63 research outputs found

    Hygienic requirements of urban living environment in the Russian Federation and in Italy: a comparison

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    Introduzione/scopo. La pianificazione urbana tende a contenere e regolamentare la crescita urbana consentendo uno sviluppo sostenibile a livello ambientale, sociale e sanitario. Nel presente lavoro gli autori hanno confrontato i quadri normativi della Federazione Russ e dell’Italia ponendo particolare attenzione agli aspetti urbani degli spazi abitativi. Metodo. Considerando la ponderosa produzione normativa nei due paesi, il lavoro ha preso in esame le normative a livello nazionale per l’Italia e federale per la Russia, tenendo principalmente conto dei seguenti aspetti: strumenti di pianificazione urbana e protezione ambientale e sanitaria degli spazi abitativi. Risultati. I problemi relativi alla sicurezza igienico-sanitaria dell’ambiente di vita in Russia sono essenzialmente riconducibili a due sistemi normativi (SNiP e SanPiN), mentre in Italia rientrano nel D.M. 05/07/1975. I principi fondamentali della pianificazione urbana in Russia sono dettati da una norma federale, mentre in Italia sono recepiti nel Piano Regolatore Generale (PRG) comunale e nei diversi regolamenti locali, dove si riasriassume tutta la normativa sovraordinata. Gli aspetti legati alla qualità ambientale, infine, in entrambi i paesi sono disciplinati da varie leggi specifiche (federali e statali); un articolato sistema di norme che tengono conto dei potenziali impatti sulla salute e sull’ambiente Conclusioni. Gli autori ritengono che dovrebbero essere sviluppati, specialmente in Italia che si trova nettamente più indietro da questo punto di vista, strumenti normativi chiari e aggiornati aventi per oggetto l’igiene degli edifici e degli ambienti urbani, basati sulle più recenti acquisizioni di letteratura scientifica internazionale nell’intento di garantire i più alti standard in materia di tutela della Salute Pubblica.Aim. Urban planning tries to contain and regulate the uncontrolled growth of cities, encouraging their sustainable development at environmental, social and health levels. In the present work, the authors compare the regulatory frameworks of the Russian Federation and of Italy, with particular attention paid to the urban aspects of living spaces. Method. Considering the extant normative production in the two countries, the authors examine national legislation for Italy and federal legislation for Russia, mainly taking into account the following aspects: urban planning tools and environmental and sanitary protection of living spaces. Results. Hygienic-sanitary requirements regarding living environment in Russia are essentially expressed by two regulatory systems (SNiP and SanPiN), while in Italy they are regulated by the D.M. 07/05/1975. The main principles of urban planning in Russia are expressed by federal standards, while in Italy they are incorporated in the Municipal General Plan (PRG) and in the various local regulations, where all the superordinate regulations are summarized. Finally, aspects related to environmental quality in both countries are governed by various specific laws (federal and state); a complex system of rules that take into account potential impacts on health and the environment. Conclusions. The authors reckon that clear and updated regulatory tools should be developed, especially in Italy that lags behind, regarding the building and urban hygiene, relying on the most recent acquisitions of international scientific literature in order to guarantee the highest standards in Public Health safeguard


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    Purpose. To carry out complete historical and scientific analysis of Professor P.P. Kopniaiev's activities and establish his role and place of achievements in the formation of the basic concepts and directions of the theory of electrical engineering and its practical application in the development of higher education in Ukraine. Methodology. We have applied general scientific methods of logic and classification, analysis and synthesis and special historical methods – historical-comparative, problem-chronological, synchronic and diachronic. Results. On the basis of generalization of a wide range of sources of central, regional and personal archives, the principles and content of scientific-pedagogical, organizational and public activities of P.P. Kopniaiev were revealed and the classification of the scientific work according to the main directions of his research was conducted. Originality. Complex analysis of  P.P. Kopniaiev's scientific-pedagogical, organizational and public activities were carried out in the field of higher electrical engineering education and industrial development in Ukraine, and his scientific achievements were classified according to the main directions. Practical value. Factual information, generalizations and conclusions can be applied in the teaching of humanitarian and engineering disciplines in higher education, in particular in the development of the lecture courses and textbooks used in educational activities, as well as in the preparation of general and scientific works on the history of science and technology.Розкрито процес зародження системи вищої електротехнічної освіти в Україні наприкінці ХІХ ст. початку ХХ ст. Обґрунтовано внесок професора П.П. Копняєва у заснування наукової електротехнічної школи України. Розкрито організаційну діяльність вченого у створенні електротехнічного факультету Харківського політехнічного інституту та першого в Україні спеціалізованого вищого навчального закладу електротехнічного профілю. Доведено, що вісім основних електротехнічних напрямів наукових досліджень, започаткованих П.П. Копняєвим, набули розвитку і стали в подальші роки окремою науковою школою або науковим напрямом


