4,054 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of a Heavy Ion-Irradiated Superconductor: the Zero-Field Transition

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    Specific heat measurements show that the introduction of amorphous columnar defects considerably affects the transition from the normal to the superconducting state in zero magnetic field. Experimental results are compared to numerical simulations of the 3D XY model for both the pure system and the system containing random columnar disorder. The numerics reproduce the salient features of experiment, showing in particular that the specific heat peak changes from cusp-like to smoothly rounded when columnar defects are added. By considering the specific heat critical exponent alpha, we argue that such behavior is consistent with recent numerical work [Vestergren et al., PRB 70, 054508 (2004)] showing that the introduction of columnar defects changes the universality class of the transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Exploring societal solidarity in the context of extreme prematurity

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    QUESTION: Extreme prematurity can result in long-term disabilities. Its impact on society is often not taken into account and deemed controversial. Our study examined attitudes of the Swiss population regarding extreme prematurity and people’s perspectives regarding the question of solidarity with disabled people. METHODS: We conducted a nationwide representative anonymous telephone survey with 1210 Swiss residents aged 18 years or older. We asked how people estimate their own personal solidarity, the solidarity of their social environment and the solidarity across the country with disabled persons. Spearman’s correlation calculations were used to assess if a correlation exists between solidarity and setting financial limits to intensive care and between solidarity and withholding neonatal intensive care. RESULTS: According to 36.0% of the respondents intensive medical care should not be withheld from extremely preterm infants, even if their chances for an acceptable quality of life were poor. For 28.8%, intensive care should be withheld from these infants, and 26.9% held an intermediate position depending on the situation. A total of 31.5% were against setting a financial limit to treatment of extremely preterm newborns with an uncertain future quality of life, 34.2% were in favour and 26.9% were deliberating. A majority (88.8%) considered their solidarity toward disabled people as substantial; the solidarity of their personal environment and of the society at large was estimated as high by 79.1% and 48.6%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The Swiss population expressed a high level of solidarity which may alleviate some pressure on parents and health care providers in the decision-making process in neonatal intensive care units. In addition, there was no relationship between solidarity and people’s willingness to pay for the care or withholding treatment of extremely preterm babies

    Molecular imaging of depressive disorders

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    This chapter summarizes findings of a large number of molecular imaging studies in the field of unipolar and bipolar depression (BD). Brain metabolism in depressed unipolar and bipolar patients is generally hypoactive in the middle frontal gyri, the pregenual and posterior anterior cingulate, the superior temporal gyrus, insula, and the cerebellum, while hyperactivity exists in subcortical (caudate nucleus, thalamus), limbic (amygdala, anterior hippocampus), and medial and inferior frontal regions. Interestingly, after depletion of serotonin or noradrenalin/dopamine in vulnerable (recovered) major depressive disorder (MDD) patients, a similar response pattern in metabolism occurs. Findings on the pre- and postsynaptic dopaminergic system show indications that, at least in subgroups of retarded MDD patients, presynaptic dopaminergic markers may be decreased, while postsynaptic markers may be increased. The findings regarding serotonin synthesis, pre- and postsynaptic imaging can be integrated to a presumable loss of serotonin in MDD, while this remains unclear in BD. This reduction of serotonin and dopamine in MDD was recently summarized in a revised version of the monoamine hypothesis, which focuses more on a dysfunction at the level of the MAO enzyme. This should be addressed further in future studies. Furthermore, future longitudinal molecular imaging studies in the same subjects at different clinical mood states are needed to clarify whether the observed changes in transporters and receptors are compensatory reactions or reflect different, potentially causal mechanisms. Several suggestions for future developments are also provided.</p

    Autoimmune Aspects of Neurodegenerative and Psychiatric Diseases:A Template for Innovative Therapy

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    Neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases (NPDs) are today's most important group of diseases, surpassing both atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and cancer in morbidity incidence. Although NPDs have a dramatic impact on our society because of their high incidence, mortality, and severe debilitating character, remarkably few effective interventions have become available. The current treatments, if available, comprise the lifelong intake of general immunosuppressants to delay disease progression or neurotransmitter antagonists/agonists to dampen undesired behaviors. The long-term usage of such medication, however, coincides with often severe adverse side effects. There is, therefore, an urgent need for safe and effective treatments for these diseases. Here, we discuss that many NPDs coincide with subtle chronic or flaring brain inflammation sometimes escalating with infiltrations of lymphocytes in the inflamed brain parts causing mild to severe or even lethal brain damage. Thus, NPDs show all features of autoimmune diseases. In this review, we postulate that NPDs resemble autoimmune-driven inflammatory diseases in many aspects and may belong to the same disease spectrum. Just like in autoimmune diseases, NPD symptoms basically are manifestations of a chronic self-sustaining inflammatory process with detrimental consequences for the patient. Specific inhibition of the destructive immune responses in the brain, leaving the patient's immune system intact, would be the ultimate solution to cure patients from the disease. To reach this goal, the primary targets, e.g., the primary self-antigens (pSAgs) of the patient's chronic (auto)immune response, need to be identified. For a few major NPDs, immunological studies led to the identification of the pSAgs involved in the autoimmune damage of specific brain parts. However, further research is needed to complete the list of pSAgs for all NPDs. Such immunological studies will not only provide crucial insights into NPD pathogenesis but also ultimately enable the development of a new generation of safe and effective immunotherapies for NPDs. Interventions that will dramatically improve the life expectancy and quality of life of individual patients and, moreover, will significantly reduce the health-care costs of the society in general

    Antiviral treatment in schizophrenia:a randomized pilot PET study on the effects of valaciclovir on neuroinflammation

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with schizophrenia experience cognitive impairment, which could be related to neuroinflammation in the hippocampus. The cause for such hippocampal inflammation is still unknown, but it has been suggested that herpes virus infection is involved. This study therefore aimed to determine whether add-on treatment of schizophrenic patients with the anti- viral drug valaciclovir would reduce hippocampal neuroinflammation and consequently improve cognitive symptoms.METHODS: We performed a double-blind monocenter study in 24 male and female patients with schizophrenia, experiencing active psychotic symptoms. Patients were orally treated with the anti-viral drug valaciclovir for seven consecutive days (8 g/day). Neuroinflammation was measured with Positron Emission Tomography using the translocator protein ligand [ 11C]-PK11195, pre-treatment and at seven days post-treatment, as were psychotic symptoms and cognition. RESULTS: Valaciclovir treatment resulted in reduced TSPO binding (39%) in the hippocampus, as well as in the brainstem, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parahippocampal gyrus, amygdala, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, insula and cingulate gyri, nucleus accumbens and thalamus (31-40%) when using binding potential (BPND) as an outcome. With total distribution volume (VT) as outcome we found essentially the same results, but associations only approached statistical significance ( p = 0.050 for hippocampus). Placebo treatment did not affect neuroinflammation. No effects of valaciclovir on psychotic symptoms or cognitive functioning were found. CONCLUSION: We found a decreased TSPO binding following antiviral treatment, which could suggest a viral underpinning of neuroinflammation in psychotic patients. Whether this reduced neuroinflammation by treatment with valaciclovir has clinical implications and is specific for schizophrenia warrants further research.</p