41 research outputs found

    Pest control in stored product and material protection with sulfuryl fluoride

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    Seit mehreren Jahren ist Sulfurylfluorid (Sulfuryldifluorid, SF) als Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel für den Materialschutz und den Vorratsschutz gegen Insekten gelistet. Insbesondere der Ersatz des ozonzerstörenden Brommethans wird in diesen Anwendungsgebieten überwiegend mit diesem Wirkstoff realisiert. Sulfurylfluorid gilt seit langer Zeit als ein bewährtes Begasungsmittel gegen Termiten in Holzhäusern in den Vereinigten Staaten. Als 2005 die Industrienationen gemäß den Beschlüssen des Montrealer Protokolls den Ausstieg aus der Brommethantechnologie umsetzten, gab es Zulassungen für die Leerraumentwesung im Vorratsschutz und Genehmigungen für die Verwendung im Holz- und Materialschutz gegen Insekten.Sulfuryl fluoride (sulfuryl difluoride, SF) is well established for termite control in wooden houses as Vikane in the US since 1960. About 10 years ago, the company DowElanco (today DowAgroScience) decided to prepare the authorisation of SF also as replacement fumigant for the envisaged phase out of methyl bromide in 2005. The ozone depleting methyl bromide has in the meantime successfully been replaced by SF in many suitable fields of application. SF started to be used against wood boring insects in Sweden and Germany until it was eventually registered 2005 in many European countries also for stored product protection as Profume. The necessary ct-products (concentration x time of exposure) in the laboratory for effective insect control vary considerably depending on species, developmental stage and temperature. Experimental data require between 14mgh/l and 1694mgh/l for lethal treatments at about 25°C with eggs being the most tolerant stage. In practical mill fumigations ct-products of more than 1800mgh/l did not always control all included eggs of the insect samples even though the air temperature in the mill had been elevated to 35°C. It can be expected that a combination of warming up the object and use of SF may be the approach to meet the high control standards of the food producing industry. New authorisations are expected for various other products than the registered dried fruit and nuts. High purity SF can be used to control insects also in high value wooden artefacts

    Chemical control of pest insects in stored-product protection in Germany – Present Situation and Challenges –*

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    In den letzten 15 Jahren haben sich die Anzahl der im Vorratsschutz zugelassenen Pflanzenschutzmittel und die Palette der darin verwendeten Wirkstoffe in Deutschland deutlich verringert. Eine Übersicht über die aktuell zugelassenen Pflanzenschutzmittel und Anwendungen werden für das sogenannte Einsatzgebiet ‚Vorratsschutz‘ gegeben.Um Resistenzen vorzubeugen und eine möglichst große Auswahl an zugelassenen chemischen Verfahren zu erhalten, ist es in der Praxis erforderlich, beste verfügbare Technolgien und Standards bei der Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln zu berücksichtigen. Vor diesem Hintergrund müssen auch Anstrengungen unternommen werden, um neue Wirkstoffe und Pflanzenschutzmittel für die Schädlingsbekämpfung in gelagerten Erzeugnissen pflanzlicher Herkunft zu entwickeln, die insbeson­dere den gestiegenen Ansprüchen der nachhaltigen Produktion und der Lebensmittelsicherheit genügen. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2016.02.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2016.02.02During the last 15 years the number of approved active substances and the assortment of authorized Plant Protection Products used in stored-product protection has decreased. An overview of these authorized Plant Protection Products in Germany and the uses are presented.To avoid resistance and maintain a wide variety of approved chemical methods, uses of chemical Plant Protection Products have to follow best technology and standards available. Above all, efforts have to be made to develop new active substances and Plant Protection Products for the pest control in stored products which consider aspects of substainable production and food safety. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2016.02.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2016.02.0

    What is stored product protection, what is meant by the term post-harvest, where does plant protection end? An explanation in terms of the development of specific guidelines for integrated pest management in the sector stored product protection

