162 research outputs found

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    Kasvigeenivaraohjelma 10 vuotta

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    Raparperi kadoksissa, salapoliiseja kaivataan!

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    Saatu lupa tiedoston liittämiseen.201

    A major gene for grain cadmium accumulation in oat

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    A population of 150 F2 plants was derived from a cross between two spring oat individuals, one from cv. Aslak (Boreal Plant Breeding LTd., Finland) and the other from cv. Salo (Svalöf-Weibull AB, Sweden). Cadmium was tested by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method

    Härkäpavun ja herneen geenivarat talteen ja käyttöön

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    Kansallinen geenivaraohjelma päivitettiin: eri ohjelmat yksiin kansiin

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    Viljelykasvien sukulaislajien suojelusuunnittelu

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    Biotekniikalla vauhtia kauran jalostukseen

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    Kasvibiotekniikan nopea kehitys on avaamassa uusia mahdollisuuksia jalostaa kauraa. MTT ja VTT Biotekniikka ovat yhteisprojektissa kehittäneet suomalaisille kauralajikkeille sopivia bioteknisiä menetelmiä, muun muassa kaksoishaploidi- ja geeninsiirtotekniikoita. Kaksoishaploiditekniikan avulla voidaan nopeuttaa aikaa vievää lajikejalostusohjelmaa. Geeninsiirto puolestaan tarjoaa välineet niin sanottuun täsmäjalostukseen, eli vain halutun ominaisuuden liittämiseen jo hyväksi havaittuun linjaan.vokKJ

    Finland's National Genetic Resources Programme for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery : Summary of the Finland's National Genetic Resources Programme for Agricul

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    The National Genetic Resources Programme revises and updates the earlier National Plant and Animal Genetic Resources Programmes (MMM 2001 and MMM 2004). The Programme, prepared in cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Natural Resources Institute Finland, covers the genetic resources of cultivated plants, domesticated animals, forest trees and fish. The Programme provides the guidelines for the preservation, conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources. During the preparation process decisions on the content and priorities of the Programme were guided by the changes in the operating environment, reflected in strategies and policies concerning the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources. The implementation of the Programme is coordinated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). Genetic resources are being conserved by several public and private operators, of which the Natural Resources Institute Finland has the most significant role. The National Advisory Body for Genetic Resources functions as the expert body of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in preparing matters relating to the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources. Its tasks include development and monitoring of the Programme, preparation of strategies and policies