39 research outputs found

    Integration of a Fractal Generator with Mali GPU

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    The Mandelbrot set is a well-known fractal with mathematical propertiesthat can be exploited to create 3D-landscapes. The operations required tocalculate a heightmap using the Mandelbrot set are highly parallelizableand is thus suitable for a hardware implementation. Generation of 3D-landscapes,on-the-y, using the Mandelbrot set is desirable since the Mandel-brot set is innitely complex[4] and deterministic. This makes possible thecreation of many dierent landscapes with complex patters in, for example,computer games.A previous master thesis[4] presents a vertex array generator(VAG) thatgenerates the vertices of a 3D-landscape based on an area of the Mandelbrotset. This thesis explores dierent architectures that connect this vertex arraygenerator with the Mali-400 graphics processing unit(GPU). The result isthat the VAG in its current state is not suitable for integration, mostly sinceit does not support random access to vertices. Thus, a new fractal generatorarchitecture is presented, reusing parts of the VAG.The new fractal generator is implemented in Verilog and its functionalityis veried using the Universal Verication Methodology(UVM). Then, thefractal generator is integrated with the Mali-400 GPU in an FPGA frame-work and synthesized on FPGA. Tests are also performed at each step ofintegration.An OpenGL for Embedded Systems 2.0 demo is written to showcase thefunctionality of the fractal generator. Changes have been made to the Mali-400 drivers to automatically congure and set-up the fractal generator whilethe demo is running.The fractal generator is shown to be working as intended with a scalableperformance based on a number of internal cores. Using 64 cores the fractalgenerator has a worst-case frame time of 51.1 ms at 400Mhz which equals aframe rate of 450 frames pr second, vastly outperforming a software imple-mentation.The fractal generator is currently limited to creating landscapes of 128x128points, the intention was to use the demo and driver to increase the resolutionbut this has not been solved.Increasing the resolution and optimizing the cache size of the fractal generatorhas been left for future work

    Når er ironi mislykket?

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    En tradisjonell definisjon av ironi er âå si noe samtidig som man mener det motsatteâ. Definisjonen har blitt kritisert blant annet for å ikke kunne forklare hvorfor enkelte tilfeller av ironi mislykkes. I denne artikkelen tar jeg utgangspunkt i en relevansteoretisk forståelse av språklig ironi som âen ytring hvor avsender implisitt speiler og tar avstand fra en annen påstand, tanke eller holdningâ. Jeg viser hvordan denne analysen fører til at gitte forutsetninger må være på plass for at ironi kan lykkes, og peker på faktorer som gjør at ironi kan feiltolkes. Denne studien benytter seg av konstruerte eksempler fra den lingvistiske litteraturen, men argumenterer også for at det kognitivt pragmatiske perspektivet på ironi kan benyttes som analyseverktøy på attesterte og komplekse ytringer. Med utgangspunkt i en monolog av Otto Jespersen om daværende statsminister Kjell Magne Bondevik, og den etterfølgende, offentlige debatten rundt meningsinnholdet i monologen, viser jeg hvordan relevansteori kan bidra til en forståelse av hvordan ironiske ytringer kan føre til ulike og motstridende tolkninger

    Store Norske Leksikon: Defining a New Role for an Edited Encyclopaedia

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    Reservoir properties and reactivity of the Faroe Islands Basalt Group : Investigating the potential for CO2 storage in the North Atlantic Igneous Province

