35 research outputs found

    Os efeitos de dieta com suplementação de glutamina sobre a mucosa intestinal do rato desnutrido em crescimento

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    Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and plays a key role in the response of the small intestine to systemic injuries. Mucosal atrophy is an important phenomenon that occurs in some types of clinical injury, such as states of severe undernutrition. Glutamine has been shown to exert powerful trophic effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa after small bowel resection or transplant, radiation injury, surgical trauma, ischemic injury and administration of cytotoxic drugs. Since no study has been performed on the malnourished animal, we examined whether glutamine exerts a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa of the malnourished growing rat. Thirty-five growing female rats (aged 21 days) were divided into 4 groups: control - chow diet; malnutrition diet; malnutrition+chow diet; and malnutrition+glutamine-enriched chow diet (2%). For the first 15 days of the experiment, animals in the test groups received a malnutrition diet, which was a lactose-enriched diet designed to induce diarrhea and malnutrition. For the next 15 days, these animals received either the lactose-enriched diet, a regular chow diet or a glutamine-enriched chow diet. After 30 days, the animals were weighed, sacrificed, and a section of the jejunum was taken and prepared for histological examination. All the animals had similar weights on day 1 of experiment, and feeding with the lactose-enriched diet promoted a significant decrease in body weight in comparison to the control group. Feeding with both experimental chow-based diets promoted significant body weight gains, although the glutamine-enriched diet was more effective. RESULTS: The morphological and morphometric analyses demonstrated that small intestinal villous height was significantly decreased in the malnourished group, and this change was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. Crypt depth was significantly increased by malnutrition, and this parameter was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. The glutamine-enriched diet resulted in the greatest reduction of crypt depth, and this reduction was also statistically significant when compared with control animals. CONCLUSIONS: Enteral glutamine has some positive effects on body weight gain and trophism of the jejunal mucosa in the malnourished growing rat.A glutamina é o aminoácido mais abundante no sangue e exerce papel importante na resposta do intestino delgado às agressões sistêmicas. Atrofia da mucosa intestinal ocorre em algumas afecções clínicas como desnutrição grave. Foi demonstrado que a glutamina tem ação trófica em situações como período pós-operatório de ressecção ou transplante intestinal, radioterapia, trauma cirúrgico, isquemia intestinal ou administração de drogas citotóxicas. Tais estudos não foram realizados em animais desnutridos em fase de crescimento. Desta forma, no presente trabalho verificamos se a glutamina exerce ação trófica sobre a mucosa intestinal do rato desnutrido em fase de crescimento. Foram utilizadas 35 ratas com 21 dias de idade, e divididas em 4 grupos: controle - dieta normal; desnutrição - provocada por diarréia induzida pela administração de dieta rica em lactose durante 15 dias; desnutrição+dieta normal durante os 15 dias subseqüentes; desnutrição + dieta rica em glutamina (2%). Após 30 dias de experimento os animais foram pesados, mortos e um segmento de jejuno foi colhido para estudos histológicos e histomorfométricos. Os grupos de animais apresentaram médias de pesos semelhantes no primeiro dia de estudo, sendo que a alimentação com dieta rica em lactose (grupo desnutrido) provocou significativa queda de peso em relação aos controles. A re-alimentação com ambos os tipos de dieta promoveu ganho significativo de peso corpóreo, embora a dieta rica em glutamina tenha sido mais eficaz. Os estudos histológicos e histomorfométricos demonstraram que a desnutrição provocou significativa redução do comprimento das vilosidades e aumento das criptas, sendo estas alterações parcialmente corrigidas por ambos os tipos de dieta. A redução no comprimento das criptas foi mais significativa no grupo com glutamina. Conclui-se que a administração enteral de glutamina tem efeitos positivos sobre o ganho ponderal e sobre o trofismo da mucosa intestinal em animais desnutridos em fase de crescimento

    Significância prognóstica das micrometástases ocultas em linfonodos no câncer gástrico: estudo histoquímico e imunoistoquímico baseado nas classificações UICC TNM de 1997 e JCGCA de 1998

