8 research outputs found

    Dense poplar plantations as the raw material for the production of energy

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    The higher heating value of wood and bark was determined for several poplar (Populus spp) clones. The study included the juvenile one year old plants of the following clones: P.×euramericana cl. ostia, P. nigra cl.53/86, P. deltoides cl. PE 19/66, P.×euramericana cl. I-214, P. deltoides cl. S6-7 and P.×euramericana cv. robusta. By using FVI which takes into account ash content, wood bulk density, and moisture content, it was determined that poplar wood can be a significant energy raw material, primarily thanks to its short rotation cycle and a very high wood volume increment. Significant differences were determined in the values of wood basic density which affect the higher heating value of the study poplar clones, and consequently the yield (weight) of biomass produced per unit area of dense plantations. This is reflected also on the estimated amount of energy that can be produced by the combustion of biomass of the whole one year old plants

    Comparison of Different Wood Species as Raw Materials for Bioenergy

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    Background and Purpose: Most projections of the global energy use predict that biomass will be an important component of primary energy sources in the coming decades. Short rotation plantations have the potential to become an important source of renewable energy in Europe because of the high biomass yields, a good combustion quality as solid fuel, ecological advantages and comparatively low biomass production costs. Materials and Methods: In this study, the wood of black locust Robinia pseudoacacia, white willow Salix alba L., poplars Populus deltoides and Populus x euramericana cl.I-214, aged eight years were examined. Immediately after the felling, sample discs were taken to assess moisture content, ash content, the width of growth rings, wood densities and calorific values, according to the standard methodology. Results: The mean values of willow, poplar and black locust wood density were 341 kg/m3, 336 kg/m3 and 602 kg/m3,respectively. The average heating values of willow poplar and black locust wood were 18.599 MJ/kg, 18.564 MJ/kg and 21.196 MJ/kg, respectively. The FVI index (average values) was higher for black locust (17.186) than for poplar and willow clones, which were similar: 11.312 and 11.422 respectively. Conclusions: Black locust wood with a higher density, calorific value and ash content compared to poplar and willow wood proved to be a more suitable raw material as RES. However, it is very important, from the aspect of the application of wood of these tree species as RES, to also consider the influence of the biomass yield per unit area of the plantations established as “energy plantations”

    Energetski potencijal nasada topola sa dva razmaka sadnje i dvije dužine ophodnje

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    The article presents the results which are related to the biomass yield of five poplar clones in the testing phase: P. deltoides cl. ‘B-229’, P. deltoides cl. ’B-81’, P. deltoides cl. ‘182/81’, P. deltoides cl. ‘PE 19/66’, and Euramerican poplar P. × canadensis cl. ‘Pannonia’, in experimental plantations of seven years, with planting space of 6×6 m (278 plants ha–1) on two soil types. Also, the analysis of the biomass yield of the same clones that were established as dense plantations, by sprouting one shoot per stool after harvesting in the experimental plot at the Institute with the planting space 16667 plants ha–1 (1.5 m between rows and 0.4 m within rows). The energy that could be obtained by biomass combustion, on base of wood calorific values for the examined clones has been estimated. It was found that the maximum (annual) weight of biomass, and thus also the energy in SRF plantations, are obtained by the clone ‘PE 19/66’ – 7.236 tha–1, and 134.556 GJha–1, respectively. However, clone ‘B81’, which achieves the maximum values in the SRC plantations (6.617 tha–1 and 121.523 GJha–1), has the least oscillations in all experiments and is very close to maximum values in SRF plantations.U radu su prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na produkciju biomase pet klonova topola u fazi testiranja: P. deltoides cl. ‚B‑229’, P. deltoides cl. ‘B-81’, P. deltoides cl. ‘182/81’, P. deltoides cl. ‘PE 19/66’, i eurameričke topole P. × canadensis cl. ‘Pannonia’, u pokusnim plantažama starosti sedam godina, u razmaku sadnje 6 × 6 m (278 biljaka po jedinici površine) na dva tipa tla. Također je izvršena analiza produkcije biomase istih klonova u gustim plantažama, u razmaku sadnje biljaka 1,5 × 0,4 m (16667 biljaka po jedinici površine). Na osnovi vrijednosti volumne mase drveta ispitanih klonova, određena je masa suhe tvari drveta po jedinici površine, a zatim na bazi kalorijske vrijednosti drva za ispitivane klonove procijenjena je energija koja bi se mogla dobiti sagorijevanjem biomase. Rezultati su pokazali da maksimalnu godišnju biomasu u pokusu 1 postiže klon ‘B81’ (6,617 DM tha–1) nakon prve godine, i klon ‘B-229’ (20,103 tha–1) nakon druge godine (slika 1), što je u potpunosti suglasno s literaturnim navodima. Utvrđeno je da se maksimalna godišnja biomasa u plantažama kratkih ophodnji od 7,236 tha–1 biomase dobiva za klon ‘PE 19/66’ (pokus 2, slika 2). Važno je napomenuti da klonovi ‘B-229’ i ‘B81’koji u nasadima s velikim brojem biljaka po hektaru (slika 1) imaju maksimalne produkcije sličnih vrijednosti, za 11 %, odnosno za 19 % niže od postignutog maksimuma u pokusu 2. Razlike u vrijednostima produkcije u pokusima 2 i 3 posljedica su utjecaja tla na biomasu svih klonova (slika 2). Procijenjene vrijednosti toplinske energije (slike 3 i 4) imaju isti trend kao i biomasa. Maksimalne vrijednosti u plantažama kratkih ophodnji postiže klon ‚PE 19/66’ i to 134,556 GJha–1 (slika 4), na oba tipa tla. Međutim, klon ‚B-81’, koji postiže maksimalne vrijednosti u kulturama kratkih ophodnji od 121,523 GJha–1 (slika 4, pokus 2 i 3), ima najmanje oscilacije u svim pokusima i vrlo je blizu maksimalne vrijednosti u SRF plantažama

