3 research outputs found

    Investigating the effect of the characteristics of second-hand goods platforms on brand loyalty intentions with the mediating role of customer satisfaction (the study of Divar and Shipour platform in Iran)

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    Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of the characteristics of second-hand goods platforms on brand loyalty intentions with the mediating role of customer satisfaction (the case study of Divar and Shipour platform in Iran). In terms of the goal, the current research is a developmental and applicable type, and in terms of the research method, it is descriptive-correlative based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present research is the sellers of second-hand goods on the platforms of Divar and Sheipour, and considering the large number of people, 5 thousand people were considered as the research population, among which 357 people were selected as the sample size using simple random sampling, according to the Morgan table. The collection tool in the current research is Abs et al.'s (2020) questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, the structural equation technique was used using Spss and pls statistical software. The findings of the research showed that ease of use has a positive and indirect effect on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has a positive and indirect effect on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and entertainment aspect has a positive and indirect effect on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and the sense of belonging to the society has a positive and indirect effect for a society on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and the credibility of the seller on the intention of brand loyalty has a positive and indirect effect with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and knowing the third party has a positive and indirect effect on brand loyalty intentions with a mediator role of customer satisfaction. Extended Abstract Introduction Brand loyalty can be the driving force behind sales growth. Every consumer has an inner feeling towards a brand that draws him to that brand. Factors such as low price and reliable services are no longer effective in dealing with loyalty (Ghasemiyan Shagerdi et al, 2018). On the other hand, the emerging phenomenon of collaborative platforms has been widely welcomed globally in the last decade, and has had an increasing impact on the global economy. Considering the increasing growth of these platforms, investigating the factors affecting their growth in knowing and better understanding the performance of these platforms as a new form of enterprises is of great importance scientifically and for business owners in this field (Jafari Nezhad, 2018). In Iran, in recent years, platforms for the sale of second-hand goods, such as Divar and Sheipuor, have grown and taken a large share of the non-oil economy, so that the sellers and buyers on these platforms can even buy the goods of well-known brands at a reasonable price but in the form of used goods. This factor has enabled many of these goods to be used again in the cycle of use for other strata of the society. For a long time, second-hand goods were thought to be a threat to brands and the equipment market in general because they deprive the brands of their transaction volume. However, the benefit they gain in terms of image value is undeniable (Dessart et al, 2015). According to the mentioned materials, the main problem of the research is that the characteristics of the second-hand goods platforms have a significant effect on the intention of loyalty to the brand, emphasizing the mediating role of customer satisfaction. Theoretical framework Ease of use refers to the customer's perception that using a system will not require effort (Devis et al, 1989). It has been widely shown that ease of use is an important component of technology acceptance models and has a positive effect on behavioral intentions. It has been shown that this component is the behavioral and attitudinal intentions of people towards the system (Zimaneski & Haisi, 2000; Liyakono et al, 2002; Gafan et al, 2003), their satisfaction (Devis et al, 1989), their future intentions to reuse a technological system or tool (Liyakono et al, 2002; Venkatash & Deivis, 2000), and explains their loyalty to the website (Kim & Nim, 2009). Perceived usefulness refers to the extent to which a person believes that using a tool will improve their performance. It is thought that it is very important for the customer to use a technology (Venkatash & Deivis, 2000). Entertainment is the user's emotional response to the platform (Layokuno et al, 2002), and includes components such as visual appeal, innovations, visual content and web design (Kim & Stoll, 2004). Entertainment is highly dependent on website design and its ergonomics, which are important factors in explaining e-satisfaction and