6 research outputs found

    Sickness absence and disability pension among injured working-aged pedestrians - a population-based Swedish register study

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    Background: The knowledge is scarce about sickness absence (SA) and disability pension (DP) among pedestrians injured in a traffic-related accident, including falls. Thus, the aim was to explore the frequencies of types of accidents and injuries and their association with SA and DP among working-aged individuals.Methods: A nationwide register-based study, including all individuals aged 16-64 and living in Sweden, who in 2010 had in- or specialized outpatient healthcare after a new traffic-related accident as a pedestrian. Information on age, sex, sociodemographics, SA, DP, type of accident, injury type, and injured body region was used. Frequencies of pedestrians with no SA or DP, with ongoing SA or full-time DP already at the time of the accident, and with a new SA spell >14 days in connection to the accident were analyzed. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for new SA were estimated by logistic regression.Results: In total, 5576 pedestrians received healthcare due to a traffic-related accident (of which 75% were falls, with half of the falls related to snow and ice). At the time of the accident, 7.5% were already on SA and 10.8% on full-time DP, while 20% started a new SA spell. The most common types of injuries were fractures (45%) and external injuries (30%). The body region most frequently injured was the lower leg, ankle, foot, and other (in total 26%). Older individuals had a higher OR for new SA compared with younger (OR 1.91; 95% CI 1.44-2.53, for ages: 45-54 vs. 25-34). The injury type with the highest OR for new SA, compared with the reference group external injuries, was fractures (9.58; 7.39-12.43). The injured body region with the highest OR for new SA, compared with the reference group head, face, and neck, was lower leg, ankle, foot, and other (4.52; 2.78-7.36).Conclusions: In this explorative nationwide study of the working-aged pedestrians injured in traffic-related accidents including falls, one fifth started a new SA spell >14 days. Fractures, internal injuries, collisions with motor vehicle, and falls related to snow and ice\ua0had the\ua0strongest associations\ua0with new SA

    Sequence analysis of sickness absence and disability pension in the year before and the three years following a bicycle crash; a nationwide longitudinal cohort study of 6353 injured individuals

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    Background:Bicyclists are the road user group with the highest number of severe injuries in the EU, yet little is known about sickness absence (SA) and disability pension (DP) following such injuries.\ua0Aims: To explore long-term patterns of SA and DP among injured bicyclists, and to identify characteristics associated with the specific patterns. Methods: A longitudinal register-based study was conducted, including all 6353 individuals aged 18–59 years and living in Sweden in 2009, who in 2010 had incident in-patient or specialized out-patient healthcare after a bicycle crash. Information about sociodemographic factors, the injury, SA (SA spells > 14 days), and DP was obtained from nationwide registers. Weekly SA/DP states over 1 year before through 3 years after the crash date were used in sequence and cluster analyses. Multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for factors associated with each identified sequence cluster. Results: Seven clusters were identified: “No SA or DP” (58.2% of the cohort), “Low SA or DP” (7.4%), “Immediate SA” (20.3%), “Episodic SA” (5.9%), “Long-term SA” (1.7%), “Ongoing part-time DP” (1.7%), and “Ongoing full-time DP” (4.8%). Compared to the cluster “No SA or DP”, all other clusters had higher ORs for women, and higher age. All clusters but “Low SA and DP” had higher ORs for inpatient healthcare. The cluster “Immediate SA” had a higher OR for: fractures (OR 4.3; CI 3.5–5.2), dislocation (2.8; 2.0–3.9), sprains and strains (2.0; 1.5–2.7), and internal injuries (3.0; 1.3–6.7) compared with external injuries. The cluster “Episodic SA” had higher ORs for: traumatic brain injury, not concussion (4.2; 1.1–16.1), spine and back (4.5; 2.2–9.5), torso (2.5; 1.4–4.3), upper extremities (2.9; 1.9–4.5), and lower extremities (3.5; 2.2–5.5) compared with injuries to the head, face, and neck (not traumatic brain injuries). The cluster “Long-term SA” had higher ORs for collisions with motor vehicles (1.9;1.1–3.2) and traumatic brain injury, not concussion (18.4;2.2–155.2). Conclusion: Sequence analysis enabled exploration of the large heterogeneity of SA and DP following a bicycle crash. More knowledge is needed on how to prevent bicycle crashes and especially those crashes/injuries leading to long-term consequences

    Diagnosis-specific sickness absence among injured working-aged pedestrians: a sequence analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The knowledge about the long-term consequences in terms of sickness absence (SA) among pedestrians injured in a traffic-related accident, including falls, is scarce. Therefore, the aim was to explore diagnosis-specific patterns of SA during a four-year period and their association with different sociodemographic and occupational factors among all individuals of working ages who were injured as a pedestrian. METHODS: A nationwide register-based study, including all individuals aged 20-59 and living in Sweden, who in 2014-2016 had in- or specialized outpatient healthcare after a new traffic-related accident as a pedestrian. Diagnosis-specific SA (> 14\ua0days) was assessed weekly from one year before the accident up until three years after the accident. Sequence analysis was used to identify patterns (sequences) of SA, and cluster analysis to form clusters of individuals with similar sequences. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for association of the different factors and cluster memberships were estimated by multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: In total, 11,432 pedestrians received healthcare due to a traffic-related accident. Eight clusters of SA patterns were identified. The largest cluster was characterized by no SA, three clusters had different SA patterns due to injury diagnoses (immediate, episodic, and later). One cluster had SA both due to injury and other diagnoses. Two clusters had SA due to other diagnoses (short-term and long-term) and one cluster mainly consisted of individuals with disability pension (DP). Compared to the cluster "No SA", all other clusters were associated with older age, no university education, having been hospitalized, and working in health and social care. The clusters "Immediate SA", "Episodic SA" and "Both SA due to injury and other diagnoses" were also associated with higher odds of pedestrians who sustained a fracture. CONCLUSIONS: This nationwide study of the working-aged pedestrians observed diverging patterns of SA after their accident. The largest cluster of pedestrians had no SA, and the other seven clusters had different patterns of SA in terms of diagnosis (injury and other diagnoses) and timing of SA. Differences were found between all clusters regarding sociodemographic and occupational factors. This information can contribute to the understanding of long-term consequences of road traffic accidents

