on the Moon using new and old data derived from lunar samples and remote sensing. From combining these data sets, we identified many points of convergence, although numerous questions remain unanswered

    Science Overview of the Europa Clipper Mission

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    The goal of NASA’s Europa Clipper mission is to assess the habitability of Jupiter’s moon Europa. After entering Jupiter orbit in 2030, the flight system will collect science data while flying past Europa 49 times at typical closest approach distances of 25–100 km. The mission’s objectives are to investigate Europa’s interior (ice shell and ocean), composition, and geology; the mission will also search for and characterize any current activity including possible plumes. The science objectives will be accomplished with a payload consisting of remote sensing and in-situ instruments. Remote sensing investigations cover the ultraviolet, visible, near infrared, and thermal infrared wavelength ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as an ice-penetrating radar. In-situ investigations measure the magnetic field, dust grains, neutral gas, and plasma surrounding Europa. Gravity science will be achieved using the telecommunication system, and a radiation monitoring engineering subsystem will provide complementary science data. The flight system is designed to enable all science instruments to operate and gather data simultaneously. Mission planning and operations are guided by scientific requirements and observation strategies, while appropriate updates to the plan will be made tactically as the instruments and Europa are characterized and discoveries emerge. Following collection and validation, all science data will be archived in NASA’s Planetary Data System. Communication, data sharing, and publication policies promote visibility, collaboration, and mutual interdependence across the full Europa Clipper science team, to best achieve the interdisciplinary science necessary to understand Europa

    Endogenous Lunar Volatiles

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    Despite all of the new data generated on endogenous lunar volatiles since the publication of New Views of the Moon, many important questions remain unanswered or only partially resolved. This abstract looks to the future and discusses several of those important remaining questions on the topic of endogenous lunar volatiles