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    Purpose. To carry out complete historical and scientific analysis of Professor P.P. Kopniaiev's activities and establish his role and place of achievements in the formation of the basic concepts and directions of the theory of electrical engineering and its practical application in the development of higher education in Ukraine. Methodology. We have applied general scientific methods of logic and classification, analysis and synthesis and special historical methods – historical-comparative, problem-chronological, synchronic and diachronic. Results. On the basis of generalization of a wide range of sources of central, regional and personal archives, the principles and content of scientific-pedagogical, organizational and public activities of P.P. Kopniaiev were revealed and the classification of the scientific work according to the main directions of his research was conducted. Originality. Complex analysis of P.P. Kopniaiev's scientific-pedagogical, organizational and public activities were carried out in the field of higher electrical engineering education and industrial development in Ukraine, and his scientific achievements were classified according to the main directions. Practical value. Factual information, generalizations and conclusions can be applied in the teaching of humanitarian and engineering disciplines in higher education, in particular in the development of the lecture courses and textbooks used in educational activities, as well as in the preparation of general and scientific works on the history of science and technology

    Geoinformation modeling of socio-ecological safety of rural areas on the example of settlements of the Belgorod region

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    In the course of the study, geoinformation resources were created for the rural areas of the Belgorod region. The created GIS consists of a system of hierarchically subordinate sections of rural territories of the Belgorod region - agrolandscapes of Strigunovsky (Borisovsky district), as well as Obukhovsky (Starooskolsky urban district) and Dolgopolyansky (Starooskolsky district) rural settlement

    Properties of electrons scattered on a strong plane electromagnetic wave with a linear polarization: classical treatment

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    The relations among the components of the exit momenta of ultrarelativistic electrons scattered on a strong electromagnetic wave of a low (optical) frequency and linear polarization are established using the exact solutions to the equations of motion with radiation reaction included (the Landau-Lifshitz equation). It is found that the momentum components of the electrons traversed the electromagnetic wave depend weakly on the initial values of the momenta. These electrons are mostly scattered at the small angles to the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave. The maximum Lorentz factor of the electrons crossed the electromagnetic wave is proportional to the work done by the electromagnetic field and is independent of the initial momenta. The momentum component parallel to the electric field strength vector of the electromagnetic wave is determined only by the diameter of the laser beam measured in the units of the classical electron radius. As for the reflected electrons, they for the most part lose the energy, but remain relativistic. There is a reflection law for these electrons that relates the incident and the reflection angles and is independent of any parameters.Comment: 12 pp, 3 fig

    Результаты регионального мониторинга доз облучения населения от источников ионизирующего излучения

