670 research outputs found

    Fertility-relevant social networks: composition, structure, and meaning of personal relationships for fertility intentions

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    Although the relevance of social interactions or social networks for fertility research has been increasingly acknowledged in recent years, little is known about the channels and mechanisms of social influences on individualsĂŻÂżÂœ fertility decision making. Drawing on problem-centred interviews and network data collected among young adults in western Germany the authors show that qualitative methods broaden our understanding of social and contextual influences on couplesĂŻÂżÂœ fertility intentions, by exploring the phenomenon, taking into account subjective perceptions, analysing interactions within networks as well as the dynamics of networks. Qualitative methods allow for the collection and analysis of rich retrospective information on network dynamics in relation to life course events. This also can be helpful both to complement the still rare longitudinal data on social networks and to develop parsimonious and efficient survey instruments to collect such information in a standardized way.Germany, fertility, qualitative methods, social network

    Who is relevant? Exploring fertility relevant social networks

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    Based on the analysis of qualitative interviews in western Germany we argue that social relationships have a strong impact on individualsÂŽ and couplesÂŽ fertility intentions and behavior. We identify relevant others and mechanisms of influences. The core family is an important factor of influences but we are also able to show that social relationships beyond the core family of parents and siblings need to be considered when taking social influence on the family formation of individuals into account.Germany, fertility, influence, social network

    Intergenerational support and reproduction of gender inequalities: a case study from Eastern and Western Germany

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    Social support is often described as an exclusively positively acting factor. Its absence is said to mean negative consequences for individuals. This article shows that the supply and dependence of inter-generational social support can have negative consequences and pertains to persisting unequal gender roles and a gendered division of labor in relationships. Based on qualitative interviews, conducted in eastern and western Germany, with young adults (28-30 years old) and their parents, we hypothesize, that the bigger supply of inter-generational support of grandparents for their children and grandchildren and an alleged dependence on these transfers is especially responsible for impeding the modernization of traditional role models assigning women to the role as a mother and housewife. However, less availability and dependence on this kind of social support in eastern Germany, contribute to a more flexible form of role allocation in a relationship

    Social Networks and Fertility

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    Background: The fields of demography, sociology, and socio-psychology have been increasingly drawing on social network theories, which posit that individual fertility decision-making depends in part on the fertility behavior of other members of the population, and on the structure of the interactions between individuals. After reviewing this literature, we highlight the benefits of taking a social network perspective on fertility and family research. Objective: We review the literature that addresses the extent to which social mechanisms, such as social learning, social pressure, social contagion, and social support, influence childbearing decisions. Methods: We review the most recent contributions of the social networks approach for the explanation of fertility dynamics in contemporary post-industrial societies. Conclusions: We find that all of the social mechanisms reviewed influence the beliefs and norms individuals hold regarding childbearing, their perceptions of having children, and the context of opportunities and constraints in which childbearing choices are made. The actual impact of these mechanisms on fertility tempo and quantum strongly depends on the structure of social interaction

    Places That Bond and Bind: On the Interplay of Space, Places, and Social Networks

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    Social networks of socially disadvantaged individuals can help them in coping with everyday life and avoiding social exclusion. At the same time, social ties also have the power to bind an individual to their disadvantageous situation, perpetuating the risks of social exclusion. One mechanism through which ties can be established are “foci”: extra‐network structures around which common interactions occur (e.g., family, workplace, clubs) that usually have spatial anchor points (places) where joint interactions happen. To better understand this interplay of places and networks, we use a methodological novelty that connects a person’s everyday places with their ego‐centred network (two‐mode network). We analyse in depth two cases (elderly women living alone) from a mixed‐methods study conducted in rural peripheries in eastern Germany, and we combine data from GPS tracking, qualitative interviews, and egocentric networks. A central finding of our analysis is that tie formation in places is more successful if ego has certain resources (e.g., cultural, financial, or time resources) that allow them to utilise places as foci—hence, ego and places must “match” in their characteristics. Beyond that, the existing foci (and their spatial anchoring as places in everyday life) in which ego is integrated must be considered as structures. Even if a person has enough resources and easy access to places with characteristics that promote contact, this does not automatically mean that they will form ties in such places, as the person’s network plays a major role in whether they frequent these places and establish new ties there

    Wie modern ist die heutige extreme Rechte? Einige vorlĂ€ufige Überlegungen

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    "In der sozialwissenschaftlichen und historiographischen Forschung zur extremen Rechten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland haben Fragen nach deren Periodisierung bisher nur eine untergeordnete Rolle gespielt. WĂ€hrend weitgehend anerkannt wird, dass dieses politische Spektrum verschiedene Phasen durchlaufen hat, bleibt die Charakterisierung des GesamtphĂ€nomens oder einzelner Strömungen (sog. 'Neue Rechte') mit Attributen wie 'neu', 'modern' oder 'modernisiert' umstritten. WĂ€hrend einige Autoren eher die KontinuitĂ€ten in Ideologie und Auftreten der extremen Rechten betonen (z.B. Knorr), verweisen andere auf die Dimension der Modernisierung als Wechsel der AnknĂŒpfungspunkte an verĂ€nderte cleavages (Leggewie), auf Modernisierung als allgemeine Abwendung vom Nationalsozialismus (Brodkorb) oder sehen diese in der Aufnahme neoliberaler Ideologieelemente vollzogen. Der Beitrag diskutiert die verschiedenen Perspektiven, unter denen in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung zum Rechtsextremismus der Frage seiner 'ModernitĂ€t' Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde, plĂ€diert auf der Grundlage einer kritischen Diskussion der bisherigen Ergebnisse fĂŒr eine synchron und diachron angelegte komparative Analyse der verschiedenen Entwicklungsphasen und Strömungen der extremen Rechten unter Verwendung eines systematisierten Kriterienkataloges (Programmatik, Ideologie, Praxeologie, Propagandatechniken, Struktur der Mitgliedschaft und des Elektorats) und schlĂ€gt eine alternative Begriffsverwendung vor." (Autorenreferat

    Modelle der physikalischen Akustik Folien-Repositorium

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    Modellierung ist eine zentrale Fertigkeit, ein Modell ein Instrument, um beispielsweise Fragestellungen der physikalischen Akustik abzubilden, zu untersuchen und zu verstehen. Obwohl Modelle ganz unterschiedliche Fragestellungen in der physikalischen Akustik adressieren können, sind die zugrundeliegenden ModellierungsansÀtze und -philosophien hÀufig sehr Àhnlich. Dieses wurde in dem diesjÀhrigen Herbstworkshop des Fachausschusses Physikalische Akustik der DEGA am 22. und 23. Oktober 2021 im Physikzentrum Bad Honnef unter der Bezeichnung Modelle der physikalischen Akustik intensiv beleuchtet und diskutiert