    High yield CTMP fibres as a possibility of the more efficient yield of wood raw material

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    The evident shortage of wood as a raw material has become a limiting factor in the pulp and paper industry which is the greatest consumer of wood in Europe. The situation in our country is similar. During the few past years, the production of poplar and willow pulpwood was 220.000 m3 per year, which is insufficient for the planned increase in the production of sulphate pulp (175.000 tons till 2005). This paper deals with the aspects of the more efficient yield of raw material, based on the significantly higher yield of CTMP fibres, as well as with the significance of the lower adverse effect on the environment. It also analyses the conditions of production and the quality of the obtained fibres, as a possible substitute for chemical pulp and secondary fibres in papers of different quality. The main reasons for the production and use of CTMP fibres in our country are reported

    Variability of physiological and growth characteristics of white willow (Salix alba L.) clones

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    The samples from field experiment on five clones of white willow (Salix alba L.) in the adult phase, was investigated as follows: net photosynthesis and dark respiration, content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids), number and size of stornata and elements of growth (tree diameters and heights). The aim of the research is to determine if there are any relations between these physiological characters and the elements of growth, i.e. if any of them can be utilized in the early selection for growth vigor. The results show that all the characters are characterized by low coefficients of variation, statistically highly significant differences and high coefficients of heritability in a broad sense. As for the net of photosynthesis, the number of stornata on the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf are in high correlation with the elements of growth, which indicates that they can be used in the early selection for growth vigor


