317 research outputs found

    Coagulation and Adsorption Treatment of Printing Ink Wastewater

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    The intention of the study was to improve the efficiency of total organic carbon (TOC) and colour removal from the wastewater samples polluted with flexographic printing ink following coagulation treatments with further adsorption onto activated carbons and ground orange peel. The treatment efficiencies were compared to those of further flocculation treatments and of coagulation and adsorption processes individually. Coagulation was a relatively effective single-treatment method, removing 99.7% of the colour and 86.9% of the organic substances (TOC) from the printing ink wastewater samples. Further flocculation did not further eliminate organic pollutants, whereas subsequent adsorption with 7 g/l of granular activated carbon further reduced organic substances by 35.1%, and adsorption with 7 g/l of powdered activated carbon further reduced organic substances by 59.3%. Orange peel was an inappropriate adsorbent for wastewater samples with low amounts of pollution, such as water that had been treated by coagulation. However, in highly polluted printing ink wastewater samples, the adsorption treatment with ground orange peel achieved efficiencies comparable to those of the granular activated carbon treatments

    Cigarette Smoking and Progression of Laryngeal Lesions

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    The association between cigarette smoking and an increased risk of laryngeal carcinoma has been demonstrated in numerous studies. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of smoking habit in patients with different laryngeal pathologies. The prevalence of cigarette smoking was compared between patients with laryngeal tumors and those with nonmalignant laryngeal lesions. Data on all patients with indications for direct microlaryngoscopy at the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology of the University Hospital Center Split, during a five-year period were analyzed. The study included 562 patients with various laryngeal pathologies, divided into three groups as follows: group 1, benign lesions; group 2, precancerous lesions; and group 3, tumors. The majority of patients (82.92%) had a long history of smoking. The proportion of smokers was lowest in benign lesion group (72.13%), higher in precancerous lesion group (81.48%) and highest in malignant lesion group (97.14%). There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of cigarette smoking between patients with laryngeal tumors and those with benign or precancerous lesions (p<0.001). The mean number of cigarettes per day was 20.54Ā±14.80, and was lowest in benign lesion group (15.67Ā±13.41) and highest in malignant lesion group (26.33Ā±12.70). The mean length of smoking habit was 26.44Ā±16.92 years, ranging from 19.57Ā±16.03 years in benign lesion group to 35.20Ā±12.12 years in malignant lesion group. Study results clearly pointed to the increased prevalence of laryngeal diseases in smokers, with a significant difference between patients with benign laryngeal lesions and those with laryngeal tumors

    Veličina adenoidnih vegetacija u djece s upalom srednjeg uha s izljevom

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    Otitis media with effusion (OME) is amongst the most common pediatric diseases and the most common cause of hearing loss in children. It is accepted that adenoid hypertrophy (AH) is related to OME incidence. Better understanding of the correlation between the relative size of AH and the incidence of persistent OME may provide evidence to support a more standardized approach to the diagnosis and treatment of OME. A retrospective study carried out between April 2016 and April 2018 collected data on 65 children aged 2-12 years, diagnosed with chronic OME and symptoms of AH, where conservative therapy failed. Pre-diagnostic data were collected from patient history, otoscopy, rhinoscopy, and oropharyngoscopy findings. Diagnostic workup included tympanometry, audiometry, and flexible nasal fiberoptic endoscopy. Adenoid grading was performed according to Cassano method after endoscopic visualization. Of the 65 patients, 37 were male and 28 were female. There was no statistically significant difference according to gender or average age. The highest incidence of persistent OME with AH was recorded in the youngest age groups (2-5 and 6-9 years). The most frequent AH grades were grade II (35.38%) and grade III (50.77%), yielding a statistically significant result. The most common presenting symptoms were hearing impairment, snoring, and nasal obstruction (100%, 64.62% and 60%, respectively). Higher AH grades are critical for persistence of OME and may cause conservative therapy failure.Kronična upala srednjeg uha s izljevom jedna je od najučestalijih pedijatrijskih bolesti i najčeŔći uzrok gubitka sluha u djece. Poznato je da je adenoidna hipertrofija (AH) povezana s učestaloŔću upale srednjeg uha s izljevom. Bolje razumijevanje njihove povezanosti bi moglo ponuditi dokaz za novi standard u dijagnostici i liječenju kronične upale srednjeg uha s izljevom. U ovo retrospektivno istraživanje provedeno od travnja 2016. do travnja 2018. godine bilo je uključeno 65 djece u dobi od 2-12 godina s dijagnozom kronične upale srednjeg uha s izljevom i simptomima AH, kod koje je konzervativna terapija bila neuspjeÅ”na. Svoj djeci je uzeta detaljna heteroanamneza i pred-dijagnostičke pretrage koje uključuju otoskopiju, rinoskopiju i orofaringoskopiju. Dijagnostičke pretrage uključuju fiberendoskopiju epifarinksa i audioloÅ”ku obradu koja obuhvaća timpanometriju i tonalnu audiometriju. Gradiranje AH je napravljeno prema sustavu Cassano s endoskopskom vizualizacijom adenoidnih vegetacija. Od 65 djece, bilo je 37 dječaka i 28 djevočica, bez statistički značajne razlike u broju i spolu u svim dobnim skupinama. Rezultati rada pokazuju da je najčeŔća incidencija kronične upale srednjeg uha s izljevom i AH u mlađoj dobi (2-5 i 6-9 godina). NajčeŔći gradusi su bili AH II. (35,38%) i AH III. (50,77%) (p<0,001). NajčeŔći prezentirajući simptomi bili su gubitak sluha (100%), noćno hrkanje (64,62%) i otežano disanje na nos (60%). Veći gradus AH povezan je s većom učestalosti upale srednjeg uha s izljevom te može uzrokovati neuspjeh konzervativne terapije

