56 research outputs found

    The role of selected nutritional factors in erectile dysfunction

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    Obecnie na świecie obserwuje się wzrost zapadalności na choroby cywilizacyjne związane z konsumpcyjnym trybem życia. Powszechny dostęp do żywności często związany z jej nadmierną podażą, żywność wysoko przetworzona, bogata w tłuszcze nasycone i węglowodany proste oraz siedzący tryb życia sprzyjają nadwadze i otyłości, cukrzycy, chorobom układu krążenia, a także zaburzeniom erekcji (ED). Zaburzenia erekcji zostały zdefiniowane jako niezdolność do osiągnięcia lub utrzymania sztywności prącia wystarczającej dla satysfakcji seksualnej. Dysfunkcja erekcji często występuje w społeczeństwach zachodnich i dotyka głównie mężczyzn powyżej 40. roku życia. Szacuje się, że liczba osób cierpiących z powodu ED zwiększy się do 322 milionów w 2025 roku. Obecnie uważa się, że ED są jednym z głównych problemów zdrowotnych w starzejących się społeczeństwach. Tlenek azotu (NO), uwalniany przez śródbłonek i zakończenia nerwów układu przywspółczulnego, jest podstawowym neuroprzekaźnikiem zaangażowanym w proces erekcji prącia. Rozszerza naczynia krwionośne penisa, co jest niezbędne w procesie erekcji. Niewystarczająca produkcja śródbłonkowego NO leży u podstaw tych zaburzeń. Wysokie spożycie energii, tłuszczu i cukru charakterystyczne dla diety zachodniej, w dłuższej perspektywie, powoduje dysfunkcję śródbłonka i obniżenie ekspresji śródbłonkowego NO, co jest ważnym czynnikiem przyczyniającym się do rozwoju ED. Niezdrowe nawyki żywieniowe, w szczególności nadmiar niektórych makroskładników w diecie, zwłaszcza tłuszczu i węglowodanów prostych wywołują zaburzenia czynności śródbłonka i utratę homeostazy naczyń, które mogą inicjować i utrzymywać ED. Zmiany w stylu życia, takie jak zrównoważona dieta, czyli dostarczanie odpowiedniej dla wieku i indywidualnych potrzeb żywieniowych ilości tłuszczu, węglowodanów złożonych, białka i mikroelementów oraz witamin powinny być pierwszym krokiem w profilaktyce oraz leczeniu ED. Słowa kluczowe: zaburzenia erekcji, dieta w zaburzeniach erekcji, izoflawony, antyoksydantyLifestyle diseases characterize those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habits of people and are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. The current overconsumption of processed and energy-dense food products of poor nutritional value combined with our sedentary lifestyle have contributed to the overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and erectile dysfunction (ED). Erectile dysfunction is defined as the recurrent or consistent inability to obtain and/or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction is a common medical disorder in Western societies that primarily affects men older than 40 years of age. Moreover, the worldwide prevalence of erectile dysfunction has been predicted to reach 322 million cases by the year 2025. Clearly, erectile dysfunction is now regarded as a major health problem for the increasingly healthy ageing population. Nitric oxide (NO) released from the endothelium and the parasympathetic nerve terminals, is the primary neurotransmitter involved in penile erection. NO widens the blood vessels of the penis which is necessary in the process of erection. Insufficient production of endothelial NO is the main reason of these disorders. Dietary components significantly affect the proper functioning of the endothelium. High-calories and high-fat and high-sugar western diets, in the long term, cause endothelial dysfunction and lowering endothelial nitric oxide expression, which is a major contributor to the development of the ED. Unhealthy diet habits, in particular excess of certain dietary compounds within the diet, and in particular, fat and carbohydrate overload, can induce disturbances of endothelial function and loss of vascular homeostasis, which can initiate and sustain ED. Lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet — providing the proper quantities of fat, complex carbohydrates, proteins, and micronutrients and vitamins depending on age, and nutritional needs of the individual should be the first step in the prevention and treatment of erectile dysfunction

    The nurse's role in patient care after laparoscopic cholecystectomy using ICNP®. Case study

