807 research outputs found

    Josephson parametric reflection amplifier with integrated directionality

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    A directional superconducting parametric amplifier in the GHz frequency range is designed and analyzed, suitable for low-power read-out of microwave kinetic inductance detectors employed in astrophysics and when combined with a nonreciprocal device at its input also for circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED). It consists of an one wavelength long nondegenerate Josephson parametric reflection amplifier circuit. The device has two Josephson junction oscillators, connected via a tailored impedance to an on-chip passive circuit which directs the in- to the output port. The amplifier provides a gain of 20 dB over a bandwidth of 220 MHz on the signal as well as on the idler portion of the amplified input and the total photon shot noise referred to the input corresponds to maximally 1.3 photons per second per Hertz of bandwidth. We predict a factor of four increase in dynamic range compared to conventional Josephson parametric amplifiers.Comment: Main article (5 pages plus 2 pages references) plus supplemental material (14 pages

    Engineering physics of superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixers

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    Superconducting hot-electron bolometers are presently the best performing mixing devices for the frequency range beyond 1.2 THz, where good quality superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) devices do not exist. Their physical appearance is very simple: an antenna consisting of a normal metal, sometimes a normal metal-superconductor bilayer, connected to a thin film of a narrow, short superconductor with a high resistivity in the normal state. The device is brought into an optimal operating regime by applying a dc current and a certain amount of local- oscillator power. Despite this technological simplicity its operation has been found to be controlled by many different aspects of superconductivity, all occurring simultaneously. A core ingredient is the understanding that there are two sources of resistance in a superconductor: a charge conversion resistance occurring at an normal-metal-superconductor interface and a resistance due to time- dependent changes of the superconducting phase. The latter is responsible for the actual mixing process in a non-uniform superconducting environment set up by the bias-conditions and the geometry. The present understanding indicates that further improvement needs to be found in the use of other materials with a faster energy-relaxation rate. Meanwhile several empirical parameters have become physically meaningful indicators of the devices, which will facilitate the technological developments.Comment: This is an author-processed copy of an Invited contribution to the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology dedicated to the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology (ISSTT2017

    Glass Transition in a Two-Dimensional Electron System in Silicon in a Parallel Magnetic Field

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    Studies of low-frequency resistance noise show that the glassy freezing of the two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in Si in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) persists in parallel magnetic fields B of up to 9 T. At low B, both the glass transition density ngn_g and ncn_c, the critical density for the MIT, increase with B such that the width of the metallic glass phase (nc<ns<ngn_c<n_s<n_g) increases with B. At higher B, where the 2DES is spin polarized, ncn_c and ngn_g no longer depend on B. Our results demonstrate that charge, as opposed to spin, degrees of freedom are responsible for glassy ordering of the 2DES near the MIT.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Transport properties of an electron-hole bilayer/superconductor hybrid junction

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    We investigate the transport properties of a junction consisting of an electron-hole bilayer in contact with normal and superconducting leads. The electron-hole bilayer is considered as a semi-metal with two electronic bands. We assume that in the region between the contacts the system hosts an exciton condensate described by a BCS-like model with a gap Ξ“\Gamma in the quasiparticle density of states. We first discuss how the subgap electronic transport through the junction is mainly governed by the interplay between two kinds of reflection processes at the interfaces: The standard Andreev reflection at the interface between the superconductor and the exciton condensate, and a coherent crossed reflection at the semi-metal/exciton-condensate interface that converts electrons from one layer into the other. We show that the differential conductance of the junction shows a minimum at voltages of the order of Ξ“/e\Gamma/e. Such a minimum can be seen as a direct hallmark of the existence of the gapped excitonic state

    Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: Are membranes really necessary?

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    Membranes themselves represent a significant cost for the full scale application of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR). The possibility of operating an AnMBR with a self-forming dynamic membrane generated by the substances present in the reactor liquor would translate into an important saving. A self-forming dynamic membrane only requires a support material over which a cake layer is formed, which determines the rejection properties of the system. The present research studies the application of self-forming dynamic membranes in AnMBRs. An AnMBR was operated under thermophilic and mesophilic conditions, using woven and non woven materials as support for the dynamic membranes. Results showed that the formation of a cake layer over the support materials enables the retention of more than 99% of the solids present in the reactor. However, only low levels of flux were achieved, up to 3 L/m2 x h, and reactor operation was unstable, with sudden increases in filtration resistance, due to excessive cake layer formation. Further fine-tuning of the proposed technology involves looking for conditions that can control effectively cake layer formatio

    Metal-insulator transition and glassy behavior in two-dimensional electron systems

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    Studies of low-frequency resistance noise demonstrate that glassy freezing occurs in a two-dimensional electron system in silicon in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition (MIT). The width of the metallic glass phase, which separates the 2D metal and the (glassy) insulator, depends strongly on disorder, becoming extremely small in high-mobility (low-disorder) samples. The glass transition is manifested by a sudden and dramatic slowing down of the electron dynamics, and by a very abrupt change to the sort of statistics characteristic of complicated multistate systems. In particular, the behavior of the second spectrum, an important fourth-order noise statistic, indicates the presence of long-range correlations between fluctuators in the glassy phase, consistent with the hierarchical picture of glassy dynamics.Comment: Contribution to conference on "Noise as a tool for studying materials" (SPIE), Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 2003; 15 pages, 12 figs. (includes some low-quality figs; send e-mail to get high-quality figs.

    Dynamics of spin transport in voltage-biased Josephson junctions

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    We investigate spin transport in voltage-biased spin-active Josephson junctions. The interplay of spin filtering, spin mixing, and multiple Andreev reflection leads to nonlinear voltage dependence of the dc and ac spin current. We compute the voltage characteristics of the spin current (I_S) for superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor (SFS) Josephson junctions. The sub-harmonic gap structure of I_S(V) is shown to be sensitive to the degree of spin mixing generated by the ferromagnetic interface, and exhibits a pronounced even-odd effect associated with spin transport during multiple Andreev reflection processes. For strong spin mixing both the magnitude and the direction of the dc spin current can be sensitively controlled by the bias voltage.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Scaling of nano-Schottky-diodes

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    A generally applicable model is presented to describe the potential barrier shape in ultra small Schottky diodes. It is shown that for diodes smaller than a characteristic length lcl_c (associated with the semiconductor doping level) the conventional description no longer holds. For such small diodes the Schottky barrier thickness decreases with decreasing diode size. As a consequence, the resistance of the diode is strongly reduced, due to enhanced tunneling. Without the necessity of assuming a reduced (non-bulk) Schottky barrier height, this effect provides an explanation for several experimental observations of enhanced conduction in small Schottky diodes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett., some minor additions and correction
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