42 research outputs found

    Konfigurationsbestimmung von (2S,7aR)- und (2S,7aS)-2-Benzyl-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-pyrrolo[2,1-b]oxazol-3(2H)-on

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    Im Zusammenhang mit Untersuchungen zur asymmetrischen Synthese 2-substituierter Pyrrolidine1* haben wir, wie kürzlich berichtet2*, durch säurekatalysierte Cyclisierung von (S>1 die beiden Tetrahydropyrrolo[2,l-d} oxazol-3(2tf)-one (2S,7aS)-2 und (2S,7aR)-3 dargestellt. (2$,7aS)-2 und (ZS,7aÄ)-3 wurden entsprechend ihrem Produktanteil als Haupt- und Nebenisomer bezeichnet; die Konfigurationen wurden nicht zugeordnet Dazu waren weitere Untersuchungen nötig, die hier vorgestellt werden

    Widespread use of pure and impure placebo interventions by GPs in Germany

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    Aim. To collect data on the use of placebo interventions by GPs in Germany. Methods. A questionnaire was mailed to 400 randomly selected GPs in Bavaria. Non-responders were reminded by telephone after 4 weeks and were given a second copy of the questionnaire after a further 3 weeks. Results. In all, 208 completed questionnaires were returned. The majority of GPs (88%) have used a placebo at least once in their practice; 45% have used pure placebos, such as saline injections and sugar pills, at least once last year; the median frequency of use was 5 [interquartile range (IQR), 2-10]. The use of impure placebos during the past year was more common: 76% of GPs have used impure placebos, i.e. medical interventions that have pharmacological or physical activity but have no intrinsic effect (e.g. pharmacological or physical action) on the patient's disease or its symptoms, with a median frequency of 20 times per year (IQR, 10-50). The main reason for the use of placebo was a possible psychological effect, followed by the expectation of patients to receive a treatment. For the majority of GPs placebo interventions were ethically justified if they were used for a possible psychological effect. Conclusions. Placebo interventions are a widely accepted part of medical treatment in German general practices and are used primarily for their psychological effects. Impure placebos are used much more frequently than pure placebo

    Benocyclidine (BTCP) as Non‐labelled Reporter Ligand for MS Binding Assays for the PCP Ion Channel Binding Site of the Desensitized Torpedo Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR)

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    In this study we present MS Binding Assays for the PCP ion channel binding site of Torpedo californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) as an alternative to radioligand binding assays. As MS Marker Benocyclidine (BTCP) was employed, found to be more affine (Kd of 84.2 nM) than the radioligands, e. g. [3H]PCP, used so far in respective binding assays. Based on a highly sensitive and fast LC-ESI-MS/MS method for quantification of BTCP samples, BTCP MS Binding Assays for the PCP ion channel binding site of Torpedo nAChR could be established comprising saturation, kinetic and competition experiments. The affinities obtained in competitive BTCP MS Binding Assays for ligands addressing the PCP ion channel binding site of Torpedo nAChR were in excellent accord with those reported from radioligand experiments. Thus, the new BTCP MS Binding Assays represent a potent and reliable alternative to radioligand binding assays used so far for the characterization of ligand binding to the PCP ion channel binding site of the nAChR

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel N-substituted nipecotic acid derivatives with tricyclic cage structures in the lipophilic domain as GABA uptake inhibitors

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    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>A new class of GABA reuptake inhibitors with sterically demanding, highly rigid tricyclic cage structures as the lipophilic domain was synthesized and investigated in regard to their biological activity at the murine GABA transporters (mGAT1–mGAT4). The construction of these compounds, consisting of nipecotic acid, a symmetric tricyclic amine, and a plain hydrocarbon linker connecting the two subunits via their amino nitrogens, was accomplished via reductive amination of a nipecotic acid derivative with an <jats:italic>N</jats:italic>-alkyl substituent displaying a terminal aldehyde function with tricyclic secondary amines. The target compounds varied with regard to spacer length, the bridge size of one of the bridges, and the substituents of the tricyclic skeleton to study the impact of these changes on their potency. Among the tested compounds nipecotic acid ethyl ester derivates with phenyl residues attached to the cage subunit showed reasonable inhibitory potency and subtype selectivity in favor of mGAT3 and mGAT4, respectively.</jats:p&gt

    τBu₂SiF-Derivatized D₂-Receptor Ligands: The First SiFA-Containing Small Molecule Radiotracers for Target-Specific PET-Imaging

