14 research outputs found


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    Purpose: identification of relative volume of morphological components constituting the manubrium of sternum in early childhood.Materials and methods: we used stereo morphometry to analyze the histologic specimens from the manubrium of sternum of five infant patients after esophagoplasty.Results: the study revealed histotopographic peculiarities in the structure of the front and back areas of the manubrium of sternum.Summary: relative volume of the presternal morphological components in the infants was distributed as follows: 35±2,7% of hyaline cartilage, 28±2,6% coarse-fibered bone tissue, foci of red bone marrow - 16±1,1%, and microcirculatory blood vessels - 11±0,9%


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    Purpose: the paper is devoted to the study of sternal angle in preschool children. Materials and methods: ultrasonography was used to detect the sternal angle value in 27 children (12 boys and 15 girls) at the age from four to six years, subdivided into 3 groups according to age. Each age-based group included subgroups of boys and girls. Results: it has been established that the sternal angle in preschool children is 189,74 ± 1,29°. Its value for the preschool boys was 189,54 ±1,8°, in girls of the same age group the sternal angle reached 190 ± 1,76°. Summary: performed study has revealed that the sternal angle value in preschool children is sufficiently stable and independent from the child’s age and sex. At the same time, preschool children exhibit individual reclination (up to 25°) of the manubrium relatively to the body of sternum, which should be considered during surgery


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    Purpose: to improve retrosternaly conducted artificial esophagus functional properties by manubrium of sternum resection.Materials and methods: a comparative two groups of children examination was performed: first group (53 persons), retrosternal tunnel was made without manubrium of sternum resection and the second group (38 persons) in which manubrium of sternum was resected during retrosternal tunnel formation. The method of resection was described. An X-ray examinations were used to evaluate the function of new-made esophagus.Results: in all patients from the first group a colon diverticula over incisure of sternum were developed, which had clinical and X-ray manifestations, impaired functional properties of artificial esophagus. No such a diverticula revealed in children from the second group.Summary: manubrium of sternum resection in case of retrosternal tunnel formation during esophagoplasty in children excludes the colon compression, colon diverticula formation and improves the food-passing function of new-made esophagus

    OPENMODS 2.0 “Instrument Jamming Meeting” report

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    Major achievements The feedback provided by potential users on their needs was very much appreciated. They underlined the importance of having: ● an easy to deploy instrument (i.e.: from small fishing boats); ● multi-parameter sensors in ONE device; ● less maintenance effort and prioritized the variables to measure. Although, there are technical limitations and different solutions and there is no one tool that can do everything, which is low cost, has high resolution and low maintenance, the outcomes of the platforms/sensors/communications working group meet the main requirements that emerged. Priority was given to: ● a platform that will operate in drifter mode which is extremely easy to deploy and perfect for studies associated with search and rescue operations (another need that has emerged). It also constantly guarantees the knowledge of the instrument position. The platform can be easily converted into the moored mode. ● temperature and pressure sensors. The sensors will be low -cost with the idea to replace them rather than calibrate them; ● LoRaWAN communications preferably with Bluetooth integration for the in-situ download of the data

    The Aleutians and Beyond: Distribution, Size Composition, and Catch Dynamics of the Aleutian Skate Bathyraja aleutica across the North Pacific

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    The results of long-term (1948–2021) studies on the spatial and vertical distribution, dynamics of abundance, and size composition of the Aleutian skate Bathyraja aleutica in the North Pacific Ocean are presented. Maximum densities of this species were characteristic of the eastern Bering Sea slope, off the central Aleutian Islands, consisting of the Pacific waters off southeastern Kamchatka and the northern Kurils, and northeastern Sakhalin. This species was most abundant at depths of 100–600 m; in the cold months, B. aleutica migrates to greater depths for over-wintering, and in warm months it feeds at shallower depths. Bathyraja aleutica was most common at the bottom, at temperatures around 3 °C. The total length of individuals ranged from 9.6–170 cm, with a predominance of skates with a length of 50–100 cm. Males did not differ significantly from females in body weight and length. The maximum values of the condition factor were typical for the autumn–winter period. Across years, there was an increase in Aleutian skate catch rates from the western Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk, and a decrease in the Pacific waters off the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka, as well as in Alaskan waters

    Implementation of Hydrological Dispersion Module of JRODOS for the assessment of

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    The Hydrological Dispersion Module of JRODOS was implemented for the predictions of the long term dynamics of radiocesium in the rivers and ponds of the Fukushima Prefecture and for the forecasting of radiocesium dynamics in the reservoirs under the influences of the extreme flush floods generated by the typhoons. The possibilities of HDM for the assessment of the efficiency of the potential remediation measures for the diminishing water contamination were tested for several water systems