6 research outputs found
The Efficacy of a Bi-hormonal Closed-loop System at Preventing Hypoglycemia during and after Exercise
44 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Human Physiology and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Science, Spring 2015.Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) has had a growing incidence over the past decade. This autoimmune disease is characterized by the destruction of beta cells in the pancreas, which makes the individual unable to produce insulin, a hormone required for glucose use in the cells. DM1 patients must check their blood glucose levels many times throughout the day, and administer a carefully calculated amount of synthetic insulin to cover food and maintain a target range of blood glucose levels.
The closed-loop system is a compilation of DM1 control devices that calculates the correct amount of insulin (and in the case of a bi-hormonal system, glucagon) needed to maintain a target range of blood glucose readings. This thesis seeks to determine whether it is necessary for an exercise announcement option to be programmed into the algorithm so that the system can prevent hypoglycemia during and after exercise.
It was found that using the closed loop with an exercise announcement is no more efficient at preventing hypoglycemia during and after exercise than a closed loop system without an exercise announcement or an open loop system (p=0.57 and 0.55, respectively). However, it is important to note that these results are only preliminary results of the Artificial Pancreas Control (APC) study in progress at Oregon Health and Sciences University; this thesis will present results from the first seven subjects of the APC study. Hardware errors, failed infusion sites, and early termination of individual subject studies make for a small sample size, and thus insignificant results. However, closed loop technology is promising, and once the APC study is completed it will act as a guide for future research in the field. Artificial pancreas technology is ever moving forward, and will eventually create a device or system that allows type 1 diabetics to live without constantly thinking of diabetes care and blood glucose control.10000-01-0
Konepajakoneiden riskien arviointi
Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli tehdä IS Works Oy:n käytössä oleville koneille riskien arviointi. Koneille on jo tehty riskien arviointi tehtaan toimesta silloin, kun ne ovat olleet uudet. Käyttöasetus (403/2008) vaatii kuitenkin, että työnantaja varmistaa työntekijöidensä koneiden ja työvälineiden riittävän turvallisuuden. Koneiden riskien arvioinnilla saadaan hyvin selville koneiden turvallisuustaso.
Työn teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi oleellisimmat asetukset ja standardit, mitkä vaikuttavat koneturvallisuuteen ja riskien arviointiin. Koneturvallisuusosiossa käydään läpi oleellisimmat riskitekijät koneissa. Lisäksi käydään läpi, mitä koneilta vaaditaan, jotta niiden turvallisuustaso olisi hyväksyttävällä tasolla. Teoriaosuuden lopussa perehdytään riskien arvioinnin tekoon ja mitä vaatimuksia siihen liittyy.
Käytännön osuudessa kerrotaan konepajan nykytilanne ja esitellään riskiarvioitavat koneet. Riskien arvioinnin tulokset kerrottiin ja esitettiin työnantajalle. Työstä oli hyötyä tilaajayritykselle, koska he saivat tietää koneidensa nykyisen turvallisuustason. Tarvittavat toimenpiteet riskin arvioinnin perusteella jää IS Works Oy:n toimeenpantavaksi.Theme of this thesis was to make the risk assessment of IS Works Ltd machines. The machine risk assessments have already been made by the factory when they were new. Government decree on the safe use and inspection of work equipment (403/2008), however, requires the employer to ensure that employees’ machines and tools are safe. Machinery risk assessment is a good tool to ensure the safety of machines.
The theoretical part consists of the most essential regulations and standards which affect machine safety and risk assessment. Safety of machinery section goes through the most relevant risk factors for machines. In addition, section goes through what from machines are required that their safety would be at acceptable level. The end of the theoretical part introduces risk assessment act and the requirements it entails.
Practical part describes the current situation and presents the machines to be risk assessed. The risk assessment results were communicated and presented to the employer. The work was bound to benefit local company, as they learned about the current safety of their machines. IS Works Ltd will do the necessary actions based on the risk assesment