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    The synthesis, radiolabeling and in vitro evaluation of new silicon-fluoride acceptor (SiFA) derivatized D-2-receptor ligands is reported. The SiFA-technology simplifies the introduction of fluorine-18 into target specific biomolecules for Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET). However, one of the remaining challenges, especially for small molecules such as receptor-ligands, is the bulkiness of the SiFA-moiety. We therefore synthesized four Fallypride SiFA-conjugates derivatized either directly at the benzoic acid ring system (SiFA-DMFP, SiFA-FP, SiFA-DDMFP) or at the butyl-side chain (SiFA-M-FP) and tested their receptor affinities. We found D2-receptor affinities for all compounds in the nanomolar range (Ki(SiFA-DMFP) = 13.6 nM, Ki(SiFA-FP) = 33.0 nM, Ki(SiFA-DDMFP) = 62.7 nM and Ki(SiFA-M-FP) = 4.21 nM). The radiofluorination showed highest yields when 10 nmol of the precursors were reacted with F-18]fluoride/TBAHCO(3) in acetonitrile. After a reversed phased cartridge purification the desired products could be isolated as an injectable solution after only 10 min synthesis time with radiochemical yields (RCY) of more than 40% in the case of SiFA-DMFP resulting in specific activities >41 GBq/mu mol (>1,100 Ci/mmol). Furthermore, the radiolabeled products were shown to be stable in the injectable solutions, as well as in human plasma, for at least 90 min

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of α- and β-hydroxy substituted amino acid derivatives as potential mGAT1-4 inhibitors

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    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In this study, we report the synthesis and biological evaluation of a variety of α- and β-hydroxy substituted amino acid derivatives as potential amino acid subunits in inhibitors of GABA uptake transporters (GATs). In order to ensure that the test compounds adopt a binding pose similar to that presumed for related larger GAT inhibitors, lipophilic residues were introduced either at the amino nitrogen atom or at the alcohol function. Several of the synthesized compounds were found to exhibit similar inhibitory activity at the GAT subtypes mGAT2, mGAT3, and mGAT4, respectively, as compared with the reference N-butylnipecotic acid. Hence, these compounds might serve as starting point for future developments of more complex GAT inhibitors.</jats:p&gt

    Simultaneous LC-ESI-MS/MS Quantification of Levosimendan and Its Metabolites for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Cardiac Surgery Patients

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    Levosimendan is used in severe chronic cardiac insufficiency, also within the peri-operative setting. Real-life pharmacokinetic data in surgical patients is lacking, making therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of levosimendan, its pharmacologically active metabolite OR-1896, and its intermediate OR-1855 important. A simultaneous highly sensitive quantification of levosimendan and its metabolites in small-volume samples has not yet been described. Here, levosimendan (LLOQ 0.450 nM), OR-1896, and OR-1855 (LLOQ both 1.0 nM) were successfully quantified by LC-ESI-MS/MS after liquid-liquid extraction in 300 mu L of blood. A short C8 column under reversed-phase conditions enabled simultaneous and fast quantification of levosimendan in the negative and the metabolites in the positive ionization mode in a single run within 2 min. Interestingly and unexpectedly, constitutional isomers of levosimendan metabolites with identical mass transitions and similar retention times were observed in surgical patients' samples, which we identified as the metamizole metabolites 4-aminoantipyrine and 4-acetamidoantipyrine. A longer C8 column and a modified mobile phase enabled selective quantification of all analytes in a single run within 7 min. We developed, validated, and applied highly sensitive LC-ESI-MS/MS methods for simultaneous quantification of levosimendan and its metabolites, enabling efficient TDM of cardiac surgery patients even with additional metamizole administration

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel MB327 analogs as resensitizers for desensitized nicotinic acetylcholine receptors after intoxication with nerve agents

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    Poisoning with organophosphorus compounds, which can lead to a cholinergic crisis due to the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and the subsequent accumulation of acetylcholine (ACh) in the synaptic cleft, is a serious problem for which treatment options are currently insufficient. Our approach to broadening the therapeutic spectrum is to use agents that interact directly with desensitized nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in order to induce functional recovery after ACh overstimulation. Although MB327, one of the most prominent compounds investigated in this context, has already shown positive properties in terms of muscle force recovery, this compound is not suitable for use as a therapeutic agent due to its insufficient potency. By means of in silico studies based on our recently presented allosteric binding pocket at the nAChR, i.e. the MB327-PAM-1 binding site, three promising MB327 analogs with a 4-aminopyridinium ion partial structure (PTM0056, PTM0062, and PTM0063) were identified. In this study, we present the synthesis and biological evaluation of a series of new analogs of the aforementioned compounds with a 4-aminopyridinium ion partial structure (PTM0064-PTM0072), as well as hydroxy-substituted analogs of MB327 (PTMD90–0012 and PTMD90–0015) designed to substitute entropically unfavorable water clusters identified during molecular dynamics simulations. The compounds were characterized in terms of their binding affinity towards the aforementioned binding site by applying the UNC0642 MS Binding Assays and in terms of their muscle force reactivation in rat diaphragm myography. More potent compounds were identified compared to MB327, as some of them showed a higher affinity towards MB327-PAM-1 and also a higher recovery of neuromuscular transmission at lower compound concentrations. To improve the treatment of organophosphate poisoning, direct targeting of nAChRs with appropriate compounds is a key step, and this study is an important contribution to this research