718 research outputs found

    Nevirapine (NVP), tenofovir (TDF) and lamivudine (3TC) or emtricitabine (FTC) is effective and well tolerated in naĂŻve HIV-1 infected patients

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    Background: The combination of stavudine (d4T), 3TC and NVP was the WHO recommended first-line regimen for the treatment of naïve HIV-1 infected patients in resource-limited settings. But peripheral polyneuropathy, lipoatrophy and symptomatic hyperlactatemia are frequent and treatment-limiting adverse events associated with stavudine, especially when combined with antituberculous drugs. Tenofovir combined with lamivudine and efavirenz has proven excellent efficacy, but there is little experience when given with NVP. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all patients receiving TDF, NVP and 3TC or FTC as first-line treatment in the Frankfurt HIV cohort. Summary of results: 70 patients (15 female) with a median CD4 cell count of 210/μl (47–949) and HIV-RNA PCR of 140,000 copies/ml (2,500–2,000,000) at baseline received TDF, NVP and 3TC/FTC, and were treated for a median of 68 weeks (16–278). CD4 cells rose up to cells/μl 322 (119–1075) and 75% of the patients remained on treatment. All patients on treatment at week 48 were 100,000 c/m. Reasons for discontinuation (24%) were mainly adverse events (13%), with rash (7%) and liver toxicity (6%) being the two most common, whereas virologic failure, drug interaction and non-adherence were all relatively rare (each 3%). Conclusion: The combination of NVP, TDF and 3TC or FTC is effective and well tolerated in previously naïve HIV-1 infected patients even when started with low CD4 cell counts (100,000 c/ml). In the latest amendment of the WHO guidelines TDF, instead of d4T, is the recommended first-line treatment in resource-limited settings

    NTU prenucleoli

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    The prenucleolus for coalitional games with transferable utility (TU games) is a well established and intensively researched solution concept for this class of games. Unlike other solutions concepts for TU games (core, Shapley value, etc.) an extension to the class of all coalitional games without transferable utility (NTU games) must still be considered as an open problem. In this thesis we propose a new class of excess functions for NTU games and investigate the resulting prenucleoli for those games. These share some important properties with the TU prenucleolus like single-valuedness and the characterization by the Kohlberg criterion. A special member of this class of NTU prenucleoli is introduced which has some additional properties like covariance and consistency (with respect to a new reduced game, which is an extension of the Davis and Maschler reduced (TU) game). Also the connection to the core and a variant of it are investigated.

    Once-daily saquinavir (SAQ)/ritonavir (RTV) (2000/100 mg) with abacavir/lamivudine (600/300 mg) or tenofovir/emtricitabine (245/300 mg) in naĂŻve patients

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    Poster presentation: Background In the past years, once-daily (QD) dosing of antiretroviral combination therapy has become an increasingly available treatment option for HIV-1+ patients. Methods Open label study in which HIV-1+ patients treated with SAQ/RTV (1000/100 mg BID) and two NRTIs with HIV-RNA-PCR < 50 copies/ml were switched to SAQ/RTV(2000/100 mg QD) with unchanged NRTI-backbone. CD4-cells, HIV-RNA-PCR, SAQ and RTV drug-levels and metabolic parameters were compared. Summary of results 17 patients (15 male, 42 years), median CD4 456 ± 139/micro l were included so far. The median follow-up time is 4 months. The HIV-RNA-PCR remained <50 copies/ml for all patients. Fasting metabolic parameters remained unchanged. The SAQ AUC 0–12 h were significantly higher when given QD vs. BID (median 29,400 vs. 18,500 ng*h/ml; p = 0.009), whereas the Cmin, Cmax and AUC was lower for RTV when given QD vs. BID (7,400 vs. 11,700 ng*h/ml; p = 0.02). Conclusion In this ongoing study SAQ/RTV (2000/100 mg QD) was well tolerated and demonstrated higher SAQ and lower RTV drug levels as compared to the BID dosing schedule. (Table 1 and Figure 1.

