464 research outputs found

    Influence of Zeeman splitting and thermally excited polaron states on magneto-electrical and magneto-thermal properties of magnetoresistive polycrystalline manganite La_{0.8}Sr_{0.2}MnO_3

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    Some possible connection between spin and charge degrees of freedom in magneto-resistive manganites is investigated through a thorough experimental study of the magnetic (AC susceptibility and DC magnetization) and transport (resistivity and thermal conductivity) properties. Measurements are reported in the case of well characterized polycrystalline La_{0.8}Sr_{0.2}MnO_3 samples. The experimental results suggest rather strong field-induced polarization effects in our material, clearly indicating the presence of ordered FM regions inside the semiconducting phase. Using an analytical expression which fits the spontaneous DC magnetization, the temperature and magnetic field dependences of both electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity data are found to be well reproduced through a universal scenario based on two mechanisms: (i) a magnetization dependent spin polaron hopping influenced by a Zeeman splitting effect, and (ii) properly defined thermally excited polaron states which have to be taken into account in order to correctly describe the behavior of the less conducting region. Using the experimentally found values of the magnetic and electron localization temperatures, we obtain L=0.5nm and m_p=3.2m_e for estimates of the localization length (size of the spin polaron) and effective polaron mass, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Physic

    Unidirectional Nonlinear PT-symmetric Optical Structures

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    We show that non-linear optical structures involving a balanced gain-loss profile, can act as unidirectional optical valves. This is made possible by exploiting the interplay between the fundamental symmetries of parity (P) and time (T), with optical nonlinear effects. This novel unidirectional dynamics is specifically demonstrated for the case of an integrable PT-symmetric nonlinear system.Comment: 6 pages,5 figure

    Ab initio exchange interactions and magnetic properties of Gd2Fe17 iron sublattice: rhombohedral vs. hexagonal phases

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    In the framework of the LSDA+U method electronic structure and magnetic properties of the intermetallic compound Gd2Fe17 for both rhombohedral and hexagonal phases have been calculated. On top of that, ab initio exchange interaction parameters within the Fe sublattice for all present nearest and some next nearest Fe ions have been obtained. It was found that for the first coordination sphere direct exchange interaction is ferromagnetic. For the second coordination sphere indirect exchange interaction is observed to be weaker and of antiferromagnetic type. Employing the theoretical values of exchange parameters Curie temperatures Tc of both hexagonal and rhombohedral phases of Gd2Fe17 within Weiss mean-field theory were estimated. Obtained values of Tc and its increase going from the hexagonal to rhombohedral crystal structure of Gd2Fe17 agree well with experiment. Also for both structures LSDA+U computed values of total magnetic moment coincide with experimental ones.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures; V2 as published in PR

    Creation of Entanglement by Interaction with a Common Heat Bath

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    I show that entanglement between two qubits can be generated if the two qubits interact with a common heat bath in thermal equilibrium, but do not interact directly with each other. In most situations the entanglement is created for a very short time after the interaction with the heat bath is switched on, but depending on system, coupling, and heat bath, the entanglement may persist for arbitrarily long times. This mechanism sheds new light on the creation of entanglement. A particular example of two quantum dots in a closed cavity is discussed, where the heat bath is given by the blackbody radiation.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 1 eps figure; replaced with published version; short discussion on entanglement distillation adde

    Formation of dispersive hybrid bands at an organic-metal interface

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    An electronic band with quasi-one dimensional dispersion is found at the interface between a monolayer of a charge-transfer complex (TTF-TCNQ) and a Au(111) surface. Combined local spectroscopy and numerical calculations show that the band results from a complex mixing of metal and molecular states. The molecular layer folds the underlying metal states and mixes with them selectively, through the TTF component, giving rise to anisotropic hybrid bands. Our results suggest that, by tuning the components of such molecular layers, the dimensionality and dispersion of organic-metal interface states can be engineered

    Existence of temperature on the nanoscale

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    We consider a regular chain of quantum particles with nearest neighbour interactions in a canonical state with temperature TT. We analyse the conditions under which the state factors into a product of canonical density matrices with respect to groups of nn particles each and under which these groups have the same temperature TT. In quantum mechanics the minimum group size nminn_{min} depends on the temperature TT, contrary to the classical case. We apply our analysis to a harmonic chain and find that nmin=const.n_{min} = const. for temperatures above the Debye temperature and nminT3n_{min} \propto T^{-3} below.Comment: Version that appeared in PR

    Non-perturbative embedding of local defects in crystalline materials

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    We present a new variational model for computing the electronic first-order density matrix of a crystalline material in presence of a local defect. A natural way to obtain variational discretizations of this model is to expand the difference Q between the density matrix of the defective crystal and the density matrix of the perfect crystal, in a basis of precomputed maximally localized Wannier functions of the reference perfect crystal. This approach can be used within any semi-empirical or Density Functional Theory framework.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Resonance Plasmon Linewidth Oscillations in Spheroidal Metallic Nanoparticle Embedded in a Dielectric Matrix

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    The kinetic approach is applied to calculate oscillations of a surface plasmon linewidth in a spheroidal metal nanoparticle embedded in any dielectric media. The principal attention is focused on the case, when the free electron path is much greater than the particle size. The linewidth of the plasmon resonance as a function of the particle radius, shape, dielectric constant of the surrounding medium, and the light frequency is studied in detail. It is found that the resonance plasmon linewidth oscillates with increasing both the particle size and the dielectric constant of surrounding medium. The main attention is paid to the electron surface-scattering contribution to the plasmon decay. All calculations the plasmon resonance linewidth are illustrated by the example of the Na nanoparticles with different radii. The results obtained in the kinetic approach are compared with the known ones from other models. The role of the radiative damping is discussed as well.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figuresm 1 table. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1210.564

    Magnetism: the Driving Force of Order in CoPt. A First-Principles Study

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    CoPt or FePt equiatomic alloys order according to the tetragonal L10 structure which favors their strong magnetic anisotropy. Conversely magnetism can influence chemical ordering. We present here {\it ab initio} calculations of the stability of the L10 and L12 structures of Co-Pt alloys in their paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states. They show that magnetism strongly reinforces the ordering tendencies in this system. A simple tight-binding analysis allows us to account for this behavior in terms of some pertinent parameters

    A new approach to the modelling of local defects in crystals: the reduced Hartree-Fock case

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    This article is concerned with the derivation and the mathematical study of a new mean-field model for the description of interacting electrons in crystals with local defects. We work with a reduced Hartree-Fock model, obtained from the usual Hartree-Fock model by neglecting the exchange term. First, we recall the definition of the self-consistent Fermi sea of the perfect crystal, which is obtained as a minimizer of some periodic problem, as was shown by Catto, Le Bris and Lions. We also prove some of its properties which were not mentioned before. Then, we define and study in details a nonlinear model for the electrons of the crystal in the presence of a defect. We use formal analogies between the Fermi sea of a perturbed crystal and the Dirac sea in Quantum Electrodynamics in the presence of an external electrostatic field. The latter was recently studied by Hainzl, Lewin, S\'er\'e and Solovej, based on ideas from Chaix and Iracane. This enables us to define the ground state of the self-consistent Fermi sea in the presence of a defect. We end the paper by proving that our model is in fact the thermodynamic limit of the so-called supercell model, widely used in numerical simulations.Comment: Final version, to appear in Comm. Math. Phy