lead to e-loyalty (Wolfinbarger & Gili, 2003). Third party recognition is a type of certification or recognition by a trusted organization or person (Jefen et al, 2003). Lobel Trong ThuyTran et al, (2021) discussed in their article titled E-commerce Platforms Effectiveness Management in a pandemic. This study showed that pandemic fear positively moderates the relationships between e-commerce platforms, economic benefits, and sustainable consumption. Liu et al, (2021) in their article titled Psychological distance from environmental pollution and willingness to participate in second-hand online transactions examined an empirical survey in China. The results show that the effect of consumers' psychological distance from environmental pollution on their willingness to participate in second-hand online transactions is greater than that of a loss frame. This suggests that the expected positive outcome of participating in second-hand online transactions leads to higher childbearing intentions than the unanticipated negative outcome of engaging in such transactions. Research methodology The current research is a developmental and applicable type of research in terms of its purpose, and descriptive-correlative in terms of research method. The statistical population of the present study is the sellers of second-hand goods on the platforms of Sheipour and Divar. Due to the large number of users, the researcher will consider only the number of sellers in Tehran in these two platforms. And according to the large number of the community, the number of 5 thousand people has been considered as the research community. Based on Morgan's table, 357 people will be selected as a sample in this research. The sampling method in this research will be simple random. In order to collect the data of the research variables, a questionnaire (Intissar Abbes et al, 2020) was used, which includes 36 questions, and the components include ease of use (EOU) four questions, perceived usefulness (PUSE) six questions, third party recognition (TPR) three questions, seller credibility (SR) three questions, sense of community belonging four questions, fun four questions, customer satisfaction (SAT) four questions, platform loyalty intentions (PLI) four questions, brand loyalty intentions (BLI) four questions; and it was analyzed based on the 5-factor Likert scale. Research findings SPSS and PLS software were used to investigate the research hypothesis and data analysis, and the results showed that ease of use has a positive and indirect effect on brand loyalty intention with the mediating role of customer satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has a positive and indirect effect on intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and the entertainment aspect has a positive and indirect effect on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and the sense of belonging to a community for that community has a positive and indirect effect on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and the credibility of the seller has a positive and indirect effect on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction, and the recognition of a third party has a positive and indirect effect on the intention of brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction. Conclusion The current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of the characteristics of second-hand goods platforms on brand loyalty intentions with the mediating role of customer satisfaction (the case study of Divar and Shipour platform in Iran). The results of this research are consistent with the findings of Abbes et al, (2020), Ghasemiyan et al, (2018), Saeid Niya et al, (2016), Abdolali Pour, (2020). Abdolali Pour, (2020) discussed the role of collaborative online distribution platforms and brand loyalty in his research. The purpose of this research is to identify the effects of collaborative online distribution platforms and to review the effect of their internal and external characteristics on brand loyalty. The results show that the most important factor influencing the success of online brands is the frequent interaction of users with the brand, because of a positive consumption experience of that online brand. Abbes et al, (2020) discussed the role of collaborative online redistribution platforms in the purchase of second-hand goods and brand loyalty in their research. The purpose of this research is to identify the effects of collaborative redistribution platforms for brands and to know the effect of their internal and external characteristics on behavioral intentions. A quantitative study was conducted among 214 people who had previously bought used goods online. The results show that loyalty intentions to collaborative redistribution platforms have an effect on brand loyalty intentions. Platform loyalty intentions play a mediating role in the effect of service experience satisfaction on platforms on brand loyalty intentions. According to the present research, it is suggested that a section be placed on the platform to compare the products of different brands and to ensure the correctness of the information provided about the quality of the brands on the platform through verification and presentation of visual reports for customers, and a section of the platform page should be placed for customer suggestions specific to each brand and online response to them, and a section should be placed on the platform to record customer complaints about the brand

