47 research outputs found

    First Description of a Temperate Bacteriophage (vB_FhiM_KIRK) of Francisella hispaniensis Strain 3523

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    Here we present the characterization of a Francisella bacteriophage (vB_FhiM_KIRK) including the morphology, the genome sequence and the induction of the prophage. The prophage sequence (FhaGI-1) has previously been identified in F. hispaniensis strain 3523. UV radiation induced the prophage to assemble phage particles consisting of an icosahedral head (~52 nm in diameter), a tail of up to 97 nm in length and a mean width of 9 nm. The double stranded genome of vB_FhiM_KIRK contains 51 open reading frames and is 34,259 bp in length. The genotypic and phylogenetic analysis indicated that this phage seems to belong to the Myoviridae family of bacteriophages. Under the conditions tested here, host cell (Francisella hispaniensis 3523) lysis activity of KIRK was very low, and the phage particles seem to be defective for infecting new bacterial cells. Nevertheless, recombinant KIRK DNA was able to integrate site-specifically into the genome of different Francisella species after DNA transformation.Peer Reviewe

    Mechanisms of Legionella pneumophila-induced interleukin-8 expression in human lung epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Legionella pneumophila </it>is a facultative intracellular bacterium, capable of replicating within the phagosomes of macrophages and monocytes, but little is known about its interaction with human lung epithelial cells. We investigated the effect of <it>L. pneumophila </it>on the expression of interleukin-8 (IL-8) in human A549 alveolar and NCI-H292 tracheal epithelial cell lines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Infection of <it>L. pneumophila </it>strain, but not heat-killed strain, resulted in upregulation of IL-8. IL-8 mRNA expression was induced immediately after the infection and its signal became gradually stronger until 24 h after infection. On the other hand, IL-8 expression in A549 cells infected with <it>L. pneumophila </it>lacking a functional type IV secretion system was transient. The IL-8 expression was slightly induced at 16 h and increased at 24 h after infection with flagellin-deficient <it>Legionella</it>. Activation of the IL-8 promoter by <it>L. pneumophila </it>infection occurred through the action of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). Transfection of dominant negative mutants of NF-κB-inducing kinase, IκB kinase and IκB inhibited <it>L. pneumophila</it>-mediated activation of IL-8 promoter. Treatment with hsp90 inhibitor suppressed <it>L. pneumophila</it>-induced IL-8 mRNA due to deactivation of NF-κB.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Collectively, these results suggest that <it>L. pneumophila </it>induces activation of NF-κB through an intracellular signaling pathway that involves NF-κB-inducing kinase and IκB kinase, leading to IL-8 gene transcription, and that hsp90 acts as a crucial regulator in <it>L. pneumophila</it>-induced IL-8 expression, presumably contributing to immune response in <it>L. pneumophila</it>. The presence of flagellin and a type IV secretion system are critical for <it>Legionella </it>to induce IL-8 expression in lung epithelial cells.</p

    Tularemia in Germany—A Re-emerging Zoonosis

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    Tularemia, also known as “rabbit fever,” is a zoonosis caused by the facultative intracellular, gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis. Infection occurs through contact with infected animals (often hares), arthropod vectors (such as ticks or deer flies), inhalation of contaminated dust or through contaminated food and water. In this review, we would like to provide an overview of the current epidemiological situation in Germany using published studies and case reports, an analysis of recent surveillance data and our own experience from the laboratory diagnostics, and investigation of cases. While in Germany tularemia is a rarely reported disease, there is evidence of recent re-emergence. We also describe some peculiarities that were observed in Germany, such as a broad genetic diversity, and a recently discovered new genus of Francisella and protracted or severe clinical courses of infections with the subspecies holarctica. Because tularemia is a zoonosis, we also touch upon the situation in the animal reservoir and one-health aspects of this disease. Apparently, many pieces of the puzzle need to be found and put into place before the complex interaction between wildlife, the environment and humans are fully understood. Funding for investigations into rare diseases is scarce. Therefore, combining efforts in several countries in the framework of international projects may be necessary to advance further our understanding of this serious but also scientifically interesting disease

    The Flagellar Regulon of Legionella—A Review

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    The Legionella genus comprises more than 60 species. In particular, Legionella pneumophila is known to cause severe illnesses in humans. Legionellaceae are ubiquitous inhabitants of aquatic environments. Some Legionellaceae are motile and their motility is important to move around in habitats. Motility can be considered as a potential virulence factor as already shown for various human pathogens. The genes of the flagellar system, regulator and structural genes, are structured in hierarchical levels described as the flagellar regulon. Their expression is modulated by various environmental factors. For L. pneumophila it was shown that the expression of genes of the flagellar regulon is modulated by the actual growth phase and temperature. Especially, flagellated Legionella are known to express genes during the transmissive phase of growth that are involved in the expression of virulence traits. It has been demonstrated that the alternative sigma-28 factor is part of the link between virulence expression and motility. In the following review, the structure of the flagellar regulon of L. pneumophila is discussed and compared to other flagellar systems of different Legionella species. Recently, it has been described that Legionella micdadei and Legionella fallonii contain a second putative partial flagellar system. Hence, the report will focus on flagellated and non-flagellated Legionella strains, phylogenetic relationships, the role and function of the alternative sigma factor (FliA) and its anti-sigma-28 factor (FlgM)