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    Zum Begriff ‚Vorratsschutz‘ sind unterschiedliche Auffassungen möglich und gegenwärtig umgangssprachlich im Gebrauch. Für die Erstellung spezifischer Leitlinien des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes für den Sektor Vorratsschutz, so wie es der Nationale Aktionsplan zur nachhaltigen Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln der Bundesregierung vorsieht, eignet sich im Resümee jedoch der Begriff ‚Vorratsschutz‘ gemäß seiner Begriffsbestimmung aus dem Pflanzenschutzgesetz im Vergleich zu der umfassenderen Wendung, ‚Vorrats- und Nachernteschutz‘ am besten, weil es hier ausschließlich um den Schutz lagerfähiger Pflanzenerzeugnisse (z.B. Getreide) geht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass der Vorratsschutz eine spezifische Maßnahme zum Schutz von Erzeugnissen pflanzlichen Ursprungs, die nicht oder nur durch einfache Verfahren be- oder verarbeitet worden sind, ist. Der Begriff ‚Nachernteschutz‘ sollte aus Sicht der Autoren im Sinne des englischen Sprachgebrauchs für den Schutz verderblicher Erntegüter, wie Obst und Gemüse verwandt werden. Die Nähe vieler Vorratsgüter pflanzlichen Ursprungs zum Lebensmittel und die Vielzahl an Bioziden mit Wirkstoffen, welche zum Teil auch für bestimmte Zweckbestimmungen im Vorratsschutz zugelassen sind, führen dazu, dass zukünftige Leitlinien des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes im Sektor Vorratsschutz auch die Biozidprodukte nicht unbeachtet lassen können. Insbesondere ein Resistenzmanagement, wie es die Grundsätze des Integrierten Pflanzenschutzes gemäß Anhang III der Richtlinie 2009/128/EG fordern, sollte diesem Sachverhalt Rechnung tragen. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.08.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.08.02The German term ‘Vorratsschutz’ i.e. ‘stored product protection’ is often similarly used for the corresponding but more overall term ‘Nachernteschutz’ i.e. ‘post harvest protection’. This colloquial use does not identically match the meaning of the original word ‘Vorratsschutz’. But when developing specific guidelines for integrated pest management in the matters of ‘stored product protection’ (see ‘National Action Plan for the sustainable use of pesticides’ by the Federal Government, 2013) the term ‘Vorratsschutz’ is the more suitable one according to its strict definition from the German Plant Protection Act, being a specific measure for the protection of products of plant origin in an unprocessed state or having undergone only simple preparation. In order to avoid confusions the authors suggest to distinguish ‘Vorratsschutz’ from ‘Nachernteschutz’. The latter refers more to perishable crops. Because of applications for hygienic reasons and the great number and variety of biocides containing active substances also approved for plant protection products future guidelines for integrated pest management in stored product protection should consider these biocidal products as well. In particular, the resistance management as required by the general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), laid down in the Directive 2009/128/EC Annex III, should be taken into account. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.08.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.08.0

    Influence of temperature and exposure time on the mortality of Tribolium castaneum eggs at fumigation with sulfuryl fluoride with regard to the progressive egg development