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    BACKGROUND: Micrometastasis is a single or a cluster of malignant cells inside the lymph node that are not detected by routine histopathological sections. Micrometastasis is related to poorer prognosis in many gastric cancer studies the real significance of these cells is still controversial. AIM: To evaluate if lymph node micrometastasis is a significant independent prognostic factor and important risk factor for recurrence in gastric cancer. METHODS: A total of 1290 lymph nodes from 28 patients with gastric cancer, since 1998 until 2003, treated by radical resection (D2 and modified D3 lymphadenectomies) were studied. Three sections per lymph node were stained by Hematoxilin-Eosin, histochemical (AB-PAS) and immunohistochemical (AE1-AE3) techniques. Kaplan-Meier's survival curves and Log-rank/Cox tests were used in order to compares lymph node micrometastasis positivity, depth (pT) and location of tumor in gastric wall, histologic type, lymphatic, vascular and perineural invasion, lymph node status (pN) and stage. RESULTS: There were worse prognosis and recurrence in patients with positive lymph node micrometastasis related to vascular and perineural invasions, advanced lymph node status and advanced stages. CONCLUSION: Lymph node micrometastasis seems to be a significant independent prognostic factor and important risk factor for recurrence in gastric cancer, in a context of radical D2 lymphadenectomyRACIONAL: Micrometástases são um conjunto de células malignas dentro de linfonodo que não são detectadas pelos exames histopatológicos de rotina. Elas são relacionadas a prognóstico mais pobre em muitos estudos sobre câncer gástrico, mas a real significância dessas células permanece controversa. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se micrometástase linfonodal é um fator independente de prognóstico e importante para detectar a recurrência do câncer gástrico. MÉTODOS: Um total de 1290 lifonodos de 28 pacientes com câncer gástrico, de 1998 a 2003, tratados com operações radicais (D2 e D3 modificadas) foram revistos. Três secções por linfonodo foram corados por Hematoxilina-Eosina, histoquímica (AB-PAS) e imunoistoquímica (AE1-AE3). Curvas de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meyer e teste de Log-rank/Cox foram usados para comparar positividade das imcrometástases, profundidade (pT) e localização tumoral na parede gástrica, tipo histológico, invasão linfática, vascular e perineural, estado linfonodal (pN) e estádio onde se encontra a doença. RESULTADOS: Houve pior prognóstico e recurrência nos pacientes com linfonodos com micrometástases relacionadas às invasões vascular e perineural , avançado estado de invasão linfática e estadiamento mais elevado. CONCLUSÃO: Micrometástase parece ser importante e independente fator de risco para recurrência no câncer gástrico no contexto das linfadenectomias radicais D2

    Origem do adenocarcinoma no esôfago de Barrett: bases histopathológicas e expressão dos genes p53 e Ki67