    Risk based approach towards more sustainability in European pig production

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    Major aim of this thesis was to demonstrate how the use of a HACCP concept, a risk based approach, improves the sustainability of added value chains in European pig production. The thesis is featured as a pseudo-cumulative work with general introduction and conclusions and five independent chapters. Sustainability comprises nine themes. This thesis concentrates on animal health, meat quality and meat safety. 127 pig producing farms from five European countries and 15 different farming systems were investigated to design a catalogue proposing checklists for sustainability evaluation. This catalogue was used to assess farm specific risks in relation to animal health and meat safety, using principal component analysis. Only in the case of low risks due to diseases and failures of management, pig producing farms and the whole meat production chain can be categorized as sustainable. High intra- and inter-system differences of present risks were identified by this procedure. A combination of results from audits based on checklists and results from monitoring measures increase the certainty of risk assessment. A method for a continuous control and management of these sustainability aims was developed based on the principles of the HACCP concept. Unspecific and sensitive inflammatory markers take a key role regarding these monitoring measures. The innate immune system is affected by many factors like lesions, diseases, infections and permanent psychological stress and responds by increased concentrations of so called acute phase proteins. During a life cycle study with 99 pigs from rearing to slaughter, resulting in a data set of more than 18000 individual data records, these indicators of increased risks were investigated in detail. The correlation analyses of serum concentrations of these indicators measured at an age of 13 weeks presented the most significant coherences with parameters of meat and carcass quality. A direct coherence of the sustainability themes animal health and meat quality was proved for the first time. The risk of organ abnormalities was 16 times higher in cases of increased serum concentrations of one of these indicators measured directly before slaughter. The results proved these indicators in combination with further information to improve efficiency in terms of risk assessment and attendant measures. Implementation to practice was supported by the development of a rapid measurement method for the indicators based on a biosensor system.Risikobasierter Ansatz zur Steigerung der Nachhaltigkeit der Europäischen Schweineproduktion Das übergeordnete Ziel der Arbeit war es, zu demonstrieren, wie durch das HACCP Konzept als Risiko basierter Ansatz für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette die Nachhaltigkeit der Europäischen Schweineproduktion gesteigert werden kann. Die Arbeit ist als pseudo-kumulative Schrift gestaltet mit allgemeiner Einleitung und Zusammenfassung sowie fünf in sich geschlossenen Publikationen. Nachhaltigkeit umfasst neun Themengebiete, von denen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit schwerpunktmäßig Tiergesundheit, Fleischqualität und Lebensmittelsicherheit bearbeitet wurden. Zur Gestaltung eines Checklistenkatalogs standen insgesamt 127 Schweine haltende Betriebe aus 5 EU Ländern und 15 verschiedenen Haltungssystemen zur Verfügung. Der entwickelte Checklistenkatalog ermöglichte es, unter Anwendung der Hautkomponentenanalyse, betriebsspezifische Risiken für die Gesundheit der Tiere zu bewerten und die Sicherheit, der von diesen Tieren stammenden Lebensmittel, einzuschätzen. Nur, wenn bezogen auf beide Bewertungskriterien die Risiken für das Auftreten von Krankheiten oder Managementfehler gering sind, können tierhaltende Betriebe sowie die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette Fleisch als nachhaltig eingestuft werden. Sowohl innerhalb als auch zwischen verschiedenen Haltungssystemen konnten sehr unterschiedliche Risikolagen identifiziert werden. Die Sicherheit der Risikobewertung wird durch eine Kombination von Checklisten-gestützten Audits mit Ergebnissen aus Monitoringmaßnahmen erhöht. Hier wurde eine Methode zur kontinuierlichen Überwachung und Steuerung dieser Nachhaltigkeitsziele in Anlehnung an die HACCP-Methode entwickelt. Eine zentrale Rolle im Rahmen eines Monitorings nehmen dabei unspezifische, sensitive Entzündungsmarker ein. Das Immunsystem reagiert auf eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, wie Verletzungen, Infektionen oder andauernden psychischen Stress, durch eine vermehrte Ausschüttung der sogenannten Akute Phase Proteine. Diese Risikoindikatoren wurden, im Rahmen eines Versuchs zur Beschreibung des Lebenszyklus von 99 Schweinen mit mehr als 18.000 erfassten Einzeldaten, weiter untersucht. Korrelationsanalysen der Serumkonzentrationen dieser Indikatoren wiesen im Lebensalter von 13 Wochen die meisten signifikanten Zusammenhänge zu Parametern der Fleisch- und Schlachtkörperqualität, die nach der Schlachtung bewertet wurden, auf. Es wurde erstmals nachgewiesen, dass zwischen den Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten Tiergesundheit und Fleischqualität ein direkter Zusammenhang besteht. Für das Auftreten von Organveränderung lag bei erhöhten Konzentrationen eines Indikators, ermittelt kurz vor der Schlachtung, ein 16fach erhöhtes Risiko vor. Es wurde gezeigt, wie diese Indikatoren in Verbindung mit Informationen aus Audits, zu einer Effizienzsteigerung im Rahmen der Risikobewertung und sich daran anschließenden Folgemaßnahmen genutzt werden können. Die Entwicklung einer Schnellmethode zur Messung der Risikoindikatoren, basierend auf einem Biosensorsystem, unterstützt eine mögliche Implementierung der entwickelten Methode

    Extracellular Recordings of Field Potentials from Single Cardiomyocytes

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    AbstractOpen microfluidic channels were used to separate the extracellular space around a cardiomyocyte into three compartments: the cell ends and a central partition (insulating gap). The microchannels were filled with buffer solution and overlaid with paraffin oil, thus forming the cavities for the cell ends. The central part of the cardiomyocyte rested on the partition between two adjacent microchannels and was entirely surrounded by the paraffin oil. This arrangement increased the extracellular electrical resistance to >20MΩ and facilitated the recording of the time course of the change in extracellular voltage and current during subthreshold and suprathreshold stimuli. The waveform of the extracellular current and voltage in response to an extracellular depolarizing stimulus comprised an initial monophasic signal followed by a biphasic signal with a delay of 2–15ms. The latter was associated with a transient contraction and therefore caused by an action potential. The biphasic signal became monophasic after the depolarization of one cell end by raised extracellular [K+]. This form of differential recording revealed the repolarization phase of the action potential. At rest, the sarcomere length within the gap was 12%±4.8% longer than outside the gap, but intracellular Ca2+ transients occurred to the same extent as that observed in the outer pools. This data demonstrate the feasibility of the use of a microfluidic bath design to limit the extracellular resistance between two ends of an isolated cardiomyocyte