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    In bestimmten Anwendungen im Vorratsschutz bleibt nach dem Wegfall von Brommethan Sulfurylfluorid nahezu die einzige Alternative. Für die Wirkung gegen Tribolium castaneum (Herbst, 1797) Eistadien finden sich in der Literatur widersprüchliche Angaben. Der vorliegende Beitrag liefert Daten zur Wirksamkeit von Sulfurylfluorid gegen Eistadien von Tribolium castaneum unter praxis­relevanten Bedingungen. Basierend auf Mortalitätsdaten mit 0–5 Tage alten Eiern wurden Letale Dosen LCt95 und LCt99 als Konzentrations-Zeit-Produkt (Ct-Produkt) mit Hilfe der Probit-Transformation errechnet. Es ergaben sich z.B. bei 48 h Exposition Werte für LCt95: 4000 g*h/m3 (15°C), 4820 g*h/m3 (20°C), 2788 g*h/m3 (25°C) und 1047 g*h/m3 (30°C). Für LCt99 fanden sich 5795 g*h/m3 (15°C), 8948g*h/m3 (20°C), 5327g*h/m3 (25°C) und 1737 g*h/m3(30°C). Bei 24 h Exposition ergaben sich Werte für LCt95: 3480 g*h/m3 (15°C), 2378 g*h/m3 (20°C), 1450 g*h/m3 (25°C) und 969 g*h/m3 (30°C). Bei 72 h Exposition fanden sich Werte für LCt95: 5045 g*h/m3 (15°C), 4675 g*h/m3 (20°C), 1889 g*h/m3 (25°C) und 557 g*h/m3 (30°C). Weitere Werte bei 24 h und 72 h Exposition und den entsprechenden Temperaturen werden angegeben. Die Betrachtung von Eiern unterschiedlichen Alters zwischen 0–1 Tage und 4–5 Tage zeigte insbesondere im 24 h Expositions-Test mit 40 g/m3 Sulfurylfluorid bei 20°C eine höhere Widerstandsfähigkeit für sehr junge Eier.Die errechneten letalen Dosen werden im Kontext zu einer Schlupfbeobachtung bei den verschiedenen Temperaturen diskutiert. Die Beobachtung der Eientwicklung bei verschiedenen Temperaturen deutet darauf hin, dass für 0–5 Tage alte Eier die berechneten und beobachteten letalen Dosen und Konzentrationen nicht alleinig dem Eistadium zuzurechnen sind. Es ergeben sich Hinweise darauf, dass die Mortalitäten unter bestimmten Bedingungen zu einem gewissen Anteil auch die weitaus höhere Empfindlichkeit von Larven einschließen. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.01.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.01.02Sulfuryl fluoride has become an important replacement of methyl bromide and is nearly without alternatives in some situations in stored product protection. At the same time the information on egg mortality of Tribolium casta­neum (Herbst, 1797) to sulfuryl fluoride from literature is not sufficient. Data on mortality of Tribolium castaneum eggs fumigated with sulfuryl fluoride are given in the presented publication. Based on mortality tests, lethal Ct-products (Concentration × time products) are calculated for different temperatures and exposure periods with the help of Probit analysis. In 48 h exposure tests the lethal Doses LCt95 for 0–5 day old eggs were as follows: 4000 g*h/m3 (15°C), 4820 g*h/m3 (20°C), 2788 g*h/m3 (25°C) and 1047 g*h/m3 (30°C). Values for LCt99 were calculated to: 5795 g*h/m3 (15°C), 8948 g*h/m3 (20°C), 5327 g*h/m3 (25°C) and 1737 g*h/m3 (30°C). At 24 h exposure lethal doses LCt95 were: 3480 g*h/m3 (15°C), 2378 g*h/m3 (20°C), 1450 g*h/m3 (25°C) and 969 g*h/m3 (30°C). A 72 h exposure resulted in LCt95: 5045 g*h/m3 (15°C), 4675 g*h/m3 (20°C), 1889 g*h/m3 (25°C) and 557 g*h/m3 (30°C). More results for 24 h und 72 h exposure are described.The mortality in dependence of the egg age 0–1 days to 4–5 days was tested with an 24 h, 48 h and 72 h exposure with 40 g/m3 sulfuryl fluoride at 20°C. In particular the 24 h test revealed the young eggs as the most tolerant. The hatch of eggs and their natural mortality were observed in dependence of temperature. In this context the calculated and observed lethal doses are discussed. It cannot be excluded, that some of the 0–5 day old eggs develop during the exposure to sulfuryl fluoride into larvae. A contribution of the more susceptible larval stage to the egg mortality is very likely. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.01.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.01.0

    StreptomeDB 2.0 - An extended resource of natural products produced by streptomycetes

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    Over the last decades, the genus Streptomyces has stirred huge interest in the scientific community as a source of bioactive compounds. The majority of all known antibiotics is isolated from these bac-terial strains, as well as a variety of other drugs such as antitumor agents, immunosuppressants and antifungals. To the best of our knowledge, Strep-tomeDB was the first database focusing on com-pounds produced by streptomycetes. The new ver-sion presented herein represents a major step for-ward: its content has been increased to over 4000 compounds and more than 2500 host organisms. In addition, we have extended the background in-formation and included hundreds of new manually curated references to literature. The latest update features a unique scaffold-based navigation system, which enables the exploration of the chemical diver-sity of StreptomeDB on a structural basis. We have included a phylogenetic tree, based on 16S rRNA se-quences, which comprises more than two-thirds of the included host organisms. It enables visualizing the frequency, appearance, and persistence of com-pounds and scaffolds in an evolutionary context. Ad-ditionally, we have included predicted MS- and NMR-spectra of thousands of compounds for assignment of experimental data. The database is freely acces-sible vi

    Der Einfluss von therapiebegleitenden Nebenwirkungen und epidemiologischen Faktoren einschließlich des Versicherungsstatus auf die Lebensqualität von Patienten mit lokal begrenztem Prostatakarzinom 36 Monate nach Beginn der Therapie : eine prospektive Studie