    Bicycle crashes and sickness absence - A population-based Swedish register study of all individuals of working ages

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    Background: In recent years, bicycle injuries have increased, yet little is known about the impact of such injures on sickness absence (SA) and disability pension (DP). The aim was to explore SA and DP among individuals of working ages injured in a bicycle crash. Method: A nationwide register-based study, including all individuals aged 16-64 years and living in Sweden, who in 2010 had in- or specialized out-patient healthcare (including emergency units) after a bicycle crash. Information on age, sex, sociodemographics, SA, DP, crash type, injury type, and injured body region was used. We analyzed individuals with no SA or DP, with ongoing SA or full-time DP already at the time of the crash, and with new SA > 14 days in connection to the crash. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals for new SA were estimated by logistic regression. Results: In total, 7643 individuals had healthcare due to a new bicycle crash (of which 85% were single-bicycle crashes). Among all, 10% were already on SA or full-time DP at the time of the crash, while 18% had a new SA spell. The most common types of injuries were external injuries (38%) and fractures (37%). The body region most frequently injured was the upper extremities (43%). Women had higher OR (1.40; 1.23-1.58) for new SA than men, as did older individuals compared with younger (OR 2.50; 2.02-3.09, for ages: 55-64 vs. 25-34). The injury types with the highest ORs for new SA, compared with the reference group external injuries was fractures (8.04; 6.62-9.77) and internal injuries (7.34; 3.67-14.66). Individuals with traumatic brain injury and injuries to the vertebral column and spinal cord had higher ORs for SA compared with other head, face, and neck injuries (2.72; 1.19-6.22 and 3.53; 2.24-5.55, respectively). Conclusions: In this explorative nationwide study of new bicycle crashes among individuals of working ages, 18% had a new SA spell in connection to the crash while 10% were already on SA or DP. The ORs for new SA were higher among women, older individuals, and among individuals with a fracture

    Fall and collision related injuries among pedestrians, sickness absence and associations with accident type and occupation

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    Objectives: This study explores pedestrian fall accidents and collisions with other road users in the Swedish road transport system, and sickness absence (SA) in relation to accident type, injury, and occupation. Further, it studies the associations between accident type, occupation, and duration of SA. Methods: Data from several national registers were used that included 15,359 working age pedestrians (20–64 years) receiving healthcare after a fall or collision throughout 2014–2016. Individual characteristics, accident type, injury, and occupation were presented and related to SA. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR), with 95% confidence intervals, for associations between accident type, occupation, and SA duration. Results: About 11,000 pedestrians (72%) were involved in fall accidents in the road traffic environment and well over 4,000 in collisions with another road user; 22% of all injured pedestrians had a new SA. The population had a higher proportion of women and individuals in older age groups (≥45). Of the falls, 31% were due to snow or ice, and these were associated with a higher OR for both short SA (<90 days) 1.76 (95% CI 1.56–1.98) and long SA (≥90 days) 1.81 (95% CI 1.51–2.18), compared to the group slipping, tripping, and stumbling. The working sectors health & social care, and construction had the highest ORs for SA. A higher OR was found for health & social care, short SA 1.58 (95% CI 1.38–1.81), long SA 1.79 (95% CI 1.45–2.20) and for construction, short SA 1.56 (95% CI 1.24–1.96), long SA 1.75 (95% CI 1.26–2.44), compared to the sector finance, communication, & cultural service. Conclusions: The OR for having short and long SA was higher in falls due to snow or ice and differed between occupational sectors. Practical implications: This information contributes to the knowledge base for planning a safe road transport system for pedestrians

    Sickness absence among passenger car occupants following a Crash

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    Sickness absence is a common consequence of road traffic crashes, with high costs for the individual and society. Yet, scarcely studied, therefore, the aim was to describe sickness absence among injured car occupants. A population-based study using register data was conducted, including all car occupants of working age living in Sweden, who in 2010 had specialised in-or outpatient healthcare due to a car crash (n=9427). Individuals were categorised based on age, sex, and injury type. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals for a new sickness absence spell >14 days were estimated. After excluding the 9% already on sickness absence or disability pension, 10% had a new sickness absence spell >14 days. Sex and crash type were not associated with new sickness absence, while old age and being born outside Europe were associated with higher odds ratios. Odds ratios varied with the type of injury and injured body region. The odds ratio for sickness absence was highest for injuries to the spine and spinal cord odds ratio: 8.64 (95% confidence interval 6.45-11.57). Traumatic brain injuries except concussion had an odds ratio of 6.99 (4.04-12.08) while concussions had an odds ratio of 2.66 (1.80-3.93)