    طراحی الگوی تحول دیجیتال بازاریابی اخلاق‌مدارانه در صنعت گردشگری سلامت

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    Background and Aim: Ethics in marketing and the use of up-to-date technologies are considered as two strategic factors in today's health tourism industry; therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of designing a model of digital transformation of ethical marketing in the tourism industry. Methods: The current research method is qualitative and using the foundation data method. The data of this research was obtained through semi-structured interviews with the snowball technique, which reached theoretical saturation for interviews with eight expert university professors in ethical digital marketing and eight expert managers of the health tourism industry. After performing three stages of open, central and selective coding, the paradigm model of the research was developed. Ethical Considerations: In the different stages of design, collection and analysis of data and research findings, the principles and standards of ethics in research such as faithfulness to the text, referring to sources and observing the principles of scientific writing have been followed. Results: This research provides a comprehensive model regarding the digital evolution in ethical marketing in the health tourism industry and according to the goal of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education regarding digital services, the health tourism industry as an industry based on international information and communication and the interior will be affected by digital technology very quickly. Conclusion: This research provides a comprehensive model regarding the digital evolution in ethical marketing in the health tourism industry and according to the goal of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education regarding digital services, the health tourism industry as an industry based on international information and communication and the interior will be affected by digital technology very quickly. Please cite this article as: Daneshpajouh E, Andervazh L, Arya K. Designing a Digital Transformation Model of Ethical Marketing in the Health Tourism Industry. Faṣlnāmah-i akhlāq-i pizishkī, i.e., Quarterly Journal of Medical Ethics. 2022; 16(47): e16.زمینه و هدف: اخلاق در بازاریابی و استفاده از فناوری‌های به روز به عنوان دو عامل راهبردی در صنعت گردشگری سلامت امروزی، مطرح است، لذا پژوهش حاضر با هدف طراحی الگوی تحول دیجیتال بازاریابی اخلاق‌مدارانه در صنعت گردشگری صورت گرفته است. روش: روش پژوهش حاضر کیفی و با استفاده از روش داده‌بنیاد است. داده‌های این پژوهش از طریق مصاحبه‌های نیمه‌ساختاریافته با تکنیک گلوله برفی به دست آمد که برای مصاحبه با هشت نفر از اساتید دانشگاهی خبره در بازاریابی اخلاق‌مدارانه دیجیتال و هشت نفر از مدیران خبره صنعت گردشگری سلامت به اشباع نظری رسید. پس از انجام سه مرحله کدگذاری باز، محوری و انتخابی، الگوی پارادایمی پژوهش تدوین گردید، استحکام داده‌ها بر اساس معیارهای باورپذیری، اطمینان‌پذیری، انتقال‌پذیری و تأییدپذیری بررسی و مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در پژوهش حاضر، جنبه‌های اخلاقی توضیح اهداف مطالعه، آزادبودن مشارکت‌کنندگان برای خروج از مطالعه و حفظ رازداری و محرمانگی رعایت گردید. یافته‌ها: الگوی ارائه‌شده، پدیده محوری تحول دیجیتال در بازاریابی اخلاق‌مدارانه با مؤلفه‌های راه‌حل جامع بازاریابی اخلاق‌مدارانه دیجیتال، محصول دیجیتال سلامت‌محور، قیمت‌گذاری دیجیتال اخلاقی، ترفیع دیجیتال اخلاقی، توزیع دیجیتال اخلاقی، بخش‌بندی در بازاریابی اخلاق‌مدارانه دیجیتال و مصرف‌کننده دیجیتال و همچنین شرایط علّی، شرایط مداخله‌گر، شرایط زمینه‌ای، راهبردها و پیامدهای آن بررسی و تبیین می‌نماید. راهبردهای جایگاه‌یابی نام تجاری اخلاق‌مدارانه‌دیجیتال و تجارت الکترونیک اخلاقی در گردشگری سلامت و همچنین پیامد قصد خرید خدمات گردشگری سلامت از مهم‌ترین یافته‌های پژوهش می‌باشد. نتیجه‌گیری: این پژوهش الگویی جامع در خصوص تحول دیجیتال در بازاریابی اخلاق‌مدارانه در صنعت گردشگری سلامت ارائه می‌دهد و با توجه به هدف وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی در خصوص خدمات دیجیتالی، صنعت گردشگری سلامت به عنوان صنعتی مبتنی بر اطلاعات و ارتباطات گسترده بین‌المللی و داخلی، بسیار سریع تحت تأثیر فناوری دیجیتال خواهد گرفت

    تبیین مدل بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال در کسب حمایت خیرین سلامت از نهادهای عام‌المنفعه

