152 research outputs found

    Huuli-, suulaki- ja huulisuulakihalkiolasten minäkäsitys ja koulumenestys : seurantatutkimus

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    The goal of this research was to survey the self-concept and school achievement of pupils with cleft lip, cleft palate or both from juvenile age to adolescence. Longitudinal researches of self-concept and school achievement among pupils with cleft lip, cleft palate or both are uncommon. This research was the first longitudinal research ever conducted in Finland among this population. This research can be considered to be a special educational study because of the target group involved. Self-concept consists of the person s entire personality. Personality is biological and deterministic. Self-concept includes concepts, attitudes and feelings that the person has about him or her qualities, abilities and relations to the environment. The individual associates experiences to this personality with earlier observations through the social interaction. The individual will have the consciousness of the person s existence and action. The target group in this study consisted of Finnish children with clefts, who were comprised of four different age groups. The questionnaire was sent to all subjects (N1 = 419) both times. A total of 74 % of children returned the questionnaire in 1988 (N2=305). 48 % of children returned the questionnaire in 1993 (N3=203). 42% of children returned the questionnaire both times (N4=175) . These 175 children formed the research subjects. The survey was conducted in 1988, and again in 1993. In 1988, the pupils surveyed were 9 to 12 years of age, while in 1993 they were between 14 and 17 years old. The data was collected through the use of a questionnaire, which consisted of common questions and a personality inventory test that was developed for Finnish students by professor Maija-Liisa Rauste-von Wright. Quantitative analysis methods were used to examine the structure of self-concept and school achievement. Structures found in this research were observed in relation to disorder, gender and maturation. According to these results, structures of self-concepts and school achievement are in fact stable. Basic self-concept elements are seen to be formed at an early age. The developmental aspects of self-concept following puberty are observed as the stability of self-concept and as the forming of a general self. The level of school achievement is stable, but the structure of school achievement changes. From these results, it is possible to state that the gender of the child has a statistical significance regarding self-concept and school achievement. However, the experienced disorder does not have statistical significance as regards to self-concept and school achievement. Results of self-concept support the research of self-concept conducted earlier in Finland.Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa halkio-oppilaiden minäkäsitystä ja koulumenestystä varhaisnuoruudesta nuoruuteen. Minäkäsityksen ja koulumenestyksen pitkittäistutkimukset halkiolapsilla eivät ole yleisiä maailmalla. Suomessa tämä tutkimus oli ensimmäinen laatuaan. Tästä syystä tutkimuksessa keskityttiin myös minäkäsityksen ja koulumenestyksen rakenteen analysointiin. Kohderyhmänsä vuoksi tutkimusta voidaan luonnehtia erityispedagogiseksi tutkimukseksi. Minäkäsitys muodostuu yksilön koko persoonallisuudesta. Minäkäsitys sisältää käsitteet, asenteet ja tunteet, joita yksilöllä on ominaisuuksistaan, kyvyistään ja suhteestaan ympäristöön. Yksilö liittää kokemukset osaksi minuuttaan aikaisempien kokemusten kautta sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Näin syntyy yksilön tietoisuus olemassaolosta ja toiminnasta. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä olivat kaikki neljän ikäluokan suomalaiset halkiolapset. Kyselylomake lähetettiin kaikille em lapsille, joita oli 419. 42% lapsista palautti kyselyn sekä 1988 että 1993. Ensimmäisen kyselyn aikana oppilaat olivat 9 - 12 vuotiaita ja toisen kyselyn aikana oppilaat olivat 14 - 17 vuotiaita. Tiedot kerättiin kyselylomakkeella, joka sisälsi sekä yleisiä kysymyksiä että minäkäsitystestin, jonka on kehittänyt Maija-Liisa Rauste-von Wright. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin tilastollista analyysimenetelmää minäkäsitys- ja koulumenestysrakenteiden analysointiin. Saatuja minuuden ja koulumenestyksen rakenteita tarkasteltiin suhteessa vaurioon, sukupuoleen ja aikaan. Saatujen tulosten mukaan minäkäsityksen ja koulumenestyksen rakenteet ovat pysyviä ja niiden peruselementit muodostuvat varhain. Minuuden kehityksellisyyttä murrosiässä ilmentää minäkäsityksen pysyvyys. Toisin sanoen muodostuu ns. yleinen minä. Koulumenestyksen tasossa ei tapahdu merkittävää muutosta, mutta sen sisällössä kylläkin. Saatujen tulosten perusteella on todettava myös, että lapsen sukupuolella on tilastollista merkitystä minäkäsitykseen ja koulumenestykseen, kun taas vauriolla (huuli-, suulaki- ja huulisuulakihalkio) ei tilastollista merkitystä ole. Minäkäsityksen osalta tulokset tukevat aikaisempia suomalaisia tutkimuksia

    Accuracy of core needle biopsy in diagnostics of soft tissue sarcomas : Diagnostic errors and their effect on patient treatment

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    Accurate pre-operative identification and grading of soft tissue sarcomas is required for their correct treatment. While core needle biopsy has been recognized accurate for identifying and grading soft tissue sarcomas, data is still lacking on diagnostic errors, their underlying reasons and the effects any errors may have on patient treatment. We retrospectively analysed data on all 313 patients treated for soft tissue sarcomas of the trunk and extremities whose core needle biopsies were analysed between 2000 and 2012 at Helsinki University Central Hospital. The final analysis included 297 patients with a primary soft tissue sarcoma who had their surgical specimen evaluated at Helsinki University Central Hospital. We found 48 diagnostic errors with the ability to affect subsequent treatment: 19 nonsarcomatous, 25 incorrect low-grade and five pre-operative diagnoses with errors in subtype. Core needle biopsies of myxoid soft tissue sarcomas appeared challenging to interpret. Twenty-five treatment inaccuracies were found in 18 patients, twelve of these were related to inadequate surgery and one had not received chemotherapy. On re-examination of the core needle biopsy, we reached the correct diagnosis in 20 patients. In addition six patients got a more correct diagnosis. Core needle biopsy is reliable for identifying mesenchymal malignancy and guiding treatment planning at our institution. We recommend it for diagnosis of all soft tissue sarcoma suspicious tumours with interpretation done by an experienced soft tissue sarcoma pathologist. Special caution must be taken when evaluating myxoid tumours

    Thermodynamic properties of thin films of superfluid 3He-A

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    The pairing correlations in superfluid He-3 are strongly modified by quasiparticle scattering off a surface or an interface. We present theoretical results and predictions for the order parameter, the quasiparticle excitation spectrum and the free energy for thin films of superfluid He-3. Both specular and diffuse scattering by a substrate are considered, while the free surface is assumed to be a perfectly reflecting specular boundary. The results are based on self-consistent calculations of the order parameter and quasiparticle excitation spectrum at zero pressure. We obtain new results for the phase diagram, free energy, entropy and specific heat of thin films of superfluid He-3.Comment: Replaced with an updated versio

    Functional Outcome Measurement in Patients with Lower-Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma : A Systematic Literature Review

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    The importance of functional outcome (FO) in the treatment of patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma (STS) has been increasingly recognized in the last three decades. This systematic review aimed to investigate how FO is measured in surgically treated lower-extremity STS patients.Peer reviewe

    Palon aerodynamiikka

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    Virtausten ja palamisen numeerinen laskenta tulipesissä

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    Kaasun palamisen mallintaminen

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    Polton aerodynamiikka

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    Numerical simulation of combustion and nitrogen pollutants in furnaces:Dissertation

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