334 research outputs found

    Paikallisista malleista yhtenäiseen käytäntöön toimintakyvyn arviointimenetelmien valinnassa ja kuntoutuksen suunnittelussa : Esimerkkinä CP-oireisto

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    Kuntoutuminen on yksilöllistä toimintaa, mikä edellyttää tarpeiden tunnistamista, yksilöllisten tavoitteiden asettamista ja kuntoutumista tukevien toimenpiteiden suunnittelua yhdessä kuntoutujan ja hänen läheistensä kanssa sekä oikea-aikaista toteutusta. CP (Cerebral Palsy) on yleisin pitkäaikaista ja vaativaa moniammatillista kuntoutusta vaativa diagnoosiryhmä. Tässä raportissa kuvataan hankekokonaisuus, jonka tavoitteeksi asetettiin kansallisesti yhdenmukainen arviointimenetelmien käyttö CP-oireiston hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa. Hankkeen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa todettiin kansallisesti epäyhtenäinen käytäntö toimintakyvyn arvioinnissa sekä lääkinnällisen hoidon ja kuntoutuksen toteutuksessa lapsilla ja nuorilla, joilla on CP-oireisto. Toisessa hankevaiheessa tunnistettiin ja pilotoitiin moniammatillisen työryhmän yhteistyössä kliiniseen käyttöön soveltuvat arviointimenetelmät. Hankkeen kolmannessa vaiheessa keskityttiin valittujen arviointimenetelmien implementointiin laajempaan kansalliseen käyttöön ja lopuksi arvioitiin, miten toimintakäytäntö todellisuudessa muuttui. Lopullisiin arviointimenetelmiin päätyminen ja niiden implementoiminen käytäntöön on edellyttänyt eri menetelmien käytettävyyden testaamista, niiden lisäarvon tunnistamista, toistuvaa valintojen kyseenalaistamista, laajaa yhteistyötä ja jatkuvaa koulutusta sekä koulutusmateriaalin kehittämistä. Keskeistä muutosprosessin onnistumisessa on ollut kunkin paikkakunnan ja ammattiryhmän muutoksen toteutumisesta vastuullisten työntekijöiden (ns. knowledge broker) sitoutunut työ yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi. Hankekokonaisuus on osoittanut, että muutosprosessissa tarvitaan valmiutta ja rohkeutta oman toiminnan kriittiseen tarkasteluun. Arkitoiminnan tekeminen näkyväksi videoimalla kuntoutussuunnitelmapalavereja ja analysoimalla tarkemmin asiakirjojen kuten kuntoutussuunnitelmien sisältöjä auttoi tunnistamaan, että ohjeet ja puheet eivät yksinään riitä muuttamaan toimintakäytäntöjä. Muutokseen vaaditaan paitsi kunkin työntekijän myös organisaation osaamisen ja asenteiden muutosta sekä aikaresursseja. Kansallisesti yhtenäisistä arviointimenetelmistä sopiminen on ajankohtainen asia, sillä soteuudistuksessa toimenpiteiden oikein kohdistaminen ja vaikutusten vertaisarviointi tulevat olemaan keskeisiä periaatteita. Tämä hankekokonaisuus keskittyi CP-oireistoon, mutta samaa toimintamallia voidaan käyttää myös muiden sairauksien, oireyhtymien sekä vammojen arviointikäytäntöjen yhdenmukaistamiseen. Yhtenäiseen arviointikäytäntöön on mahdollista päästä, mutta muutoksen toteutus on pitkällinen prosessi, jossa on jatkuvasti huomioitava niin muutosta fasilitoivat kuin estävätkin tekijät. Hankekokonaisuus osoitti myös, että toimintakyvyn arviointimenetelmiä ei tule valita käytännön toimijoita kuulematta ja ilman että menetelmien kliininen käytettävyys ja merkitys varmistetaan

    Perfluoroalkyl acids and their precursors in floor dust of children's bedrooms - Implications for indoor exposure

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    We analysed floor dust samples from 65 children's bedrooms in Finland collected in 2014/2015 for 62 different per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) with a simple and highly efficient method. Validation results from the analysis of standard reference material (SRM) 2585 were in good agreement with literature data, while 24 PFASs were quantified for the first time. In the dust samples from children's bedrooms, five perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) were detected in more than half of the samples with the highest median concentration of 5.26 ng/g for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). However, the dust samples were dominated by polyfluoroalkyl phosphoric acid esters (PAPs) and fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs) (highest medians: 53.9 ng/g for 6:2 diPAP and 45.7 ng/g for 8:2 FTOH). Several significant and strong correlations (up to p = 0.95) were found among different PFASs in dust as well as between PFASs in dust and air samples (previously published) from the same rooms. The logarithm of dust to air concentrations (log K-dust/air) plotted against the logarithm of the octanol-air partition coefficient (log K-oa) resulted in a significant linear regression line with R-2 > 0.88. Higher dust levels of PFOS were detected in rooms with plastic flooring material in comparison to wood (p <0.05). Total estimated daily intakes via dust (EDIdust) and air (EDIair) of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA), including biotransformation of precursors to PFAAs, were calculated for 10.5-year-old children. The total EDIdust, for PFOA and PFOS were estimated to be 0.007 ng/kg bw/day and 0.006 ng/kg bw/day, respectively, in an intermediate exposure scenario. The sum of the total EDIs for all PFAAs was slightly higher for dust than air (0.027 and 0.019 ng/kg bw/day). Precursor biotransformation was generally important for total PFOS intake, while for the PFCAs, FTOH biotransformation was estimated to be important for air, but not for dust exposure.Peer reviewe