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    The study was aimed at personnel and population exposure dose assessment from all main activities and radiation sources in Voronezh region. Assessment of Voronezh Region’s population exposure doses from ionizing radiation sources was conducted using the data of the Federal healthcare institution “Voronezh Region’s Hygiene and Epidemiology Center” on the basis of information derived from forms of Federal state statistical observation over 2010- 2014: No.1-DOZ “Information on personnel exposure doses under normal operation of technogenic ionizing radiation sources” No.3- DOZ ‘Information on patients’ exposure doses during X-ray – radiological tests”, No.4- DOZ “Information on population exposure doses from natural and technogenically impacted background” and the data from Voronezh Region’s radiation-hygienic passport over 2010–2014. It was established that the situation related to Voronezh Region’s ionizing sources impact remains stable over the recent 5 years. Dose interval distribution of groups A and B personnel headcount demonstrated that 58.2% of persons are exposed to doses in the range between 1 and 2 mSv/year and 3.6% to 2-5 mSv/year, respectively. The median yearly effective doses of natural human radiation exposure are in the intervals between 2.350 and 4.480 mSv per year which is typical for this territory. The median effective dose from medical tests per one treatment in different years is between 0.30 and 0.41 mSv. X-ray and computer tomography make the largest contribution into collective population medical radiation dose- 35.6% and 27.8% respectively. On the whole population’s major dose contributors are natural ones. Natural factors’ annual contribution into annual effective dose is between 74.96 and 79.68 %. Целью исследования являлась оценка доз облучения персонала и населения за счет всех основных источников ионизирующего излучения на территории Воронежской области. Оценка доз облучения населения Воронежской области от источников ионизирующего излучения проведена по базе данных федерального бюджетного учреждения здравоохранения «Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Воронежской области» на основе анализа информации, содержащейся в формах федерального государственного статистического наблюдения за 2010–2014 гг. №1-ДОЗ «Сведения о дозах облучения лиц из персонала в условиях нормальной эксплуатации техногенных источников ионизирующих излучений», №3-ДОЗ «Сведения о дозах облучения пациентов при проведении рентгено-радиологических исследований», №4-ДОЗ «Сведения о дозах облучения населения за счет естественного и техногенно измененного фона» и радиационно-гигиенического паспорта Воронежской области за 2010–2014 гг. Установлено, что ситуация, связанная с воздействием источников ионизирующего излучения в Воронежской области, на протяжении последних 5 лет остается стабильной. Распределение численности персонала групп А и Б по дозовым интервалам показало, что 58,2% лиц получают дозы в диапазоне от 0–1 мЗв/год, на 38,2% приходится доза от 1 до 2 мЗв/год и 3,6% получают дозу в интервале от 2 до 5 мЗв/год. Значения среднегодовых эффективных доз природного облучения человека находятся в интервале от 2,350 до 2,480 мЗв/год и являются характерными для данной территории. Средняя эффективная доза от медицинских исследований за процедуру в различные годы составляет от 0,30 до 0,41 мЗв. Наибольший вклад в коллективную дозу медицинского облучения населения вносят рентгенография – 35,6% и компьютерная томография – 27,8%.В целом, основными дозообразующими факторами для населения являются природные. Ежегодный вклад природных факторов в годовую эффективную дозу составляет от 74,96 до 79,68%.

    Non-drug methods of influencing the pharyngeal tonsil in the complex therapy of chronic adenoiditis

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    Aim. To compare the dynamics of the clinical course of chronic adenoiditis in children and evaluate changes in the levels of products of oxidative modification of proteins in pharyngeal tonsil tissues under the influence of physical methods. Materials and methods. The study involved 84 patients with a clinical picture of chronic inflammation of the brain and hypertrophy of the adenoid vegetations of the 3rd degree, who were referred for surgical treatment as planned. All patients belonged to the age group from 3 to 15 years. The envelope method was used, patients were randomized into 3 groups. Group 1 (n=32) included children who did not receive exposure to physical methods in the preoperative period; Participants in the 2nd group (n=27) received low-frequency ultrasonic (LFU) therapy in combination with red spectrum photochromotherapy (FCT) in the preoperative period, and participants in the 3rd group (n=25) received NUS cavitation monotherapy before surgery. Statistical data were obtained using the SPSS Statistics 19.0 software package. The nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test was used to identify differences between independent groups; for pairwise comparison of groups, the Mann–Whitney test was used. Results. Analysis of the results showed that the severity of the studied signs in the study groups was comparable to each other on the 1st day, i.e. before starting treatment. The results of endoscopic examination are graded from 0 to 3 points. the severity of nasal obstruction and difficulty nasal breathing in group 1 (control) on day 1 was 7.7 points, in group 2 – 7.4 points, in group 3 – 7.5 points. Patients underwent anterior and posterior rhinoscopy. The best result was obtained in the group using LFU cavitation in combination with FCT. There was a significant decrease in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil and the absence of discharge on the surface of the adenoid vegetations, which reflects the high clinical effectiveness of this method of treatment. Conclusion. The use of LFU cavitation in combination with FCT in the treatment of chronic adenoiditis in children leads to improved nasal breathing and a decrease in the amount of discharge in the nasal cavity