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    Funding Information: We acknowledge funding from the University of Oslo through the Department of Geosciences, the European Research Council (ERC) through the ERC Advanced Grant Disequilibrium metamorphism of stressed lithosphere (DIME) (ERC-2015-AdG_669972), the Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program (CASP) through the Andrew Whitham CASP Fieldwork Awards 2020, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo through the project CO2Basalt. S. Planke acknowledges support from the Norwegian Research Council through center of Excellence funding to CEED (project no. 223272). H. J. Kjøll acknowledges AkerBP for funding through the project 8040 Paleocene. In addition, we thank the University of Iceland for covering the costs of the kinetic experiments. We would like to thank the Faroese Geological Survey (Jarðfeingi), Øyvind Hammer at the Museum of Natural History (Norway), Benjamin Bellwald at Volcanic Basin Energy Research (VBER), John Aiken from the Njord center, and Benoit Cordonnier from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, for their contributions to the project. Finally, we thank Sigurður Gíslason and the Carbfix team for providing laboratory facilities and assistance during part of this research. Funding Information: We acknowledge funding from the University of Oslo through the Department of Geosciences, the European Research Council (ERC) through the ERC Advanced Grant Disequilibrium metamorphism of stressed lithosphere (DIME) ( ERC-2015-AdG_669972 ), the Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program (CASP) through the Andrew Whitham CASP Fieldwork Awards 2020, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo through the project CO2Basalt. S. Planke acknowledges support from the Norwegian Research Council through center of Excellence funding to CEED (project no. 223272 ). H. J. Kjøll acknowledges AkerBP for funding through the project 8040 Paleocene. In addition, we thank the University of Iceland for covering the costs of the kinetic experiments. We would like to thank the Faroese Geological Survey (Jarðfeingi), Øyvind Hammer at the Museum of Natural History (Norway), Benjamin Bellwald at Volcanic Basin Energy Research (VBER), John Aiken from the Njord center, and Benoit Cordonnier from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, for their contributions to the project. Finally, we thank Sigurður Gíslason and the Carbfix team for providing laboratory facilities and assistance during part of this research.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Word meaning, concepts and the representation of abstract entities from the perspective of radical pragmatics and semantic externalism

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    This thesis is about mental and linguistic representation. It addresses the question of how people understand words, how they are used to convey meaning and how this meaning is acquired. I take a theoretical approach to the issue, and try to develop a constructive account on the basis of insights from Relevance Theory and Jerry Fodor s construal of informational semantics. I investigate the theoretical viability of two hypothesis underlying work in relevance theoretic pragmatics: 1) the input to pragmatic processing is in most cases an impoverished semantics in the form of encoded concepts (=radical pragmatics) 2) these concepts are mental items which have their content in virtue of standing in a constitutive relation to something in the world (=semantic externalism) Against these hypotheses the thesis raises two main challenges: one of which is explaining how the notion of the words-concepts relation being one of encoding squares with data from cross-linguistic lexical variation. The second challenge is how concepts representing abstract (non-perceivable) entities are acquired. As a positive contribution, the thesis makes two main claims. The first is that the relationship between words and concepts should be thought of as one of potential activation. By this I mean that words can on a given occasion be used to express any of a number of candidate concepts, but none of these are seen as the word s encoded or default meaning. A consequence of this view is that lexical items are not plausibly seen as having any meaning inherently. Rather, words get their meaning in context, by way of a semantically constrained pragmatic process that picks out the most relevant of a range of corresponding concepts from occasion to occasion. The second main claim is that the meaning of many words are epistemically incomplete, in that the concepts they potentially activate have their meaning as a result of speakers relying on each other to entities that are not or cannot be perceived. The idea here is that language speakers to a great extent defer to other people for the content of a concept

    Hvordan preger fotballakademiet unge spilleres selvoppfatning og senere livsbetingelser? En casestudie av ett fotballakademi

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    Structural Evolution of the Porsa Imbricate Stack (Finnmark, northern Norway) - Based on field mapping and microstructural analysis

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    This thesis reports the results from detailed lithological and structural mapping of the northwestern part of the RTW, which consists of a large-scale compressional imbricate stack that formed during the Caledonian Orogeny. Detailed mesoscopic and microstructural analysis of fault rocks reveal that several different processes facilitated strain localization within the stack. Early Caledonian NW SE shortening caused tightening of inherited NE SW-trending Paleoproterozic folds. Flexural slip led to ingress of fluids that promoted alteration of the host rocks and the production of phyllosilicates through extensive phyllonitization processes leading to strain localization and the formation of thrusts parallel to the folds limbs. Further deformation was accommodated by localized slip along these thrusts. A weak layer consisting of metavolcanic tuffs may have acted as a relatively strong décollement promoting the formation of primarily foreland verging thrusts. At late stages of PIS formation, a shift in deformation mechanisms caused folding of the PIS thrusts. Extensive normal reactivation of the inherited thrusts occurred during two phases of extension during the Paleozoic and the Mesozoic. Microstructural investigations by optical microscopy and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) of a pre- to syntectonic quartz vein deformed within the Nussirjávri Fault Zone are presented. Viscous deformation in the vein was initially accommodated by quartz basal slip. Under the prevailing deformation conditions, however, dislocation glide- and possibly creep-accommodated deformation of quartz was inefficient, and this resulted in localized strain hardening. In response to the 1) hardening, 2) progressive and cyclic increase of the fluid pressure, and 3) increasing competence contrast between the vein and the weakly foliated host phyllonite, vein quartz crystals began to deform by brittle processes along specific, suitably oriented lattice planes, creating microgouges along microfractures. Nucleated new grains rapidly sealed these fractures as fluids penetrated the actively deforming system. The grains grew initially by solution-precipitation and later by grain boundary migration. We suggest that the different initial orientation of the vein crystals led to strain accommodation by different mechanisms in the individual crystals, generating remarkably different microstructures. Crystals suitably oriented for basal slip, for example, accommodated strain mainly viscously and experienced only minor fracturing. Instead, crystals misoriented for basal slip hardened and deformed predominantly by domainal fracturing