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    AbstractThe possibility of biomass production was studied in an experimental trial stand with four clones of Eastern cottonwood Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. cl.457, cl.450, cl.618 and cl. 55/65 and three stand densities a) 1.2 × 1.0 m (8330 plants·ha–1), b) 1.2 × 0.75 m (11110 plants·ha–1) and c) 1.2 × 0.5 m (16600 plants·ha–1). Field trials were conducted on sandy-loamy form of fluvisol.Total determined volume of trunk, bark, and branches in the first two-year cycle for the used Eastern cottonwood ranged from 27.391 m3·ha–1 in clone 450 at planting distance of 1.2 × 1.0 m, subtreatment (a) to 42.006 m3·ha–1 in clone 618, subtreatment (c) at planting distance of 1.2 × 0.5 m. After renovation of stand using the regeneration force of shoots from the tree stumps the produced wood mass in the second two-year cycle ranged from 54.664 m3·ha–1 in clone 55/65, subtreatment (a) to 79.235 m3·ha–1 in clone 450, subtreatment (b).In additon to clone selection a significant influence on biomass yeald was also exerted by stand density (number of plants·ha–1).The largest amount of heat energy would be obtained in subtreatment (c) at density of 1.20 × 0.5 m by combustion of biomass of above ground part of clone 55/65: 364.02 GJ·ha–1 in the first cycle, and 659.83 GJ·ha–1 in the second, or a total of 1023.85 GJ·ha–1.U cilju iznalaženja najpovoljnije tehnologije proizvodnje biomase za energetske potrebe, istraživanja su obavljena na Pokusnom dobru Instituta za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu u neposrednoj blizini Novoga Sada u nasadima sa dvogodišnjim proizvodnim ciklusom, u poljskim uvjetima sa četiri klona i tri razmaka sadnje u dva turnusa. Klonovi u pokusu pripadaju američkoj crnoj topoli (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.): cl. 457, cl. 450, cl. 618, cl. 55/65. Razmaci sadnje su: (a) 1,20 × 1,00 m ili 8.330 biljaka·ha–1; (b) 1,20 × 0,75 m ili 11.110 biljaka·ha–1 i (c) 1,20 × 0,50 m ili 16.660 biljaka·ha–1.Zemljište na kojemu su obavljena istraživanja sustavno pripada tipu fluvisol, formi ilovastoj. Ovo zemljište je cijelom dubinom karbonatno i oglejano, vrlo duboko, sa fiziološki aktivnom dubinom oko 200 cm. Morfološka građa ovoga zemljišta je Amo,p-IGso-IIGso-IIIGso-IVGso-Gr. Humusno akumulativni horizont (A-horizont) u teksturnom pogledu je ilovača, debljine 30 cm i ona je glavni nositelj fiziološke aktivnosti, sa sadržajem humusa preko 2,3 %. S dubinom se mijenja teksturni sastav, uglavnom raste udio frakcija pijeska, a opada udio humusa, što upućuje na akumulativni tip rasporeda organske materije u profilu. Podzemna voda oscilira na dubini od 90 do 220, cm što omogućuje povoljno vlaženje fiziološki aktivnog dijela profila, tj. aktivne zone rizosfere.U ispitanom području klima je umjereno kontinentalna, s izvjesnim specifičnostima. Najhladniji mjesec je siječanj sa srednjom temperaturom zraka od –1,1 °C, najtopliji lipanj sa 20,3 °C, a srednja godišnja temperatura zraka je 10,9 °C. Prosječna količina padavina za područje na kojemu su obavljena istraživanja je 592 mm. Od prosječne godišnje količine padalina u vegetacijskom periodu padne 333 mm ili 56 %.Prvi turnus je osnovan s reznicama dužine 20–25 cm, koje su predhodno potapane u vodi 24 sata.U pogledu postotka primanja reznica nema statistički značajnih razlika i prosjek primanja za sve klonove iznosi 91,6%. Najmanji je postotak prijema (89 %) kod klona 618 zatim klona 450 (91 %), dok su klonovi 457 i 55/65 imali postotak prijema od 93 %.Na kraju prvog dvogodišnjeg turnusa promjeri se nalaze u intervalu od 2,9 cm do 3,7 cm, a visine od 5,4 m do 6,2 m. Analize varijanci za promjere pokazuju da u prvom turnusu nema statistički značajnih razlika između klonova (glavni tretmani). Međutim, razlike u promjerima koje su uvjetovane različitim gustoćama nasada (podtretmani) statistički su vrlo značajne. U prvom turnusu među klonovima postoje statistički značajne razlike u visinama, što je uvjetovano genetskom varijabilnošću klonova, dok su u borbi za životnim prostorom (razmaci sadnje) razlike u visinama statistički vrlo značajne.Analiza varijanci srednjih vrijednosti, na kraju drugog turnusa, ukazuju da su razlike i za promjere i za visine signifikantno različite. Kod svih klonova najveće dimenzije postignute su u razmacima sadnje 1,20 × 1,0 m, a najmanje u razmacima 1,2 × 0,5 m. U drugom turnusu, zbog