    Comparision of Two Thermal Decomposition Offset Printing Plates

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    The aim of our research was to investigate two digital plates based on the same type of thermal sensitive coating produced by different manufactures and compare their quality, run length, ecological and economical aspects and user experience in the offset press. It was found out that with both plates the same quality of prints was attained according to the measurements of tone values on the plates and prints. The spectrophotometric measurements also showed that the prints were almost identical, except for minor differences in lightness. The microscopic image analysis showed that one plate had finer graining and thereby gave better and more accurate representation of half-tone dot and this plate was also more environmentallyā€“friendly with lower consumption of chemicals for the plate developing, more durable with longer run lengths and as well more economical and userā€“friendly. The obtained results were useful for the offset printing company in its choosing the better thermal plate with reduced production costs

    Značajke oporavka sluha u djece s kroničnim sekretornim otitisom nakon postavljanja aerizacijskih cjevčica

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    The objective was to determine the range of hearing improvement (in dB) post ventilation tube insertion in children with chronic otitis media with effusion (COME), and whether there was a difference in hearing improvement between age groups and genders. This study also investigated whether there was a difference in the mean hearing improvement between the left and right ear, how many months passed before recovery of eustachian tube function, and how long the aeration of the middle ear lasted. The children included in the study were between six and twelve years of age, diagnosed with COME by audiological processing (type B tympanometric recording and conductive hearing loss up to 40 dB on pure tone audiometry) and underwent surgical insertion of ventilation tubes in both ears. Patient data included preoperative tympanometric records, preoperative and postoperative tone audiometry findings, tubometry findings 6 and 10 months after insertion of ventilation tubes, age and gender data, and length of time during which the tubes were in place. The mean hearing improvement of the included patients was 24.2 dB on the right ear and 24.5 dB on the left ear. There was no statistically significant difference between the left and right ear or between the genders. Older age groups had a higher mean hearing improvement compared with the younger age group. Younger age groups had a longer expected period of eustachian tube function recovery, and were expected to have ventilation tubes inserted for a longer period of time. Treatment with ventilation tube insertion resulted in significant improvement in hearing in children where previous conservative therapy failed to recover eustachian tube function and improve hearing. Although children of older age groups had greater preoperative hearing impairment, the recovery of both eustachian tube function and hearing improvement was faster, and the mean length of time that the ventilation tubes had to be inserted was shorter.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koliko se prosječno poboljÅ”ao sluh (u dB) nakon postavljanja aerizacijskih cjevčica u djece s potvrđenom dijagnozom kroničnog sekretornog otitisa (KSOM) te postoji li razlika u poboljÅ”anju sluha u dB između dobnih skupina i spolova. Također je trebalo utvrditi postoji li razlika u prosječnom poboljÅ”anju sluha između lijevog i desnog uha i koliko je mjeseci proteklo od uspostavljanja funkcije Eustahijeve cijevi, odnosno koliko je dugo trajala aerizacija srednjeg uha. Ispitanici su bila djeca između Å”este i dvanaeste godine života kojima je audioloÅ”kom obradom (timpanometrijski zapis tip B i provodni gubitak sluha do 40 dB u tonalnom audiogramu) dijagnosticiran KSOM i koja su podvrgnuta operativnom zahvatu insercije aerizacijskih cjevčica na oba uha. Materijali istraživanja su prijeoperacijski timpanometrijski zapisi, prijeoperacijski i poslijeoperacijski nalazi tonske audiometrije, nalazi tubometrije 6 i 10 mjeseci nakon insercije aerizacijskih cjevčica te podatci o dobi, spolu djeteta i vremenskom razdoblju noÅ”enja cjevčica. Prosječno poboljÅ”anje sluha u cijelom uzorku iznosilo je 24,2 dB za desno uho i 24,5 dB za lijevo uho. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u poboljÅ”anju sluha između lijevog i desnog uha niti između dječaka i djevojčica. Starije dobne skupine imaju veće prosječno poboljÅ”anje sluha u odnosu na mlađu dobnu skupinu. Mlađe dobne skupine imaju duže očekivano razdoblje povratka funkcije Eustahijeve tube u uredno stanje i duže očekivano razdoblje noÅ”enja aerizacijskih cjevčica. Liječenje aerizacijskim cjevčicama dovodi do značajnog poboljÅ”anja sluha u djece ako prethodna konzervativna terapija nije rezultirala uspostavljanjem funkcije Eustahijeve tube i oporavkom sluha. Iako su djeca starijih dobnih skupina imala veće prijeoperacijsko oÅ”tećenje sluha, oporavak funkcije Eustahijeve tube kao i poboljÅ”anje sluha bilo je brže, a razdoblje noÅ”enja aerizacijskih cjevčica bilo je kraće

