2,778 research outputs found

    Invariant classification of orthogonally separable Hamiltonian systems in Euclidean space

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    The problem of the invariant classification of the orthogonal coordinate webs defined in Euclidean space is solved within the framework of Felix Klein's Erlangen Program. The results are applied to the problem of integrability of the Calogero-Moser model

    NFPA Fluid Powered Vehicle Challenge 2023

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    This report includes the design process undergone by Team Shifty in designing a vehicle for the NFPA’s Fluid Powered Vehicle challenge. The report covers the background of the competition, research done by the team, engineering specifications for the design, preliminary and final designs, the manufacturing plan and process, project management details, and several recommendations for future teams participating in the challenge. The National Fluid Power Association, NFPA, is a trade association with the goal of connecting fluid power companies and advancing fluid power. With the goal of advancement in mind, NFPA hosts an annual Fluid Powered Vehicle Challenge (FPVC). Since before the NFPA took over this challenge, Cal Poly has produced a team to compete. Team Shifty completed research into past Cal Poly teams as well as other competing university teams to define the engineering specifications for the new vehicle and decide the design directions. The final design includes a new frame to address issues with the last teams frame, a new hydraulic circuit design and selection of new components to improve the circuits performance in the FPVC events and reduce losses, and the addition of gear shifting to the vehicle. With respect to hydraulics, a new manifold was sourced to accommodate the simplified fluid circuit, along with a larger motor to allow the vehicle to operate at higher torque. The prior team’s pneumatic system was completely replaced by a pneumatic front gear shifting system. The electronics implemented was the same system as the previous year, including an STM microcontroller, Nextion touch screen display, and Hydraforce valve operator with only two solenoid valves. Working together, these components allowed the rider to toggle between three unique drive modes, including: direct, regen, and sprint. To produce a functional vehicle, research and planning was put into manufacturing and assembly processes as detailed in the manufacturing plan. The final product failed to perform as proposed in Team Shifty’s Scope of Work, as the vehicle’s rear chain consistently fell off during operation at the competition. This resulted in the vehicle not placing during a few of the challenges, including the Sprint and Endurance races. The cause of this failure was a function of the frame flexing under dynamic loading due to insufficient torsional stiffness, as well as the rear chain being too small to handle the large output torque of the upsized rear motor

    Matrix Models, Monopoles and Modified Moduli

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    Motivated by the Dijkgraaf-Vafa correspondence, we consider the matrix model duals of N=1 supersymmetric SU(Nc) gauge theories with Nf flavors. We demonstrate via the matrix model solutions a relation between vacua of theories with different numbers of colors and flavors. This relation is due to an N=2 nonrenormalization theorem which is inherited by these N=1 theories. Specializing to the case Nf=Nc, the simplest theory containing baryons, we demonstrate that the explicit matrix model predictions for the locations on the Coulomb branch at which monopoles condense are consistent with the quantum modified constraints on the moduli in the theory. The matrix model solutions include the case that baryons obtain vacuum expectation values. In specific cases we check explicitly that these results are also consistent with the factorization of corresponding Seiberg-Witten curves. Certain results are easily understood in terms of M5-brane constructions of these gauge theories.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    On Kinks and Bound States in the Gross-Neveu Model

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    We investigate static space dependent \sigx=\lag\bar\psi\psi\rag saddle point configurations in the two dimensional Gross-Neveu model in the large N limit. We solve the saddle point condition for \sigx explicitly by employing supersymmetric quantum mechanics and using simple properties of the diagonal resolvent of one dimensional Schr\"odinger operators rather than inverse scattering techniques. The resulting solutions in the sector of unbroken supersymmetry are the Callan-Coleman-Gross-Zee kink configurations. We thus provide a direct and clean construction of these kinks. In the sector of broken supersymmetry we derive the DHN saddle point configurations. Our method of finding such non-trivial static configurations may be applied also in other two dimensional field theories.Comment: Revised version. A new section added with derivation of the DHN static configurations in the sector of broken supersymmetry. Some references added as well. 25 pp, latex, e-mail [email protected]

    CfAIR2: Near Infrared Light Curves of 94 Type Ia Supernovae

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    CfAIR2 is a large homogeneously reduced set of near-infrared (NIR) light curves for Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) obtained with the 1.3m Peters Automated InfraRed Imaging TELescope (PAIRITEL). This data set includes 4607 measurements of 94 SN Ia and 4 additional SN Iax observed from 2005-2011 at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory on Mount Hopkins, Arizona. CfAIR2 includes JHKs photometric measurements for 88 normal and 6 spectroscopically peculiar SN Ia in the nearby universe, with a median redshift of z~0.021 for the normal SN Ia. CfAIR2 data span the range from -13 days to +127 days from B-band maximum. More than half of the light curves begin before the time of maximum and the coverage typically contains ~13-18 epochs of observation, depending on the filter. We present extensive tests that verify the fidelity of the CfAIR2 data pipeline, including comparison to the excellent data of the Carnegie Supernova Project. CfAIR2 contributes to a firm local anchor for supernova cosmology studies in the NIR. Because SN Ia are more nearly standard candles in the NIR and are less vulnerable to the vexing problems of extinction by dust, CfAIR2 will help the supernova cosmology community develop more precise and accurate extragalactic distance probes to improve our knowledge of cosmological parameters, including dark energy and its potential time variation.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figures, 10 tables. Accepted to ApJS. v2 modified to more closely match journal versio