    Мониторинг радиационной обстановки на территории Воронежской области

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    The purpose of the study was to assess the doses of personnel and the population at the expense of all the main activities and sources of radiation in the territory of the Voronezh region. The data of the forms of state statistical supervision No. 1-DOZ “Information on the doses of personnel from persons under normal use of technogenic sources of ionizing radiation”, No. 3-DOZ “Information on radiation doses of patients during X-ray radiology studies”), No. 4-DOZ “Information on radiation doses of the population due to natural and technogenically altered background” for 2010-2016 and the radiation and hygienic passport of the territory of the Voronezh Region. Based on the results of monitoring the radiation situation, the situation associated with the impact of ionizing radiation sources in the Voronezh Region has been characterized as safe for the past 7 years. The average annual effective dose per 1 inhabitant due to all ionizing radiation remains stable with a slight upward trend and lies in the range from 2.925 (2010) to 3.399 mSv (2016). In the structure of the collective dose of the population of the Voronezh region, the dose from natural sources is 83.65%, from medical sources – 16.06%, from technogenically changed background radiation, including global fallout and accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant – 0.18%, from the activities of enterprises using Sources of ionizing radiation – 0.11%. The average annual effective dose of natural exposure to humans varies from 0.660 to 0.704 mSv / year, natural radiation from radon from 0.832 to 1.465 mSv / year. The average effective dose from medical research for the procedure for the study period was 0.27-0.40 mSv and tends to decrease due to the introduction of modern low-dose medical diagnostic equipment. On the territory of the Voronezh region, there were no population groups with an effective radiation dose exceeding 5 mSv / year. Gamma-background in the region in 2010-2016. Did not exceed the natural level and amounted to 0.08 – 0.16 μSv / h. The excess of hygienic standards for the effects of ionizing radiation sources on humans has not been recorded.Целью исследования являлась оценка доз облучения персонала и населения за счет всех основных видов деятельности и источников облучения на территории Воронежской области. Использованы данные форм государственного статистического наблюдения №1-ДОЗ «Сведения о дозах облучения лиц из персонала в условиях нормальной эксплуатации техногенных источников ионизирующих излучений», № 3-ДОЗ «Сведения о дозах облучения пациентов при проведении рентгено-радиологических исследований», № 4-ДОЗ «Сведения о дозах облучения населения за счет естественного и техногенно измененного фона» за 2010–2016 гг. и радиационно-гигиенического паспорта территории Воронежской области. По результатам мониторинга радиационной обстановки ситуация, связанная с воздействием источников ионизирующего излучения в Воронежской области на протяжении последних 7 лет характеризуется как безопасная. Величина средней годовой эффективной дозы на 1 жителя за счет всех видов ионизирующего излучения остается стабильной с небольшой тенденцией увеличения и лежит в интервале от 2,925 (2010 г.) до 3,399 мЗв (2016 г.). В структуре коллективной дозы населения Воронежской области доза от природных источников составля-ет 83,65%, от медицинских – 16,06%, от техногенно измененного радиационного фона, включая глобальные выпадения и аварию на Чернобыльской АЭС – 0,18%, от деятельности предприятий, использующих источники ионизирующего излучения, – 0,11%. Средняя годовая эффективная доза природного облучения человека варьирует от 0,660 до 0,704 мЗв/год, природного облучения человека от радона – от 0,832 до 1,465 мЗв/год. Средняя эффективная доза от медицинских исследований за процедуру за период исследования составляла 0,27–0,40 мЗв и имеет тенденцию к снижению за счет внедрения современного малодозового медицинского диагностического оборудования. На территории Воронежской области отсутствовали группы населения с эффективной дозой облучения свыше 5 мЗв/год. Гамма-фон на территории области в 2010–2016 гг. не превысил естественного уровня и составил 0,08–0,16 мкЗв/ч. Превышений гигиенических нормативов воздействия источников ионизирующего излучения на человека не зарегистрировано