47 research outputs found

    Die kammerwinkelgestützte phake Acrysof Cachet-IOL - 1-Jahres Ergebnisse

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    Implementation of an urban operations simulation model

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    The implementation of a basic simulation framework for urban operation scenarios, using the discrete event simulation tool IMPRINT, is presented. Preliminary stages of problem definition, system analysis and modeling are described. The model consists of task nodes representing essential processes in urban operations (e.g., room clearing) that are controlled and coordinated by a platoon leader. In the basic framework, the architecture and size of the urban task environment and the platoon size are used as independent variables. For exemplary purposes, the model has been parameterized in terms of task duration, based on small samples from field observation. In prospective studies, the framework will be extended by independent variables such as forces' gear, experience and team structure and by dependent variables based on a database for human performance and workload parameters

    Eine neuartige phake vorderkammerwinkelgestützte Intraokularlinse - Evolution, Implantation und Ergebnisse

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    Femtosekundenlaserassistierte Linsenextraktion mit Implantation einer trifokalen Intraokularlinse

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