78,655 research outputs found

    A psychoanalytic concept illustrated: Will, must, may, can — revisiting the survival function of primitive omnipotence

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    The author explores the linear thread connecting the theory of Freud and Klein, in terms of the central significance of the duality of the life and death instinct and the capacity of the ego to tolerate contact with internal and external reality. Theoretical questions raised by later authors, informed by clinical work with children who have suffered deprivation and trauma in infancy, are then considered. Theoretical ideas are illustrated with reference to observational material of a little boy who suffered deprivation and trauma in infancy. He was first observed in the middle of his first year of life while he was living in foster care, and then later at the age of two years and three months, when he had been living with his adoptive parents for more than a year

    Quantum theory of large amplitude collective motion and the Born-Oppenheimer method

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    We study the quantum foundations of a theory of large amplitude collective motion for a Hamiltonian expressed in terms of canonical variables. In previous work the separation into slow and fast (collective and non-collective) variables was carried out without the explicit intervention of the Born Oppenheimer approach. The addition of the Born Oppenheimer assumption not only provides support for the results found previously in leading approximation, but also facilitates an extension of the theory to include an approximate description of the fast variables and their interaction with the slow ones. Among other corrections, one encounters the Berry vector and scalar potential. The formalism is illustrated with the aid of some simple examples, where the potentials in question are actually evaluated and where the accuracy of the Born Oppenheimer approximation is tested. Variational formulations of both Hamiltonian and Lagrangian type are described for the equations of motion for the slow variables.Comment: 29 pages, 1 postscript figure, preprint no UPR-0085NT. Latex + epsf styl

    Study of a multiple reserve electrochemical power source

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    Feasibility of metal oxygen primary batteries for multiple reserve us

    Metastability in stochastic dynamics of disordered mean-field models

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    We study a class of Markov chains that describe reversible stochastic dynamics of a large class of disordered mean field models at low temperatures. Our main purpose is to give a precise relation between the metastable time scales in the problem to the properties of the rate functions of the corresponding Gibbs measures. We derive the analog of the Wentzell-Freidlin theory in this case, showing that any transition can be decomposed, with probability exponentially close to one, into a deterministic sequence of ``admissible transitions''. For these admissible transitions we give upper and lower bounds on the expected transition times that differ only by a constant. The distribution rescaled transition times are shown to converge to the exponential distribution. We exemplify our results in the context of the random field Curie-Weiss model.Comment: 73pp, AMSTE

    Metastability and low lying spectra in reversible Markov chains

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    We study a large class of reversible Markov chains with discrete state space and transition matrix PNP_N. We define the notion of a set of {\it metastable points} as a subset of the state space \G_N such that (i) this set is reached from any point x\in \G_N without return to x with probability at least bNb_N, while (ii) for any two point x,y in the metastable set, the probability Tx,y−1T^{-1}_{x,y} to reach y from x without return to x is smaller than aN−1â‰ȘbNa_N^{-1}\ll b_N. Under some additional non-degeneracy assumption, we show that in such a situation: \item{(i)} To each metastable point corresponds a metastable state, whose mean exit time can be computed precisely. \item{(ii)} To each metastable point corresponds one simple eigenvalue of 1−PN1-P_N which is essentially equal to the inverse mean exit time from this state. The corresponding eigenfunctions are close to the indicator function of the support of the metastable state. Moreover, these results imply very sharp uniform control of the deviation of the probability distribution of metastable exit times from the exponential distribution.Comment: 44pp, AMSTe

    The Effect of Cooling Rate on the Ductile- Brittle Bend-transition Temperature of Chromium Wire

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    Effect of cooling rate on ductile-brittle bend-transition temperature of chromium wir

    Possible solution of the Coriolis attenuation problem

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    The most consistently useful simple model for the study of odd deformed nuclei, the particle-rotor model (strong coupling limit of the core-particle coupling model) has nevertheless been beset by a long-standing problem: It is necessary in many cases to introduce an ad hoc parameter that reduces the size of the Coriolis interaction coupling the collective and single-particle motions. Of the numerous suggestions put forward for the origin of this supplementary interaction, none of those actually tested by calculations has been accepted as the solution of the problem. In this paper we seek a solution of the difficulty within the framework of a general formalism that starts from the spherical shell model and is capable of treating an arbitrary linear combination of multipole and pairing forces. With the restriction of the interaction to the familiar sum of a quadrupole multipole force and a monopole pairing force, we have previously studied a semi-microscopic version of the formalism whose framework is nevertheless more comprehensive than any previously applied to the problem. We obtained solutions for low-lying bands of several strongly deformed odd rare earth nuclei and found good agreement with experiment, except for an exaggerated staggering of levels for K=1/2 bands, which can be understood as a manifestation of the Coriolis attenuation problem. We argue that within the formalism utilized, the only way to improve the physics is to add interactions to the model Hamiltonian. We verify that by adding a magnetic dipole interaction of essentially fixed strength, we can fit the K=1/2 bands without destroying the agreement with other bands. In addition we show that our solution also fits 163Er, a classic test case of Coriolis attenuation that we had not previously studied.Comment: revtex, including 7 figures(postscript), submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Structural and mechanical effects of interstitial sinks Interim technical report, 8 Mar. 1968 - 8 Mar. 1969

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    Structural and mechanical effects of interstitial sinks in niobium and alloys of niobium and tantalu