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    Barrett's esophagus is the substitution of squamous epithelium of the distal esophagus by columnar epithelium. Intestinal metaplasia in Barrett's esophagus is considered to be the main risk factor for the development of adenocarcinoma. Diffuse adenocarcinoma and Barrett's esophagus without intestinal metaplasia are rare, and reports on the subject are scarce. PURPOSE AND METHOD: To estimate the prevalence of adenocarcinoma in 297 patients with Barrett's esophagus, during the period of 1990 to 2002, and in 13 patients undergoing surgery, to conduct detailed macroscopic and microscopic analysis, with performance of immunohistochemical tests for p53 and Ki67, correlating the type of tumor with its adjacent epithelium. RESULTS: In our patients with Barrett's esophagus, there was a prevalence of 5.7% of adenocarcinoma. The tumors developed only when the Barrett's esophagus segment was long (>;3.0 cm). Tumors were located close to the squamous-columnar junction. The histological study revealed 2 patients (15.4%) with Barrett's esophagus adjacent to a tumor with gastric metaplasia without the presence of intestinal metaplasia. Tumors were classified according to Nakamura's classification (23% differentiated pattern, and 77% undifferentiated pattern) and to Lauren's classification (61% intestinal and 39% diffuse). The difference is due to the migration of microtubular and foveolar tumors of undifferentiated (gastric) pattern in Nakamuras classification to the Lauren's intestinal type. The immunohistochemical test for Ki67 was strongly positive in all the patients, thus evidencing intense cell proliferation in both the columnar epithelium and tumor. Expression of p53 was negative in 67% of the adjacent columnar epithelia and 42% of the tumors, without any correlation between the tissue types. CONCLUSION: Adenocarcinoma develops from mixed columnar epithelium, either intestinal or gastric, showing both the gastric and the intestinal patterns; thus, tumors can also grow in columnar epithelium without intestinal metaplasia. Barrett's esophagus should be followed up for the possibility of progression to malignancy, especially when the segment is longer than 3 cm.O esôfago de Barrett é definido como a substituição do epitélio escamoso do esôfago distal por epitélio colunar. A metaplasia intestinal no esôfago de Barrett é considerada por muitos como o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento do adenocarcinoma. Embora já descrito, o adenocarcinoma do tipo difuso e o esôfago de Barrett sem metaplasia intestinal, são raros e pouco estudados. OBJETIVO E MÉTODO: O presente estudo objetivou o cálculo da prevalência do adenocarcinoma no esôfago de Barrett, assim como a análise macroscópica e microscópica detalhada de treze pacientes operados no período de 1990 a 2002, com realização de estudo imunohistoquímico do p53 e Ki67, correlacionando o tipo de tumor com o epitélio adjacente a este. RESULTADOS: Obtivemos uma prevalência de 5,7% de adenocarcinoma em pacientes internados para tratamento cirúrgico de esôfago de Barrett . Encontraram-se tumores relativamente grandes, com média de 4,67 ± 2,28 cm, e sempre em esôfago de Barrett longo, com média de 7,71 ± 1,5 cm. Observou-se tendência de os tumores se localizarem próximos à transição escamo-colunar. O estudo histológico mostrou dois pacientes (15,4%) que apresentavam esôfago de Barrett adjacente ao tumor do tipo juncional sem presença de metaplasia intestinal. Classificaram-se os tumores segundo a classificação japonesa de Nakamura (23% de padrão diferenciado ou intestinal e 77% de padrão indiferenciado ou gástico) e pela classificação de Laurén (61% intestinais e 39% difusos). A diferença decorre da migração dos tumores microtubulares e foveolares do padrão gástrico para o tipo intestinal de Laurén. O estudo do Ki67 foi fortemente positivo em todos os pacientes, mostrando o alto índice de proliferação celular no epitélio colunar e no tumor. O p53 mostrou-se negativo em 66,7% dos pacientes no epitélio colunar e 41,7% no tumor, não mostrando correlação entre os dois materiais. CONCLUSÃO: O adenocarcinoma se desenvolve sobre o esôfago de Barrett a partir do epitélio colunar misto, intestinal, bem como do juncional, apresentando padrão tanto gástrico como intestinal; portanto tumores podem se desenvolver em epitélio colunar sem metaplasia intestinal o qual também deve ser seguido, principalmente quando for extenso

    Efficacy of levofloxacin, amoxicillin and a proton pump inhibitor in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in Brazilian patients with peptic ulcers

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    OBJECTIVES: The eradication of Helicobacter (H.) pylori allows peptic ulcers in patients infected with the bacteria to be cured. Treatment with the classic triple regimen (proton pump inhibitor, amoxicillin and clarithromycin) has shown decreased efficacy due to increased bacterial resistance to clarithromycin. In our country, the eradication rate by intention to treat with this regimen is 83%. In Brazil, a commercially available regimen for bacterial eradication that uses levofloxacin and amoxicillin with lansoprazole is available; however, its efficacy is not known. Considering that such a treatment may be an alternative to the classic regimen, we aimed to verify its efficacy in H. pylori eradication. METHODS: Patients with peptic ulcer disease infected with H. pylori who had not received prior treatment were treated with the following regimen: 30 mg lansoprazole bid, 1,000 mg amoxicillin bid and 500 mg levofloxacin, once a day for 7 days. RESULTS: A total of 66 patients were evaluated. The patients’ mean age was 52 years, and women comprised 55% of the sample. Duodenal ulcers were present in 50% of cases, and gastric ulcers were present in 30%. The eradication rate was 74% per protocol and 73% by intention to treat. Adverse effects were reported by 49 patients (74%) and were mild to moderate, with a prevalence of diarrhea complaints. CONCLUSIONS: Triple therapy comprising lansoprazole, amoxicillin and levofloxacin for 7 days for the eradication of H. pylori in Brazilian peptic ulcer patients showed a lower efficacy than that of the classic triple regimen

