30 research outputs found

    Moving elements in list CRDTs

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    Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) for lists allow multiple users to concurrently insert and delete elements in a shared list object. However, existing algorithms behave poorly when users concurrently move list elements to a new position (i.e. reorder the elements in the list). We demonstrate the need for such a move operation, and describe an algorithm that extends a list CRDT with an explicit move operation. Our algorithm can be used in conjunction with any existing list CRDT algorithm. In addition to moving a single list element, we also discuss the open problem of moving ranges of elements.Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship Isaac Newton Trus

    The Art of the Fugue: Minimizing Interleaving in Collaborative Text Editing

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    Most existing algorithms for replicated lists, which are widely used in collaborative text editors, suffer from a problem: when two users concurrently insert text at the same position in the document, the merged outcome may interleave the inserted text passages, resulting in corrupted and potentially unreadable text. The problem has gone unnoticed for decades, and it affects both CRDTs and Operational Transformation. This paper defines maximal non-interleaving, our new correctness property for replicated lists. We introduce two related CRDT algorithms, Fugue and FugueMax, and prove that FugueMax satisfies maximal non-interleaving. We also implement our algorithms and demonstrate that Fugue offers performance comparable to state-of-the-art CRDT libraries for text editing.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Pudding: Private User Discovery in Anonymity Networks

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    Anonymity networks allow messaging with metadata privacy, providing better privacy than popular encrypted messaging applications. However, contacting a user on an anonymity network currently requires knowing their public key or similar high-entropy information, as these systems lack a privacy-preserving mechanism for contacting a user via a short, human-readable username. Previous research suggests that this is a barrier to widespread adoption. In this paper we propose Pudding, a novel private user discovery protocol that allows a user to be contacted on an anonymity network knowing only their email address. Our protocol hides contact relationships between users, prevents impersonation, and conceals which usernames are registered on the network. Pudding is Byzantine fault tolerant, remaining available and secure as long as less than one third of servers are crashed, unavailable, or malicious. It can be deployed on Loopix and Nym without changes to the underlying anonymity network protocol, and it supports mobile devices with intermittent network connectivity. We demonstrate the practicality of Pudding with a prototype using the Nym anonymity network. We also formally define the security and privacy goals of our protocol and conduct a thorough analysis to assess its compliance with these definitions.Comment: Accepted at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 202

    Wie geht es weiter mit der statistischen Auswertung der Funkstörungen von SeriengerÀten? Das Projekt EN 50715

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    Da eine 100%-Kontrolle der Funkentstörung von GerĂ€ten wegen des Zeitaufwandes nicht möglich ist, kann eine Bewertung der KonformitĂ€t einer ganzen Serie nur mit Hilfe der Untersuchung einer begrenzten Stichprobe mittels statistischer Methoden erfolgen. Die Grundlagen dazu sind in CISPR TR 16-4-3 [1] zu finden. Schon in den ersten CISPR-Normen zur Funkentstörung wurde folgendes zur Signifikanz eines CISPR-Grenzwertes festgelegt: „Die Bedeutung der Grenzwerte bei typgeprĂŒften GerĂ€ten muss sein, dass auf statistischer Grundlage bei seriengefertigten GerĂ€ten mindestens 80% der GerĂ€te mit einer Sicherheit von mindestens 80% die Grenzwerte einhalten.“ Umgangssprachlich wird das als 80/80-Regel bezeichnet. Bei der Entwicklung der Grenzwerte wurde dies bereits berĂŒcksichtigt und die Grenzwerte entsprechend verschĂ€rft. In CISPR TR 16-4-3 und den Produktnormen zur Funkentstörung wie CISPR 11, CISPR 14.1 und CISPR 15 wurden von Anfang an folgende Methoden verwendet: ‱ PrĂŒfung auf der Basis der nichtzentralen t-Verteilung (allgemein 5 GerĂ€te), ‱ PrĂŒfung auf der Basis der Binomial-Verteilung (mindestens 7 GerĂ€te). SpĂ€ter wurde von den Autoren dieses Beitrags noch eine weitere Methode entwickelt und in die Normung aufgenommen, die in der Praxis besonders einfach anwendbar ist: ‱ PrĂŒfung auf der Basis eines allgemeinen Abstands zum Grenzwert (allgemein 5 GerĂ€te). Alle 3 Methoden haben sich in der Praxis ĂŒber viele Jahre bewĂ€hrt

    Key Agreement for Decentralized Secure Group Messaging with Strong Security Guarantees

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    Secure group messaging protocols, providing end-to-end encryption for group communication, need to handle mobile devices frequently being offline, group members being added or removed, and the possibility of device compromises during long-lived chat sessions. Existing work targets a centralized network model in which all messages are routed through a single server, which is trusted to provide a consistent total order on updates to the group state. In this paper we adapt secure group messaging for decentralized networks that have no central authority. Servers may still optionally be used, but they are trusted less. We define decentralized continuous group key agreement (DCGKA), a new cryptographic primitive encompassing the core of a decentralized secure group messaging protocol; we give a practical construction of a DCGKA protocol and prove its security; and we describe how to construct a full messaging protocol from DCGKA. In the face of device compromise our protocol achieves forward secrecy and post-compromise security. We evaluate the performance of a prototype implementation, and demonstrate that our protocol has practical efficiency

    „Ich bin eine MĂ€rchenerzĂ€hlerin. So wurde ich geboren.“

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    Ist Tonke Dragt die große Neuerin der europĂ€ischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur? Diese sicherlich provokante Frage nimmt der Sammelband in den Fokus, der auf die Tagung „'Ich bin eine MĂ€rchenerzĂ€hlerin. So wurde ich geboren'. Tonke Dragts Jugendromane – übersehene Klassiker?", die im September 2019 an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen in Kooperation mit Helma van Lierop-Debrauwer stattgefunden hat, zurĂŒckgeht