63 research outputs found

    Economic Transition and Elections in Poland

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    Poland's economic and political transition, one of the most successful transitions, has depended very heavily on the job creation in new firms to replace the jobs lost in the formerly state-owned enterprises. This uses evidence from both survey and aggregate data to analyze four Polish elections during the transition. These analyses indicate that these de novo firms, the individuals they employ, and the residents in the local areas where they exist become an important constituency supporting pro-reform political parties and constraining the actions of parties less sympathetic to the reforms. The creation of this political constituency helps explain how countries can successfully pursue both economic and political reforms.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39775/3/wp391.pd

    Państwo w systemach ochrony zdrowia: kierunki i perspektywy

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    The aim of the paper is to identify main directions in reforming national health care systems from the point of view of the role of the state as a principal in health care systems (with a special emphasis on EU countries). It is argued in the paper that between 1995 and 2010 in majority of the EU member states a slow but persistent trend of withdrawal of the state from financing health care systems can be observed. Kutzin’s insurance function is being continuously reduced. Among other consequences it leads toward increasing the share of private and out of the pocket expenses in total expenses on health. This relates especially to new EU post communist member states

    Korporacje jako konkurenci uniwersytetów na rynku usług edukacyjnych

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    Katedra Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowi

    Nowe Zarządzanie Publiczne w sektorze ochrony zdrowia w Polsce?

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    New public management in the health care in Poland?The purpose of this paper is to present few factors influencing an effective implementation of the New Public Management (NPM) procedures and tools in the health care sector in Poland. A concise analysis of privatization in the Polish health care system, followed by two case studies dealing with downsizing and debt securitization in regional hospitals in the south of Poland are presented. It is argued in the paper that due to the fact that in the health care sector in Poland basic ownership rights are neither adequately clarified nor effectively executed, basic New Public Management tools cannot be fully implemented. Consequently, further clarification of ownership rights in the health care sector accompanied by their effective execution can be seen as a prerequisite for successful reform. Then NPM may follow

    Globalny kryzys finansowy 2008 roku: wątki etyczne

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    Globalny kryzys finansowy 2008 roku był jedną z największych recesji w historii i doprowadził do olbrzymich strat tak w wymiarze ekonomicznym, jak i społecznym. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, w jakim zakresie w literaturze na temat przyczyn globalnego kryzysu finansowego uwzględniane są wątki etyczne. Wykazuje się w nim, że mimo destrukcyjnego wpływu nieetycznych postaw wielu instytucji rynku finansowego oraz menedżerów, które doprowadziły do globalnego kryzysu finansowego, etyczne aspekty kryzysu są wciąż pomijane w literaturze przedmiotu. Autor konkluduje, że paradygmaty ekonomii i nauk zarządzania winny być zrewidowane i mocno zakorzenione w etyce

    The state as a principal in health care systems : main directions and trends

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    The aim of the paper is to identify main directions in reforming national health care systems from the point of view of the role of the state as a principal in health care systems (with a special emphasis on EU countries). It is argued in the paper that between 1995 and 2010 in majority of the EU member states a slow but persistent trend of withdrawal of the state from financing health care systems can be observed. Kutzin’s insurance function is being continuously reduced. Among other consequences it leads toward increasing the share of private and out of the pocket expenses in total expenses on health. This relates especially to new EU post communist member states

    Financing healthcare in central and Eastern European Countries : how far are we from Universal Health Coverage?

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    After the fall of communism, the healthcare systems of Central and Eastern European countries underwent enormous transformation, resulting in departure from publicly financed healthcare. This had significant adverse effects on equity in healthcare, which are still evident. In this paper, we analyzed the role of government and households in financing healthcare in eight countries (EU-8): Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. A desk research method was applied to collect quantitative data on healthcare expenditures and qualitative data on gaps in universal health coverage. A linear regression analysis was used to analyze a trend in health expenditure over the years 2000-2018. Our results indicate that a high reliance on out-of-pocket payments persists in many EU-8 countries, and only a few countries have shown a significant downward trend over time. The gaps in universal coverage in the EU-8 countries are due to explicit rationing (a limited benefit package, patient cost sharing) and implicit mechanisms (wait times). There is need to increase the role of public financing in CEE countries through budget prioritization, reducing patient co-payments for medical products and medicines, and extending the benefit package for these goods, as well as improving the quality of care

    Abordagem top-down (de cima para baixo) e bottom-up (de baixo para cima) para a implementação de gestão de competências : o caso de dois bancos centrais

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    The primary aim of this paper is to evaluate the contribution that competence based approaches to staff management can and ought to make to the overall effectiveness of organisations. The importance of competencies and their proper management is broadly acknowledged in the literature, and the first part of the paper is a literature review. This is followed with a comparison of the design and implementation of two competence management projects that were introduced in two central banks, one of a western European nation, and the other of a central European nation. There is a brief presentation of two fundamental approaches to competence management implementation in organization (top-down (directive) and bottom-up (participative)), and this is juxtaposed with the actual implementation of competence management model that took place in two central banks. What ensues from the comparison is the identification of potential threats to the implementation of competence management models in organizations, accompanied by suggestions on how to counteract them

    Democratic Institutions and Economic Reform: the Polish Case

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    Analysis of the economic transformation of the Polish economy and of the 1993 elections for Parliament suggest that it is possible to proceed with pro-market and democratic reforms simultaneously. As demonstrated by the Polish case, the key to this process is the rate at which new enterprises are created. These enterprises, not the privatization of existing ones, are responsible for the creation of a private economy. This evolving new economy based on firm creation and growth creates a pro-reform constituency in the regions where it is occurring. This constituency provides strong support for pro-reform parties. The Polish case also illustrates how electoral rules and their interaction with the evolution of pro-reform constituencies affect the representation of pro-reform interests. The Polish case offers important lessons about the reform process and about the way scholars conceptualize political-economic processes.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39626/3/wp240.pd

    Firm Creation and Economic Transitions

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    Virtually all industrial countries are experiencing some form of transformation in their economies, from the dramatic move from centrally planned to market economies in East-central Europe, to the rebuilding of the economies in the so-called Rust Belt of the USA, to the efforts by Asian countries to return to their recent high growth levels. The analysis builds on the work of Schumpeter, Hannan and Freeman, and Kornai to develop a picture of an economy as an evolutionary process in which the creation, survival and growth of firms is the key to continued growth. This entrepreneurial activity is vital to successful transformations at critical points when the existing enterprises are not well suited to market conditions - what Schumpeter refers to as creative destruction. This paper uses detailed data on the transitions in the Polish and Michigan economies to present evidence to support these propositions. Showing that the successful transformation of two economies with obvious historical differences both depended upon the creation of new firms rather than on the restructuring of existing firms shows that entrepreneurial activity is a universal necessity.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39624/3/wp238.pd