    A Bright Submillimeter Source in the Bullet Cluster (1E0657--56) Field Detected with BLAST

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    We present the 250, 350, and 500 micron detection of bright submillimeter emission in the direction of the Bullet Cluster measured by the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST). The 500 micron centroid is coincident with an AzTEC 1.1 mm point-source detection at a position close to the peak lensing magnification produced by the cluster. However, the 250 micron and 350 micron centroids are elongated and shifted toward the south with a differential shift between bands that cannot be explained by pointing uncertainties. We therefore conclude that the BLAST detection is likely contaminated by emission from foreground galaxies associated with the Bullet Cluster. The submillimeter redshift estimate based on 250-1100 micron photometry at the position of the AzTEC source is z_phot = 2.9 (+0.6 -0.3), consistent with the infrared color redshift estimation of the most likely IRAC counterpart. These flux densities indicate an apparent far-infrared luminosity of L_FIR = 2E13 Lsun. When the amplification due to the gravitational lensing of the cluster is removed, the intrinsic far-infrared luminosity of the source is found to be L_FIR <= 10^12 Lsun, consistent with typical luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Maps are available at http://blastexperiment.info

    Over half of the far-infrared background light comes from galaxies at z >= 1.2

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    Submillimetre surveys during the past decade have discovered a population of luminous, high-redshift, dusty starburst galaxies. In the redshift range 1 <= z <= 4, these massive submillimetre galaxies go through a phase characterized by optically obscured star formation at rates several hundred times that in the local Universe. Half of the starlight from this highly energetic process is absorbed and thermally re-radiated by clouds of dust at temperatures near 30 K with spectral energy distributions peaking at 100 microns in the rest frame. At 1 <= z <= 4, the peak is redshifted to wavelengths between 200 and 500 microns. The cumulative effect of these galaxies is to yield extragalactic optical and far-infrared backgrounds with approximately equal energy densities. Since the initial detection of the far-infrared background (FIRB), higher-resolution experiments have sought to decompose this integrated radiation into the contributions from individual galaxies. Here we report the results of an extragalactic survey at 250, 350 and 500 microns. Combining our results at 500 microns with those at 24 microns, we determine that all of the FIRB comes from individual galaxies, with galaxies at z >= 1.2 accounting for 70 per cent of it. As expected, at the longest wavelengths the signal is dominated by ultraluminous galaxies at z > 1.Comment: Accepted to Nature. Maps available at http://blastexperiment.info

    Evidence for an FU Orionis-like Outburst from a Classical T Tauri Star

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    We present pre- and post-outburst observations of the new FU Orionis-like young stellar object PTF 10qpf (also known as LkHa 188-G4 and HBC 722). Prior to this outburst, LkHa 188-G4 was classified as a classical T Tauri star on the basis of its optical emission-line spectrum superposed on a K8-type photosphere, and its photometric variability. The mid-infrared spectral index of LkHa 188-G4 indicates a Class II-type object. LkHa 188-G4 exhibited a steady rise by ~1 mag over ~11 months starting in Aug. 2009, before a subsequent more abrupt rise of > 3 mag on a time scale of ~2 months. Observations taken during the eruption exhibit the defining characteristics of FU Orionis variables: (i) an increase in brightness by > 4 mag, (ii) a bright optical/near-infrared reflection nebula appeared, (iii) optical spectra are consistent with a G supergiant and dominated by absorption lines, the only exception being Halpha which is characterized by a P Cygni profile, (iv) near-infrared spectra resemble those of late K--M giants/supergiants with enhanced absorption seen in the molecular bands of CO and H_2O, and (v) outflow signatures in H and He are seen in the form of blueshifted absorption profiles. LkHa 188-G4 is the first member of the FU Orionis-like class with a well-sampled optical to mid-infrared spectral energy distribution in the pre-outburst phase. The association of the PTF 10qpf outburst with the previously identified classical T Tauri star LkHa 188-G4 (HBC 722) provides strong evidence that FU Orionis-like eruptions represent periods of enhanced disk accretion and outflow, likely triggered by instabilities in the disk. The early identification of PTF 10qpf as an FU Orionis-like variable will enable detailed photometric and spectroscopic observations during its post-outburst evolution for comparison with other known outbursting objects.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepte
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