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    The aim of this survey is to measure the statistic influence of different epidemiological factors including status of health insurance and therapeutic side effects on the Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) on patients with localized prostate cancer received either prostatectomy or one form of brachytherapy in the urological clinic of the university clinic of Aachen. Data of patients with a recently diagnosed prostate cancer in the TNM-stadium cT1-cT3 N0 M0 were collected between 1999 and end of 2006. All patients received a self-administered 12-page questionnaire including a HRQoL questionnaire (EORTC QLQ C-30 with the prostate cancer module), questions regarding sexuality and the ICSmale questionnaire for urinary symptoms prior to therapy and 36 months after. Completely filled pre- and post-therapeutic questionnaires of 496 patients could be collected. Patients with a recurrence according to the guidelines of the EAU were excluded from this study. Ultimately a total of 326 data sets were further analyzed. All data are included in a special data base (Aachener Prostatakarzinom Register - APCAR). In a prior study of the same working group the status of health insurance, albeit different between treatment groups could not be defined as an independent variable associated with the treatment method in the urological clinic of the university clinic of Aachen. In addition we find no influence on post therapeutic HRQoL of status of health insurance in this study. In a multivariate analysis we find "sexual functioning" and urgency without leakage as independent significant variables influencing post therapeutic HRQoL. The negative influence of sexual dysfunction on HRQoL is well known and broadly reviewed. Whereas nervesparing techniques have been enhanced urgency without leakage is often clinically neglected and underestimated in literature. Sexual dysfunction and urgency without leakage are therapy associated side effects of the currently available therapy methods and negatively influence post-therapeutic HRQoL. These findings show the importance of a precise informing of patients and their partners of possible therapy associated side effects prior to treatment of localized prostate cancer

    Der Einfluss von therapiebegleitenden Nebenwirkungen und epidemiologischen Faktoren einschließlich des Versicherungsstatus auf die Lebensqualität von Patienten mit lokal begrenztem Prostatakarzinom 36 Monate nach Beginn der Therapie : eine prospektive Studie

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    The aim of this survey is to measure the statistic influence of different epidemiological factors including status of health insurance and therapeutic side effects on the Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) on patients with localized prostate cancer received either prostatectomy or one form of brachytherapy in the urological clinic of the university clinic of Aachen. Data of patients with a recently diagnosed prostate cancer in the TNM-stadium cT1-cT3 N0 M0 were collected between 1999 and end of 2006. All patients received a self-administered 12-page questionnaire including a HRQoL questionnaire (EORTC QLQ C-30 with the prostate cancer module), questions regarding sexuality and the ICSmale questionnaire for urinary symptoms prior to therapy and 36 months after. Completely filled pre- and post-therapeutic questionnaires of 496 patients could be collected. Patients with a recurrence according to the guidelines of the EAU were excluded from this study. Ultimately a total of 326 data sets were further analyzed. All data are included in a special data base (Aachener Prostatakarzinom Register - APCAR). In a prior study of the same working group the status of health insurance, albeit different between treatment groups could not be defined as an independent variable associated with the treatment method in the urological clinic of the university clinic of Aachen. In addition we find no influence on post therapeutic HRQoL of status of health insurance in this study. In a multivariate analysis we find "sexual functioning" and urgency without leakage as independent significant variables influencing post therapeutic HRQoL. The negative influence of sexual dysfunction on HRQoL is well known and broadly reviewed. Whereas nervesparing techniques have been enhanced urgency without leakage is often clinically neglected and underestimated in literature. Sexual dysfunction and urgency without leakage are therapy associated side effects of the currently available therapy methods and negatively influence post-therapeutic HRQoL. These findings show the importance of a precise informing of patients and their partners of possible therapy associated side effects prior to treatment of localized prostate cancer

    Die Zukunft der Mode : eine Szenario-Analyse

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    In diesem Artikel soll die Frage behandelt werden, wie sich die Modebranche in Deutschland in den nächsten zehn Jahren entwickeln könnte und welchen Herausforderungen sie sich stellen muss. Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wird eine Szenario-Analyse durchgeführt. Dabei werden verschiedene Zukunftsszenarien erstellt, die potentielle Entwicklungen innerhalb der Modebranche aufzeigen. Die Szenarien basieren auf einer vorangestellten Trend- und Unsicherheitsanalyse und lassen unterschiedlichste, teilweise auch zunächst sehr unrealistisch erscheinende Entwicklungen zu und beschreiben einen möglichen Zukunftszustand und den Weg dorthin


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    Nick thinks he can figure out everything on his own. Why should he have to read books when he can make things up himself? It will take an important lesson from the Little Angel of Learning to change his mind