    Estimated PCDD/F TEQ and total TEQ concentrations in the serum of 7-10 year old Finnish children

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    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants that have detrimental health effects. As people are exposed to them mainly through the diet, EU has set maximum food dioxin and PCBs levels. EFSA CONTAM Panel made new risk assessment in 2018 that lowered the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) from 14 pg-TEQ/kg bw/week to 2 pgTEQ/kg bw/week. Critical effect was decreased semen count at the age of 18-19 years if serum total TEQ at the age of 9 years exceeded the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) of 7 pg/g lipid. However, it is largely unknown to what extent NOAEL is exceed in European boys currently. We thus measured PCBs from small volume of serum in 184 Finnish children 7-10 years of age. To estimate the TEQ levels of children from measured PCB levels, we used our existing human milk PCDD/F and PCB concentrations to create a hierarchical Bayesian regression model that was used to estimate TEQs from measured PCBs. For quality control (QC), three pooled blood samples from 18 to 20 year old males were measured for PCDD/Fs and PCBs, and estimated for TEQs. In QC samples measured and estimated TEQs agreed within 84% -106%. In our estimate for 7-10 year old children, PCDD/F TEQ exceeded NOAEL only in 0.5% and total TEQ in 2.7% of subjects. Risk management following the decreased TWI proposed by the CONTAM Panel should be carefully considered if total TEQ in children is already largely below the NOAEL. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Perfluoroalkyl acids and their precursors in indoor air sampled in children's bedrooms

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    The contamination levels and patterns of perfluoroallcyl acids (PFAAs) and their precursors in indoor air of children's bedrooms in Finland, Northern Europe, were investigated. Our study is among the most comprehensive indoor air monitoring studies (n = 57) and to our knowledge the first one to analyse air in children's bedrooms for PFASs (17 PFAAs and 9 precursors, including two acrylates, 6:2 FTAC and 6:2 FTMAC). The most frequently detected compound was 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol (8:2 FTOH) with the highest median concentration (3570 pg/m(3)). FTOH concentrations were generally similar to previous studies, indicating that in 2014/2015 the impact of the industrial transition had been minor on FTOH levels in indoor air. However, in contrast to earlier studies (with one exception), median concentrations of 6:2 FTOH were higher than 10:2 FTOH. The C8 PFAAs are still the most abundant acids, even though they have now been phased out by major manufacturers. The mean concentrations of FOSE/As, especially MeFOSE (89.9 pg/m(3)), were at least an order of magnitude lower compared to previous studies. Collectively the comparison of FTOHs, PFAAs and FOSE/FOSAs with previous studies indicates that indoor air levels of PFASs display a time lag to changes in production of several years. This is the first indoor air study investigating 6:2 FTMAC, which was frequently detected (58%) and displayed some of the highest maximum concentrations (13 000 pg/m(3)). There were several statistically significant correlations between particular house and room characteristics and PFAS concentrations, most interestingly higher EtFOSE air concentrations in rooms with plastic floors compared to wood or laminate. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Efficacy of progressive aquatic resistance training for tibiofemoral cartilage in postmenopausal women with mild knee osteoarthritis : a randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: To study the efficacy of aquatic resistance training on biochemical composition of tibiofemoral cartilage in postmenopausal women with mild knee osteoarthritis (OA). Design: Eighty seven volunteer postmenopausal women, aged 60-68 years, with mild knee OA (Kellgren-Lawrence grades I/II and knee pain) were recruited and randomly assigned to an intervention (n = 43) and control (n = 44) group. The intervention group participated in 48 supervised aquatic resistance training sessions over 16 weeks while the control group maintained usual level of physical activity. The biochemical composition of the medial and lateral tibiofemoral cartilage was estimated using single-slice transverse relaxation time (T2) mapping and delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC index). Secondary outcomes were cardiorespiratory fitness, isometric knee extension and flexion force and knee injury and OA outcome (KOOS) questionnaire. Results: After 4-months aquatic training, there was a significant decrease in both T2 -1.2 ms (95% confidence interval (CI): -2.3 to -0.1, P = 0.021) and dGEMRIC index -23 ms (-43 to -3, P = 0.016) in the training group compared to controls in the full thickness posterior region of interest (ROI) of the medial femoral cartilage. Cardiorespiratory fitness significantly improved in the intervention group by 9.8% (P = 0.010). Conclusions: Our results suggest that, in postmenopausal women with mild knee OA, the integrity of the collagen-interstitial water environment (T2) of the tibiofemoral cartilage may be responsive to low shear and compressive forces during aquatic resistance training. More research is required to understand the exact nature of acute responses in dGEMRIC index to this type of loading. Further, aquatic resistance training improves cardiorespiratory fitness. (C) 2016 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe