9 research outputs found

    Dezentrale Energieversorgung: Dezentrale Energieversorgung fĂŒr die Landwirtschaft und den lĂ€ndlichen Raum

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    Die Energiewende ist in aller Munde. Doch zu einfach ist der Gedanke es gehe nur um Wind, Photovoltaik und Biogas. Im Landwirtschaftsbetrieb mĂŒssen alle Energieerzeuger und –verbraucher intelligent miteinander gekoppelt und verwoben werden. Bestenfalls kann Energie – in welcher Form auch immer – an den lĂ€ndlichen Raum abgegeben werden. Die vorliegende Schriftenreihe stellt reale Betriebseispiele fĂŒr die Landwirtschaft vor. Interessierte Landwirte können hier Anregungen zur fossilfreien energetischen Umgestaltung ihres Betriebes finden. Redaktionsschluss: 30.09.202

    Netzdienliches Gleichspannungsunterwerk

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    The invention relates to a device for supplying energy to an electric operating grid (2) for electrically driven short-haul transport means (103, 104) having continuous power withdrawal, the device having a substation (1, 1', 5 100, 100') with the following elements: a DC voltage circuit (8), which is connected to a power grid (5) by means of a first inverter (6); and a first feed system (10, 11) for the operating grid (2), said system being connected to the DC voltage circuit (8). The device can also have one or more second feed systems (13, 13', 13'', 13''') connected to the DC voltage circuit (8) for supplying one or more additional consumers, in particular charging stations, and a stored energy source (9) which is connected to the DC voltage circuit by a bidirectional coupling system (12). The second feed systems can be galvanically insulating and configured to control the output voltage or the output current. Specific requirements of the additional consumers in terms of operating voltage and insulation can be addressed by an appropriate design of the second feed systems (13, 13', 13'', 13''')

    Energiesparpotential und Auslegung mobiler Energiespeicher in Stadtbahnen

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    Based on measurement results, the article is focussed on the energy consumption required for modern trams. It and gives an overview. how the integration of an electrical energy storage system into the vehicle can significantly increase the efficiencx of the tram. As tropics of the paper, also commercial available energy storage systems and the development of control strategies for their efficient operation are discussed

    Full-electric bus operation according to the DockingPrinciple in regular service

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    For the first time worldwide, the project consortium of the BMBF-funded SEB subproject EDDA-Bus has finalized the field test of a 12-m battery bus with fast charging characteristic according to the so-called DockingPrinciple. The paper will outline specific features of the vehicle construction, the charging stations and the charging concept. The first results and findings of the ongoing field test in route service form the basis for conclusions on a further need for research

    Dezentrale Energieversorgung: Dezentrale Energieversorgung fĂŒr die Landwirtschaft und den lĂ€ndlichen Raum

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    Die Energiewende ist in aller Munde. Doch zu einfach ist der Gedanke es gehe nur um Wind, Photovoltaik und Biogas. Im Landwirtschaftsbetrieb mĂŒssen alle Energieerzeuger und –verbraucher intelligent miteinander gekoppelt und verwoben werden. Bestenfalls kann Energie – in welcher Form auch immer – an den lĂ€ndlichen Raum abgegeben werden. Die vorliegende Schriftenreihe stellt reale Betriebseispiele fĂŒr die Landwirtschaft vor. Interessierte Landwirte können hier Anregungen zur fossilfreien energetischen Umgestaltung ihres Betriebes finden. Redaktionsschluss: 30.09.202

    Dezentrale Energieversorgung: Dezentrale Energieversorgung fĂŒr die Landwirtschaft und den lĂ€ndlichen Raum

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    Die Energiewende ist in aller Munde. Doch zu einfach ist der Gedanke es gehe nur um Wind, Photovoltaik und Biogas. Im Landwirtschaftsbetrieb mĂŒssen alle Energieerzeuger und –verbraucher intelligent miteinander gekoppelt und verwoben werden. Bestenfalls kann Energie – in welcher Form auch immer – an den lĂ€ndlichen Raum abgegeben werden. Die vorliegende Schriftenreihe stellt reale Betriebseispiele fĂŒr die Landwirtschaft vor. Interessierte Landwirte können hier Anregungen zur fossilfreien energetischen Umgestaltung ihres Betriebes finden. Redaktionsschluss: 30.09.202

    Adenosine A2B receptor-mediated leukemia inhibitory factor release from astrocytes protects cortical neurons against excitotoxicity.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) have been widely reported. In the central nervous system (CNS), astrocytes are the major source for LIF, expression of which is enhanced following disturbances leading to neuronal damage. How astrocytic LIF expression is regulated, however, has remained an unanswered question. Since neuronal stress is associated with production of extracellular adenosine, we investigated whether LIF expression in astrocytes was mediated through adenosine receptor signaling. METHODS: Mouse cortical neuronal and astrocyte cultures from wild-type and adenosine A2B receptor knock-out animals, as well as adenosine receptor agonists/antagonists and various enzymatic inhibitors, were used to study LIF expression and release in astrocytes. When needed, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: We show here that glutamate-stressed cortical neurons induce LIF expression through activation of adenosine A2B receptor subtype in cultured astrocytes and require signaling of protein kinase C (PKC), mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs: p38 and ERK1/2), and the nuclear transcription factor (NF)-ÎșB. Moreover, LIF concentration in the supernatant in response to 5'-N-ethylcarboxamide (NECA) stimulation was directly correlated to de novo protein synthesis, suggesting that LIF release did not occur through a regulated release pathway. Immunocytochemistry experiments show that LIF-containing vesicles co-localize with clathrin and Rab11, but not with pHogrin, Chromogranin (Cg)A and CgB, suggesting that LIF might be secreted through recycling endosomes. We further show that pre-treatment with supernatants from NECA-treated astrocytes increased survival of cultured cortical neurons against glutamate, which was absent when the supernatants were pre-treated with an anti-LIF neutralizing antibody. CONCLUSIONS: Adenosine from glutamate-stressed neurons induces rapid LIF release in astrocytes. This rapid release of LIF promotes the survival of cortical neurons against excitotoxicity