    Comparison of dynamic assignment in a macroscopic and microscopic model

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    This diploma thesis describes theoretical basics of dynamic assignment in a macroscopic and a microscopic model. Dynamic assignment is useful for modeling rush hours in urban areas because temporal spreading of peak hours is increasingly common phenomenon due to shifting the departure earlier or later in time. To model this phenomenon the origin-destination matrix has to be modified through time, which is not possible with static assignment. The assignment in macroscopic model is presented in program Visum with Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) and with Dynamic Stochastic assignment method with different distribution models: Logit, Kirchhoff, Box-Cox, Lohse and Lohse with variable beta. The dynamic assignment in microscopic model is presented in the program VisSim. The practical aspect of dynamic assignment is presented on a model of the town Murska Sobota where influence of various factors and functions in programs Visum and VisSim was tested

    Constructed Wetland on the Ecological Farm Kapl

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    V svoji diplomski nalogi sem predstavila in opisala idejo o rastlinski čistilni napravi, ki bo predstavljala podlago za izgradnjo rastlinske čistilne naprave na ekoloŔki kmetiji Kapl. Glede na dane pogoje ter želje in ideje bodočih upravljavcev, smo izdelali načrt izgradnje rastlinske čistilne naprave na zelo strmem pobočju za dve populacijski enoti. Celoten sistem bo sestavljen iz treh usedalnikov in treh rastlinskih gred z osmimi različnimi vrstami močvirskih rastlin. Ker sem ocenila hibridni sistem kot najbolj ustrezen tip čiŔčenja odpadnih voda, bosta prva in tretja greda imeli vertikalni tok, druga pa horizontalnega. V vseh treh gredah bo potekal podpovrŔinski tok, da se izognemo razvoju mrčesa in neprijetnih vonjav. Osem rastlinskih vrst bo razporejenih v tri rastlinske grede glede na njihove lastnosti čiŔčenja odpadnih voda in glede na čas cvetenja. Diplomska naloga je lahko kot uporaben pripomoček za idejo o izgradnji rastlinskih čistilnih naprav ob individualnih stanovanjskih objektih na podobnih lokacijah.In my thesis I have presented and described an idea about constructed wetland, which will present the basis for building of constructed wetland on the ecological farm Kapl. According to the given conditions, wishes and ideas of future managers we have made a plan of building constructed wetland on a very steep hillside for two population equivalents. The whole system will consist of three settling tanks and three plant beds with eight different plant species of marsh plants. Because I have evaluated the hybrid system as the most suitable type of cleaning the wastewater, the first and the third bed will have a vertical flow and the second bed will have a horizontal flow. In all of the three beds the flow will be held subsurface, so we avoid the development of insects and unpleasant smells. Eight plant species will be allocated to three of plant beds based on their cleaning properties of the wastewater and based on time of flowering. The thesis can be as an useful tool for idea of building constructed wetlands at individual residential buildings in similar locations

    Effects of Low Temperature, Starvation and Oxidative Stress on the Physiology of Campylobacter jejuni Cells