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    INTRODUCTION. Cholelithiasis is a disease occurring very often and affects people of all ages, occurs in both young people as well as in the elderly. Due to such a high incidence of this disease every nurse should be able to identify nursing problems occurring in a patient before and after surgery to remove the gallbladder and be able to solve them. PURPOSE. The aim of the study was to analyze the tasks of nurses and use of ICNP® in the care of the patient after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. MATERIAL AND METHODS. In a study on 12.10.2018 r. And 11.12.2018 r. The method used was an individual case. Were used research techniques such as documentation analysis, interview, measurement, observation. Meetings were held in Lublin, the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4. Person test was 58 - year-old woman after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The study used research tools such as card individualized nursing care developed by the staff of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin, Barthel Index, Scale Norton, Fagerström test, according to test. Starzyńska, test by checking their knowledge about the disease and skills in preparation for self-care after leaving the hospital, criteria for the categories of care and VAS. RESULTS. As a result of careful analysis of the health situation of the patient lists 11 negative diagnoses based on classifications ICNP. Also developed a plan of nursing care. CONCLUSIONS.The patient after laparoscopic cholecystectomy requires medical care, nursing, rehabilitation, preventive education and for faster recovery and eliminate complications

    Nurse's participation in the care of patients after a blind brainous impact, under long-term care

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    Introduction. The most important principle of long-term care is the complexity of activities performed and supervised by a nurse. Due to the large deficit of nurses on the labor market and the insufficient level of their qualifications, ensuring professional performance of nursing tasks is difficult. Often, such care is required in patients who have had an ischemic stroke. Purpose. The aim of the study was to determine the scope of nursing activities towards a patient after an ischemic stroke in long-term care conditions. Material and methods. In the study conducted on 1.12.2018 and 2.12.2018, the individual case method was used research techniques such as: documentation analysis, interview, measurement, observation were used. The meetings took place in a home environment. The examined patient was a 66-year-old man after an ischemic stroke. The study used research tools such as: Personalized nursing care card developed by employees of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Medical University of Lublin, Barthel Scale, Glasgow Scale, Norton Scale, BMI Index, Scale of assessment of basic everyday activities ADL, Own test checking the patient's knowledge / guardian, Criteria for care category and VAS Scale. Results. As a result of a thorough analysis of the patient's health situation, three positive and nine negative diagnoses were specified. A nursing care plan has also been developed. Conclusions. A patient after ischemic stroke who is qualified for long-term care requires holistic care and nursing due to a significant deficit of self-care. Keywords: nursing care, patient, stroke, long-term care

    An integrated approach to pharmacotherapy in smoking cessation: the role of varenicline, bupropion, cytisine, and nicotine replacement therapy

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    Introduction: Smoking tobacco is a significant global health issue, contributing to various diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and respiratory disorders. Quitting smoking is not only a beneficial decision for an individual's health but also for society as a whole. Pharmacological therapy plays a crucial role in the smoking cessation process by supporting and increasing the chances of success. Aim: To compare four medications used in smoking cessation: varenicline, bupropion, cytisine, and nicotine replacement therapy, in terms of their characteristics, mechanism of action, efficacy, and adverse effects. Materials and Methods: A review of available data in the PubMed database regarding medications registered in Poland for the treatment of nicotine addiction. Key Results: The efficacy of all four medications in smoking cessation was demonstrated. Individuals using varenicline, bupropion, cytisine, or nicotine replacement therapy had higher chances of quitting smoking compared to placebo groups. Specifically, varenicline showed the highest efficacy among all the medications studied. Despite a high level of safety profile, each therapy can cause various adverse effects, with the most serious being the risk of seizures associated with bupropion. Conclusions: Varenicline, bupropion, cytisine, and nicotine replacement therapy are valuable tools in the process of smoking cessation and increase the chances of successfully quitting the addiction. The choice of a specific medication may depend on individual patient preferences and clinical factors. These findings should be taken into consideration when making therapeutic decisions in the field of smoking cessation