    Late Neoproterozoic basin evolution of the magma rich Iapetus margin of Baltica

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    The Särv and Seve nappe complexes (NC) in the central and northern Scandinavian Caledonides locally display well-preserved, mafic dyke-intruded, sedimentary successions commonly interpreted to have been deposited in sag- to rift basins along the margin of the Iapetus Ocean. The sedimentary successions are generally interpreted to have been deposited prior to or during the Late Neoproterozoic opening of the Iapetus Ocean. They were later incorporated into the Scandinavian Caledonides during the Silurian-aged Scandian orogeny. Whereas the minimum depositional age is constrained by the dated mafic dyke swarm at c. 596?608 Ma, a maximum depositional age for the sedimentary successions is poorly constrained. No fossils or diamictite units have hitherto been reported from the sedimentary successions found in the Seve NC. This contribution presents new geological observations and geochronological data from allochthonous, dyke-intruded, rift-related basins. Key elements in the sedimentary succession, such as carbonates with meta-evaporitic domains, diamictite and stromatolites are described from the Särv and Seve NC. Evidence presented here suggests that the diamictite is of glaciogenic origin. It is cut by the dykes and is therefore older than 608 Ma and could be related to the Marinoan or Sturtian glaciations. The stromatolite resembles Eleonora laponica and is found below the diamictite. Two field areas have young detrital zircons of c. 700?750 Ma providing possible upper maximum depositional ages and thus bracket the deposition within a c. 100 M.yr. time interval between 700 and 608. This is corroborated by a Palaeoproterozoic orthogneiss with a 631 Ma Pb-loss event, possibly reflecting the development of a top-west, ductile extensional shear fabric and frictional co seismic deformation. This extensional event generated accommodation space at the surface and thus basin formation. Similarities between the separate basins, like the highly dyke-intruded nature, the similarities in contact and regional metamorphism as well as the detrital zircon age distributions, suggest that the basins are related

    Kinas utenrikspolitiske atferd i Sør-Sudan. Hva kan forklare Kinas aktive rolle i Sør-Sudan, og hvordan har dette utfordret deres prinsipp om ikke-innblanding?

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    Kinas utenrikspolitiske atferd i Sør-Sudan er i dag et av de tydeligste eksemplene på utviklingen av Kinas internasjonale engasjement og deres bruk av prinsippet om ikke-innblanding. I denne oppgaven har det blitt tatt i bruk dokumentanalyse og intervjuer av forskere og beslutningstakere for å belyse Kinas utenrikspolitiske atferd i Sør-Sudan, og hvordan dette har utfordret Kinas prinsipp om ikke-innblanding. Neoklassisk realisme har blitt benyttet som teoretisk tilnærming. Slik har det vært mulig å forklare utviklingen og tendensen av kinesisk utenrikspolitikk ut fra både systemiske og innenrikspolitiske faktorer. Dette har videre bidratt til å kunne forklare Kinas aktive rolle i Sør-Sudan i lys av deres økonomiske, diplomatiske og militære engasjement. Her vises det til at opprettholdelsen av Kinas systemiske overlevelse og posisjon, systemiske incentiver, systemisk press, internt press fra Kinas nasjonale oljeselskaper og samfunnet, og opprettholdelsen av den sosiale kontrakten for å sikre partiets legitimitetsgrunnlag former utviklingen av et mer proaktivt kinesisk engasjement i Sør-Sudan. Analysen viser at selv om Kinas proaktive engasjement utfordrer prinsippet om ikke-innblanding så fører ikke dette til at Kina vil gi slipp på prinsippet. En mer fleksibel bruk av ikke-innblandingsprinsippet som inkluderer nye diplomatiske elementer bidrar dermed til å definere Kinas utenrikspolitiske atferd i Sør-Sudan