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a food-borne pathogen that causes diarrheal diseases in humans and animals. Still unknown mechanisms allow the cells to overcome significant stresses despite the absence of several traditional stress response genes. C. jejuni is problematic because of its ability to adapt and survive in various conditions of extraintestinal environment, common to food production and supply chain. The authors demonstrated that preliminary exposure to 25 Ā°C did not influence the heat resistance of C. jejuni cells at 55 Ā°C. In addition, changes of morphology, culturability and viability were noticeable for fed and starved cultures exposed to low temperature and oxidative stresses. All physiology changes were influenced by starvation and, to a lesser extent, by other stresses. Starvation was the most significant factor in C. jejuni survival, coccoid cell formation and especially culturability. Temperature downshift, oxidative stress and starvation, usually in combination with other factors, can trigger transition of bacteria to a viable but nonculturable state. Results showed substantial variability in responses to stresses applied, indicating no correlation between low temperature and oxidative stress response of campylobacters. Understanding of microbial physiology after exposure to various stresses is essential for food safety

    Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Halogeno-s-triazine Reactive Dyes as a Function of Temperature

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    The kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of azo reactive dyes: monofunctional with one monohalogeno-s-triazine reactive group and bifunctional with two identical monohalogeno-s-triazine reactive groups was studied in the temperature range from 50 C to 80 C by means of high performance liquid chromatography. From the determined pseudo-first order hydrolysis rate coefficients, the chemical reactivity of particular dyes and their sensitivity to temperature changes according to the Arrhenius equation were evaluated. The hydrolysis rate coefficient of monofunctional dyes is more temperature dependent than that of homobifunctional dyes. Reactive dyes with a less reactive monochloro-s-triazine group are more sensitive to temperature variations than reactive dyes with a more reactive monofluoro-s-triazine group. Among the studied dyes, the bis(monofluorotriazine) form of the homobifunctional dye exhibits the lowest sensitivity to temperature variations

    Postoji li audiovestibularni post-COVID sindrom?

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    The purpose of this study was to present and analyze patients with audiovestibular post COVID-19 syndrome, and highlight the most characteristic and most common findings. We analyzed 87 patients aged between 20 and 86 years who presented to the Audiology Division between February 1, 2021 and July 1, 2021 after having been isolated due to the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Study patients presented with complaints of persistent hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo, lasting for more than 3 months. Study results showed that there was acute sensorineural hearing loss in 4 patients during the SARS-CoV-2 infection. None of the patients experienced complete hearing recovery after 3 months. High frequency hearing loss (at 4 kHz and 6 kHz) occurred bilaterally, and was found in 52 patients. This finding of gradual hearing loss was both the most characteristic and most common in COVID patients. Extensive damage can directly occur to inner ear structures, including hair cells, the Corti organ, and the cochlear nerve because of this viral infection. A total of 73 patients had tinnitus. 68 patients had unilateral tinnitus, and only 5 patients had bilateral tinnitus. Exacerbation of tinnitus was recorded in 12 patients and new-onset tinnitus in 61 patients. Vertigo occurred in 9 patients, all of which were new-onset. A conclusion of our research is that audiovestibular post-COVID syndrome does exist. Further research with more patients and over a longer period is needed to obtain a better and longer effect on the audiovestibular system and audiovestibular complications, as well as an insight into possible recovery.Svrha ovog istraživanja bio je prikazati i analizirati bolesnike s audiovestibularnim post-COVID-19 sindromom te istaknuti karakteristične i najčeŔće nalaze. Analizirali smo 87 bolesnika u dobi od 20 do 86 godina koji su se od 1. veljače 2021. do 1. srpnja 2021. godine javili u AudioloÅ”ki odjel nakon Å”to su prvi put izolirani zbog infekcije SARS-CoV-2, s pritužbama na trajni gubitak sluha, tinitus i vrtoglavicu koji su trajali dulje od 3 mjeseca. Rezultati studije pokazuju da je doÅ”lo do akutnog gubitka sluha kod 4 bolesnika tijekom infekcije SARS-CoV-2. Niti jedan od bolesnika nije doživio potpun oporavak sluha nakon 3 mjeseca. Visokofrekventni gubitak sluha (na 4 kHz i 6 kHz) dogodio se obostrano, a pronađen je u 52 bolesnika. Ovaj nalaz gubitka sluha bio je i najkarakterističniji i najčeŔći u bolesnika s infekcijom COVID. Tinitus je imalo 73 bolesnika. Jednostrani tinitus imalo je 68 bolesnika, a bilateralni tinitus samo 5 bolesnika. PogorÅ”anje tinitusa zabilježeno je u 12 bolesnika, a novonastali tinitus u 61 bolesnika. Vrtoglavica se pojavila u 9 bolesnika, od kojih su svi bili novonastali. Zaključak naÅ”ega istraživanja je da audiovestibularni post-COVID sindrom postoji. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja s viÅ”e bolesnikai kroz dulje vrijeme kako bi se dobio bolji i dugotrajniji učinak na audiovestibularni sustav i audiovestibularne komplikacije, kao i uvid u mogući oporavak
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