8 research outputs found

    Aeromagnetic anomaly images of Vulcano and Southern Lipari Islands (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy)

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    Newly acquired high-resolution, low-altitude aeromagnetic data over Vulcano Island and Southwestern Lipari in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea resolve the major volcanic features in the area associated with the past and present activity. The magnetic character changes in amplitude and frequency from south-east to north-west. The Primordial Vulcano, the Lentia Complex, the Piano Caldera units, the Fossa Caldera deposits, and the currently active La Fossa cone and Vulcanello represent the main volcanic phases on Vulcano Island. They show a distinct magnetic anomaly pattern, whereas prior to this survey, no magnetic signatures of these features were found

    The Usage of GIS Tools on Vintage Aerogeophysical Data for Simple and Fast Processing with a Focus on Fault Interpretation: An Austrian Case Study

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    The reuse of vintage datasets which were acquired in the 20th century can pose challenges for modern geophysical modeling due to missing detailed preprocessing information, significant uncertainties, or lack of precise tracking, etc. Nevertheless, they are often the only available datasets in a target region. We explore here the potential of such vintage airborne geophysical datasets (magnetics, AEM, radiometrics) to detect the location and dip direction of geological faults, using a non-modeling interpretation approach based on multiple GIS tools. We apply our approach in a geologically well-known region where four different types of faults are mapped. The applicability of the tools used in this study depend on the geological setting of each fault and is evaluated based on the comparison with geological and—where available—with modeling data. In general, the GIS tools, especially used on a combination of datasets, show reliable results concerning the location and strike of faults, and even seem to be able to predict the dip direction of a fault

    Radionuclides in groundwater, rocks and stream sediments in Austria—results from a recent survey

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    The explanatory notes `Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Themenkarte Radionuklide in Grundwässern, Gesteinen und Bachsedimenten Österreichs 1:500 000' (Berka et al. 2014b) documents the source of the measurements displayed on the map and give some interpretation. It should be pointed out that table 4.3 in these explanatory notes gives citations concerning the uranium mineralisations displayed in the map and table 4.7 concerning the uranium whole rock analyses shown in it

    Radionuclides in groundwater, rocks and stream sediments in Austria—results from a recent survey

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    The explanatory notes `Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Themenkarte Radionuklide in Grundwässern, Gesteinen und Bachsedimenten Österreichs 1:500 000' (Berka et al. 2014b) documents the source of the measurements displayed on the map and give some interpretation. It should be pointed out that table 4.3 in these explanatory notes gives citations concerning the uranium mineralisations displayed in the map and table 4.7 concerning the uranium whole rock analyses shown in it

    Radionuclides in groundwater, rocks and stream sediments in Austria—results from a recent survey

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    The map `Radionuklide in Grundwässern, Gesteinen und Bachsedimenten Österreichs 1:500 000' (Berka et al. 2014a) shows the uranium content of the underground (`Gesteinschemie' = whole rock analyses, `Bachsedimente' = stream sediments) as well as the groundwater's content of uranium-238, radium-226, lead-210, polonium-210 and radium-228 (`Grundwasserdaten'). The stream sediment analyses displayed on the map are the maximum values within a cell size of 7.5 km (like in fig. 18). Furthermore the map displays published uranium mineralisations (`Uran-Mineralisationen') in Austria. In the geological legend also frequency diagrams of the geological units' uranium concentrations in stream sediments are displayed