8 research outputs found

    Evidence based guidelines for complex regional pain syndrome type 1

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    Background: Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS-I) is subject to discussion. The purpose of this study was to develop multidisciplinary guidelines for treatment of CRPS-I. Method: A multidisciplinary task force graded literature evaluating treatment effects for CRPS-I according to their strength of evidence, published between 1980 to June 2005. Treatment recommendations based on the literature findings were formulated and formally approved by all Dutch professional associations involved in CRPS-I treatment. Results: For pain treatment, the WHO analgesic ladder is advised with the exception of strong opioids. For neuropathic pain, anticonvulsants and tricyclic antidepressants may be considered. For inflammatory symptoms, free-radical scavengers (dimethylsulphoxide or acetylcysteine) are advised. To promote peripheral blood flow, vasodilatory medication may be considered. Percutaneous sympathetic blockades may be used to increase blood flow in case vasodilatory medication has insufficient effect. To decrease functional limitations, standardised physiotherapy and occupational therapy are advised. To prevent the occurrence of CRPS-I after wrist fractures, vitamin C is recommended. Adequate perioperative analgesia, limitation of operating time, limited use of tourniquet, and use of regional anaesthetic techniques are recommended for secondary prevention of CRPS-I. Conclusions: Based on the literature identified and the extent of evidence found for therapeutic interventions for CRPS-I, we conclude that further research is needed into each of the therapeutic modalities discussed in the guidelines

    Design patterns for modelling guidelines

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    It is by now widely accepted that medical guidelines can help to significantly improve the quality of medical care. Unfortunately, constructing the required medical guidelines is a very labour intensive and costly process. The cost of guideline construction would decrease if guidelines could be built, From a set of building blocks that can be reused across guidelines. Such reusable building blocks would also result in more standardised guidelines, facilitating their deployment. The goal of this paper is to identify a collection of patterns that can be used as guideline building blocks. We propose two different methods for finding such patterns We compare the collections of patterns obtained through these two methods, and experimentally validate some of the patterns by checking their usability in the actual modelling of a medical guideline for breastcancer treatment

    Maintaining formal models of living guidelines efficiently

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    Translating clinical guidelines into formal models is beneficial in many ways, but expensive. The progress in medical knowledge requires clinical guidelines to be updated at relatively short intervals, leading to the term living guideline. This causes potentially expensive, frequent updates of the corresponding formal models. When performing these updates, there are two goals: The modelling effort must be minimised and the links between the original document and the formal model must be maintained. In this paper, we describe our solution, using tools and techniques developed during the Protocure II project

    Dutch evidence-based guidelines for amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremity:Rehabilitation process and prosthetics. Part 2

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    Background: A structured, multidisciplinary approach in the rehabilitation process after amputation is needed that includes a greater focus on the involvement of both (para)medics and prosthetists. There is considerable variation in prosthetic prescription concerning the moment of initial prosthesis fitting and the use of replacement parts. Objectives: To produce an evidence-based guideline for the amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremities. This guideline provides recommendations in support of daily practice and is based on the results of scientific research and further discussions focussed on establishing good medical practice. Part 2 focuses on rehabilitation process and prosthetics. Study design: Systematic literature design. Methods: Literature search in five databases and quality assessment on the basis of evidence-based guideline development. Results: An evidence-based multidisciplinary guideline on amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremity. Conclusion: The best care (in general) for patients undergoing amputation of a lower extremity is presented and discussed. This part of the guideline provides recommendations for treatment and reintegration of patients undergoing amputation of a lower extremity and can be used to provide patient information. Clinical relevance This guideline provides recommendations in support of daily practice and is based on the results of scientific research and further discussions focussed on establishing good medical practice

    Dutch evidence-based guidelines for amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremity:Amputation surgery and postoperative management. Part 1

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    BACKGROUND: Surgeons still use a range of criteria to determine whether amputation is indicated. In addition, there is considerable debate regarding immediate postoperative management, especially concerning the use of 'immediate/delayed fitting' versus conservative elastic bandaging.OBJECTIVES: To produce an evidence-based guideline for the amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremities. This guideline provides recommendations in support of daily practice and is based on the results of scientific research and further discussions focussed on establishing good medical practice. Part 1 focuses on amputation surgery and postoperative management.STUDY DESIGN: Systematic literature design.METHODS: Literature search in five databases. Quality assessment on the basis of evidence-based guideline development.RESULTS: An evidence-based multidisciplinary guideline on amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremity.CONCLUSION: The best care (in general) for patients undergoing amputation of a lower extremity is presented and discussed. This part of the guideline provides recommendations for diagnosis, referral, assessment, and undergoing amputation of a lower extremity and can be used to provide patient information.CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This guideline provides recommendations in support of daily practice and is based on the results of scientific research and further discussions focussed on establishing good medical practice.Geriatrics in primary car

    Improving medical protocols by formal methods

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    Objectives During the last decade, evidence-based medicine has given rise to an increasing number of medical practice guidelines and protocols. However, the work done on developing and distributing protocols outweighs the efforts on guar-anteeing their quality. Indeed, anomalies like ambiguity and incompleteness are frequent in medical protocols. Recent efforts have tried to address the problem of protocol improvement, but they are not sufficient since they rely on informal pro-cesses and notations. Our objective is to improve the quality of medical protocols. ∗ This work has been done in the framework of the EU project Protocure (IST-2001-33049 – Protocure, Improving medical protocols by formal methods)