    Variable genetic element typing: A quick method for epidemiological subtyping of Legionella pneumophila

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    A total of 57 isolates of Legionella pneumophila were randomly selected from the German National Legionella strain collection and typed by monoclonal antibody subgrouping, seven-gene locus sequence-based typing (SBT) scheme and a newly developed variable element typing (VET) system based on the presence or absence of ten variable genetic elements. These elements were detected while screening a genomic library of strain Corby, as well as being taken from published data for PAI-1 (pathogenicity island) from strain Philadelphia. Specific primers were designed and used in gel-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. PCR amplification of the mip gene served as a control. The end-point was the presence/absence of a PCR product on an ethidium bromide-strained gel. In the present study, the index of discrimination was somewhat lower than that of the SBT (0.87 versus 0.97). Nevertheless, the results obtained showed as a 'proof of principle' that this simple and quick typing assay might be useful for the epidemiological characterisation of L. pneumophila strains

    First indication for a functional CRISPR/Cas system in Francisella tularensis

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    Francisella tularensis is a zoonotic agent and the subspecies novicida is proposed to be a water-associated bacterium. The intracellular pathogen F. tularensis causes tularemia in humans and is known for its potential to be used as a biological threat. We analyzed the genome sequence of F. tularensis subsp. novicida U112 in silico for the presence of a putative functional CRISPR/Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated) system. CRISPR/Cas systems are known to encode an RNA-guided adaptive immunity-like system to protect bacteria against invading genetic elements like bacteriophages and plasmids. In this work, we present a first indication that F. tularensis subsp. novicida encodes a functional CRISPR/Cas defence system. Additionally, we identified various spacer DNAs homologous to a putative phage present within the genome of F. tularensis subsp. novicida-like strain 3523. CRISPR/Cas is also present in F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, holarctica, and mediasiatica, but these systems seem to be non-functional

    Construction of a New Phage Integration Vector pFIV-Val for Use in Different Francisella Species

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    We recently identified and described a putative prophage on the genomic island FhaGI-1 located within the genome of Francisella hispaniensis AS02-814 (F. tularensis subsp. novicida-like 3523). In this study, we constructed two variants of a Francisella phage integration vector, called pFIV1-Val and pFIV2-Val (Francisella Integration Vector-tRNAVal-specific), using the attL/R-sites and the site-specific integrase (FN3523_1033) of FhaGI-1, a chloramphenicol resistance cassette and a sacB gene for counter selection of transformants against the vector backbone. We inserted the respective sites and genes into vector pUC57-Kana to allow for propagation in Escherichia coli. The constructs generated a circular episomal form in E. coli which could be used to transform Francisella spp. where FIV-Val stably integrated site specifically into the tRNAVal gene of the genome, whereas pUC57-Kana is lost due to counter selection. Functionality of the new vector was demonstrated by the successfully complementation of a Francisella mutant strain. The vectors were stable in vitro and during host-cell infection without selective pressure. Thus, the vectors can be applied as a further genetic tool in Francisella research, expanding the present genetic tools by an integrative element. This new element is suitable to perform long-term experiments with different Francisella species

    Characterization of the Alternative Sigma Factor σ(54) and the Transcriptional Regulator FleQ of Legionella pneumophila, Which Are Both Involved in the Regulation Cascade of Flagellar Gene Expression

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    We cloned and analyzed Legionella pneumophila Corby homologs of rpoN (encoding σ(54)) and fleQ (encoding σ(54) activator protein). Two other genes (fleR and pilR) whose products have a σ(54) interaction domain were identified in the genome sequence of L. pneumophila. An rpoN mutant strain was nonflagellated and expressed very small amounts of the FlaA (flagellin) protein. Like the rpoN mutant, the fleQ mutant strain of L. pneumophila was also nonflagellated and expressed only small amounts of FlaA protein compared to the amounts expressed by the wild type. In this paper we show that the σ(54) factor and the FleQ protein are involved in regulation of flagellar gene operons in L. pneumophila. RpoN and FleQ positively regulate the transcription of FliM and FleN, both of which have a σ(54)-dependent promoter consensus sequence. However, they seemed to be dispensable for transcription of flaA, fliA, or icmR. Our results confirmed a recently described model of the flagellar gene regulation cascade in L. pneumophila (K. Heuner and M. Steinert, Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 293:133-145, 2003). Flagellar gene regulation was found to be different from that of Enterobacteriaceae but seems to be comparable to that described for Pseudomonas or Vibrio spp