    Efficacy and safety of TDF/FTC-containing first-line HAART in clinical practice – 2-year data from the German Outpatient Cohort

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    Poster presentation: Purpose of the study First-line HAART with tenofovir DF (TDF) and FTC in pivotal trials has been associated with high efficacy and good tolerability. However, real-life clinical practice often differs from clinical trials due to co-morbidities, co-infections, and less intensive clinical monitoring. To evaluate efficacy and safety of first-line HAART in a day-to-day setting, this Gilead-sponsored non-interventional cohort was established. Methods Between July 2005 and August 2006, 533 HIV-1 infected antiretroviral-naïve patients from 50 German centres enrolled in this non-interventional cohort. All patients were followed every 3 months for 3 years to monitor efficacy (viral load [VL], CD4), tolerability, renal safety, regimen changes and resistance profile. All patients received TDF+FTC as a single tablet (Truvada, TVD) in combination with either an NNRTI or PI/r as their first antiretroviral regimen. Summary of results As of June 2008, 2 years of therapy have been documented for 330/533 (62%) patients. At treatment initiation, 81% were male; median age was 39 years; clinical AIDS diagnosis was documented in 22%; 47% started therapy with CD4 <200 cells/mm3. TVD was combined with an NNRTI (43%) or a PI/r (57%). After 24 months, in an As-Treated (AT) analysis, 85% patients achieved a VL <50 copies/ml (VL <500 copies/ml: 97%), median CD4 count increased from 217 at baseline to 450 cells/mm3 (IQR: 325–608). Truvada showed a good safety profile; 76 adverse events (AEs) of any grade were reported in 66/533 patients (12%); six of these were judged serious. Fourteen (2.6%) patients discontinued TVD due to AEs. Renal abnormalities of any grade were reported in 10 patients (1.9%). Virological failure was documented in nine patients, of which eight were genotyped; M184V/I was detected in three, K65R in two patients. Conclusion During 2 years of follow-up, the overall safety of TVD was good; renal AEs of any grade were reported in 1.9% of patients. K65R was detected in two patients. First-line HAART with TVD plus an NNRTI or PI/r in clinical practice showed comparable efficacy to that observed in controlled clinical trials

    Hat szigma az élelmiszertermelésben - a biológiai folyamatok optimalizálásának kihívásai = Six sigma in food production - challenges for 'bio' process optimization

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    A fogyasztói magatartás változásai és az ipari élelmiszer-előállítás terén elért technológiai haladás egyaránt igényli az innovatív minőségügyi stratégiák létét. A legutóbbi időkben különösen a sertéshús ágazatban honosodtak meg a kényelmi termékek előállítását lehetővé tevő innovatív minőségügyi stratégiák. Ezen okból kifolyólag a minőségirányítási módszerek szerepe a sertéshús értékláncon belül egyre inkább felértékelődik. A fogyasztó-szállító perspektíva súlyponti szerepe szempontjából a Hat Szigma ígéretes lehet a sertéshús termelők minőségirányítási döntéseinek meghozatalánál. A Hat Szigma minőségirányítási módszere a folyamatok teljesítményének strukturált módon való javítására szolgál. A jelen tanulmány értékeli a Hat Szigma koncepció által nyújtott optimalizálási lehetőséget a szabványosított ipari sertéshús előállítási folyamatokban egy strukturált Hat Szigma megközelítés kialakításával. A szerzők körvonalazzák a sertéstenyésztő gazdaságok és egy húsfeldolgozó vállalat viszonylatában a szállító-ügyfél folyamatok optimalizálási lehetőségeit, kiválasztva a megfelelő QM (minőségirányítási) eszközöket, alkalmazva azokat a biológiai folyamatok igényeire. A termelési fázisok közötti intenzív együttműködés és kommunikáció a farmtól a fogyasztóig tartó ellátási lánc kritikus sikertényezője. Changes in consum er’s behaviour and technological advances of the industrial food production need innovative quality strategies. Especially the pork sector has implemented new innovative quality strategies for convenient products in recent times. For this reason, the role of quality m anagem ent m ethods within the pork value chain is more and more important. To emphasize the custom er-supplier perspective Six Sigma is promising in quality m anagem ent decisions of pork producers. Six Sigma is a m ethod of quality m anagem ent to improve the perform ance of processes in a structurized way. In the present study the optimization potential of the Six Sigma concept in standardized industrial processes of pork production are evaluated designing a structured Six Sigma approach for this purpose. Optimization potential of the suppliercustom er processes between pig farms and a meat processor is outlined and also suitable QM tools are selected and adopted to the demand of ’bio’ processes. An intensive collaboration and communication between stages of production is a critical success factor for supply chain management from the farm to the consumer
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