    Multiple sclerosis - A review of recent advances in diagnostics and treatments

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is a common chronic neuroinflammatory disease of the CNS with an autoimmune basis. It is the most common non-traumatic disorder that leads to disability in young adults. It occurs 3x more often in women. The quality of life of people suffering from multiple sclerosis is often significantly reduced. Objective: The purpose of this review is to analyze the latest information on the characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis. Methods and matherials: A review of the literature available in the PubMed database published between 2016 and 2022, using the following keywords: "multiple sclerosis"; "pathogenesis"; "immunology"; "genetics"; “diagnostics” and "treatment." State of knowledge: Currently, there is no effective cure for multiple sclerosis but therapeutic options have increased over the past few years. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of disease-modifying therapies is too low and they cannot stop the progressive neurodegenerative process in the CNS. A recent development is the option of MS therapy using stem cells. This is to overcome the loss of nerve cells and increase the repair capacity of endogenous myelin. Conclusions: Although knowledge of the pathogenesis of the disease has advanced tremendously in recent years and many new therapeutic options have emerged, our knowledge is still incomplete. This poses a challenge for creating more drugs and halting the progression of the disease

    Understanding obsessive-compulsive disorder - literature review

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    Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder can decrease the quality of life and is often experienced by patients throughout their lives. They involve the presence of obsessions (persistent, unwanted thoughts) and compulsions (actions/rituals performed by the patient to alleviate the discomfort associated with the obsessions). Currently, they are diagnosed based on the criteria of DSM-5.  Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to review and analyze the available literature on obsessive-compulsive disorders.  Materials and methods: A review of the literature available in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases on obsessive-compulsive disorders was conducted.  Results: The exact cause of OCD remains unknown. The involvement of genetic and environmental factors is suspected. It has been shown that damage to certain brain structures due to injury or neurodegenerative diseases can lead to the development of obsessions and/or compulsions. The severity of symptoms is influenced by cognitive inflexibility, a high sense of responsibility, and magical thinking. Currently, pharmacotherapy and/or psychotherapy form the basis of treatment. The portrayal of individuals with OCD has been present in history and art for centuries.  Summary: Aspects, causes, and treatment methods of OCD are still being investigated and discovered. Presenting this disorder through art can positively impact awareness and social acceptance

    Synergistic effect of oxymatrine and 5-fluorouracil on the migratory potential in A549 non-small cell lung cancer cells

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    Introduction: An interesting research direction is the development of new therapies to reduce metastasis, especially in highly invasive cancer such as lung cancer. One of the commonly used anti-cancer drugs is 5-fluorouracil. Oxymatrine is a natural alkaloid with a wide range of effects. Combined with a cytostatic, it may enhance its action and protect normal cells. Therefore, the study aimed to analyse the effect of oxymatrine and 5-fluorouracil on non-small lung cancer cell line A549. Material and methods: The study was based on the assessment of the interaction between drugs, cell death, cell cycle phase distribution, fluorescent labelling of F-actin and b-catenin, as well as wound healing and transwell migration assay. Results: The combined treatment with oxymatrine and the cytostatic in a 1:1 ratio resulted in synergism. Incubation of cells with both substances induced changes in the life processes of A549 cells. In turn, the reorganization of F-actin and b-catenin contributed to the limitation of lung cancer cell migration compared to individual treatment with compounds. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the combination of oxymatrine and 5-fluorouracil in the 1:1 ratio may limit the migratory potential of A549 cells. In summary, oxymatrine can support the anti-cancer effect of 5-fluorouracil, but its potential application should be examined in further studies

    Biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis: a review of diagnostic and prognostic factors

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    Introduction. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system which affects mostly young people. Because it leads to disability and cognitive impairment, it is crucial to recognise MS at an early stage.State of the art. Magnetic resonance imaging is the golden standard in MS diagnosis. However, it is not an infallible diagnostic tool, especially at the stage of clinically isolated syndrome. The incorporation of oligoclonal bands in the diagnostic process of MS is a step towards the extension of diagnostic methods. Recently, a lot of research has been carried out on potential biomarkers in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid that may be useful in the diagnosis of MS.Clinical implications. This article summarises current knowledge on the use of new prognostic factors such as neurofilament light chain, chitinase 3-like 1 and 2, heat shock proteins, and tubulins in MS.Future directions. Despite numerous studies on the use of biomarkers in the diagnosis of MS, more extensive research is needed to determine the clinical usefulness of these molecules and to develop diagnostic tests applicable in everyday practice. This in turn may result in earlier MS detection, faster implementation of treatment, and better therapeutic effects

    Szkoła przyjazna uczniom z chorobą przewlekłą

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    Praca zawiera materiały z e-konferencji Szkoła przyjazna uczniom z chorobą przewlekłą, przygotowanej przez Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji Warszawie, 17–18 grudnia 2020 r