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    Background and Aim: By using digital health marketing, non-profit organizations, as the custodians of communicating between benefactors and those in need, can direct their marketing activities in a direction that will reach more supporters and benefactors and explore the good intentions of benevolent compatriots to help those in need. Build Therefore; the main goal of this research is to present the digital health marketing model in obtaining the support of donors from non-profit institutions. Methods: This study was conducted using a qualitative method of the grounded theory type. For this purpose, experts related to health marketing were used, including professors of marketing ethics, all experts of Akram, Mohsenin and people's partnerships of a non-profit organization and the sampling method was snowball and targeted until saturation was reached. Data analysis was done using the method of Strauss & Corbin (1998). Validation of the research findings was expressed with the four criteria of Guba & Lincoln (1985), which were measured and confirmed through the tests of acceptability, transferability, reliability and verifiability. Ethical Considerations: The participants in this research were aware of the topic and the method of conducting the research and their presence was informed, free and voluntary. Results: Based on this, by conducting interviews with some experts, 67 concepts directly or indirectly related to digital health marketing in obtaining donor support have been identified in 18 main categories, based on the data base paradigm model, in the form of six causal dimensions or the development of digital technologies (compatibility, ease of use, usefulness), central phenomenon or support (informational support, emotional support, social support), strategies or trust building (trust in institutions, trust in digital technologies, trust leading to donation), background factors (knowledge, resources, education), intervention or demographic characteristics (age, gender, education) and outcomes or trust building (opportunity, desire, performance) were structured. Conclusion: Digital health marketing is the missing link in attracting donors and sponsors. By using digital health marketing, non-profit organizations can direct their marketing activities in the direction of reaching more people and supporters. The set of advantages of digital technologies for donating is effective and causes the desire to use digital health marketing tools and tactics in obtaining the support of donors. Please cite this article as: Golshani F, Taherikia F, Arya K. Explaining the Digital Health Marketing Model in Gaining the Support of Health Donors from Non-Profit Organizations. Faṣlnāmah-i akhlāq-i pizishkī, i.e., Quarterly Journal of Medical Ethics. 2022; 16(47): e14.زمینه و هدف: با استفاده از بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال، نهادهای عام‌المنفعه به عنوان متولی برقراری ارتباط بین خیرین و نیازمندان می‌توانند فعالیت‌های بازاریابی خود را در جهتی سوق دهند که به حامیان و خیرین بیشتر دست یابند و نیت خیر نیکوکاران را برای یاری‌رساندن به افراد نیازمند محقق سازند. از این‌ رو هدف اصلی این پژوهش ارائه مدل بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال در کسب حمایت خیرین از نهادهای عام‌المنفعه می‌باشد. روش: این مطالعه به روش کیفی از نوع تئوری زمینه‌ای انجام شده است. برای این کار از خبرگان مرتبط به بازاریابی سلامت که شامل مدرسین اخلاق بازاریابی، کارشناسان اکرام، محسنین و مشارکت‌های مردمی یکی از نهادهای عام‌المنفعه بودند، استفاده گردید و شیوه نمونه‌گیری نیز به صورت هدفمند و گلوله برفی و هدفمند تا رسیدن به اشباع بود. تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از روش Strauss & Corbin (1998 م.) انجام شد. اعتبارسنجی یافته‌های پژوهش با چهار معیار Guba & Lincoln (1985 م.) بیان شد که از طریق آزمون‌های قابل قبول‌بودن، انتقال‌پذیری، قابلیت اطمینان و تأییدپذیری مورد سنجش و تأیید قرار گرفت. ملاحظات اخلاقی: شرکت‌کنندگان در این پژوهش از موضوع و روش اجرا تحقیق مطلع بودند و حضور ایشان آگاهانه، آزادانه و داوطلبانه بود. یافته‌ها: با انجام مصاحبه با برخی از خبرگان، 67 مفهوم در ارتباط مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم با بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال در کسب حمایت خیرین شناسایی‌ شده است که در 18 مقوله اصلی، بر اساس مدل پارادایمی داده‌بنیاد، در قالب شش بعد علی یا توسعه فناوری‌های دیجیتال (سازگاری، سهولت استفاده، مفیدبودن)، پدیده محوری یا حمایت (حمایت اطلاعاتی، حمایت عاطفی، حمایت اجتماعی)، راهبردها یا اعتمادسازی (اعتماد به نهادها، اعتماد به فناوری‌های دیجیتال، اعتماد منجر به اهدا)، عوامل زمینه‌ای (دانش، منابع، آموزش)، مداخله‌گر یا ویژگی‌های جمعیت‌شناختی (سن، جنسیت، تحصیلات) و پیامدها یا اعتمادسازی (فرصت‌سازی، تمایل، عملکرد) ساختاردهی شد. نتیجه‌گیری: با گسترش فناوری، بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال حلقه مفقوده جذب حمایت خیرین است. مجموعه مزیت‌های فناوری‌های دیجیتال و وجود زمینه‌های گسترش آن موجب تمایل به استفاده از ابزارها و تاکتیک‌های بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال شده تا با استفاده از بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال نهادهای عام‌المنفعه حمایت خیران را به سه نوع حمایت اطلاعاتی، حمایت عاطفی و حمایت اجتماعی کسب کنند موجب تمایل به استفاده از ابزارها و تاکتیک‌های بازاریابی سلامت دیجیتال در کسب حمایت خیرین می‌شود