    Electromyographic activity of knee muscles in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction under different perturbations: case report

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    The aim of this case study was to describe electromyographic (EMG) activity of the knee stabilizing muscles in subjects having received different autografts in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgical reconstruction: two subjects with anterior bone-tendon-bone graft, two with hamstring graft and two controls. Normalised EMG signal was collected during maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of each muscle (vastus medialis obliques, vastus lateralis, semitendinosus, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius) and then under six perturbation stimuli at one-leg stance: on the ground, inclined and round board, balance board, anterior-posterior (AP) and medium-lateral (ML) roller-board. When comparing only extensor muscles between cases, a higher percent of MVIC was found in vastus medialis obliques and vastus lateralis in the anterior graft group (during one-leg stance, inclined board, and AP roller-board), whereas in hamstring graft cases this occurred on the round and balance boards. The analysis of flexor muscles showed greater activity on balance board and ML roller-board in subjects with hamstring graft. The amount of muscle activation thus may vary according to the stimulus. It may be said that muscles are most activated in subjects with anterior graft. These findings may guide rehabilitation of patients submitted to ACL reconstruction.O objetivo deste foi descrever a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos estabilizadores do joelho de indivíduos que receberam diferentes enxertos na cirurgia de reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA). Foram avaliados dois casos de enxerto patelar, dois de enxerto posterior e dois controle, durante seis estímulos proprioceptivos ao indivíduo em apoio unipodal (em solo, prancha inclinada, prancha redonda, balancinho e rollerboard em sentido ântero-posterior, AP, e médio-lateral, ML). O sinal eletromiográfico normalizado foi captado durante contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) de cada músculo (vasto medial oblíquo, vasto lateral, semitendinoso, bíceps femoral e gastrocnêmio). Ao comparar os músculos vasto medial oblíquo e vasto lateral entre os casos, foi encontrada porcentagem da CIVM maior na amostra com enxerto patelar durante os estímulos solo, prancha inclinada e rollerboard AP, enquanto nos casos de enxerto posterior isso ocorreu sob os estímulos de balancinho e prancha redonda. Ao analisar somente os músculos flexores, os sujeitos com enxerto posterior apresentaram maior atividade sob os estímulos de balancinho e rollerboard ML. Conclui-se que os casos com enxerto patelar ativam mais sua musculatura que aqueles com enxerto posterior; e a quantidade de ativação muscular parece variar para cada estímulo sensório-motor, conforme o tipo de enxerto usado. Estes achados podem orientar a reabilitação de indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia de reconstrução do LCA

    Mucin pattern reflects the origin of the adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus: a retrospective clinical and laboratorial study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mucin immunoexpression in adenocarcinoma arising in Barrett's esophagus (BE) may indicate the carcinogenesis pathway. The aim of this study was to evaluate resected specimens of adenocarcinoma in BE for the pattern of mucins and to correlate to the histologic classification.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Specimens were retrospectively collected from thirteen patients who underwent esophageal resection due to adenocarcinoma in BE. Sections were scored for the grade of intestinal metaplasia. The tissues were examined by immunohistochemistry for MUC2 and MUC5AC antibodies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eleven patients were men. The mean age was 61 years old (varied from 40 to 75 years old). The tumor size had a mean of 4.7 ± 2.3 cm, and the extension of BE had a mean of 7.7 ± 1.5 cm. Specialized epithelium with intestinal metaplasia was present in all adjacent mucosas. Immunohistochemistry for MUC2 showed immunoreactivity in goblet cells, while MUC5AC was extensively expressed in the columnar gastric cells, localizing to the surface epithelium and extending to a variable degree into the glandular structures in BE. Tumors were classified according to the mucins in gastric type in 7/13 (MUC5AC positive) and intestinal type in 4/13 (MUC2 positive). Two tumors did not express MUC2 or MUC5AC proteins. The pattern of mucin predominantly expressed in the adjacent epithelium was associated to the mucin expression profile in the tumors, p = 0.047.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Barrett's esophagus adenocarcinoma shows either gastric or intestinal type pattern of mucin expression. The two types of tumors developed in Barrett's esophagus may reflect the original cell type involved in the malignant transformation.</p