jačine izbojne snage, svi klonovi bilježe znatno više vrijednosti promjera i visina. Promjeri se nalaze u intervalu od 3,9 cm do 5,1 cm, a visine od 6,6 m do 7,5 m.Ukupno utvrđena masa drveta, kore i granjevine u prvom dvogodišnjem turnusu za korištene klonove američke crne topole Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. nalazi se u intervalu od 27,391 m3·ha–1 kod klona 450 u podtretmanu (a) pri razmaku 1,2 × 1,0 m, do 42,006 m3·ha–1 kod klona 618 u podtretmanu (c) pri razmaku sadnje 1,2 × 0,5 m.Obnavljanje pokusnog nasada izvršeno je korištenjem izbojne snage iz panjeva. Tijekom prvog vegetacijskog razdoblja obnove iz panja izvršena je redukcija izbojaka, na način što je ostavljen po jedan najbolje razvijen izbojak na svakom panju.Obnavljanjem nasada putem izdanačke moći iz panjeva proizvedena drvna masa u drugom dvogodišnjem turnusu nalazi se u intervalu od 54,664 m3·ha–1 kod klona 55/65 u podtretmanu (a), do 79,235 m3·ha–1 kod klona 450 u podtretmanu (c).Rezultati ovih istraživanja potvrđuju realnu mogućnost obnavljanja nasada topola guste sadnje korištenjem izdanačke moći panjeva nakon sječe. Kod osnivanja nasada ovog tipa posebnu pozornost treba posvetiti izboru klona, sa svojstvima brzog rasta u juvenilnoj fazi razvoja i genetskim svojstvima regeneracije panjeva nakon sječe, kao mogućnosti obnavljanja nasada putem izbojaka iz panjeva u više turnusa. To pokazuju i razlike u proizvedenoj masi koja je za 49,7 % veća u drugom nego u prvom turnusu, u prosjeku za sve klonove i sve razmake sadnje.Na temelju proizvedene mase i vrijednosti volumne mase drveta procijenjena je težina biomase. Na kraju prvog dvogodišnjeg turnusa težina biomase nalazi se u intervalu od 10,35 t·ha–1 kod klona 618 pri gustoći 1,20 × 1,00 m, do 18,68 t·ha–1 kod klona 55/65 pri gustoći 1,20 × 0,50 m. U drugom turnusu, zbog jačine izbojne snage, težina biomase nalazi se u intervalu od 22,54 t·ha–1 kod klona 618 pri gustoći 1,20 × 1,00 m, do 33,86 t·ha–1 kod klona 55/65 pri gustoći 1,20 × 0,50 m.Da bi se mogla izvršiti procjena količine energije koja se dobija potpunom sječom stabala poslije prvog i poslije drugog dvogodišnjeg turnusa, određene su kalorične vrijednosti gornje toplinske moći za uzorke drveta i kore ispitivanih klonova prema standardnoj metodologiji u kalorimetrijskoj bombi.Kalorične vrijednosti drveta i kore ispitanih klonova nalaze se u intervalu od 18,542 MJ·kg–1 kod klona 457 do 19,554 MJ·kg–1 kod klona 618.Energetska vrijednost biomase neposredno je povezana s toplinskom moći drveta korištenih klonova, ali i s ostalim čimbenicima koji utječu na količinu i kvalitetu proizvedene biomase. Iz ovih podataka je vidljivo da je značajno veća količina energije proizvedena u drugom turnusu u odnosu na prvi, što je rezultat boljeg zakorjenjivanja i jake izbojne moći odabranih klonova.Najveća količina toplinske energije dobila bi se u podtretmanu (c) pri gustoći 1,20 × 0,50 m, sagorijevanjem biomase nadzemnog dijela klona 55/65 i to 364,02 GJ·ha–1 u prvom turnusu, 659,83 GJ·ha–1 u drugom turnusu ili ukupno 1.023,85 GJ·ha–1.U okviru grupe korištenih klonova američke crne topole Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. minimalna količina toplinske energije bi se osigurala u podtretmanu (a) pri gustoći 1,20 × 1,00 m sagorijevanjem nadzemnog dijela biomase kod klona 618 i to 202,38 GJ·ha–1 u prvom turnusu, 440,75 GJ·ha–1 u drugom turnusu ili ukupno 643,13 GJ·ha–1

    Improvement of production of high-yield poplar varieties seedlings by mycorrhiza application

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    Research related to the effects of treatment by mycorrhiza preparations Ectovit, Rhodovit (preparations Symbio-m Ltd., Czech Rep.) and their combination on growth of four high-yield poplar clones of Populus deltoides and one variety of Populus x euramericana are presented in this paper. In order to make more accurate assessment of mycorrhiza effect, soil characteristics such as morphology, texture and chemical composition were determined. The study results indicate that mycorrhized cuttings had the same or the better survival in all the study clones compared to the control. The application of the preparation Ectovit and Rhodovit resulted averagely in the first class planting stock of all the study clones. The combination of the preparations Ectovit and Rhodovit produced averagely the first class planting stock only of the clone Populus x euramericana